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Video Links for Malala.

This is a documentary made about the situation in the Swat

‘Class Dismissed, death of Female Education’ made by the
New York Times

also see same video on

The first interview Malala gave after the assassination attempt – from hospital
in February 2013

Published on 4 Feb 2013

On the 9th of October 2012 ''Malala Yousafzai'' was shot in the head and neck in
an assassination attempt by gunmen while returning home on a school bus for
campaigning for women's rights and girls' education (In Swat, Pakistan).
15 Years old Malala Yousufzai thanks supporters in her first public statement
since attack. The statement is in three different languages (English, Urdu &

This video is dedicated to women's rights and girls' education in Pakistan & to
those who are striving hard to achieve it.

Everybody has the right to education regardless of gender.

"Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim, man or woman". (Al-Tirmidhi

Hadith 218)
good videos of Malala’s UN speech.

this version of the speech was broadcast live on Al Jazeera channel.

Inteterviews after the July Speech at

the Unitted Nations
CNN – on Malala 2.5 minutes.

When I see my name in the Newspaper I feel that yes, God has given me this honour
and I must accept it. An outline of what happened. 2011 When I looked at my people
and the Taliban, I thought I must stand up for my rights the right for peace, for

Introduction to Malala 12 minutes. Interview on the release of her book ‘I am Malala’
This is not only my story. It is the story of all the people who have seen terrorism. It
cut my facial nerve and ear drums and affected my jaw but still I am thanking God
that I am surviving. Before the terrorism we were living in a paradise. It was the best
place. We stared reading English from Nursery. Reading the Twilight books. Everyone
was listening to Justin Bever.. When the Taliban – the terrorists we call them. They
started misusing Islam for their own benefit. They blasted schools over 400 in Swat,
over 1500 in Pakistan. The worst thing is they tried to stop girls from having
education. But in Swat we said let us stand up for our rights. What kind of courage
does it take to do that? Before the Taliban we didn’t appreciate how important
education is. We realised they are afraid of us. They are afraid of women, of
education. They do not have the courage…. My father was an example for me. He
says I did not give you something extra. I did not cut your wings. I let you fly.

When I stood I could see more than millions of people. I could see the people of
Pakistan.. of India.. of Afghanistan… of Syria and Nigeria. I was speaking out for them.

The interviewer has a recording from her friends who are supporting her. You are
nominated for the Nobel Prize. The youngest nominee ever. I can see that people
have said ‘Give it to Malala’ That is a great honour for me. They wanted to silence
one Malala but now instead there are thousands and millions of Malalas speaking up
for their rights.

‫ دلیرترین دختر مسلمان در جهان‬Published on 14 Oct 2013 13 minute report
World Bravest Muslim Girl "Malala"!

The ,Bravest ,Muslim ,Girl ,in the World ,Malala , ‫دلیرترین دختر مسلمان در‬
‫جهان‬CNN ,Proudly ,Introduce ,Islamic ,Hero ,from ,Pakistan ,Educational ,News ,Report

5 minutes – Malalas friends who were also shot. They are speaking about education.
Since the shooting of Malala, education has become more common in Swat Valley.

4 minutes – 'This Week' Sunday Spotlight: Malala Yousafzai Overview of the speech
at the UN in July
57 million girls forced out of school and into forced labour or early marriage. A deal
that goes against the rights of women is unacceptable. A 21 st Century Civil Rights

Part of an interview – 2 minutes Why should I cover my face. My mother was worried
about our culture and norms but my father said it was my choice.

CNN – Malala wins The International Children’s Peace Prize. 3 minutes includes a clip
from the UN Speech.

Malala opens the new library in Birmigham 5 minutes. A house without books is like
a body with no soul. I say a city without books, without library, is like a graveyard.

Introducing the Nobel Peace Prize nomination. 2 . 5 minutes.I used to think if a Talib
wanted to shoot me than I would just take my shoe and hit him. But then I thought,
If you hit a Talib with a shoe then you would be no better than them.
1.30 Malala receives the Amnesty Award.

Malala wins the Sakharov Prize. 1.5 minutes.

2.5 minutes - Malala talks about her hopes for the future – for Pakistan. I will be a
social activist until my death.

3 minutes in Pakistan – Malala’s friends and school.

Malala receives the Tipparary Peace Award – short introduction – her arrival and a
song 2 mins

Malala’s accepting speech from the Tipparary Peace Award – 14 minutes. Excellent
speech. Quotes Khalil Gibran, Malala is one of thousands who have been shot. How
she used to be known as daughter of her father (who was an educationalist ) but
now he is known as her father. Peace is freedom of fear, Peace is where there is
justice for everyone, poor or rich, Muslim or Jew, Man or woman. I want to see
peace all over the world. But to achieve a goal you must struggle hard. You must not
wait for someone else. We must speak up now and don’t wait for others. That is
what we did in Swat valley. How the Taliban took us out of a paradise and into a hell.
And we spoke. My father spoke, my friends spoke in the school, After the Pakistan
intervention in 2009 it is peaceful. I want you all to go to Swat and see how beautiful
it is. I myself want to go to Swat. I miss it. … some people think you can achieve what
you want by a gun but I believe education is the way. I want everyone to go to
school. The important thing is you learn about the physics, the biology, But there is
something else. All the children sitting on the same benches are equal. And this is
justice. Rich and poor are treated the same. And you also learn the patience and
tolerance. How to give justice. The teacher brings justice if people fight. School is the
place where you learn the basics of life. Not just the physics and biology. We have
organised Malala fund. There are many other organisations to work for education. If
you want to see education, the first thing is to speak to the parents to motivate them
to send their children to school. The second thing is …. A singer, when he sings the
song of peace, of education, he can bring change. An artist, when he paints a picture
of peace and equality, he can bring change.

We were just a poor family. My father was running a school and chasing people for
the fees so…. So do what you can for peace and education all over the world. Say to
all the politicians all over the world that they must support the fight for the rights of
all the people, all the women all over the world, … parents, It’s a long way to
tipparary, it’s a long way to peace, but one day we will achieve. Long live Pakistan.
Long live Ireland.

BBC Interview in full nearly 10 minutes.

My father named me after Malala who raised her voice against the British. I want to
tell people that Pashtuns are famous for their hospitality, their brotherhood and
love, they are brave people and they fight for peace. She talks about the position of
women, Asks about the day of the shooting. How she went to school, memories from
when she was unconscious, I thought I am dead, how can you be dead, you’re talking
to yourself. A good news for me. I was very happy that I am alive. Going back to
school was seeing my dream again… First day in new school…. Here drama, music
and art – something new – and no stick. I am still keeping my own culture and I think
this Western society accept different cultures and that is a good thing. In Pakistan if a
girl gets a chance to go to school it is a good thing. The Taliban are misusing the rules
of Islam. It is not true Islam that the Terrorists are showing us. The day after I was
shot the people all over Pakistan raised banners that read ‘I am Malala.’ They didn’t
read ‘I am Taliban.’ I will finish my educacion and empower myself and then go back
to Pakistan, insh Allah.

BBC interview with Andrew Marr – 7 minutes

Her view of Islam, God and the Taliban. I was speaking for my rights. What happened
when she was shot. Education is not Eastern or Western. I am proud that I am
Pakistani. We want to help every child in every country. I want to become a leader
and bring a change in Pakistan.

Interview with Malala after being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Speaking about the Malala Fund and the work it does for education. her book ‘I am
Malala’ – it is about girls rights. I know that we girls can change the world. Malala
Fund – I was thinking I was speaking for rights but I also need to do work on the
ground. It was my dream to set up an organisation to educate children. Now people
are supporting me. (Bank donating 200,000 dollar to the fund.) I believe in the power
of the voice of women. I believe that when we work together it is easy for us to
achieve our goal. Now millions of girls are raising their voices. We need to work hard
and we need to work together. What’s wrong with being a doctor? Nothing is wrong
but a doctor can only look after a few people. A doctor can treat someone who has
been shot. But I have chosen politics. Politicians are about peace. A politician can
make changes so no more people are shot. Then the doctor will have no more
patients from shootings to treat.


Interview with Malala - Malala Yousafzai Full ABC Interview With Diane Sawyer.

Her book reminds us that radiant strength can come from unexpected places.

‘I am Malala’ by many kids. Father speaks about his passion for education and how
he accepted her as an individual. About the Taliban and how they changed their
society. I was feeling fear all the time. Shall I put a knife under my pillow. She started
to write a diary and they sent it to the BBC. She speaks about Anne Frank. (there are
adverts) You must have your confidence to raise your voice. In Pakistan she spoke up
and CNN made a documentary including their family. It was always my desire, if a
man comes what would you say. Education is important. I would even want
education for your daughter. We were singing. On the day I was shot, all of my
friends faces were covered, but not mine. I was not worried about myself, but I
wanted to live my life as I wanted. October 2012. The girls were singing. The road
was unusually quiet.

The bus took her to the hospital.They took her by helicopter. By a coincidence there
was a visiting specialist there. Her father asked if there was any hope. The doctor
said if there was no hope I would not be trying to help. She was getting infection.
The bullet took a path that was impossible. Under the skin. I was thinking that am I
dead or am I alive. Then I said to myself, If I am dead, how am I speaking to myself. I
think every second and moment Swat is a paradise. In the centre is the river. Its flow
is full of fish….

Malala, the shepherds daughter le her people to victory when they were afraid to
fight. Your words can turn the world around. Arise Malala.
A week after the shooting I opened my eyes. I didn’t know where I was. She points to
letters. Country and Father. She wanted to know who was paying. Either her father
was dead or he was in Pakistan selling everything to pay. I told her the Pakistan
government was paying. She didn’t believe it. Who did this to me. She was getting
herself into a state She was asking if it was a bomb. So I said, You were shot. After a
few moments she said, It was the Taliban, wasn’t it. I looked at myself and I was
thinking, my hair is so small. I thought the Taliban cut my hair and then they shot

She was so stoical. I didn’t cry because I changed after that incident. I was feeling
that this is a new life. When she saw us she cried. I wept as much as I could. It was a
great moment for me. She relearned to walk, unsteady. Part of her skull has been
replaced with a titanium plate. Another surgery 8 and a half hours to try to re-join
her facial nerves.

How do you cope with being targeted at the age of 15. The courage is still there. It is
telling me to go forward. I think God was with me and the people prayed for me. And
the people got their answer on her 16th birthday.

Extract from her speech. I was thinking Is this the same daughter? I was very proud.
Tonight a million children have signed a petition with only their thumb-print, because
they can’t write. And Pakistan has made a law for education to be compulsory for
everyone. About Education and why it threatens the Taliban. The hardliners are not
just men, but also women who are afraid of change.

They had some arguments with us but then we spoke to them.

Freedom and Democracy and Islam can not co-exist. Either you are Muslim or you
are not a Muslim. They choose to wear the Niqab. The woman is just a sex-object in
the Wes. Islamic teaching teaches. You are not free. you are slave to your own
desires. You are not subservient to Islam. All the women are trying to do – to go to
work have babies and stay a size zero. I’m so glad I’m not a woman in the Western

To me, she represents what Islamic values really are. Seeking knowledge, standing up
for justice. If the Taliban believe in God they should know that the Quran says, the
killing of an innocent person is equivalent to the killing of the entire human race. The
greatest threat to the Taliban is not the drones. It is girls like Malala.

Malala answers the voices against her. The thing is I only want support for education.
If I want to go to school and become a doctor. Is there an Eastern doctor and a
Western doctor. Is there a difference in the studies? This is education. This is
knowledge. It can neither be Eastern or Western. Real Islam teaches that you must
forgive. So far no one has been arrested or prosecuted for what they did? It’s not
important that they are prosecuted. He would have a mother, he would have a
sister. I’m not a cruel person. I want to fight them but through my book, through my
words, not through guns.

I am recovered. Do you think she will change the world. I think so.I believe in
covering my hair. It’s my culture. We’ve never seen women in short dresses. Her
traditionalist mother, thinks it’s shocking. And she is very worried about the waste of
food. In America people are waiting for a woman president.

Family? I’ll decide it later. Some people say I will never return home. But I know in
my heart I will. If you go anywhere you would miss your home and I do miss my
home. I planted a mango tree in my garden and I was thinking about my future.

Amanpour with Malala 20 minutes –

An overview of the Swat Valley and the background to what happened to her. They
shot her at point blank range in the head and made her stronger.

Malala gives a speech at Harvard 11 minutes.

I come from a beautiful valley in the north of Pakistan. About the Taliban. We had to
hide our books to pretend we were not students. The Taliban were afraid of
women’s power and the power of education. We did not keep silent. We raised our
voices. When no one speaks and the whole world is silent, then even one voice
becomes powerful. Every son and daughter must be proud…. About Harvard…. All of
us must have one dream – education and peace. There are many countries where
children are suffering…. Child labour…. Early forced marriages… victims of sexual
violence… no access to food and clean water…. Starving for education…. Women’s
rights are denied even in developed countries…. But not here to make a long list of
problems. But to find a solution. And the solution is education. If you want to see
peace in Kenya…. Instead of sending tanks, send books. Instead of sending soldiers
send teachers. Let us dream today a dream of a bright future that every girl and
every boy is going to school, and let us stand up f or our rights. Let us make our
future now. And let us make todays dream tomorrows reality.


Report on Malala meeting with the Obama family - report. 5 minutes – Profile in
Courage. Criticism of the drones.

7 minute interview ?in Urdu? Gulf E O News

20 minutes Amanpour with Malala interview

Father says, I am a Pashtun Pakistani. I can never compromise on freedom. I think

better to live for one day and fight than live for 100 years in slavery. I will never put
my neck into slavery.

Malala meets the queen 2 mins.


40 minututes. Pakistan TV programme about Malala – in

Urdu? I have not watched all of this.

Malala report on GEO TV 19 minutes – I think this is Urdu. It
is a downloadable video. (I’ve not watched it through.)

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