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Mathematics Topical Work Sheet

Topic Name: Statistics

Student Name: Grade: Center:

Given Date: Submission Date:

AIMS: Overall Condition:

1.………………………………………… Excellent  Very good Good
 Satisfactory  Not satisfactory
2………………………………………… Needs to:
 pay attention and work hard
3.………………………………..………  attend extra classes
4…………………………………………  talk to me about problems
 take extra homework
5…………………………………………  improve concentration
 improve mind set
 keep quiet in the class
7…………………………………………  be regular in class

Teacher’s Comments:

Teacher Sign:____________

Parents Comments:

Parents Sign:____________

Elias Sir 01673544471
1. The graph shows the cumulative frequency curve for the ages of 60 employees.

Use the graph to estimate

(a) the median. [1]

(b) the interquartile range, [2]

(c) the number of employees aged over 50. [1]

2. The times taken for 200 children to run 100m were recorded.
The cumulative frequency curve summarises the results’
Use the curve to find.
(a) the lower quartile. [1]

(b) the number of children who took at

least 15.5 seconds. [2]

Elias Sir 01673544471
3. The table shows the distribution of the number of complete lengths swum by a group of

(a) Find the modal class. [1]

(b) Calculate an estimate of the mean. [3]

4. In a survey, some people were asked which of three songs, labelled A, B and C. they liked
best. The diagram shows part of a pie chart illustrating the results.
The angle of the sector that represents the people who liked C best is 168°.
(a) Complete the pie chart. [1]

(b) Expressing your answer in its lowest terms,

find the fraction of people in the survey
who liked C best. [1]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(c) Given that 30 people liked A best,
calculate the number of people in the survey. [1]

5. The distribution of the lengths of time taken by an engineer to repair some washing machines
is given in the table.
Time (t hours) 1< t  3 3 < t4 4 < t5 5 < t8
Frequency K 5 4 3

The histogram represents some of this information.

(a) Find 𝑘. [1]

(b) Complete the histogram. [2]

Elias Sir 01673544471
Paper – 2

1. Answer THE WHOLE of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

(a) The time taken by 140 children to run 200 metres was recorded.
(b) The results are summarised in the table below.

Time ( 𝑡 22 ≤ 𝑡 24 ≤ 𝑡 26 ≤ 𝑡 31 ≤ 𝑡 36 ≤ 𝑡
seconds) < 24 < 26 < 31 < 36 < 46
Number of 12 18 42 28 40

(i)Using a scale of I cm to represent 2 seconds, draw a horizontal axis for time from 22 seconds
In 46 seconds. Using a scale of I cm to represent I unit, draw a verlical axis for frequency density
from 0 to 9 units.
On your axes. draw a histogram to represent the information in the table. [3]

(ii)Estimate the number of children who took less that, 25 seconds to run 200 metres. [1]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(iii)One child was chosen at random. Calculate the probability that the time taken by this child
was less than 36 seconds. Express your answer as a fraction in its lowest terms. [1]

(iv) Out of the 30 children who took less than 26 seconds, two were chosen at random.
Calculate the probability that they both took less than 24 seconds. [2]

(b) Some boys were put into five groups, A, B, C, D and E, based on the times they took to rut’
100 metres.
The pie chart shows the proportion of boys in each group.

Group 𝐴 contains of the boys.

Group 𝐵 contains 35% of the boys.
Group 𝐶 is represented by a sector with
an angle of 42 .
Group 𝐷 contains 9 boys.

(i) Find Give the fraction of boys in group C.

your answer in its lowest terms. [1]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(ii) Given that the number or boys in group B is 21, find the total number of boys who ran the
100 metres. [2]

(iii) Calculate the number of boys in group E. [2]

2. The table shows the distribution of the masses of 90 apples.

Mass ( 𝑚 60 80 90 95 100 110

grams) <𝑚 <𝑚 <𝑚 <𝑚 <𝑚 <𝑚
≤ 80 ≤ 90 ≤ 95 ≤ 100 ≤ 110 ≤ 130
Frequency 10 16 20 21 22 1

(a)In which interval does the median lie? [1]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(b)Calculate an estimate of the mean. [3]

(c)A histogram is drawn to represent this information.

(i) Calculate the frequency density of the interval 90∠ m ≤ 95. [1]

(ii)The rectangle representing the apples with masses in the interval 80∠ m ≤ 90 has width 2 cm
and height 4 cm.
Find the width and height of the rectangle representing the apples with masses in the interval
90∠ m ≤ 95. [2]

Elias Sir 01673544471
3. (a) A sports club has 120 members, Age (x x x x x x x x
years)       
The cumulative frequency table for their ages is shown 5 15 25 35 45 55 65
below. Cumulative 0 12 30 60 96 114 120
(i)On the grid, draw a horizontal x-axis for 0  x  70,
using a scale of 2 cm to represent 10 years and a vertical axis from o to 120, using a scale of 2
cm to represent 20 members.
On your axes draw a smooth cumulative frequency curve to illustrate the information in the
table. [3]

(ii) Find the upper quartile age. [1]

(iii) Find the interquartile range of the ages. [1]

(iv) Members who are not more than 15, and members who are over $5, pay reduced fees.
Use your graph to find an estimate of the number of members who pay reduced fees. [1]

Elias Sir 01673544471
4. (a) The distribution of the times spent by 200 customers at a restaurant one evening is shown
in the table.

Time (t 30 <t 60<t 80<t 90<t  100<t 

minutes)  60  80  90 100 1200
Frequency 24 p q 58 28

The diagram on the right shows part of the histogram that represents this data.
(i) Complete the histogram. [1]

(ii) Find 𝑝 and 𝑞. [2]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(iii) Estimate the probability that a customer, chosen at random, spent more than 95 minutes
in the restaurant. [1]

(b) The table below shows the distribution

of the ages of these customers.

Age (y 0 <y  20<y  40<y  60<y 

years) 20 40 60 80
Frequency 34 57 85 24

(i) State the modal class. [1]

(ii) Calculate an estimate of the mean age

of these customers. [3]

Elias Sir 01673544471
5. The heights of 150 children are measured.The results are summarised in the fable.
(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean height. [3]

(b) (i) One child is chosen at random.

Find the probability that this child has
a height greater than 160 cm. [1]

(ii)Two children am chosen at random without replacement.

Find the probability that the height of one child is greater than 160 cm and the height of the othe
is 150 cm or less. [2]

Elias Sir 01673544471
(c) Complete the histogram to represent the information in the table. [3]

1. (a) 39 (b) 14 (c) 9
2. (a) 14.7 (b) 30
3. (a) 20 < 𝑛 ≤ 40 (b) 37.5
4. (b) (c) 240
5. (a) 4 (b) 4,1

Paper – 2

1. (ii) 21 (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) 60 (iii) 8

2. (a) 90 < 𝑚 ≤ 95 (b) 93.1944 ≈ 93.2 grams (c) (i) 4 (ii) 1 cm, 10 cm
3. (a) (i) Refer to grahp (ii) 43 (iii) 18 (iv) 25
4. (a) (ii) 48, 42 (iii) 29, (b) (i) 40 < 𝑦 ≤ 60 (ii) 39.9 years
5. (a) 158.33 ≈ 158 cm (b) (i) (ii)

Elias Sir 01673544471

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