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3.4.1 Menganalisis teks deskriptif Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks What is the purpose of the text …. C4 1
mengenai tempat bersejarah terkenal deskriptif. A. Describing a historical mosque
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, B. Telling about Dutch colonial
struktur teks, dan unsur C. Showing the uniqueness of a mosque
kebahasaannya. D. Describing Sultan Suriansyah
E. Telling a story about Sultan Suriansyah
Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks Which one is the correct present tense based on C4 2
deskriptif. the text?
A. It was built in the reign of Sultan
B. This building is the oldest mosque in
South Kalimantan.
C. It was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.
D. The roof is layered.
E. This mosque was found on the bank of the
Kuin River.
Menganalisis informasi rinci pada From the text we know that …. C4 3
teks deskriptif. A. Some construction of the mosque
takes the local style
B. Banjar people burned down the mosque
C. There is nothing special from this mosque
D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque
E. The mosque is the oldest in Central
Menganalisis struktur teks deskriptif. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? C4 4
A. The reason why the Ambarawa
railway station was established.
B. Ambarawa railway was known ad the
Willem I station.
C. The reason why Perusahaan Negara
Kereta Api was closed.
D. The steam locomotives are parked in the
open air next to the original station.
E. The Ambarawa railway museum was
established on October 16, 1976.
Menganalisis informasi rinci pada What was the Ambarawa called during the C4 5
teks deskriptif. Dutch colonial government?
A. a military city
B. a railway museum
C. a new railway town
D. King Willem I station
E. steam locomotives station
Menganalisis informasi rinci pada Why was King Willem I ordered to construct a C4 6
teks deskriptif. railway?
A. to build new railway museums
B. to transport government troops
C. to preserve the steam locomotives
D. to build a new government station
E. to park the locomotives at the original
Menganalisis struktur teks deskriptif. What is the text about? C4 7
A. The culture of Toraja
B. The society of Toraja
C. The distinctive features of traditional
D. The description of a traditional house
of Toraja
E. The ethnic groups of southwest and
central Sulawesi
Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks “… and even today they build modern…” C4 8
deskriptif terkait penggunaan (paragraph 3)
pronoun. The underlined word refers to…
A. Raja
B. Rengnge
C. Society
D. Toraja people
E. Mountain regions
Menganalisis informasi rinci pada What are the ordinary people commonly called? C4 9
teks deskriptif. A. Tongkonan
B. Makaka
C. Celebes
D. Rengnge
E. Kaunan
Menganalisis informasi rinci pada Which of the following does not symbolize a C4 10
teks deskriptif. buffalo?
A. Status
B. Courage
C. Strength
D. Cowardice
E. Fighting Spirit
4.4.1 Menyusun sebuah deskripsi Menyusun sebuah deskripsi tulis Write a short descriptive text about a historical C6
tulis sederhana mengenai tempat sederhana mengenai tempat place in Pangkalan Bun. Use canva to write the
bersejarah terkenal dengan bersejarah terkenal. descriptive text then save it in the form of
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks.

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