easyOXSAS - Brochure

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Pro d u ct S p ecif icat io n s

Thermo Scientific easyOXSAS
Product Specifications
OXSAS software option for fast, simple and safe
operation of Thermo Scientific ARL OES & WDXRF

OXSAS is a comprehensive software

used with Thermo Scientific ARL OES
& XRF spectrometers. The easyOXSAS
option allows its use by operators and
by managers effortlessly with little
training requirement.
easyOXSAS is the perfect option for
instruments operating on production
floor where productivity and quality of
sample analyses are the key issues.

easyOXSAS screen in OES operator mode

Instrument operation in easyOXSAS Details on easyOXSAS capabilities

mode Each possible action in easyOXSAS is
When operating the software in easyOXSAS associated with the icon located in the left
mode, the available commands are proposed pane. These actions are:
as large and convenient icons in the left • Login
pane of the main screen. As illustrated by the • Exit
above picture, these icons can be configured • Unknown Sample Analysis
to the minimal necessary functionality by the • Standardization (drift correction with
laboratory manager to make operation as Setting-up Samples – SUS), this allows
simple as possible for the operators. not only SUS measurements but also a
single click replacement of a used SUS
For unknown sample analysis, the operator
with possibility to rename it if necessary.
simply selects the desired analysis method,
enters the sample identity and starts the
analysis. This can be further simplified with
the use of batch or routine analysis.

Once the analysis is completed, its result

Single click SUS replacement
can be automatically printed or transmitted
to a LIMS through an ASCII file. No operator
action is required.

easyOXSAS option is available only with the

manually operated instruments. It is not available
when the spectrometer operates in automatic
mode or in Remote Sample Definition mode.
• Control Samples measurement • Transmit automatically the result at the end
• Type Standard Samples update of the analysis using an ASCII CSV file or

Pro d u ct S p ecif icat io n s

• Define batches of samples to be analyzed not. File name and location is freely editable
• Results retrieval with possibility for defining an incremental
• Manage SCT (Setting-Up, Control and file name. Possibility to append results to
Type Standard) samples an existing file or not. Detailed description
• Resize windows of the ASCII file content can be found in the
• Set configuration (full details below) ARLCom option product specification.
• On-line help • Method editor allowing:
–– Modification of element display name
–– Definition of LOD (Limit of Detection)
–– Definition of Manual Input elements
–– Definition of calculation on elements
(so called pseudo-elements)
–– Definition of acceptable limits for drift
Defining sample identification, result
correction factors and acceptable delta presentation and transmissions
time between SUS measurements
–– Definition of type standard samples
• Grades editor
• Routine analyses editor
• Control sample editor

Advanced OXSAS users

Among many other standard OXSAS
possibilities, easyOXSAS does not allow creating
easyOXSAS configuration tool for managers new calibrations or modifying existing ones.
These jobs are reserved to advanced users in
The manager has access to the configuration
order to prevent from any risk of modification of
icon which starts the configuration tool
sensitive methods and data.
screen allowing him to tailor the system
according to his own needs: For such sensitive jobs high level users who have
• Language selection access to the configuration tool can turn off the
• Login accounts management easyOXSAS mode at any time, allowing return of
• Selection of functions available to the the full scale functionality of OXSAS software.
operators User profiles window
• Define the results presentation on Managing SUS through easyOXSAS
display (font size, horizontal or vertical
presentation, show grade limits or not,
define values flagging, e.g. when exceeding
calibration range or limit of detection,
display standard deviation or not)
• Define the sample identification prompt text
• Print automatically the result at end of
sample analysis or not. The print-out can
be just basic or certificate like with custom
logo report layout.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (Ecublens) SARL,

Switzerland is
ISO 9001:2008 Certified.


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PS41332_E 07/15

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