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Other Miscellaneous Terms

A list of miscellaneous terms from Wuxia, Xianxia & Xuanhuan novels which weren’t
included in the main glossary.

9 (九 jiǔ) – the number Nine is an auspicious number in China. It sounds just like 久
(jiǔ), which means “everlasting”. Perhaps because of this, Nine is strongly associated
with Dragons and the Emperor. There are also Nine Heavens (九天), along with a lot of
other symbolism.

81 (八十一) – the number Eighty-One is an auspicious and “complete” number in

China, particularly because 9×9 = 81 (with 9 already being very auspicious). In several
novels, cultivators must resist 81 lightning bolts while undergoing a Heavenly
Tribulation. This might be a reference to Journey to the West, where the
monk Xuanzang faces 81 tribulations along his journey. When he completes his
journey and successfully transcends the tribulations, he attains Buddhahood.

100 (百 bǎi) – the number One Hundred can be used figuratively to mean “numerous”
or “all kinds of”. So for example, if there’s a “Hundred Herbs Shop” in a novel, it
probably means that the shop sells a wide variety of herbs, rather than literally 100

108 (一百零八) – the number One Hundred and Eight is steeped in symbolism,
particularly with regards to religion and martial arts.

10000 / Myriad (万 wàn) – the number Ten Thousand can be used figuratively to
mean “myriad” or “innumerable”. This is actually the same as in English or Greek,
where the word Myriad can mean either the number 10000 or an indefinitely large
number. So if something in a novel is said to be “ten thousand years old”, that might
actually mean it’s unfathomably ancient, rather than literally age 10000.

Amitabha / Amitābha (阿弥陀佛 ēmítuó fó) – a Buddha. He is known as the Buddha

of Boundless Light. It is believed that people who sincerely call out his name will be
welcomed into his Pure Land after they die. Because of this, Buddhist monks will often
chant “Namo Amitabha” (a salutation to Amitabha) or say his name as a greeting or
blessing for others.

Arhat (阿罗汉 āluóhàn) (罗汉 luóhàn) – sometimes written as Lohan or Luohan. A

Buddhist title meaning “one who is worthy”. Arhats are basically Buddhist sages, often
with magical powers.
 Buddhists disagree on what exactly an Arhat is. The Mahayana branch
claims Arhats to be far advanced on the path to Enlightenment (but
ultimately beneath Buddhas and Bodhisattvas), while
the Theravada branch claims Arhats to be little different from a Buddha
(both having attained nirvana).
Auspicious Clouds (祥云 xiángyún) (彩云 cǎiyún) (瑞霞 ruìxiá) – represent the
Heavens and good fortune. Cloud (云 yún) sounds similar to Luck (运 yùn), and clouds
float up in the sky – close to the Heavens. Auspicious Clouds are often red (a lucky
color) and shaped like a Lingzhi Mushroom (the “mushroom of immortality”).
 Transcendent figures (Gods, Buddhas, Immortals, etc…) are sometimes
said to ride on Auspicious Clouds.

Beggar Sect (丐帮 gàibāng) – also known as the Beggar Clan. A fictional martial arts
sect which appears in many Wuxia novels. The sect is mostly made up of beggars and
is renowned for its incredible information gathering skills. It’s commonly portrayed as
the largest and one of the most powerful sects.
 丐帮 would be more accurately translated as the Beggars Union or
Beggars Association.
 Dog-Beating Staff (打狗棒) – also known as the Dog Beating Stick. The
famous weapon carried by the Chief of the Beggar Sect. Only the Chief
can wield the staff and learn the fearsome Dog-Beating Staff technique (
打狗棒法) which complements it.
 Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms (降龙十八掌) – a very famous
martial art of the Beggar Sect. Often called the most powerful ‘external‘
martial art in the world. Many novels (even non-Wuxia) make references
to it.

Bodhi (菩提 pútí) (觉 jué) – a Buddhist term meaning “awakening” or

“enlightenment“. The understanding of the true nature of things and the universe. A
person who attains Bodhi becomes a Buddha and is freed from the cycle of
reincarnation (samsara).
 The Bodhi Tree (菩提树 pútíshù) is the tree under which Siddhārtha
Gautama meditated and attained enlightenment. Sacred Fig trees are
often called Bodhi Trees because of this.

Bodhisattva (菩萨 púsà) – roughly means “one who is set upon enlightenment”. A
Buddhist title for a person of great compassion who wishes to attain Buddhahood for
the benefit of all sentient beings. They often have magical powers and are sometimes
venerated as gods (or god-like beings). The Bodhisattva and “Goddess of
Mercy” Guanyin is an example of this.

Buddha (佛 fó) (佛陀 fótuó) – means “awakened/enlightened one”. A Buddhist title

for a person who has achieved perfect enlightenment and has escaped from the cycle
of reincarnation (samsara). “Buddha” often refers to a particular person (Gautama
Buddha / Siddhārtha Gautama), although it’s important to remember that there are
actually multiple Buddhas in Buddhism.
 The title Tathagata / Tathāgata (如来 rúlái) roughly means “one who has
thus come” or “one who has thus gone”. It refers to Buddhas and their
transcendent nature (being part of the world and yet also being beyond
Buddha Palm (如来神掌 rúlái shénzhǎng) – also known as Buddha’s Palm. An iconic
martial art technique seen in Wuxia novels, movies, and tv series. It’s a palm strike –
usually a supernaturally powerful one.

Calabash (葫芦 húlú) – also called a Gourd or Bottle Gourd. It’s a fruit that, after being
hollowed-out and dried, can be used as a container. In these novels, calabashes or
gourds of wine are often mentioned. They’re also commonly seen as Storage Treasures
or medicine containers. The association with medicine might come from Iron-Crutch
Li of the Eight Immortals, who has a magical gourd containing miraculous medicine.

Cinnabar (丹 dān) (朱 zhū) (朱砂 zhūshā) – a red-colored ore (Mercury sulfide).

Commonly used in ancient China to make bright red ink, lacquer and cosmetics. It was
also highly valued in Chinese alchemy, particularly because liquid mercury
(quicksilver) could be produced by burning it. Alchemists were fascinated by this and
considered cinnabar/quicksilver to be a vital ingredient in making the Elixir of Life.

Confucius (孔子 / 孔夫子) – also known as Master Kong or the Great Sage. A very
famous teacher/philosopher and the founder of Confucianism. He emphasized the
importance of strict social etiquette and filial piety. Many wise sayings are attributed
to Confucius.

Congee (粥 zhōu) (糊 hú) – a type of food. It’s a rice porridge or gruel.

Coolie (苦力 kǔlì) (苦工 kǔgōng) – unskilled workers or indentured servants who
perform (often harsh) manual labor.
Dao-heart (道心 dàoxīn) – the heart’s path. Dao (道) can mean “path/road”, and Heart
(心) can also mean “mind/core”. So a person’s Dao Heart is the direction they want to
move in and what they truly desire from life, deep down in the core of their being.
 In cultivation novels, pure and resolute Dao Hearts are valued highly by
cultivators. Cultivators who have weak Dao Hearts or who deny/betray
their feelings won’t easily progress on the path of cultivation, and they
may even face a deadly backlash.

Dharma (法 fǎ) (佛法 fófǎ) – in Buddhism, the Dharma is cosmic law and order, as
well as the teachings of the Buddha. It is somewhat similar to the Dao of Daoism.

Dragon Pearl (龙珠 lóng zhū) (如意珠 rúyì zhū) (宝珠 bǎo zhū) – also known as a
Flaming Pearl. A symbol of spirituality, wisdom, truth, enlightenment, prosperity, good
fortune, and the Sun & Moon. Dragons are commonly depicted holding or chasing after
these flaming pearls. They’re also said to have great magical powers and to be capable
of granting wishes.

Dual Cultivation (双修 shuāngxiū) – also known as Pair Cultivation or Paired

Cultivation. A unique, often sex-based form of cultivation. It stems from the principle
of Yin & Yang.
 Human Cauldron (炉鼎 / 鼎炉) – also known as a Cauldron or Furnace.
A person who is drained of their vital energies during Dual Cultivation.

Dugu 9 Swords (独孤九剑 dúgū jiǔjiàn) – also known as the Nine Swords of Dugu. A
famous martial art created by the mythical Dugu Qiubai. The “Nine Swords” are nine
sword stances, and each stance was designed to counter and defeat a particular type of
weapon / martial arts. “Dugu 9 Swords” is referenced in several novels as a supreme
martial art.

Earthfire / Earth Fire (地火 dìhuǒ) – in ancient China, natural gas fires and coal seam
fires were sometimes called Earthfire. The fearsome and mysterious sight of fire
suddenly flaring up from underground caused Earthfire to gain mystique, making it
seem magical and more dangerous than “mundane” fire. In cultivation novels,
Earthfire is typically a magical and powerful type of flame which cultivators use to do
things like forging magical items or concocting medicinal pills.

Earthly Branches (地支 dìzhī) – a Chinese system for reckoning time, among other
things. There are twelve Earthly Branches, each of which represents a
particular double-hour, an animal in the Chinese Zodiac, a direction (in degrees), and
 The Chinese 60-Year Cycle (六十干支) makes use of the Heavenly Stems
and Earthly Branches.

Eight Immortals (八仙 bāxiān) – a famous group of Daoist Immortals in Chinese

mythology. More information here.

Emei Sect (峨嵋派 éméi pài) – a fictional martial arts sect which appears in many
Wuxia novels. It’s located on and takes its name from Mount Emei. It’s sometimes
portrayed as an entirely female sect, perhaps because “Emei” (峨嵋 éméi) sounds just
like “Beautiful Women” (蛾眉 éméi).

Essence of the Sun and Moon (日月精华 rìyuè jīnghuá) – the energy of the great
celestial bodies. Practically the same thing as the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth
(天地之气), which is the natural energy of the world. Magical beasts are often said to
cultivate by absorbing or swallowing the Essence of the Sun and Moon. If an ordinary
plant or animal absorbs enough natural energy, then they can gain magical powers or
even eventually transform into a Demon (妖).

Fellow Daoist (道友 dàoyǒu) – a title meaning “friend of the Dao”. Daoists commonly
address each other as “Fellow Daoist”.

Five Grains (五谷 wǔgǔ) – a grouping of vital crops in ancient China. This includes
rice, wheat, beans, and two types of millet. In cultivation novels, “Five Grains” is
sometimes used to refer to the food of mortals in general (which Immortals and
cultivators might refrain from eating).
Four Treasures of the Study (文房四宝 wénfáng sìbǎo) – refers to the four essential
items of calligraphy and scholarship. These are: Writing Brush (笔), Ink (墨), Paper (纸
), and Ink-stone (砚).

Granny Meng (孟婆) – also known as Meng Po or Old Lady Meng. The Goddess of
Forgetfulness in Chinese mythology. She resides in the Chinese Underworld, near the
Bridge of Helplessness. Prior to reincarnation, the souls of the dead are made to drink
Granny Meng’s soup, which erases their memories of their previous lives.
 Granny Meng’s Soup (孟婆汤 / 迷魂汤) – also known as the Waters of
Oblivion or the Five Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness. Varying sources refer
to it as a soup, broth, tea, brew, or elixir.
 Bridge of Helplessness (奈何桥) – also known as the Naihe Bridge or
the Bridge of Despair. A bridge which spans the River of Forgetfulness.
The souls of the dead must drink Granny Meng’s soup and cross the
bridge before they can reincarnate.
 River of Forgetfulness (忘川) – also known as the Wangchuan River or
the River of Oblivion. A river in the Chinese Underworld, analogous to
the River Lethe of Greek mythology.

Gu Poison (蛊 gǔ) – a demonic poison produced through sorcery / black magic. The
basic method of producing it involved sealing several different poisonous or
venomous creatures in a container and waiting until there was a single survivor. It was
believed that the poison from all the other creatures would be concentrated in the
survivor as Gu poison.
 Gu (蛊) can also refer to any sorcery that harms humans.

Guanyin (观音) – a Bodhisattva and the Goddess of Mercy. A very popular goddess.
Her name roughly means “Perceiver of the World’s Sounds”. She is sometimes
depicted with a thousand arms, which she uses to reach out to and comfort all of the
suffering people in the world.

Heavenly Stems (天干 tiāngān) – also known as the Celestial Stems. A set of ordinal
numbers, originally used for the days of the week in ancient China. There are ten
Heavenly Stems, and each of them also symbolizes either a Yin or Yang aspect of one of
the Five Elements.
 The Chinese 60-Year Cycle (六十干支) makes use of the Heavenly Stems
and Earthly Branches.

Horse Stance (马步 mǎbù) – an important, fundamental posture in Chinese martial

arts. It’s commonly used to practice punching or to strengthen the legs and back. The
Horse Stance takes its name from the posture used while riding a horse.

Houyi (后羿) – a godly archer in Chinese mythology. He’s credited with performing
many heroic feats. Houyi is also the husband of Chang’e, the goddess of the moon.
Hun and Po (魂魄 húnpò) – the dualistic components of a soul. Hun is the spiritual,
intelligent, and Yang component of the soul. Po is the physical/corporeal, animalistic,
and Yin component of the soul. Upon death, the Hun component goes to the afterlife,
while the Po component remains and rots away in the corpse. In Daoism, the soul is
said to consist of three Hun and seven Po (三魂七魄).
 Hun could be compared to the Ego or Superego, with Po as the Id.

Jade Emperor (玉皇 yùhuáng) (玉帝 yùdì) – also known as the Celestial Emperor (天
帝). The Ruler of the Heavens and the Celestial Court. He is one of the most important
Daoist gods.

Kalpa (劫波 jiébō) – a Hindu/Buddhist term for an “Aeon”. A very very long period of
time, or the period of time between the creation and recreation of a world or universe.

Kasaya (袈裟 jiāshā) – the robes worn by Buddhist monks and nuns.

King Yama (阎王 / 阎罗王) – also known as King Yan. The Ruler of the Underworld,
the Judge of the Dead, and the Overseer of the Cycle of Reincarnation. He is assisted by
(or is one of) 10 Yama-Kings who hold court in the Underworld and judge the souls of
the dead based on records of their past deeds. The Yama-Kings administer
punishments and determine how the souls will be reborn in their next lives.
 The Underworld (地狱 diyu) – also known as Hell, the Netherworld (冥
界), or the Yellow Springs (黄泉). There are said to be eighteen levels of
the Underworld, where sinners are punished prior to reincarnation.
 Ox-Head and Horse-Face (牛头马面) – two guardians who meet with
the newly dead and escort them through the Underworld.
 The Black and White Guards of Impermanence (黑白无常) – two
deities who serve as subordinates to King Yama and guardians of the

Ksitigarbha / Kṣitigarbha (地藏 dìzàng) – a great Bodhisattva who resides in the

Underworld and vowed to forego Buddhahood until all souls are saved (achieve
enlightenment). His name can mean “Earth Treasury”, “Earth Store”, “Earth Womb”, or
“the one who encompasses the earth”.

Kunlun (昆仑 / 昆仑山) – a mystical mountain in Chinese mythology. A dwelling place

of Gods, Immortals, and mythical creatures. Somewhat analogous to
Hinduism’s/Buddhism’s Sumeru. Not to be confused with the real-world Kunlun

Laughing Buddha (布袋 bùdài) – a Buddha commonly depicted as a very fat and jovial
monk – symbolizing happiness, good fortune, and abundance. He is sometimes
conflated with the prophesized Maitreya Buddha, who is a savior-like figure and the
successor of Gautama Buddha.
Life Tablet (命简 mìngjiǎn) – also known as a Life Slip. A magical item which is
intangibly connected to a cultivator. If the cultivator dies, their life tablet will
subsequently shatter – no matter how far away it is. In some novels, sects keep track
of their disciples’ statuses using life tablets.
 Life tablets are slightly similar to the spirit tablets used in ancestor

Longan (龙眼 lóngyǎn) – a type of fruit, also known as the “Dragon Eye Fruit”. Similar
to a Lychee. Medicinal pills in Chinese cultivation novels are sometimes described as
being “the size of a longan“.
 Related: “the size of a mung bean” & “the size of a soybean“

Magic Power (法力 fǎlì) – basically a cultivator’s mana or spiritual energy.

Mantou (馒头 mántou) – a type of food. It’s a steamed bun.

Mantra (曼特罗 màntèluó) (咒語 zhòuyǔ) – a sacred utterance believed to have

spiritual power and chanted to assist in meditation. In cultivation novels, they
typically act as spells.

Mother-Child / Mother-and-Child (子母 zǐmǔ) – a set of objects consisting of a

primary (mother) object and secondary/supporting (child) objects. In these novels, it
is generally used to refer to weapons. For example, Mother-Child Swords might consist
of a main sword paired with one or more lesser swords.
Mount Tai (泰山 tàishān) – a mountain in China, considered to be sacred. Ceremonies
and sacrifices have been performed there for thousands of years.
 There are several popular idioms which refer to Mount Tai. A few of
them can be found here.

Mustard Seed (芥菜籽 jiècàizǐ) – a tiny plant seed. In these novels, “Mustard Seed” is
sometimes mentioned in the context of storage treasures and dimensional spaces
(basically: pocket dimensions). The reason for this is explained here.

Nine Cauldrons (九鼎 jiǔ dǐng) – a set of nine ritual cauldrons which symbolized the
power and authority of the Emperor in ancient China. They were supposedly created
by Yu the Great, and subsequent Chinese Emperors used them in ceremonies for
ancestor worship. The Nine Cauldrons were lost at some point in history.

Nine Cycles (九转 jiǔ zhuàn) – a term which basically means “Perfect”, “Complete”, or
“Consummate“. It’s occasionally included in the names of cultivation methods, mystic
arts, martial arts techniques, etc…
 九转 is often translated in many different ways. Some examples include:
“Nine Circles”, “Nine Turns”, “Nine Rotations”, “Nine Revolutions”, or
“Nine Reversions”.
 This term is derived from ancient Daoist cultivation and internal
alchemy. On the path to immortality, Daoists commonly compared the
refinement of the Golden Elixir (金丹) and the cultivation of the
Immortal Embryo (仙胎) to fetal development and childbirth (example).
Just like human fetuses require 9 months of gestation to fully develop,
ancient Daoists believed their cultivation would require 9 cycles of
transformations in order to reach a state of completeness and perfection.

Nine Heavens (九天 jiǔ tiān) – in ancient Chinese cosmology, the Heavens were
sometimes thought to be divided into 9 vertical layers, and the Ninth Heaven was
considered to be the Highest of the Heavens. Alternatively, the divisions were thought
to consist of the eight cardinal directions plus the center.

Nirvana (涅槃 nièpán) – a Buddhist term meaning “extinguished; blown out” (as in a
candle). It’s the realization of non-self and emptiness when a person
achieves Enlightenment, and it liberates the person from karmic bondage and the
cycle of reincarnation (samsara).
 With nirvana, the thing being extinguished is either the person’s sense of
“self” or the metaphorical “fire” which keeps the cycle of reincarnation

Northern Dipper (北斗 běidǒu) – the Chinese name for the Big Dipper. In these
novels, the Dipper or the name of its stars are sometimes used in the names of sects,
formations, techniques, etc.
 The seven stars of the Northern Dipper are called the Celestial Pivot (天
枢), Celestial Rotating Jade (天璇), Celestial Shining Pearl (天机
), Celestial Balance (天权), Jade Sighting-Tube (玉衡), Opener of Heat (开
阳), and Twinkling Brilliance (摇光).

Nuwa / Nüwa (女娲) – the goddess who created humanity in Chinese mythology.
She’s also famous for mending the Heavens after a war between two other gods
destabilized the world. Nuwa is the sister and wife of Fuxi, a god of invention and

Other Shore (彼岸 bǐ’àn) – a Buddhist term referring to “perfection” (see: Paramita).
The etymology of the Sanskrit term can be taken to mean “that which goes beyond” or
“gone to the other side”. The idea is that achieving enlightenment is like crossing a
river and arriving on the opposite shore.

Pangu (盘古) – the creator of the universe in Chinese mythology. Pangu was born
from a cosmic egg in the primordial chaos. He then summoned a giant axe and cleaved
the chaos – separating Yin and Yang and creating order from chaos. Yin formed the
Earth, while Yang formed the Heavens. However, Pangu later died from his exertion.

Parasol Tree (梧桐 wútóng) – also known as the Chinese Parasol Tree or the Wutong
Tree. A type of tree which is widely-planted and considered beautiful and useful in
China. In mythology, Phoenixes like to nest in Wutong trees.
 “Phoenix” here refers more specifically to the Fenghuang (凤凰) and
Luan (鸾) Birds.

Peacock Plume (孔雀翎 kǒngquè líng) – also known as the Peacock Feather. A famous
hidden weapon (暗器) which resembles a tail feather of a peacock. It’s a projectile
weapon often described as being dazzlingly beautiful and containing a lethal poison. It
appears in many novels (even non-Wuxia).

Phoenix Eyes (丹凤眼 dānfèng yǎn) – also known as Red Phoenix Eyes. An eye shape
in which the outer corners of the eyes incline upwards. They are considered striking,
beautiful, and alluring.

Pipa (琵琶 pípa) – a musical stringed instrument. Sometimes translated as “Lute”.

Practitioner (武者 wǔzhě) – roughly means “martial person” … in other words, a

Warrior or Martial Artist.
 In some novels, Practitioners are distinguished from Cultivators (武者 vs
修者, wuzhe vs xiuzhe). When this is the case, Practitioners are
portrayed as mere mortals who train their bodies and martial arts using
mundane methods, while Cultivators train using mystical methods and
can potentially ascend to immortality.

Pure Land (淨土 jìngtǔ) – a Buddhist term for a sacred or holy land, typically the
adobe of a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Pure Lands are somewhat similar to the Secret
Realms seen in cultivation novels.

Purple Qi from the East (紫气东来 zǐqì dōng lái) – also known as Violet Qi from the
East. A profound spiritual energy and supernatural phenomenon closely linked to

Qing (青) – sometimes called “grue” or blue-green in English. Qing is the color of
nature. It can be Green, Blue, or Black… the specific color it refers to changes based on
context. In most cases (particularly with plants/vegetation), it’s Green. When referring
to the sky, it’s Blue. When referring to hair or eyes, it’s Black (or “Dark”). These are just
a few examples.
 More information here.

Realgar (雄黄 xiónghuáng) – a toxic mineral. In ancient China, realgar powder was
frequently sprinkled around houses to repel pests (like snakes, rats, and insects).
Because it was believed to have the power to “ward off evil”, people would sometimes
drink realgar wine or use realgar as medicine… not knowing that it was actually toxic.

Samadhi / Samādhi (三昧 sānmèi) – the Sanskrit word for “Concentration” (related
to Meditation) brought to China via Buddhism.
 Samadhi True Fire (三昧眞火) is a reference to the mystical and
inextinguishable flame of the character Red Boy from Journey to the

Samsara / Saṃsāra (轮回 lúnhuí) – the Buddhist term for the cycle of reincarnation,
in which all living beings are trapped in suffering. Escape is only possible through
enlightenment and attaining nirvana.

Sandalwood (檀 tán) – a type of wood popular for its fragrance. It’s commonly used in
religious ceremonies and by monks as a meditation aid.

Scholartree / Scholar Tree (槐 huái) (槐树 huáishù) – a type of tree considered

auspicious. In the past, many Scholartrees were planted in the Imperial Palace, and the
Emperor and his officials would often have discussions under their shade.

Scroll Painting (图轴 túzhóu) – a painting on a scroll. Ink landscape paintings are
particularly iconic. Handscrolls and Hanging scrolls are two of the main types of scroll

Sea of Bitterness (苦海 kǔhǎi) – a Buddhist term used to describe the mortal world,
which Buddhists see as metaphorically drowning in suffering (Dukkha).

Secret Realm (密境 mìjìng) – a minor world/land which is partitioned off from the
rest of the mortal world (usually in a separate dimension with a hidden entrance
connecting the two). In these novels, cultivators often attempt to find Secret Realms
and raid them for the rare treasures, herbs, and beasts within.

Sedan Chair (舆 yú) (轿 jiào) – also translated as a “Litter” or “Palanquin”. A seat or

carriage carried on poles by people as a means of transportation. Used mostly by the
elite of society, who would sit or lay in it and have their servants carry them around.

Shaolin Sect (少林派 shàolín pài) – a fictional Buddhist martial arts sect which
appears in many Wuxia novels. It’s based on the real-life Shaolin Temple (少林寺). It’s
commonly portrayed as one of the largest and most powerful orthodox sects.

Stele (碑 bēi) (石碑 shíbēi) – a rectangular tablet with inscriptions on it, often erected
at tombs or temples. They act as gravestones or are meant to commemorate
Stone-lock (石锁 shísuǒ) – a type of weight, similar to a dumbbell, used for strength-
training exercises.

Sumeru (须弥 xūmí) (须弥山 xūmíshān) – a sacred, cosmic mountain in Hinduism and

Sun Wukong (孙悟空) – also known as the Monkey King (猴王) or the Great Sage
Equal to Heaven (齐天大圣). A mythological monkey with incredible strength, speed,
and supernatural powers. His name means “Monkey Awakened to Emptiness”. Sun
Wukong is a very famous trickster figure best known for his role in the novel Journey
to the West, where he accompanied and protected the monk Tang Sanzang during the
eponymous journey.
 Ruyi Jingu Bang (如意金箍棒) – the legendary weapon of the Monkey
King. It can be translated as the “Compliant Gold-banded Staff“. It’s an
immensely heavy staff which can make copies of itself and can magically
expand or contract (in both length and width) according to the wishes of
the user. It was supposedly originally used by Yu the Great to measure
the depths of the sea and flood waters. When Sun Wukong isn’t fighting
with it, he normally shrinks it down to the size of a needle and tucks it
behind his ear.

Sunflower Manual (葵花宝典 kuíhuā bǎodiǎn) – an infamous martial arts manual

which requires practitioners to castrate themselves before they can begin training.
In The Smiling Proud Wanderer, Dongfang Bubai (“the Invincible of the East”) became
the most powerful martial artist in the world after mastering its secrets. The
Sunflower Manual is referenced in many other novels as well.

Sword Embryo (剑胎 jiàntāi) (剑胚 jiànpēi) – known in English as a “Sword Billet“.
The unfinished blade of a sword, often still undergoing the forging/smithing process.

Taiji (太极 tàijí) – sometimes translated as the “Supreme Ultimate” or “Supreme

Polarity”. Taiji is the cosmological term for the “oneness before duality” in the
primordial universe. Daoists claim that Taiji (the initial singularity) birthed Yin and
Yang. And from the intermingling of Yin and Yang, everything in the universe
eventually came into being.
 More information here.
 The famous martial art Tai Chi is named after this term.
 Modern Taiji philosophy emphasizes the importance of balancing and
harmonizing Yin and Yang. The “Yin-Yang Symbol” that most people
imagine when they think of Daoism is actually a Taiji diagram.

Tang Clan (唐门 táng mén) – also known as the Tang Sect. A fictional martial arts clan
which appears in several novels. Their members usually bear the “Tang” surname. The
Tang Clan specializes in poisons and hidden weapons (暗器). They’re said to be
located in Sichuan Province.

Three Treasures (三宝 sānbǎo) – Essence, Qi, and Spirit. Three essential energies
which are thought to sustain life. The term “Three Treasures” (三宝) can also refer to
the Three Treasures of Daoism or Buddhism, but this isn’t as commonly seen in
Chinese webnovels.
 Essence (精 jing) – basically “lifeblood”.
 Qi (气 qi) – basically “spiritual energy” or “the breath of life”.
 Spirit (神 shen) – basically “the mind” or “consciousness”.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (中医 zhōngyī) – medical knowledge, skills, and
practices which were used in China for thousands of years prior to the arrival
of Western medicine. TCM is still widely-practiced today, although much of it is now
considered to be alternative medicine. Herbal remedies, Acupuncture,
and Moxibustion were commonly used in TCM.
 The doctors in Wuxia / Xianxia / Xuanhuan novels often diagnose
patients simply by reading their pulse, use needles to treat all kinds of
illnesses, and prescribe herbs and elixirs to patients. This all comes from

Triangular Eyes (三角眼 sānjiǎo yǎn) – eyes which are shaped vaguely like triangles.
Triangle Eyes are sometimes considered to be ugly or shifty, as opposed to Phoenix
Eyes (丹凤眼) which are considered to be beautiful and alluring.

Turtle Breathing Art (龟息功 guīxīgōng) (龟息大法 guīxīdàfǎ) – also called the Turtle
Breathing Method. A fictional martial arts technique used to restrain one’s breath and
reduce one’s heartbeat. It’s a powerful concealing technique which can even allow the
user to feign death.

Twenty-Eight Mansions (二十八宿 èrshí bāxiù) – part of the Chinese

constellation system. Ancient Chinese astronomers divided the night sky into four
regions, each named after one of the four divine beasts (Azure Dragon, Black
Tortoise, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird). Each of the four regions has
seven mansions, for a total of twenty-eight mansions. These mansions were used to
track the Moon’s movement in its orbit around Earth.

Vajra (金刚 jīngāng) – means both “Thunderbolt” and “Diamond”. The Vajra
symbolizes Irresistible Force (thunderbolt) and Indestructibility (diamond). In
Hinduism, the Vajra is the invincible weapon of the chief god Indra, who uses it to slay
sinners and ignorant people. In Buddhism, the Vajra
symbolizes Bodhi (enlightenment), which can descend on a person like a thunderbolt
and pierce through all ignorance.
 The weapon form of the Vajra (金钢杵) is commonly called the Vajra
Scepter, Vajra Pestle, or Thunderbolt Mace.

Weiqi (围棋 wéiqí) – means “encircling game”. A strategic board game played on a
grid with white and black game pieces (stones). Sometimes translated as Chess or
Chinese Chess, but it is better known by the Japanese name for the game: “Go”. It
should not be confused with the other game of Chess.

Wooden Fish (木鱼 mùyú) – a musical percussion instrument. Often used by Buddhist
or Daoist monks during their rituals.

Wudang Sect (武当派) – a fictional Daoist martial arts sect which appears in many
Wuxia novels. It’s located in and takes its name from the Wudang Mountains.
Wuji (无极 wújí) – sometimes translated as “Without Ultimate” or “Without Polarity”.
Wuji is the cosmological term for the nothingness prior to the birth of all things in the
universe. Daoists claim that from the Nothingness (Wuji) came Oneness (the Taiji
singularity), which in turn birthed the Duality of Yin and Yang, which then
intermingled to form all things.

Young Master (少爷 shàoye) (公子 gōngzǐ) – a form of address for the son of an
important person (such as an official, a noble, or a boss). In these novels, a common
trope has the main character unintentionally offend an arrogant and spoiled young
master, who then becomes an antagonist. The young master inevitably draws his
family or backers into the conflict when he fails to defeat the main character.
 Other terms of address commonly used in Chinese cultivation & martial
arts novels can be found here.

Zhoutian (周天 zhōutiān) – sometimes translated as “Universe” or “Cosmic Orbit”. It’s

an obscure Daoist term relating to the methods of Qi Circulation. Daoists in ancient
times took inspiration from the movements and cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.
They then started practicing certain meditation and breathing exercises, which they
believed would allow them to control the flow of Qi through their meridians (in
imitation of the movements of celestial bodies).
 Microcosmic Orbit (xiǎo zhōutiān) – also called a “Small Universe”. This
is a basic form of Qi Circulation, wherein the practitioner controls their
Qi to flow from the Dantian, through the Governing Vessel, through the
Conception Vessel, and back into the Dantian in a full circuit. The Qi is
purified during this process.
 Macrocosmic Orbit (大周天 dà zhōutiān) – also called a “Big Universe”.
This is an advanced form of Qi Circulation, wherein the practitioner
controls their Qi to flow from the Dantian, through all Eight
Extraordinary Meridians and throughout their entire body, and then
back into the Dantian. This is supposedly more effective, but also much
more difficult.

Zither (琴 qin) (古琴 guqin) – a musical stringed instrument. Sometimes translated as

“Lute”. The Se (瑟) and Guzheng (古箏) are similar and are also commonly translated
as Zither.

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