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hi everyone welcome back to my channel

my name is sophie

and i make videos on slow living and


one of the reasons why i wanted to adapt

to a more minimalist lifestyle

was because the idea of living simple

with less

sounded really attractive to me this

really helped me to become

more intentional in all aspects of my


including my finances over time i

noticed that i was cutting back

on my impulse purchases mindless


over consumption instead i'm able to now

focus on my long-term money goals


isn't necessarily about spending less


but channeling our hard-earned money

towards the things that we actually

value in life

by putting in a little bit of effort to

be more resourceful

and organized i noticed how big of a

difference it really makes

so here are eight minimalist habits that

can help you to save


consumerism becomes excessive when we

buy beyond what's needed

since adopting a more minimalist

approach i realized how much money i was

spending towards

things i didn't even need or even worse

things i didn't even know i was paying


from spending too much on clothes cute

little decor

items apps subscriptions memberships

excessive utility bills this all started

to add up very quickly

yet i wasn't any happier because of it

i think that's how the vicious work to

spend cycle begins

as lifestyle inflation starts to creep

in we have to work even harder

and longer to keep up with our spending

habits and we spend because we want to

treat ourselves or because

we feel like we deserve it but what we

truly deserve

is a life free of debt and free of

financial worries

i noticed a lot of my excessive spending

was out of carelessness

having a budget frequently checking our


being more organized and determining our


can help us to restructure how we choose

to spend

it's not about obsessing over every

little penny

but more about being careful so we can

spend money on things that we truly

value in life


i made a whole video on the benefits of


and how we should implement this as part

of our routine

but what happens to all the things after

we declutter


instead of throwing away everything i

like to go through the items

and see which ones i can sell first

it's always a win-win situation because

i can get rid of all the clutter in my


while making some money back from these

unwanted items

for the past couple of months i've been

listing my stuff on

craigslist amazon poshmark facebook

to find a new home for my belongings

it was kind of frustrating in the

beginning i felt like i was spending

more time on it than it was worth

but now i found a system to streamline

the process

if you can't sell your items then

another great way to get some money back

is by donating it to a non-profit

or a charity to get some money back from

those unwanted items

you'd be surprised at how many great

organizations that are out there

and the people who are in need of those



one of the core principles of minimalism

is to

simplify all areas of our lives

and i think we can bring this concept

into the kitchen as well

meal planning has been a game changer

for us

it saves us so much money from eating


and also produce going bad and the

decision fatigue of

always wondering what we're going to eat

of course we all want to eat healthier

and more home-cooked meals

but our busy schedules can prevent this

by selecting our recipes ahead of time

we can shop

prep cook our meals and have it ready

for us

at any time


so that we don't get bored of the same

meals i'll batch cook

two or three meals and freeze some so we

just need to heat it up when we come

home from a long day

this way we're not always tempted to

spend money by eating out

or gravitate towards junk food

can take the concept of simplicity and

bring it into our homes

i used to always be in the hunt for the

perfect decor

item or a painting or vase that would

fit perfectly into my space

but i came to a clear realization that i

really didn't find

any value in these items because when i

started to declutter

these were the first items in the donate

or sell pile

more than ever i'm learning how to

appreciate the empty spaces in my home

instead of trying to fill every room

with something

for simple decor i do like to have

plants in my space

i love the green that it adds to my

extended living space

and also it acts like a privacy fence

for my neighbors


i've been propagating plants from my

cuttings and it's such an easy way to

work with

what i already have it's so easy to do

this with my devil's ivy

monstera pineapple succulents

and it's a great way to add life and

green into my space

without spending any money on other

decor items


minimalism is all about living with less

and i think that

also includes eliminating unnecessary


repairing something might be more effort

and more time instead of just purchasing

something to replace it

but i think this mindset can help us to

save a lot of money

in the long run on an individual level


also help to slow down product waste

and reduce what goes to the landfills

surprisingly so many things are simple

to fix

and now we have the power of the

internet to help us fix

pretty much anything if you can't do it

it might be a good chance to look up

different services in your community

get to know your local tailor cobbler


electronic technician yes you'll have to

pay the service fee but

it will most likely be a fraction of the

cost of the brand new item

if you were to replace it

we just picked up these bikes from

grandma's house and i'm so excited to

ride them

it's not exactly the beach cruiser that

i've always wanted but

it's okay because i know that i will get

the same value out of them

and i think that's what's important

one of the ways that has truly saved me

a lot of money

is to take the time and do the research

ahead of time
i found that the more informed and

organized i am

the less likely i'm able to make impulse


i try to do this with every purchase i'm

going to make so something as small as

picking out the right shampoo or going

to pick

a restaurant we want to eat at to larger


like looking up reviews on a camera or a


or researching the market before we

invest in a property

i noticed that i have less regrets about

my decisions

and i cut down my impulse buying habits

by taking a little extra time to


it gives me the time to ask myself if

it's worth the cost

what will be the cost of use will i get

enough value out of it

is it something i want to take care of

is it worth taking up the space in my


after going through these questions i

can really

filter out the things i need to purchase

and sometimes

i'll decide not to buy it at all


shopping second hand is second nature to

me now

before i buy anything i'll look at

second-hand stores

thrift stores garage sales to see if i

can buy second hand



if it's only going to be used once or


we can even borrow from our friends

families neighbors

or look into renting it


if we can get the same value out of the

item i don't think it's necessary to buy

it brand new

at market price when there are people

who are also trying to get rid of that


exact item

i feel like there are already so many

things out there in the world

and if we can do our part to try to look

for a second hand or

pre-owned item first then we can really

make a difference
in slowing down product production and

stop throwing away perfectly good items

that could be used

in someone else's home

my mailbox and inbox were always filled


promotions coupons discounts just

unsolicited advertisement and this can

feel really

overwhelming and exhausting not to


really really tempting to want to spend

money on that good deal

that you are always missing out on if

you are like me

and don't want to spend your time

sorting through mails and emails

or you don't want to be tempted by these

sales and offers

then i highly suggest taking an

afternoon to

unsubscribe from the newsletters and

email promotions

from all the different companies if you

want to stop getting

unsolicited mail emails and phone calls

i'll leave a link in the description on

how you can opt out of receiving them

not having the constant reminders of the

black friday sales

promotions discounts that's going on

really help me to stop making

impulse purchases if i need to buy an


i want to be the one doing the research

to find the company

i want to purchase from and not the

other way around

these are the eight minimalist habits

that can help you to save

money and the best thing about it is


little simple adjustments in our day to

day and

you will be able to see the effects in

the long term

another youtube creator alex made a

video on

investing and minimalism which i thought

it was a really interesting video so

if you want to check it out then i will

leave the link in the description below

thank you guys always for watching and

until next time

take care bye



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