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Analysis of online social networks may

Weaving a Web of Trust provide a metric for establishing trust in

user-generated content.
Jennifer Golbeck

ncreasingly, people are to users on the basis of user profiles, are pop-
studying social and col- ular and have been successful for topics as
laborative Web technolo- diverse as movies (6) and ski routes (7).
gies for use in science (1, 2). E-mail, where the trust that the recipient has
However, issues such as pri- in the sender is used to rank messages (13), is
vacy, confidentiality, and trust another application. Peer-to-peer systems
arise around the use of these have also used trust from social networks to
technologies. Science is cru- improve routing by relying on peers con-
cially based on knowing pro- trolled by trusted people (14).
venance—who produced what, These applications have been evaluated
how and where—and on the and shown to improve the way people access
Web, trusting scientific infor- user-generated content. However, there is
mation is becoming more dif- much work to be done in this area. The most
ficult for both scientists and critical is identifying sources of trusted infor-
the general public. User-gen- mation. Although we have algorithms that
erated content, even from pro- work well on social networks where users rate
fessionals, can be opinionated Got it…with a little help from my “trusted” friends. the trustworthiness of their peers, this sensi-
(both informed and uninfor- tive information is never publicly shared,
med), inaccurate, and deceiving. With an important. Further experiments have shown making it difficult for third-party applications
overwhelming amount of information of that filtering information based on trust is par- to make use of that trust. More mechanisms
questionable origin and reliability, finding ticularly effective when the user’s opinion dif- are needed that can infer trust accurately from
trusted information created by trusted people fers from that of the average population (6). less sensitive sources. Further development is
is the new challenge. The use of social trust Essentially, when users most need informa- also necessary to understand the circum-
relationships for this task is both practical and tion based on their viewpoint, using social stances where trust offers the most benefit. In
necessary as the Web evolves. trust can provide it. current research, trust-based applications
The term “trust” has traditionally been The most important challenge to using never perform worse than simpler counter-
used in a security context, referring to authen- social trust in this way is estimating how much parts, but they do not always perform appre-
tication, identity, and authorization. Advances one user will trust another. With hundreds of ciably better. We have some initial insights
in these areas have been critical for the Web to millions of users on the Web, it is extremely into when trust works best, but a more system-
evolve as it has. However, with the increase in unlikely that any two will know one another. atic understanding will improve when and
user-generated content, a new type of trust is There are hundreds of online social networks how we use it.
needed. Social trust relationships capture with more than a billion accounts among them. Social trust relationships may transform
similarity in perspective. Sociological defini- This wealth of publicly available social rela- the way scientists, and the general public, use
tions of trust generally have two major com- tionships offers one mechanism for estimating the Web. Over the past 5 years, research has
ponents: a belief and a willingness to take trust between users. A number of algorithms shown the practicality of computing social
some action based on that belief (3, 4). exist for computing trust from social networks trust and the benefits of using it. As the
Although this type of trust is often unsuitable (7–10) that rely on the network structure amount of user-generated content increases,
for critical security applications, it has other or similarity measures between users. How- the need for this social approach to infor-
uses that are leading it to become more impor- ever, these algorithms have only just begun mation filtering also grows. The success of
tant. In the context of the Web, trust translates to explore the space of understanding the trust-based methods depends on additional re-
to belief that an information producer will dynamics of trust and trying to compute it. search to identify where they offer the most
create useful information, plus a willingness Techniques from machine learning and proba- benefit, as well as an understanding that social
to commit some time to reading and process- bilistic reasoning could be used to create better trust is needed on the Web as much as it is in
ing it. Thus, if users can identify the informa- algorithms for trust inference. The complex the real world.
tion producers they trust online, then they can systems approaches to understanding network
spend their time more effectively by working structure (11) and dynamics and discovering References
with information from them. community structure (12) also hold promise. 1. C. A. Goble, D. C. De Roure, in WORKS ’07: Proceedings
of the 2nd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-
Research has shown that trust is a good Once established, the benefits of trust Scale Science (Association for Computing Machinery,
metric for identifying useful content; trust come from using it in applications. For the sci- New York, 2007), pp. 1–2.
reflects similarity in opinions both overall (5) entific community, trust can add context to

2. N. Gray, T. Linde, Semantic Knowledge Underpinning

and in nuanced ways that are especially content, using it to rate, sort, and filter infor- Astronomy (SKUA): Case for Support to Joint Information
Systems Committee e-Infrastructure Programme, June
mation. The benefits of trust have been shown 2007,
College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, through several more general applications. 3. M. Deutsch, The Resolution of Conflict (Yale Univ. Press,
College Park, MD 20742, USA. E-mail: Recommender systems, which suggest items New Haven, CT, 1973).

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Published by AAAS

4. P. Sztompka, Trust: A Sociological Theory (Cambridge Machinery, New York, 2005), pp. 1589–1593. 11. M. Mitchell, Artif. Intell. 170, 1194 (2006).
Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999). 8. U. Kuter, J. Golbeck, in Proceedings of the National 12. M. Girvan, M. E. Newman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
5. C.-N. Ziegler, J. Golbeck, Decision Support Serv. 43, 460 Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (2007), 99, 7821 (2002).
(2006). 13. J. Golbeck, J. Hendler, in Proceedings of the First
6. J. Golbeck, in Proceedings of the Fourth International 9. R. Levien, A. Aiken, in 7th USENIX Security Symposium Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (IEEE Computer
Conference on Trust Management, K. Stølen et al., Eds. (USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, 1998), pp. 229–242. Society Press, 2004),
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006), pp. 93–104. 10. C.-N. Ziegler, G. Lausen, in Proceedings of the IEEE pdf.
7. P. Avesani, P. Massa, R. Tiella, in Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, 14. S. Marti, thesis, Stanford University (2005).
Association for Computing Machinery Symposium on and e-Service (IEEE Computer Society Press, Taipei,
Applied Computing (Association for Computing 2004). 10.1126/science.1163357


Apoptosis Turbocharges Epithelial Mechanical forces that contribute to tissue

movement during animal morphogenesis may
include those generated by cell death during
Morphogenesis development.

Lance A. Davidson

rogrammed cell death, or apoptosis, over the embryo. Their study is the most closure (4), elongation of the germ band
occurs throughout animal development. recent example of quantitative analyses of (comprising multiple germ layers on the ven-
In the fruit fly Drosophlia melano- morphogenesis in Drosophila, addressing tral side of the embryo that curves around the
gaster, apoptosis occurs in distinctly restricted questions on the physical mechanics of dorsal embryo) (5, 6), cell shape changes in the
patterns as tissues and organs form (1). First ommatidia during compound eye develop-
thought to play a role in eliminating mal- Drosophila embryogenesis ment (7), as well as the origin of epithelial
formed cells during embryogenesis, flies with Amnioserosa architecture (8) and maintenance during wing
mutations in apoptosis genes showed lethal Epidermis differentiation (9).
phenotypes (2). Although the role of apoptosis Epithelial morphogenesis is the sum of a
during early stages of morphogenesis ap- variety of cellular and mechanical processes,
peared critical, the reasons were not clear. On but how do they integrate with each other? For
page 1683, in this issue, Toyama et al. (3) the actions of cells on one side of the embryo
reveal that programmed cell death contributes to contribute to movements on the other,
to the mechanical forces that drive cell move- forces generated at one side must be transmit-
ments and cell shape changes during epithe- Dorsal closure ted through physical connections between
lial morphogenesis in the Drosophila embryo cells to move tissues on the other side. Forces
Tension Tension
to construct the free-living larva. may originate from a single source or from
The early embryo establishes the larval multiple locations, but the tissue movements
Zippering force Zippering force
body plan, protecting internal organs and are in response to the sum of vector forces
muscles within a tough epidermis. Once gas- from these multiple locations. The challenge
trulation has positioned mesoderm and endo- is to distinguish between forces that are due to
derm, a process called dorsal closure com- nonautonomous macroscopic phenomena
pletes the body plan by sealing yolk and the like germ-band retraction, or autonomous
amnioserosa, the last of extraembryonic tis- Dorsal closure processes, such as contraction of the apical
sues, within the epidermis (see the figure). At Epi regions of cells within the amnioserosa, or the
Passive mechanical de
the start of dorsal closure, the amnioserosa rm removal of apoptotic cells from particular
resistance i
and dorsal epidermis are adjacent to each locations, as they contract their exposed sur-

other, forming a cohesive epithelial sheet of face and move into the embryo. Resolving this
cells tightly connected by junctions along Tension “vector sum” into constituent forces will help
their outer apical surface. to determine how specific cellular and molec-
Multiple forces drive dorsal closure as the ular processes contribute to dorsal closure.
dorsal epidermis spreads and amnioserosal Unlike complex three-dimensional cases
cells constrict. These opposing changes in sur- of epithelial morphogenesis that involve
face areas ensure closure. Through a detailed cell bending or rolling an epithelial sheet of cells
biomechanical analysis that combines high- into a tube, the two-dimensional mechanics

resolution imaging and cell and genetic within the plane of a sheet of epithelial cells

manipulation, Toyama et al. find that apopto- makes dorsal closure more tractable and

ro sa
sis contributes between half and a third of the Contraction force in appealing to theoreticians and physicists. In
neighboring cells
forces needed to seal the dorsal epithelium previous work (4), the group behind the cur-
The sum of forces. A schematic of dorsal closure in rent study revealed the relative forces driving
Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, the Drosophila embryo. Multiple forces contribute dorsal closure and their tissue origins. Using
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. E-mail: to, and resist, closure. laser microdissection, they cut slits in the SCIENCE VOL 321 19 SEPTEMBER 2008 1641

Published by AAAS

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