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Class - 8 Lesson 18

The Malankara Church up to 9th Century

(Christian migrations to South India)

1. Which were the majorChristian migrations to Kerala?

a.The first migration of A.D. 345 was under the leadership of Knai Thomman

b. The second migration of A.D. 825 was under the leadership of Sabore Easow (Sabrisho).

2. What were the reasons and significance of the migration under Knai Thomman?

During the reign of Shapur II, the Christians in Persia had been subjected to severe persecutions. In order to

escape from this, a group of Christians,under the leadership of Knai Thomman migrated to South India

which was connected to Persia through trade. The group consisted of 400 people from 72 families which

included one bishop called Mar Ouseph, two priests, two deacons besides women and children.

3. Explain the origin of the name ‘Thekkumbhagakkar’?

The migrants reached Kodungallur and accepted the patronage of the ruler Cheraman Perumal. Since they

resided in the southern side of Kodungallur they are known as the Southists (‘Thekkumbhagakkar’).

4.What is meant by ‘Knai Thomman Chepped’.?

The migrants reached Kodungallur and accepted the patronage of the ruler Cheraman Perumal. Their interest in

trade helped them in acquiring enough freedom and rights. The local ruler granted them several civil rights

which have been inscribed on the copper plates. They are called ‘Knai Thomman Chepped’.

5. What was the earlier status of the present-day ‘Kadisha’ churches?

In A.D. 925 the 2 Bishops- Mar Sabore and Mar Proth were canonized and churches were dedicated in their

name. But, in later times, the Portuguese Roman Catholics banned the canonization and renamed the churches

‘Kadisha’ churches (E.g.: Kadisha churches in Kollam and Kayamkulam).

6. The importance of Persian migrations?

a) Corroborated the traditions of St. Thomas in Malankara (the Persian Church also was established by St. Thomas).

b) Enhanced the social status of the Christians in India.

c) Starting of Kollam era.

d) Broadened the influence of Christianity.

e)Deepened the trade connection between Persia and India.

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