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Answers for revision sheets

YR 8
Topic: Applying ICT
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
• Data consist of raw facts and figures - it does not have any meaning
until it is processed and turned into something useful.
• Data comes in many forms, the main ones being text, numbers,
images and sound / animations
• Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be
meaningful to the person who receives it.
•Data can be stored in many different formats called data types
Q2. Define the following terms:

• Monochrome: using a range of shades of one colour

• Greyscale: using range of shades of grey
Q3. What can you enter, organize, develop, refine
and format using the following application
A. Word Processor

Enter: Text, Images, Graphics, Charts

Organize: Paragraphs, pagination, bullet points,
tables, wrapping
Develop: Add image captions, Duplicate text and
Refine: Spell check and thesaurus
Format: style, size, emphasis, color, export or publish
B. Database management
Enter: data into tables
Organize: sort, filter
Develop: New fields, relationships
Refine: Queries, group, validation
Format: export or publish options
C. Graphics
Enter: Text, Images
Organize: layers, positioning
Develop: resize, animation
Refine: filters
Format: export or publish options
D. Web authoring
Enter: Text, Images, buttons, animations
Organize: tables, frames
Develop: hyperlinks, navigations
Refine: menus
Format: font enhancements, alignment
E. Presentation
Enter: Text, Images, buttons, animations,
sound, video
Organize: contents on slide, slide sorter
Develop: animations, transitions
Refine: notes, timings
Format: master slide, font
F. Spreadsheet
Enter: Text, numbers
Organize: sort, filters, use of columns and
Develop: functions, formulae, graphs, charts
Refine: charts features, absolute referencing
Format: cell, column, row, sheet, print layout
Q4. What does the house style include?
• Images
• Colour
• Logos
• Type face or font style
• White space
• layouts
Q5. Differentiate between serif and sans serif
• There are two main font styles:
• Serif: A serif font is a type face that adds a short, flat
line, known as serif, to the end of some letter
• Sans Serif: A San serif font is a type face that does
not add serif to the end of letters. The word San means,
without, in French. For example, veranda is a sans serif
Q6. What are the Factors depending on the
Colour Choices of a document?
• Emotion and meaning
• Harmony
• Contrast
• Accessibility
Q7. Write methods of checking contents of a
• Automated checking tools (automated spelling and grammar check)
• Proof reading
Topic: File Management
Q1. Complete the table given below:
Q2. Fill in the blanks:
1. Short cut key for saving file: Ctrl + S
2. Snake case_is using underscores (underlines) to separate words in a file name.
3. Build date means the date_ on which a file was created
4. Build number is the number within a series of versions from the build date
5. A _folder holds one or more files, and a folder can be empty until it is filled.
6. A folder can also contain other folders , and there can be many levels of folders within folders.
Q3. What is a file extension?
• File extension: The letters at the end of the name of a computer file,
which show what type of file it is, such as .doc
Question at the back of the chapter:
Topic: Online services
List the drawback and benefits of the following online
services: Online shopping
Advantages Disadvantages
• Convenience -You can shop from any computer • Security concerns surrounding
with an internet connection any time while
avoiding the need to travel, pay for parking, payment by credit card over
queue in-store etc. the internet.
• Greater variety is available- more shops online • Not being able to physically inspect
than any high street or shopping center.
the goods before purchase.
• Cheaper goods -it increases competition between
retailers and brings down prices. • Cannot physically inspect the goods
• Accessibility - those with a disability that limits before purchase.
their mobility can choose to have goods
delivered. • Goods getting damaged during
• Comparability - using the internet it's easy to
research products or services very thoroughly, • Goods not arriving in time or at all.
comparing prices and product details in order to
get the best deal.
• Comparing products is easy.
List the drawback and benefits of the following
online services: Online Booking system
Advantages Disadvantages

• instantly find out availability • Risk buying from a website setup

to scam money out of customers,
• book out of office hours ie the tickets never come
• pay and receive confirmation • even when buying from genuine
(via email) immediately websites, the tickets may not arrive
in the post in time (where
• lower prices - access to a greater confirmation email cannot be used)
number of retailers increases • websites may not be able to cope
competition and prices fall with high demand (making them
List the drawback and benefits of the
following online services: Online banking
• Customer benefits • Customer concerns

• Convenience - banking when it suits • The closure of small, local branches

them, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
from any computer with an internet or reductions in opening hours.
connection. • The security of online banking,
• Higher interest rates - savings banks specifically hacking and credit card
make through reduced staffing, fewer
premises and increased automation fraud.
mean they can offer higher interest
rates. • Staffing reductions.
• Increased market awareness - visit all • As banking becomes increasingly
the banks and find out what interest reliant on technology these
rates they offer online.
concerns are set to increase.
Q. List some features of VLE and online
Features of VLE:
• Wall/timelines containing posts from teachers/students
• Noticeboard for the announcement of different courses
• Sharing video, audio, weblinks, files
• Online tests, that are often graded automatically
Features of Online Gaming:
• This allows users to play games that are hosted on a remote server.
• Sometimes these games are multiplayers, so that player can control
different characters in a game and other players can see their action in
the real time.
Q2. What is VLE?
• VLE stands for Virtual Learning Environment
• It is a website that contain teaching and learning tools
Q3. List some features of auction sites.
• Auction sites allow sellers to list items for sale for a certain period of
time and allows buyers to offer money for these items.
• Auction sites provide ratings for buyers.
• Auction sites provide ratings for sellers.
• Most auction sites also allow sellers to list items for sale with a fixed
Q4. List some benefits of online information
• Get up dated news
• Get updated traffic situations
• Get update weather forecast
• Receive updated notifications
Q5. List some negative impacts of online
goods and services.
Best of luck

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