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Which problem did you choose

School violence has never ceased to exist, somewhere there are still victims of school violence, so I
chose topic 2 to take measures to prevent, and to deal with individuals who cause school violence.

Understanding the problem

Choose a strategy for understanding the problem

Select the words and phrases in the topic to analyze, and then use the mind map to evaluate in more

Explain the strategy, and why you've chosen it

The selection of words and phrases to identify the main ideas, helps to link things to analysis . The mind
map helps me analyze in detail each of the main ideas, it helps me to see the problem from many
different sides, helping the analysis more closely, fully to find the best solutions.

Strategise for a solution

Choose a strategy for developing solutions to your chosen problem

Consider the extent and situation to come up with measures, effectively handle to solve the problem It
can be very rewarding.

Explain the strategy for developing solutions, and why you’ve chosen it

This strategy helps me clarify the problem, it helps me to see, analyze, and evaluate the factors that
affect the problem. School violence is a hot and common problem, and to say the cause of school
violence is very broad, the mindset helps us to deepen the chain, linking the problems from which to
come up with solutions.

Explain the solution options you have developed as a result of your chosen strategy
Currently, violence is increasingly common and carried out in many different forms and ways. School
violence can leave scars on the body and in the soul, the brain of the victim, which greatly affects their
lives, they can be afraid, obsessed, afraid to go to school and most seriously, they can commit suicide.
Because in order to protect a young generation from school violence in general, we need solutions such

When threatened, bullied students should strongly tell teachers, families to have help, protection from

The school should specially handle seriously, severe punishment and serious practice, not excluding any
Should regularly educate about these topics, the family must also contribute to observing and educating
their children at an early age so as not to form the habit of using violence to solve problems.

Evaluate solutions

Come up with criteria for evaluating solutions

1.Assess the severity of school violence

2. How to prevent the situation

Write your criteria in order of importance, and give reasons for your answer

Assessing the level is most important because it is the first thing to do to solve the problem, so that you
can then come up with the direction and the solution is worth it.

"How to prevent the situation" will rank last, from the problems and consequences will be able to grasp
effective measures for solving the above problem.

State your chosen solution and justify according to your criteria.

In order to prevent school violence, it is important to take seriously the treatment, with the aim of
taking the person who goes to the street to intimidate the latter, who intends to carry out school
violence. Since most educational institutions don't take it seriously, but only use mutual aid so that
things are forgotten in silence, it's bad that someone has done something bad without suffering
anything, it makes them and others think that no matter what, they won't be dealt with, And that's
increasing the level of violence. Therefore, if the school prohibits and handles violent situations
decisively, it will threaten the intentions of other students.

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