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Hular, Cristian Paulo L.

Ma’am Virginia Annabelle Tomelden

BSTM 3-A Professor

Transportation Management

The timeline of transport

Since historic times, to be able to efficiently circulate things and transport people, whether by land or by sea,
people always make ways to move from one island to another. The evolution of transportation has been huge
that was taken us from simple canoes up to reaching the universe by space travel and we never know as time is
goes by and many researchers and inventions are taking advantages to where we will go next or how we will be
getting in place after another decade.

Here’s a brief history of transportation from the first vehicles and inventions 900,000 years ago to the present.

4000 BC - Horses and camels are domesticated and used for transport.

3500 BC - Fixed wheels on carts are invented.

3500 BC - River boats are invented.

2000 BC - First chariots are built.

312 BC - Paved roads are built by the Romans.

1044 AD - Compass invented in China.

1662 - First horse-drawn public bus invented.

1783 - First hot air balloon launched.

1801 - First Steam 'road locomotive' is run.

1814 - First steam-powered railway train is built by George Stephenson.

1816 - The earliest bicycle is made.

1900 - First successful airship built by Ferdinand von Zeppelin.

1904 - Wright Brothers fly the first motor-driven aeroplane.

1908 - First Ford Cars manufactured.

1942 - V2 rocket travels 200 km.

1947 - First supersonic flight takes place.

1957 - First man-made satellite, Sputnik 1, launched into orbit.

1981 - First flight of the space shuttle lifts off, 20 years after the first manned space
The three modes of transport are by land, water or air. But I’m pretty sure that the first form of transport was
walking! What do you think? Before humans learned how to domesticate animals like horses and donkeys,
people's only mode of travel was to walk.

The History of Land Transport

4000 BC: The Domestication of Horses, Camels and Donkeys

Around 4000 BC, people learned to tame animals and use them for transportation and trade. Traveling long
distances and using animals that can lift heavier loads made travel and trade easier and more efficient, leaving
traces and footprints on the ground. It was the first major event in the history of transportation.

3500 BC: invention of the wheel Initially, the wooden wheel was a simple but very important invention in the
history of transportation. Invented in Iraq, the wheel was used to make vehicles pulled by animals such as
horses and carriages.

The invention of the wheel made possible in 2000 BC the invention of the first means of transport, such as a
carriage, allowing longer travel and trade.

Who built the first road? In England, the Romans built the first road network 2,000 years ago! The Romans
needed roads to develop their empire in England, and these roads are still in use today. However, the Romans
were not the first to invent roads. Roads in Mesopotamia (now known as Iraq) have been discovered that date
back to around 4000 BC.

The Industrial Revolution: Cars, Trains and Trams

During the 18th and 19th centuries, there were significant developments in transportation due to the Industrial
Revolution. Beginning in Britain, the Industrial Revolution saw the development of advanced machinery and
manufacturing that changed the way the world produced and traded goods. Alongside these industrial
developments, more advanced modes of transport were also created to cater to the developing world. During
the Industrial Revolution, the first bicycle was made, the first motorways were invented, and the first car was

When was the Car Invented? The first car with a gas engine was made in 1886 by Carl Benz. Cars continued to
develop around the world, and in 1908, the first Ford cars were manufactured in America. Now, there are
moreover 70 billion cars produced across the globe that run on petrol, battery and hydrogen.

When was the Train Invented? Early forms of trains date back thousands of years. But, the first train with a
steam engine was invented in 1814. Initially, trains were used to transport coal from mines. In the 1820s, the first
modern trains were built using steam locomotives, and trains became a common mode of transport for many.
Developed railway networks allowed people and goods to travel and be transported greater distances at a
quicker speed.

The History of Water Transport

The use of water to travel and trade dates back to 4000 BC, with the world's ancient civilizations using their
access to rivers and seas to develop the world's first trading networks, they became essential to survival and the
development of civilizations.

4000 BC - 3500 BC: The First River Boats

Who invented the first boat? Archaeological discoveries lead us to believe the first river boats were invented in
Ancient Egypt in 3500 BC. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Summer, the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia used began
using river boats, which they made out of wood, around 4000 - 3000 BC to trade. These early river boats
continued to change and develop, with later civilizations creating stronger boats that could tackle the rougher
seas and allow them to travel greater distances.

The Industrial Revolution: Steamboats and Ships, Large sailing ships and boats allowed people to travel the
seas, but it was during the Industrial Revolution that the first steamboats and motor motor-powered ships were
invented. The first steamboat was built in 1807 in America. The invention of large steam-powered boats was a
significant development in the history of transportation as it allowed people to travel and trade longer distances
with greater ease.
The first motor-powered ship was invented in the early 1900s, these ships became essential to trading around
the globe.

The History of Air Travel

As people began to understand more about the Earth's atmosphere in the 17th and 18th centuries, they
discovered the possibility of using the air for transport and travel. This initially came in the form of the hot air

1783: The First Hot Air Balloon

Using heated air, a large balloon and a large basket, the first hot air balloon was invented in 1783 in Paris,
France, and was the world's first human flight technology.

Who Invented the Aeroplane?

In 1902, the Wright Brothers invented the world's first controlled, powered aircraft, named the Wright Flyer. The
Wright Brothers invention is known as one of the most significant events in the history of transportation. Aircraft
continued to develop, with World War II advancing the speed of aircraft production. An essential part of military
operations, bomber aircraft, such as the Lancaster, were invented. After the war ended, people began
developing commercial flight. The first commercial flight and aeroplane
was flown by De Havilland Comet in 1952.

The History of Space Travel

In the mid-late 20th century, rockets were developed that could overcome the force of gravity and travel out of
the Earth's atmosphere.

In 1942, the V2 rocket travelled 200 km. The invention of the rocket was the significant first step in the history of
space travel.

In 1956, the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space. The first human
spaceflight took place in 1961 and was engineered by the Soviet Union, with Yuri Gagarin becoming the first
human to orbit Earth.

When was the First Moon Landing? The first successful spaceflight to the Moon was made in 1969, with Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin being the first astronauts on the Moon. Several spaceflights to the
Moon took place from 1969 and 1972.

In the 1970s, satellites were used every day and international space stations were established. Spacecrafts
continued to develop, and in 1981, the first Space Shuttle was launched.

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