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Shushrusha Counseling]Guidance And Training Institute]Islampur

Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology Rajaramnagar]Sakharale

Urja Prakalp


Intellectual Ability Test (SPM) :- Interpretation

Sr. No. Percentile Rank Interpretation

1 95 and Next Superior

2 75 To 94 Above Average

3 25 To 74 Average

4 25 Less Than Below Average

5 05 Less Than May be Intellectually Impaired

Shushrusha Counseling]Guidance And Training Institute]Islampur
Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology Rajaramnagar]Sakharale
Urja Prakalp
Testing Report
RIT S.Y.Students Educational And All Devlopmental Progress For this purpose Urja
Project2016-17 This Educational Year.All Student behind Psychological Testing Arengements
all Students are Co-Oprative.
�Intellectual Ability Test (SPM) %
The SPM is a nonverbal mental ability test that solution of problems . the SPM measures
observation skills, clear thinking ability, intellectual capacity and intellectual efficiency .specifically
the SPM measures the ability to :
 Formulate new concepts when faced with novel information
 Extract meaning out of confusion or ambiguity
 Think clearly about complex situations and events
The SPM score indicates potential for success in positions that typically require clear and
accurate thinking , problem identification and evaluation of tentative solutions for consistency with all
available information .
The current State of Intelligence Level of Student In Our Collage Who are Belonging in the
Project is as Follow :-

Category Total
Superior 31
Above Average 33
Average 11
Below Average 0
Re-Test 0
Absent 0
Total 75
• Aptitude Test (DBDA):

Aptitude test
Aptitude is ability to learn specific knowledge and skill through training
Aptitude is important for professional , educational success .we use and subtest
for measuring aptitude and given stenscore

•Verbal Reasoning (VA) :

Verbal reasoning ability is important for any work involving the communication of
ideas or the interpretation of written material. It can also be important for many kinds of
work, in which analytical thinking is required. Areas of work in which these abilities are
required are professional jobs (e.g. lawyer, doctor, teacher), technological jobs (e.g. engineer,
computer programmer), business (e.g. management, sales, marketing and advertising),
scientific work and also many fields of work in which communication is of primary
importance (e.g. training, work involving the production of written material and
administrative positions)

Category Total
Extremely High 0
High 0
Average 21
Below Average 54
Poor 0
Absent 0
Total 75
•Numerical Reasoning (NA) :
Numerical ability is important for work in the technical professions such as science,
engineering and architecture. It is also important for many jobs in business and finance (e.g.
sales forecasting, banking, etc) and is very much needed for work in accounting. In the
technical area, numerical ability is relevant to any sort of work in which calculations or
precise measurements need to be made (for instance, surveying, joinery or laboratory work).
It is also important for many clerical or administrative jobs (e.g. local government, accounts
administration, etc.).
Numerical ability is also needed for many courses of training and further study. Your
score on this test suggests that you would manage reasonably well with the basic maths you
would need in many courses, although you should probably avoid those fields in which a high
level of mathematical ability is required

Category Total
Extremely High 0
High 6
Average 54
Below Average 15
Poor 0
Absent 0
Total 75
•Spatial Ability (SA)
Spatial Ability is concerned with perceiving spatial patterns accurately,and following
the orientation of figures when their position in a plane or space is altered . This ability has
been extensively studied over the years and has been seen as an indicator of non verbal , or to
some extent, culture-fair intelligence, since its dependence on acculturation and learning is
minimal . In DBDA SA is assessed by items in Which the subject must be able to determine
quickly whether two-dimensional figures have been merely turned around (rotated)or, they
are turned over and rotated (reversed).this ability is found to be high in individuals who
aresuccessfuly in geometrical drawing drafting vocational traning ,and in art and design . it is
a predictor of occupations involving figural materials,such as those dealine with shopwork
architecture building construction,engineering , commercial art , dress designing , die –
making, and decoration , etc

Category Total
Extremely High 4
High 0
Average 33
Below Average 0
Poor 38
Absent 0
Total 75
• Closure Ability (CA) :
Closure Ability is primarily a perceptual ability measured by the DBDA . CA is a speed
test assessed by items in which the examinee must look at a “mutilated word ,I.e.,a word with
parts of the letters missing , decide what the word is , and then find which one of the five
jumbled options spells that word when unjumbled. CA can be expected to be relevant to
success in courses and occupations involving speedy visual perception , such as those
concerned with office and shopwork , architecture , computer programming and data
processing,art and designing,et

Category Total
Extremely High 1
High 0
Average 33
Below Average 41
Poor 0
Absent 0
Total 75
 Clerical Ability (CL):
Clerical Ability is perceptual activity primarily concerned with making rapid
evaluations of features of visual stimuli . in cl the perceptual speed and accuracy is measured
by items in which the examinee must rapidly assess the sameness or difference of paired
groups of letters or numbers.
Cl is important to success in many tasks involving record-keeping,filing ,taking
inventories dispatching,coding,and other similar jobs

Category Total
Extremely High 1
High 0
Average 44
Below Average 0
Poor 30
Absent 0
Total 75
• Reasoning Ability (RA) :
Reasoning Ability Refers to the ability to apply the process of induction or to reason
from some specific information to a general principal
RA is important to success in many areas particularly those that stress logic,such as
courses and occupations in mathematics or related pursuits,computer programming ,
engineering , sciences and scientific technology .
Reasoning ability level of Student in our college who are belonging in the project is as
follow :

Category Total
Extremely High 14
High 0
Average 47
Below Average 14
Poor 0
Absent 0
Total 75
• Mechanical Reasoning (MA) :
The Mechanical Reasoning test measures the ability to understand the basic
principles of machinery, of tools and of physical relationships between things. This ability is
important for any sort of work involving the design, operation or repair of equipment and is
also very important in the field of engineering and in some areas of product design.
Examples of jobs in which mechanical ability is important are motor mechanic, gas fitter and
repairer, industrial fitter, production engineer, civil engineer, aero-engineer, surveyor,
electrician, carpenter, machine operator, product designer and builder

Category Total
Extremely High 0
High 0
Average 28
Below Average 0
Poor 47
Absent 0
Total 75
• Psycho – Motor Ability (PM) :
Psycho – Motor Ability Here Refers to Precise Movements Requiring eye-hand co-
ordination under highly speeded conditions . PM ability can be considered one of fine muscle
dexterity, primarily manual .Pm test can also be associated with the MA test, as its importance
to success in mechanical – technological endeavors is well – established .
PM can be expected to be relevant for success in assembly line work, drafting, and
clerical jobs .

Category Total
Extremely High 43
High 0
Average 29
Below Average 3
Poor 0
Absent 0
Total 75
Shushrusha Counseling]Guidance And Training Institute]Islampur
Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology Rajaramnagar]Sakharale Urja Prakalp

Conclusion/Test findings :-

To achieve the objectives of Ability testing run for S.Y. B.Tech.(Automobile )standard
Engineering students, the standardized psychological test was used to assess students
Intelligence, as well as their, Aptitude Test].Test findings are as follows :

No. Test Used Objective Finding Recommendation

( Interpretationwise number of
Students )

Intellegence Ability
1.To identify the  Superior Intelligence = 31 1 Below average and
 Above Average
1. Standard Intellectual level Intelligence = 33 poor Intelligence
Progressive of participated  Average Intelligence = 11 Student may have
Matrices Student  Below average difficulty in complete
Intelligence =0
(SPM)  Poor=0 syllabus, they need
 ReTest=0 Special counselling &
 Absent=0 Training
Aptitude Test

i. Numerical To identify the  Extremely High =0 1 Average, below

 High Level =6
Ability Abstract  Average Level =54
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =15 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =0 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 their syllabus they need
Student Special counselling &
ii. Reasoning 1. To identify the  Extremely High =14 1 Average, Below
Ablilty  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =47
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =14 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =0 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
iii. Spatial 1. To identify the  Extremely High =4 1 Average, Below
Ability  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =33
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =0 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =38 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
iv. Mechanical 1. To identify the  Extremely High =0 1 Average, Below
Ability  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =28
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =0 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =47 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
v. Clerical 1. To identify the  Extremely High =1 1 Average, Below
Ability  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =44
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =0 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =30 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
vi. Closure 1. To identify the  Extremely High =1 1 Average, Below
Ability  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =33
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =41 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =0 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
vii. Verbal 1. To identify the  Extremely High =0 1 Average, Below
Ability  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =21
Average and Poor level
Reasoning  Below Average Level =54 Student may have
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =0 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training
viii. Psycho 1. To identify the  Extremely High =43 1 Average, Below
Motor  High Level =0
Mechanical  Average Level =29
Average and Poor level
Ability Reasoning Student may have
 Below Average Level =3
Aptitude level of  Poor Level =0 difficulty to complete
participated  Absent =0 Physics syllabus they
Student need Special counselling
& Training

Name :- Iti Bhavana Basavraj Testing Date:- 06/08/2016

Add :- Islampur Age :- 19 yrs
Branch:- C.S.E Roll No:- 12345


Test PR/RS Interpretation

General Intellectual Ability 90 Above Average

1. Closure Ability 05 Average

2. Clerical Ability 06 Average

3 Mechanical Aptitude 07 Average

4. Numerical Ability 05 Average


5. Psycho Motor Ability 10 Extremely High

6. Reasoning Ability 07 Average

7. .Space Relations 03 Poor

8. Verbal Ability 04 Average

Mr. Kalidas Patil

Mr.Anand Bhosale
M.A.(Psychology) M.A.(Clinical Psychology)
Psychologist/Child & Family Counselor Clinical Psychologist
R.C.I. Reg. No.- A06638 R.C.I. Reg. No.- A09893
• Intellectual Ability Test (SPM)

The SPM is a nonverbal mental ability test that solution of problems . the SPM
measures observation skills, clear thinking ability, intellectual capacity and intellectual
efficiency .specifically the SPM measures the ability to :
 Formulate new concepts when faced with novel information
 Extract meaning out of confusion or ambiguity
 Think clearly about complex situations and events
The SPM score indicates potential for success in positions that typically require
clear and accurate thinking , problem identification and evaluation of tentative solutions for
consistency with all available information . such positions may include middle management ,
supervisory and equivalent level technical or professional non managerial positions . the
nonverbal aspect of SPM minimizes the impact language skill on performance on the
assessment .
Intelligence Ability Test
It means individuals intellectual maturity and logical ability intellectual ability
develops through the interaction of intellectual and environment
In this report percentile rank is given by measuring intellectual ability which
indicate the present status of intellectual functioning

Your Percentile Rank (PR) is 90 which indicate Above Average Intelligence Functioning
• Aptitude Test (DBDA):

Aptitude test
Aptitude is ability to learn specific knowledge and skill through training
Aptitude is important for professional , educational success .we use and subtest
for measuring aptitude and given stenscore

• Closure Ability (CA) :

Closure Ability is primarily a perceptual ability measured by the DBDA . CA is a speed
test assessed by items in which the examinee must look at a “mutilated word ,I.e.,a word with
parts of the letters missing , decide what the word is , and then find which one of the five
jumbled options spells that word when unjumbled. CA can be expected to be relevant to
success in courses and occupations involving speedy visual perception , such as those
concerned with office and shopwork , architecture , computer programming and data
processing,art and designing,etc

Your sten score of CA is 5 which indicate Average Ability

• Clerical Ability (CL) :

Clerical Ability is perceptual activity primarily concerned with making rapid
evaluations of features of visual stimuli . in cl the perceptual speed and accuracy is measured
by items in which the examinee must rapidly assess the sameness or difference of paired
groups of letters or numbers.
Cl is important to success in many tasks involving record-keeping,filing ,taking
inventories dispatching,coding,and other similar jobs.

Your sten score of CL is 6 which indicate Average Ability

• Mechanical Reasoning (MA) :

The Mechanical Reasoning test measures the ability to understand the basic
principles of machinery, of tools and of physical relationships between things. This ability is
important for any sort of work involving the design, operation or repair of equipment and is
also very important in the field of engineering and in some areas of product design.
Examples of jobs in which mechanical ability is important are motor mechanic, gas fitter and
repairer, industrial fitter, production engineer, civil engineer, aero-engineer, surveyor,
electrician, carpenter, machine operator, product designer and builder.

Your score on this test was very high indeed. This, combined with your high score
on the Abstract Reasoning test, suggests that you would be well suited both to mechanical
work in which a degree of theoretical understanding was important (e.g. mechanical or
aeronautical engineer or technician) and also to work in which diagnosis of mechanical
systems and fault finding played a part.

Your sten score of MA is 7 which indicate Average Ability

•Numerical Reasoning (NA) :

Numerical ability is important for work in the technical professions such as science,
engineering and architecture. It is also important for many jobs in business and finance (e.g.
sales forecasting, banking, etc) and is very much needed for work in accounting. In the
technical area, numerical ability is relevant to any sort of work in which calculations or
precise measurements need to be made (for instance, surveying, joinery or laboratory work).
It is also important for many clerical or administrative jobs (e.g. local government, accounts
administration, etc.).
Numerical ability is also needed for many courses of training and further study. Your score
on this test suggests that you would manage reasonably well with the basic maths you would
need in many courses, although you should probably avoid those fields in which a high level
of mathematical ability is required.

Your sten score of NA is 5 which indicate Average Ability

• Psycho – Motor Ability (PM) :

Psycho – Motor Ability Here Refers to Precise Movements Requiring eye-hand co-
ordination under highly speeded conditions . PM ability can be considered one of fine muscle
dexterity, primarily manual .Pm test can also be associated with the MA test, as its importance
to success in mechanical – technological endeavors is well – established .
PM can be expected to be relevant for success in assembly line work, drafting, and
clerical jobs .

Your sten score of PM is 10 which indicate Extremely High Ability

• Reasoning Ability (RA) :

Reasoning Ability Refers to the ability to apply the process of induction or to reason
from some specific information to a general principal
RA is important to success in many areas particularly those that stress logic,such as courses
and occupations in mathematics or related pursuits,computer programming , engineering ,
sciences and scientific technology .

Your sten score of RA is 7 which indicate Average Ability

•Spatial Ability (SA)

Spatial Ability is concerned with perceiving spatial patterns accurately,and following

the orientation of figures when their position in a plane or space is altered . This ability has
been extensively studied over the years and has been seen as an indicator of non verbal , or to
some extent, culture-fair intelligence, since its dependence on acculturation and learning is
minimal . In DBDA SA is assessed by items in Which the subject must be able to determine
quickly whether two-dimensional figures have been merely turned around (rotated)or, they
are turned over and rotated (reversed).this ability is found to be high in individuals who
aresuccessfuly in geometrical drawing drafting vocational traning ,and in art and design . it is
a predictor of occupations involving figural materials,such as those dealine with shopwork
architecture building construction,engineering , commercial art , dress designing , die –
making, and decoration , etc
SA is a good measure of ability to deal with concrete materials through visualization

Your sten score of SA is 3 which indicate Poor Ability

•Verbal Reasoning (VA) :

Verbal reasoning ability is important for any work involving the communication of
ideas or the interpretation of written material. It can also be important for many kinds of
work, in which analytical thinking is required. Areas of work in which these abilities are
required are professional jobs (e.g. lawyer, doctor, teacher), technological jobs (e.g. engineer,
computer programmer), business (e.g. management, sales, marketing and advertising),
scientific work and also many fields of work in which communication is of primary
importance (e.g. training, work involving the production of written material and
administrative positions).

It is also important to have fairly good verbal skills if you wish to undertake further
training or study, especially in one of the more academic fields. Given your score on the
Verbal Reasoning Test, there are probably many courses for which you would have quite a
sufficient level of verbal skill

Your sten score of VA is 4 which indicate Average Ability

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