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Friday, June 10, 2022

LIRA 2 JUNE 2022

LIRA 2 JUNE 2022


Class N5BA1111B

Heart, nerve, and sinew were mentioned in the poem. What does this aspect have to do with the
value of being a Man?
The poem If by Rudyard Kipling is about a father who encourages his son to maintain calm and
gentlemen and their daily lives. Based on this poem, heart, nerve, and sinew have to do with the value of
being a man and are shown when society expected a man to be strong and masculine. The heart of a
man is expected to endure any hardships physically and mentally. To the nerves of a man is about
feelings of anger that are hard to control to solve problems. Finally, the sinew for these men is that
strong men bear a heavy burden because they are the head of the family and they are also given the
responsibility to feed the family. Finally, the heart, nerves, and sinew can be considered an excellent
value of a man. This must become the gold standard for a good man in society.

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