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You saw your brother/sister at a shopping mall when he/she was supposed to be in school.
When he/she returned home in the afternoon, you talk to him/her about the effects of being
absent from school and its consequences. Act out the scene that takes place in your
brother’s/sister’s room.



Ain Hi sis! good afternoon

Afiqah Hi, did you just get back from school?

Ain Yes, I just got back from school.

Afiqah What transport did you take today?

Ain I took the MRT today because it was faster to get home than
taking the bus.

Afiqah I have something to tell you. Can we chat a bit?

Ain Sure. What is it?

Afiqah I go to the shopping mall today to buy some groceries and I

saw you there. So that means you did not go to school today

Ain Yeah, I skipped school today.

Afiqah Why did you do that?

Ain I follow my friend

Afiqah You should not skip school. This is a bad habit that should
not be practiced.

Ain Yes, I know but this was my first time skipping school.

Afiqah If you skip school once, you'll most likely skip it again. This
can lead to the habit of absent a lot more classes from one
to another. It is better not to give yourself the opportunity to
develop this habit.

Ain This the last time i will skip school.

Afiqah Did you know the effect of being absent from school?

Ain I didn't know. Could you tell me?

Afiqah Absence from school without reasonable reason will affect

your attendance record. It will become discipline problems.
This is not good for your images if you decide to further your
studying or even get a job.

Ain Thank you sis for tell me this. I promise not to skip school

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