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Listening Comprehension Section Test 
1. * I really enjoyed that article
* Me, too

What does the man mean?

1. He isn’t too fond of reading.

2. He would like to read the articles, too.
3. He read two articles.
4. He agrees with the woman.

2. * How long is Grace doing at her new job?

* I haven’t heard from her lately.

What does the man imply about Grace?

1. He hasn’t spoken to her for awhile.

2. She doesn’t hear well.
3. She has been going to work late.
4. She enjoys her new jobs.

3. * Excuse me. Where can I find the milk?

* It’s in the dairy section next to the cheese.

Where does the conversation probably take place?

1. In a Laundromat.
2. On a farm.
3. In a grocery store.
4. At a restaurant.

4. * I heard you’re not feeling well.
* I just seem to be going from bad to worse.

What does the woman mean?

1. She’s going to bed.

2. She’s feeling much better.
3. She’s feeling worse all the time.
4. She’s going to see a doctor.

5. * Isn’t this a gorgeous painting!

* No kidding!

What does the woman mean?

1. She doesn’t like the painting.

2. She thinks the man is joking.
3. There are no children in the painting.
4. She agrees with the man.

6. * I need to study for my history midterm.

* Shouldn’t you study for your English test, too?

What does the man suggest?

1. The woman shouldn’t study too hard.

2. He doesn’t want to study for any more tests.
3. The woman should study for both tests.
4. There are too many tests this term.

7. * What the matter, Mary?

* Are you having trouble with your lab experiment?

* I’m at the end of my rope!

How does Mary feel?

8. * Professor Carvellas, would it be possible for me to take my exam
a few days ahead of schedule

* Sure thing.

What does Professor Carvellas mean?

1. He has to check on a few things first.

2. He has never heard of such a thing.
3. The woman may take the test early
4. He isn’t sure it will be possible.

9. * Did you ever make that phone call?

* Actually, I got Janice to do it.

What does the man mean?

1. Janice called someone for him.

2. He didn’t actually make it home.
3. Janice called him.
4. He took Janice home.

10. * When will Karen finish her thesis?

* I don’t know.

* She keeps putting it off

What does the man say about Karen?

1. She has finished her writing.

2. He doesn’t know where she put her things.
3. She is postponing her work.
4. He doesn’t know when she will do the thesis.

11. * I went skiing yesterday
* Oh, so there was snow after all. 

What had the women assumed?

1. That the man had fallen in the snow.

2. That the man didn’t like to sky.
3. That there wouldn’t be any snow.
4. That the weather would be too bad for traveling.

12. * I’m not sure where the cafeteria is.

* It’s not far.

* Why don’t we walk over there together

What is the woman suggesting?

1. She is hungry.
2. She will show the man where to go.
3. The cafeteria is too far away to walk to.
4. She has never been to the cafeteria before.

13. * Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?

* Jane has it right now.

What can be inferred from the man response?

1. Jane owns the dictionary the woman wants to borrow.

2. He doesn’t want the woman to use his dictionary.
3. His dictionary is not available right now.
4. Jane has the right information.

14. * Can you hear the birds singing?
* I could if the traffic weren’t so heavy.

What does the man mean?

1. He doesn’t want to go out in this traffic.

2. It’s too noisy to hear the birds now.
3. The birds are terrific.
4. He cannot hear the birds over the noise of the cars.

15. * Have you been visited Yellowstone National Park?

* Visited! I used to be a tour guide there!

What does the man mean?

1. He knows a tour guide in the park.

2. He knows the park very well.
3. He has a good guide book the woman can use.
4. He isn’t used to taking tours.

16. * Susan certainly looks tired today.

* She went up all night working on her term paper

What does the woman say about Susan?

1. She needs to finish her paper.

2. She always works at night.
3. She hasn’t had many papers this term.
4. She didn’t go to bed last night.

17     *  Aren’t you ready yet?

* The movie starts in ten minutes!

*  I thought we were going out tomorrow night.

What does the woman mean?

1. She doesn’t want to see the movie.

2. She’ll be ready in ten minutes.
3. She hadn’t planned on going out tonight.
4. She’ll think about going out tomorrow.

18. * I don’t have enough money to pay for these books now.
* Can you send me a bill?

*  We don’t do that anymore.

What does the man mean?

1. The woman must pay for her books now

2. He doesn’t sell books anymore
3. The woman has enough money after all
4. He doesn’t need any more books

19. * So, what do you think of Jack’s new car?

* It was in the shop being repaired while I was visiting him.

What does the woman imply?

1. Jack was busy repairing his car during her visit.

2. Jack’s car isn’t new.
3. She didn’t get to see Jack’s car new car.
4. She went shopping with Jack for a new car.

20. * Aren’t our room ready to move into yet?

* The cleaning crew is just gearing up!

What does the woman mean?

1. The rooms are now ready.

2. The cleaning room crew has now equipment.
3. They should look for someone to clean the rooms.
4. The rooms haven’t been cleaned yet.


21     *  What can I ask to type my final paper?

* What about Clara?

*  She doesn’t seem to be too busy these days.

What does the woman mean?

1. Clara might be are now ready.

2. Clara doesn’t seem interested in finishing her school work.
3. Clara is too busy to work for him.
4. He could type his own paper at Clara’s house.

22. * I’m afraid I’ll have to get a job next semester.

* I can’t afford my rent anymore.

*  Have you thought about looking for a less expensive apartment?

What does the woman suggest the man do?

1. Move to a more affordable apartment.

2. Pay the rent a little at a time.
3. Look for a smaller place to live.
4. Find a job near his apartment.

23. * The project I’m working on will take several months to finish.
* Good thing it’s not due until May! 

What does the man mean?

1. He has several things to do in May.

2. The woman needs to start her project today.
3. The woman has time to finish her project.
4. He will do some work with the women in May.
24. * Karen missed the test today.
* I heard. What I need to know is when she can make it up

What does the woman mean?

1. She wonders when Karen can take her test.

2. She heard that Karen missed a few questions on the test.
3. She wonders when Karen can help her write the test.
4. She heard that the test was too difficult for Karen.

25. * Have you read that novel I lent you?

* I can’t seem to get into it.

What does the woman mean?

1. She doesn’t understand what the man wants.

2. She hasn’t been able to find the book.
3. She doesn’t like reading novels.
4. The book doesn’t interest her very much.

26. * I can hardly see to drive, the sun is so bright.

* All you need is a good pair of sunglasses.

What does the woman imply?

1. She will drive the man to see the eye doctor.

2. The sun won’t be as bright in the afternoon.
3. The man shouldn’t be driving in this weather.
4. The man’s problem could easily be solved.

27. * Listen to that wind!

* The paper said it should die down by this evening.

What does the woman mean?

1. The wind will not last through the night.

2. The strong wind could be dangerous.
3. The man should check the paper tonight.
4. The sound of the wind doesn’t bother her.


28. * What’s that big book you’re carrying?

* You mean this one?

* Oh, that’s my new dictionary.

* All English majors had to buy one

What can be inferred about the women?

1. She works at the bookstore.

2. She is majoring in English.
3. She doesn’t know what the man means.
4. She doesn’t want to carry her dictionary.

29. * Look, we know you’re busy, but you come late to every meeting!
* I’m so sorry!

*  I didn’t realize that it bothered you all so much.

What will the woman probably do?

1. Start coming to meetings on time.

2. Stop going to the meetings.
3. Go to a different meeting.
4. Find out what is bothering the man.

30. * Didn’t Sharon go to the meeting with you last week?

* Even if she hadn’t had other things to do,

I wouldn’t have bothered her to go to that one.

What does the man mean?

1. He doesn’t know why Sharon didn’t bother to come to the meeting.

2. Sharon has been missing too many meetings lately.
3. Sharon seems bothered by the amount of work she has to do.
4. He didn’t feel it was necessary for Sharon to attend the meeting.

Questions 31 through 34. Listen to a conversation between two friends
 Yesterday a man came and tested the water in my apartment.
 He told me that it was “hard” and that I should have it “softened.”
 What did he mean by that?
 Well, hard water is water that has a lot of mineral in it.
 So, what? What difference does that make?
 It is dangerous to my health?
 Not usually.
 But hard water reduces the cleaning power of some kinds of soap.
 The mineral in hard water react with soap to form a substance that sticks to your clothes
and can make them turn gray or yellow.
 No wonder my socks are grey!
 How do I “soften” my water?
 Well, one thing you can do is add a mineral dissolving powder to your washing machine
every time you wash.
 But that take a lot of time and it gets expensive.
 A better idea is to buy a machine called a water softener that softens all the water in your
house at one time.
 Most people prefer to do this. Don’t forget-you’re using hard water every time you shower
or wash dishes, too.
 It can leave a residue on your skin, in your hair, and on your dishes.
 In that case, I guess I really should buy a water softener for my apartment
 Do you know where I can get one or how much they cost?
 I’ll bet the man who tested your water yesterday knows that information.
 You’re right.
 He probably does
 Can I borrow your phone to give him a call?

31. What is the main topic of this conversation?


1. Washing clothes.
2. The effects of hard water.
3. How to buy a water softener.
4. How to keep your pipes from freezing.

 32. In this conversation, what does hard mean

A. Containing minerals

B. Frozen.

C. Difficult.

D. Soapy.

33. According to the woman what is the best solution to the man’s problem?
1. Moving to a new apartment.
2. Buying a machine.
3. Using a powder.
4. Heating his home better.

34. What will the man probably do next?

1. Wash some clothes.
2. Buy some water-softening powder.
3. Clean his house.
4. Call the man who tested his water.

Questions 35 through 38. Listen to a telephone conversation between a students and her
 Hello
 Hi, Rick.
 This is Amanda
 Hi Amanda
 Nice to hear from you
 What’s up?
 Well, I call to let you know when my last day of school is here at Ivy College and to ask
you if I could still take you up on your offer to take me to the airport that day to catch my
flight home.
 I’d be happy to help you out if I can, but what are your travel plans?
 Well, my last exam is on June 13.
 My plane leaves at 11:00 that right.
 I guess I should leave here sometime around 9:00 or so if I could.

 Let’s see …
 What day of the week is that?
 It’s Friday
 Friday the thirteenth.
 I hope you’re not superstitious!
 What do you mean?
 Some people think it’s bad luck to do anything important on Friday the thirteenth-like
driving around in cars and things like that.
 Oh, I don’t pay any attention to superstitious.
 Let me look at my calendar …
 I’ll be flying back from a conference in Chicago early that evening.
 I should be able to come and get you, but I might not be able to make it until a little after
9:00, depending on when my plane arrives.
 It might be closer to 9:30
 Will that be too late?
 That should be all right, I think.
 My flight does leave pretty late, and the airport isn’t far from here.
 If you come at 9:00, I’ll also have time to go out for dinner with some friends and finish
my packing without feeling too rushed.
1. By the way, how much stuff do you have?
 Should I bring my car, or should I borrow my Dad’s van?
 It would probably be easier to fit everything into a van.
 Your car is pretty small.
 Do you think your Dad would mind lending you his van, though?
 I don’t think so.
 He doesn’t use it much anymore.
 We only need it one in a while for doing things like-well-like helping friends like you
move stuff around.
 Great! Thanks a lot Rick.
 I’ll see you Friday evening!
 See you then. Bye.

35. What is the main topic of this conversation?

1. Superstitions
2. Transportation arrangements.
3. Borrowing a van.
4. Moving to a new home.

36. Why does Amanda think that Rick might not want to help her out?
1. He might be superstitious.
2. He’ll be in Chicago that evening.
3. He won’t be able to borrow his father’s van.
4. He won’t be able to get there on time.

37. Why does Rick think he might be a little late?
1. He’s having dinner with some friends that evening.
2. He will be driving his father’s van instead of his car.
3. He will be flying in from Chicago earlier that evening.
4. He always drives more slowly on Friday the thirteenth.

38. How does Rick feel about borrowing his father’s van?
1. He would rather take his own car.
2. His father might need it to help a friend move.
3. He is quite sure it won’t be a problem.
4. He doesn’t know if it is big enough to hold all of Amanda’s things.
Questions 39 through 42. Listen to a biology professor give an introductory lecture to his
 You are about to begin a course in biology, the study of life.
 The focus of this course will be the study of different kinds of organism, or living things.
 In the first part of this course you’ll learn to colonize the major groups of organism that
exist today.
 To do this, you’ll learn about the physical characteristics which set one type of organism
apart from others.
 However, biology is more than just a study which describe the many differences among
living things.
 There are nearly two million known kinds of living organism.
 You could not possibly learn about all or even most of them in a one-semester course like
this one.
 Therefore, during the second part of this course, your study of life will focus on the
similarities among organism.
 These similarities most often involve the life processes of organism-their activities and
 By studying these processes, you will see that there are certain features common to all
living things.
 In this way, by the time you complete the course with me, you will have a good
understanding of what is meant by the word life.

39. According to the speaker, what is an organism?

1. A branch of biology
2. A group of people working together
3. A club
4. A living thing

40. What will students learn to do during the first part of the course?
1. Categorize major groups of organisms.
2. Write a comprehensive definition of the word life.
3. Study all of the organisms that exist today.
4. Study similarities in the activities and functions of organisms.

41. According to the speaker, why is it impossible to learn about every organism?
1. Because there are too many of them.
2. Because there are too complex to understand.
3. Because there are not easy to find.
4. Because no one knows everything about them.

42. According to the speaker, what is it that usually makes living things similar?
1. Their appearance.
2. Their activities and functions.
3. The means by which they make food.
4. Their methods of communication.

Questions 43 through 46. Listen to a talk given by a college running coach.

 I’m glad to see that so many of you that turned out for the cross-country running team.
 Before we start our first practice, though, there are some things I want you to know.
 Running long distances is not an easy undertaking.
 You are going to need months of training to gradually build up your stamina and strength
for this spot.
 This is going to mean demanding workouts for three hours a day, in all kinds of weather.
 We will be working out every morning before school and after school and on Saturday
mornings as well, when we don’t have a race.
 Sunday will be your day of rest, but I will recommend that you do some light weight
lifting and muscle workouts on your own Sunday, too, so you don’t lose any muscle tone.
 Most of our races will take place on Saturday mornings.
 That means that we’ll sometimes be traveling long distances by bus on Friday nights to get
to where the races take place.
 We’ll often get back home late on Saturday nights.
 So, if you don’t want to give up your weekend social life for a while, the cross-country
running team is not for you.
 I hope you’re still interested in being a member of the team after hearing about some of the
sacrifices you’ll have to make.
 I felt that it was important for you to know what will be expected of you.
 If you’re still as interested in running as I am, then let’s get started!

43. What is the purpose of this talk?
1. To explain the rewards of long distance running.
2. To raise some funds for a sports even.
3. To describe the scarifies necessary to be on the running team.
4. To discuss the first day of team practice.

44. What does the speaker recommend that team members do on Sundays?
1. Rest all day.
2. Work out on their own.
3. Meet with their coach.
4. Participate in a race.

45. What does the speaker say about weekend social activities?
1. Team members will enjoy a busy social life on weekends.
2. Team members won’t have much time for social activities.
3. Friday nights will be free for social activities.
4. Team members will be too tired to do much on the weekend.

46. What will probably happen next?

1. Practice will begin.
2. The speaker will talk about the advantages of sports.
3. The speaker will collect the money.
4. Parents will go home.

Questions 47 through 50. Listen to a college professor speaking to an art history class.
 Winslow Homer was an American artist who lived from 1836 to 1910.
 He became famous primarily for his dramatic paintings of the sea.
 Homer was born in Boston, and as a young man he became apprenticed to a lithographer.
 He later became a magazine illustrator, and during the American Civil War, he was hired
by a magazine called Harper‘s Weekly to illustrate battlefield scenes.
 He also began painting with oils at that time and depicted rural American life in all of its
simplicity and plainness.
 The country people in Homer’s paintings have a charm and, at the same time, a heroic
quality that make them very appealing.
 After a trip to a coastal town in England in 1881 and 1882, Homer turned his attention to
the sea.
 When he returned to America, he settled in a town on the coast of Maine, and there he
completed many of his paintings of the sea.
 These paintings often have a strong romantic quality and are well known for their drama
and subtle use of light.

 During the late 1800s, Homer became fascinated with what he considered to be the
particularly American struggle between humanity and the forces of nature.
 This struggle was clearly depicted in his paintings of the sea.
 His fishermen and ship captains were not so much individuals as they were symbols of the
courage and strength found in the men who made their living on the sea.
 Just as the people in his paintings had a universal quality, so did the sea itself.
 The sea in his paintings often has a quality of violence, or near-violence.
 In his painting entitled The Gulf Stream, we see a young Black man, alone on a small boat
in a rough sea, surrounded by sharks.
 He will clearly face a struggle for survival.
 It seems unlikely that he can win.
 Homer’s paintings of the sea are romantic yet highly realistic.
 During his years on the coast of Maine, he was able to paint many of the changing moods
of the Atlantic Ocean.
 It was here that the perfected his ability to portray drama in at and developed his use of
transparent liquids to convey a strong scene of light.

47. What kinds of paintings is Winslow Homer most famous for?

1. Simple lithographs depicting farm people.
2. Paintings of civil war battlefields.
3. Magazine illustrations.
4. Intensely dramatic paintings of the sea.

48. What characterized Homer’s paintings of American country people?

1. A sense of the charm and simplicity of country life.
2. The depiction of the violence or near-violence of country life.
3. The depiction of the struggle for survival on American farms.
4. A sense of changing moods of American farmers.

49. What is portrayed in the painting called The Gulf Stream?

1. Fisherman and ship captains heading for sea.
2. A single man, a small boat and an unfriendly sea.
3. Farm children in simple clothes struggling to survive.
4. A scene of the northern coast of Maine.

50. For what purpose did Homer use transparent liquids? 

1. To create the impression of rough seas.
2. To give drama to his paintings.
3. To convey a strong feeling of light.
4. To convey the changing moods of the Atlantic Ocean.


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