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Number 1
M : Pat decided not to work this summer after all.
W : I was afraid of that.
What does the woman mean?
A.She is afraid to ask Pat to work.
B.She thinks Pat made the right decision.
C.She suspected that Pat would not want to work.
D.She thinks that Pat is afraid of working.

Number 2
M : I didn’t understand today’s chemistry lesson very well.
W : Neither did I.
What does the woman mean?
A.She understood the chemistry lesson very well.
B.She didn’t understand what the man wanted.
C.She was going to study chemistry today.
D.She was having trouble with today’s lesson.

Number 3
W : How do you like the soup?
M : Kind of thick, isn’t it?
What does the man say about the soup?
A.It’s making him sick.
B.He doesn’t know when to eat it.
C.It isn’t the right consistency.
D.He hasn’t had time to try it.

Number 4
W : I only slept three hours last night.
M : I’d say you should take it easy today.
What is the man suggesting to the woman?
A.She should not try to do too many things today.
B.She should try not to sleep today.
C.She needs to keep three hours free.
D.He can tell her an easy way to get to sleep.

Number 5
W : Where can I have this tire fixed?
M : Isn’t there a service station nearby?
What does the man imply?
A.The woman should buy a new tire.
B.He can help the woman choose a new tire.
C.The woman can get her tire repaired at the service station.
D.There isn’t service station in the area.

Number 6
W : Would you like me to turn on the lights?
M : I can see just fine, thanks.
What does the man imply?
A.He would like the woman’s help.
B.He doesn’t need more light.
C.She shouldn’t turn right.
D.He’d like to pay his fine.

Number 7
W : Do you think I’ll be able to find the book I need for math class?
M : If they’re not all sold out!
What does the man mean?
A.He’s not sure there are any more math books available.
B.He wants to go to the book sale after class.
C.He doesn’t need a book for that class.
D.He’ll help the woman find the book she needs.

Number 8
W : Has Susan told you about her trip overseas?
M : Only a hundred times!
What does the man mean?
A.He doesn’t have time to see Susan.
B.Susan has told him a lot about her trip.
C.Susan’s trip won’t be over for a long time.
D.He’s interested in hearing about Susan’s trip

Number 9
M : What should I do with this pile of books?
W : Oh, just leave them on the circulation desk, and we’ll shelve them in the morning.
What are the speakers doing?
A.Filing papers.
B.Building book shelves.
C.Moving into an apartment.
D.Working in a library.

Number 10
M : Do you think Mr. Grant will give Ben a raise?
W : Not on your life!
What does the woman mean?
A.Mr. Grant doesn’t approve of Ben’s lifestyle.
B.Mr. Grant will never increase Ben’s salary.
C.Mr. Grant has raised Ben since he was a small child.
D.Ben should ask Mr. Grant for more money.

Number 11
M : Excuse me.
M : Can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
W : Try asking at the gas station on the corner.
What can we assume about the woman?
A.She will help the man find what he is looking for.
B.She thiks the bank is next to the gas station on the corner.
C.She will fill the man’s tank with gas.
D.She doesn’t know where the bank is.

Number 12
M : The new cabinets came in today.
W : Oh, so you did send for them after all!
What gad the woman assumed?
A.The man had not ordered any cabinets.
B.The man couldn’t come and get the cabinets.
C.The cabinets could not be installed.
D.The cabinets had not arrived yet.

Number 13
M : This movie has the best plot of any I’ve seen in years!
W : Too bad the same can’t be said of the acting.
What does the woman mean?
A.She hasn’t seen a good movie in years.
B.She liked both the acting and the plot.
C.The plot of the movie was quite bad.
D.The acting in the movie was not good.

Number 14
M : If the rain doesn’t stop soon, we could be in for some flooding!
W : I’ll say!
What does the woman mean?
A.It has rained too much lately.
B.The woman doesn’t like Ray.
C.Ray is behaving differently than usual.
D.The class started late because of the rain.

Number 15
M : Since when do you study sixteen hours a day?
W : Since I saw my final grades from last semester!
What can we assume about the woman?
A.She hasn’t seen her grades lately.
B.She enjoys studying several hours a day.
C.She hasn’t been doing very well at school.
D.She only has sixteen hours to finish all of her work.

Number 16
M : Their flight will arrive on time, won’t it?
W : The weather report doesn’t sound too good.
What does the woman mean?
A.She couldn’t understand the weather report.
B.She doesn’t like flying in bad weather.
C.It’s too bad they can’t get to the airport on time
D.Bad weather might delay the arrival of their plane.

Number 17
W : Good news!
W : I bought us tickets to the jazz concert on Wednesday night!
M : Oh, no. Not that one!
What does the man mean?
A.He doesn’t want to go to the concert.
B.He can’t afford to pay for his ticket.
C.He didn’t know that the woman liked jazz mosic.
D.He didn’t know that the concert was on Wednesday night.

Number 18
M : George sure seems excited about playing on the basketball team!
W : I wish he felt the same about his studies.
What does the woman imply about George?
A.He’s not very enthusiastic about his school work.
B.He likes basketball more than she does.
C.He feels uncomfortable with the other baskerball players.
D.He wishes he has more time for his studies.

Number 19
W : Would you mind taking a picture of me with my parents?
M : Where do you want to stand?
What can be inferred about the man?
A.He can’t find the picture of the woman’s parents.
B.He would rather not be in the picture.
C.He’ll take the photograph for the woman.
D.He can’t stand looking at photographs.

Number 20
M : Too much is going on today, and I’m starting to get confused!
W : I can see that! You’ve lost your car keys three times already!
What does the woman mean?
A.She can’t find the ma’s car keys.
B.The man is confused about where to keep his car.
C.She has found the man’s keys three times today already.
D.The man’s behavior indicates that he is confused.

Number 21
M : Did you hear about the extra paper we have to write for Dr. O’Dowd’s class?
W : I sure did. What a drag!
What does the woman say about the paper?
A.She will finish it slowly.
B.She’s sure it will be easy.
C.She  doesn’t want to do it.
D.She hasn’t heard about it until now.

Number 22
W : I’ve been waiting to see the doctor for aver an hour now.
W : What’s going on?
M : He had an emergency call this morning, and he still hasn’t caught up on his appointments.
What does the man mean?
A.The doctor will be available shortly.
B.The doctor’s office is closed because of an emergency.
C.The doctor must call his office and check on his appointment schedule.
D.An emergency in the morning has affected the doctor’s schedule.

Number 23
W : I’m going to go shopping this afternoon.
M : Stop in the music store.
M : They’re having a big sale.
What does the man mean?
A.The woman should stop shopping so much.
B.That store has stopped selling music.
C.There should be some good bargains at the music store.
D.He’d like to stop and shop for some new music.

Number 24
W : Shall we order a pizza, or do you want to go out and get something?
W : Let’s go try that new restaurant near the campus.
What do both women want to do?
A.Have something to eat.
B.Return to the campus.
C.Try opening a new restaurant.
D.Order a pizza and have it delivered.

Number 25
M : Let’s not forget to roll up the car windows.
W : It’s not supposed to rain, you know.
What does the woman mean?
A.There aren’t any windows rolled down.
B.There’s no reason to roll up the windows.
C.She doesn’t want rain to get inside the car.
D.She isn’t supposed to sit by the window.
Number 26
W : Professor Smith wasn’t supposed to be tough.
M : But she certainly turned out to be, didn’t she!
What does the man think about Professor Smith?
A.She is interesting.
B.She is demanding.
C.She is boring.
D.She is younger than he expected.

Number 27
M : I can’t remember how long our final paper is supposed to be.
W : Twenty-five pages.
W : But the professor said not to worry if it’s a little shorter than that.
What did the professor tell the students?
A.They must turn in their work on time.
B.Their papers must be at least twenty-five pages long.
C.They shouldn’t worry if their papers are a little late.
D.Their papers can be fewer than twenty-five pages in length.

Number 28
M : Boy, is Greg ever in a bad mood today.
W : If  I were you, I’d steer clear of him.
What does the woman suggest the man do?
A.Stay away from Greg today.
B.Try to clear up his problems with Greg.
C.Try to help Greg develop a more positive outlook.
D.Help her convince Greg to stay home today.

Number 29
W : What was the graduation ceremony like?
M : I thougt it would never end!
What does the man mean?
A.He didn’t end up graduating after all.
B.He had to leave the ceremony before the end.
C.The ceremony lasted too long.
D.He didn’t know anyone who was graduating.

Number 30
M : Do you think Many would like some more coffee?
W : Well, her cup is empty.
What does the woman imply about Mary?
A.She doesn’t gave a cup.
B.She would probably like some coffee.
C.She broke her coffee cup.
D.She doesn’t drink coffee.
Listening Comprehension
Second Meeting
In this part of the test you will hear a longer conversations between two people.
(Pada bagian ini kalian akan mendengar percakapan panjang di antara dua orang)
look for the colored sentence, that is the clue for the answer
(perhatikan kalimat yang berwarna, itu adalah petunjuk dari kalimat jawaban)
Diagnostic Test

Part B
Questions 31 through 34. Listen to the following conversation.

M : •What can I do for you?

W : •Well, I’ve broken my glasses, and I wondered if you could fix them here for me.
M : •Well, let me have a look at them.
•They’re broken pretty badly, actually. I don’t think they can be repaired.
W : •I was afraid of that.
•Well, I suppose I should choose new frames then.
M : •Yes, that would probably be the best idea.
•Have you looked at any of ours yet?
W : •Yes, a little, but I haven’t seen anything I liked so far.
M : •Well, if you don’t see anything you like here in the office, we can always order frames for
you from one of our catalogues.
W : •I suppose so.
•But, if I find frames I think I like in one of your catalogues, am I obligated to buy them after you
order them?

•I mean, what if I don’t like them once I actually try them on?
M : •That’s no problem.
•If you aren’t satisfied with the frames we order, we just send them back to the company
we ordered from, and you can try again.
W : •OK. Well, let’s have a look.
Broken          : the past form of Brake means “merusakkan”.
Fix                 : repaired or “membetulkan”

Catalogues    : book or magazine that filled by a photos of a glasses, bags, shoes, etc.

Number 31
Where does this conversation take place?
A.In a barber shop.
B.In an eye doctor’s office.
C.In a picture framing shop.
D.In a jewelry store.

Number 32
What does the woman want?
A.To find a new frame for her picture.
B. A replacement for the glasses repaired.
C.To have her glasses repaired.
D.An eye examination.

Number 33
What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Ask some one else to help her.
B.Choose new frames.
C.Take his catalogue.
D.Choose a different picture.

Number 34
According to the man, if the woman doesn’t find what she wants in the store, what can she do?
A.Wait a few weeks.
B.Look in another store.
C.Look for a few more hours.
D.Order from a catalogue.

Question 35 through 37. Listen to a conversation between two students about selecting courses.

W : •Have you chosen your options for interdisciplinary studies yet? •I’ve just turned mine in to
the Registrar’s office, but the deadline is tomorrow by 4:00 P.M.
M : •What do you mean?
•I’ve already preregistered for that course. •We did it together, remember?
W : •Yes, but did you select four options?
•The course is one semester, but you have to take four different mini-courses within that time.
M : •That’s news to me. •But it sounds interesting. •Where do I find a list of the choices?
W : •I got mine in the mail a week after I preregistered for the course.
•Why don’t you come to the library with me and I’ll make you a copy.

•There are ten different options and a required reading list.

M : •OK, thanks, if it’s not too much bother.
•What are you going to take for the first four weeks?
W : •Well, there’s really no choice for the first four weeks.
•Everyone attends the interdisciplinary lecture series Tuesday afternoons and study-discussion
groups on Thursdays.

•This is to give us all the same basic information.

•But in the second session I want to take art history, then literature in the last session.
M : •Well, I’m really glad you mentioned this.
•I need to get that list and make some decisions.
•You’ve probably started reading already, right?
W : •As a matter of fact, that’s why I’m on my way to the library.

Chosen              : the past form of choose means “memilih”
Preregistered   : “daftar ulang”
Bother                : disturb means “mengganggu”
Glad                    : Happy

Number 35
How does the man react when he first hears about the deadline?
A.He is indifferent.
B.He is angry.
C.He thinks it’s a joke.
D.He is surprised.

Number 36
How did the woman know about the course selection requirement?
A.The man told her about it.
B.She received a letter about it.
C.She spoke to the teacher.
D.She was notified at preregistration.

Number 37
What will the two people probably do next?
A.Go home.
B.Go to the registrar’s office.
C.Go to the lecture series.
D.Go to the library.

Listening Comprehension
Third Meeting
In this part of the test you will hear a long speech.
(Pada bagian ini kalian akan mendengar pembicaraan yang panjang)
Look for the colored sentence, that is the clue for the answer
(perhatikan kalimat yang berwarna, itu adalah petunjuk dari kalimat jawaban)

Diagnostic Test
Part C
Questions 38 through 42. Listen to a talk given by the leader of a hiking club.

•Before we ask how many of you will be going on the Wilderness Survival Hike, I’d like to
review the guidelines for winter safety.
•If you ever get lost in the woods, the first thing you should do is sit down and collect your wits.

•Make a camp and prepare a signal and wait for rescue to come to you.
•Once you are situated, there are other things you can do to cope while stranded in the
•First of all, try to locate a source of water.

•You can go a month if necessary without food, but only about seven days without a drink.

•Anytime your lips feel dry, you need water.

•However, never eat snow to quench your thirst.

•It will counter dehydration, but in melting the snow your body loses precious heat, and the
deadly effects of hypothermia are accelerated.
•You can fight hypothermia in other ways, too.
•Even if the temperature is in the fifties, uncontrolled loss of body heat can be fatal.

•Cover your head, and thus reduce your heat loss by half.
•Dress as warmly and with as many laters as possible.
•Get out of the wind and stay dry.

•Keep active, but avoid perspiring-water conducts heat away from your body 240 times faster
than air does.
•We’ve covered water and warmth; now let’s consider food in the wilderness.
•Don’t eat potentially dangerous plants.

•These include all types of mushrooms and other fungi, beans, and bulbs.

•Also, any wild berries that are either red or white should be avoided.

•As a precaution, be sure you have packed plenty of packets of dehydrated food to tide you over
in an emergency.
•OK. We don’t anticipate anyone getting lost, as you are all going out with experienced guides.
•Let’s see a show of hands of those of you who plan to join us on the hike.

Vocabulary      :
Guidelines       : pedoman
Lost                  : dissapear, vanish, means “hilang atau tersesat”
Wits                  : barang-barang
Camp                : perkemahan
Prepare : organized, ”mempersiapkan”
Stranded        : Lost, dissapear.
Wilderness      : hutan belantara.
Source          : sumber
Quench  : to satisfy, “memuaskan”.
Experienced     : berpengalaman

Number 38
According to the speaker, what is the first thing to do if you get lost?
A.Find water.
B.Get settled in one place.
C.Look for food.
D.Start walking in a likely direction

Number 39
What’s the greatest danger of eating snow to satisfy your thirst?
A.You will lower your body temperature too much.
B.You will become ill.
C.It is hard to take in enough snow.
D.Snow doesn’t really quench your thirst.

Number 40
According to the speaker, what is the best way to reduce body heat loss by half?
A.Keep extremely active.
B.Wear a hat.
C.Dress warmly.
D.Stay dry.

Number 41
Why does the speaker feel that the hikers shouldn’t worry too much about the upcoming hike?
A.They have just heard the talk.
B.They have done this many times before.
C.They will be well equipped.
D.They will be accompanied by guides.

Number 42
How will the speaker know who to join the hike?
A.People will tell him after the talk.
B.People will raise their hands.
C.People will send in a registration.
D.People have notified him prior to the talk.

Questions 43 through 46. Listen to a lecture given in a marine biology class.

•Imagine a frigid world filled with creatures that shine with an eerie green or blue or red light in a
landscape of eternal darkness.
•It may sound like a scene from science fiction, but this place actually exists in every ocean on

•It’s called the “midwater”, and it is by far the largest and most mysterious wilderness on the
•Scientists tell us that we know little about this enormous environment for one simple reason.
•It’s hard to get to it.

•During the past few years, scientists have begun to use small submarines with spotlights and
cameras to explore the midwater. •Using these devices, they have found many plants and animals
that have never been seen before.
•The most abundant animals in the midwater are the jellies.
•These are jellyfish and their relatives.

•The most interesting jellies are tiny animals that join and form huge chains, sometimes reaching
more than a hundred feet in length. •Some other kinds of fish also call the midwater home,
including such fierce hunters as the dragonfish and the devilfish, which come equipped with
razor sharp teeth and huge stomachs.
•Perhaps the most remarkable discovery about the animals of the midwater is that nearly all of
them produce their own light, as a firefly does.
•Scientists think that some animals glow, or bioluminesce, to attract a mate, others to find prey,
and still others to scare away predators. •Yet many creatures produce light only at certain times
and for no clear reason.

•The explanation for this behavior remains one of the many puzzles of the midwater that future
scientists must solve.

Vocabulary      :
Frigid          : dingin
Creatures       : Mahluk
Exists          : ada
Midwater        : pertengahan laut
Enormous        : great, hebat sekali.
Scientists      : peneliti.
Submarines      : kapal selam
Spotlight       : lampu sorot
Devices : perangkat
Abundant        : rich “melimpah”
Fierce          : furious
Attract         : interested, menarik perhatian
Prey            : mangsa
Remains : tersisa

Number 43
Where can the midwater be found?
A.In science fiction.
B.In every ocean on earth.
C.Under the ocean floor.
D.In the wilderness.

Number 44
According to the speaker, why are the small jellies interesting?
A.They are the most abundant animals in the midwater
B.They have razor sharp teeth.
C.They have no skeleton.
D.They can link together to form very long chains.

Number 45
According to the speaker, why do we know so little about the midwater?
A.Because people are afraid to go there.
B.Because it is so vast.
C.Because it is not easy to get there.
D.Because no one knows exactly where it is.

Number 46
According to the speaker, what is one characteristic of mid water that is not yet completely
A.Their ability to glow.
B.Their huge stomachs.
C.Their mating behavior.
D.Their ability to find prey.

Questions 47 through 50. Listen to a science professor talk about gold.

•For at least six thousand years, people have been fascinated by gold.
•They have used it in pottery, jewelry, religious objects, clothing, and even medicine.

•In ancient times it was also molkek into magnificent death masks for king and other royalty.
•Gold has been valued through the centuries because of its beauty and indestructibility.
•It does not tarnish or discolor, and it resists corrosion.

•Gold is also quite soft and easy to work with.

•It can be hammered into very thin sheets-so thin that light shines through them.

•These sheets are used for decorative lettering and other artistic purposes.

•Many churches and government buildings have domes covered with thin layers of gold.

•This not only makes the domes highly resistant to weathering, it also gives the buildings an aura
of beauty and richness.

•Dentists also appreciate the softness of gold.

•They use it to make fillings for teeth.

•Today, gold is widely used in the electronics industry, partly because it conducts electricity so
•It is indispensable in pocket calculators, computers, telephones, televisions, missiles, and

•Glass coated with a thin layer of gold is also used in sky scrapers to reflect summer sun and to
retain winter heat.

•The use of gold int one building in Canada lowered air-conditioning costs by forty percent.
•The discovery of gold in California in 1849 encouraged the westward expansion of the United
•Large gold discoveries in other countries have also resulted in new settlements and increased

•Gold has even brought development to the Arctic Circle where the most northerly gold mine in
the world exists.

•This mine yields $100 million in gold annually.

•Gold exploration continues all over the world.

•Who knows where the next rich source of gold may be found!

Vocabulary      :
Fascinated       : kagum
Pottery             : barang tembikar
Ancient             : kuno
Indestructibility : cannot be destroyed
Tarnish             : menodai
Hammered        : di palu
Domes                : kubah
Conducts            : menghantarkan
Indispensable    : di perlukan
Scrapers             : pencakar

Number 47
According to the speaker, why has gold been continouously popular for 6,000 years?
A.It is more valuable than other metals.
B.It is very beautiful and not easily destroyed.
C.It attracts people to new areas and encourages exploration.
D.It is useful in televisions, missiles, and spacecraft.

Number 48
Why does the softness of gold make it so useful?
A.It can be formed into many shapes.
B.It can be used to conduct electricity.

C.It can be easily mined.
D.It doesn’t tarnish or corrode.

Number 49
According to the speaker, what purpose does gold serve in the construction of skyscrapers?
A.It makes them shine in the dark so that airplanes can avoid hitting them.
B.It makes the skyline of a city glitter, which is very attractive.
C.It helps buildings stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
D.It helps keep the metal parts of buildings from corroding.

Number 50
According to the speaker, what often happens to an area after gold is discovered?
A.People experiment with new uses of gold.
B.More pottery, jewelry, medicine, and religious objects are produced.
C.Many people move to the area to look for gold, and new development occurs.
D.Gold becomes readily available, and it is no longer considered valuable.


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