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Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

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Research Paper

Evaluation of the potential of regeneration of different Colombian and MARK

commercial genotypes of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) via somatic

Ana María Henao Ramíreza, , Tatiana de la Hoz Vasqueza, Tatiana Marcela Ospina Osoriob,
Lucía Atehortúa Garcésb, Aura Inés Urrea Trujilloa
Universidad de Antioquia, Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, A. A 1226, Colombia
Universidad de Antioquia, Grupo de Biotecnología, Calle 70 No 52-21, Medellín, A.A 1226, Colombia


Keywords: This paper aims to establish efficient protocols for the in vitro propagation of different cocoa genotypes (T.cacao),
Theobroma cacao L. the potential of regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in the Colombian genotypes SYS12, SYS13, SYS16,
Somatic embryogenesis SYS24, SYS4 and commercial/universal genotypes CCN51, TSH565, EET8, ICS1, ICS39, ICS60, ICS95 was
Genotypes evaluated. The effects of a different culture media, kind of explant and culture time on the induction of em-
Plant regeneration
bryogenic structures (PE), somatic globular embryos (GE) and cotyledonary somatic embryos (CE) were studied
in addition to the effect of the culture time on the average number of secondary somatic embryos (SSE) and the
culture medium over the SSE conversion. Finally, different substrates on the hardening of the stage of seedlings
was evaluated. In this study a regeneration protocol via a high frequency SSE for para CCN51, TSH565, SYS4 y
SYS13 is described in addition to the development induction up to a cotyledonary stage of the genotype SYS24
and the induction of proembryogenic masses and globular embryos for SYS12 y SYS16. For the commercial
genotypes ICS60 reached the development up to cotyledonary stage but it was not possible to reach a successful
conversion and for ICS1, EET8, ICS95, ICS39 we reached the induction of globular embryos that quickly ex-
perienced a dedifferentiation process. It is expected that the high frequency found in the embryos formation
allows a contribution to the reduction of production costs and thus promote the massive utilization of superior
cocoa genotypes propagated via somatic embryogenesis.

Abridgment 1. Introduction
Primary somatic embryogenesis (SE), Secondary somatic embry-
ogenesis (SSE), Primary callus induction medium (PCG), Induction Theobroma cacao L. (2n = 20) is a neotropical plant native to
medium (INDI), Secondary callus induction medium (SCG), Expression Central and South America regions and was domesticated in Central
medium (INDexp), Multiplication medium (CM2), Maturation medium America. Among the 26 species of the genus, T. cacao is the only plant
(MM6), Maturation medium (ED), Murashige and Skoog (MS) cultivated on a large scale to produce chocolate (Richardson et al.,
Murashige and Skoog (1962), Driver and Kuniyuki, (1984) and Tulecke 2015). Despite the significant increase in global demand for cocoa, its
and McGranahan, (1985) (DKW), (Lloyd and McCown, 1981) production has not followed the same trend and therefore there is a
(McCown’s), Vitaminas Gamborg's (B5) Gamborg et al. (1966), Tidia- global deficit in the supply that was 150,000 tons in 2015–2016 (ICCO,
zuron (TDZ), 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,4,5-Tri- 2017). Global climate change, pest infestation and diseases occur plus
chlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4, 5-T), 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), the reduction of productivity of the plants, due to aging of the crops,
Gibberellic acid (GA3), Santander Yariguíes Selection (SYS), Colombian have caused instability in the global production. The constant produc-
National Chocolate Company (CNCH), somatic globular embryos (GE), tion of T. cocoa is important in production countries to maintain sta-
cotyledonary somatic embryos (CE), proembryogenic structures (PE). bility of export and to ensure the continuity of the supply of industrial
raw materials for the growing industry of chocolate. Cocoa plays an
important economic role in Colombia, however, currently the average
productivity reaches 350 kg/ha/year, which is much lower than the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Henao Ramírez).
Received 6 July 2017; Received in revised form 18 October 2017; Accepted 27 October 2017
Available online 06 November 2017
0304-4238/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

average yield of plants propagated by seeds which reach up to SYS24 and SYS4. The plant material was collected at the farms La
1.800 kg/ha/year. Nacional (Tamesis, Antioquia-Colombia) and the Farm Yariguíes
The use of low quality materials, the lack of modernization in crops, (Barrancabermeja, Santander-Colombia) of the CNCH. The explants
pests and the increase in the occurance of diseases due to the advanced consisted of staminodes (sterile stamens) and petals of the immature
age of the plants are the major contributors to low productivity in 2017 flower buds of each one of the genotypes indicated. The flower buds
(FEDECACAO). In order to increase the levels of production at a na- (4–5 mm) were collected between 7 and 9 in the morning, once cut they
tional level, it is suggested that the renewal of 80,000 ha and the were submerged in a previously sterilized solution and served in conical
generation of 50,000 ha of new crops until 2021 be implemented; in tubes of 50 mL cold, half concentrated solution of basal salts DKW. This
this context, the implementation of efficient methods in the massive collected material was kept cold until arrival at the Laboratory of
multiplication of plant material is required. Physiology and Plant tissue culture of the University of Antioquia,
In general, the use of sexual seed and grafting are the most com- Colombia. The flower buds were superficially sterilized by immersion in
monly used methods of propagation. Given that T. cocoa reproduces a 0.5% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite solution for 5 min, under constant
naturally by cross pollination, sowing materials from seeds generally agitation; then they were washed with sterile distilled water (3 times),
exhibit a highly heterogeneous genetic background and the agronomic and changed to new sterile conical tubes, subsequently to be submerged
yield of crops is therefore highly variable. The propagated materials by in a 250 ppm streptomycin solution for 20 min under constant agita-
cloning through graft materials do not have high rates of multiplication tion. Finally, the staminodes and the petals were extracted from the
and the bushy growth pattern is more pronounced, which is considered basal portion of the flower button and were planted in petri dishes
an undesirable feature. In this sense, the modern techniques of propa- (60 × 15 mm) containing the corresponding culture medium.
gation and massive multiplication such as somatic embryogenesis can
improve the production of plant material from T. cacao. 2.2. Media and culture conditions
Somatic embryogenesis is a method of in vitro regeneration for
plants, which after standardized is highly efficient, achieving a high The disinfected explants were sown in the following sequence of
rate of multiplication. The in vitro regeneration of seedlings through culture media: PCG-SCG-ED and INDI-INDexp-MM6 (Li et al., 1998;
somatic embryos has been developed successfully in different plant Fontanel et al., 2002) with amendments and supplements of
species, e.g. Arabidopsis (Wójcikowska and Gaj, 2016), Zea mays 20–40 gL−1 glucose, 2–3.5 gL−1 Gellex, and specific growth regulators,
(Garrocho-Villegas et al., 2016), Bixa orellana (Monteiro et al., 2016), which are detailed below. The pH of the media was adjusted to 5.8 with
Capsicum annuum (Neftali, 2016), Coffea arabica (Loyola-Vargas et al., 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl before being sterilized at 121 °C for 20 min.
2016), Agave sp. (Rodríguez, 2016), Cocos nucifera (Sáenz-Carbonell
et al., 2016), Pinus sp. (Lelu-Walter et al., 2016), Zingiber officinale 2.3. Induction of proembryogenic structures (PE) and formation of primary
(Shajahan et al., 2016), Musa paradisiaca (Escobedo-Gracia et al., somatic embryos (SE)
2016), and Jatropha curcas (Kumar et al., 2016) and others.
Regeneration of T. cocoa plants through somatic embryogenesis has For the induction of embryogenic callus, the disinfected petals and
been achieved in DKW basal medium supplemented with different staminodes were sown in the PCG medium (macronutrients, micro-
growth regulators (PGR), thidiazuron (TDZ) (Li et al., 1998), 2,4-di- nutrients and vitamins DKW, (250 mgL−1) L-glutamine, (2 mgL−1) 2,4-
chlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (Maximova et al., 2002) and kinetin D, (0.005 mgL−1) TDZ and in the INDI medium (DKW macronutrients,
(KIN) (Fontanel et al., 2002). However, the success percentages in the micronutrients and vitamins), (1 mgL−1) 2,4-D, (0.25 mgL−1) Kinetin,
somatic embryo formation are still low (25%) and is limited to a few mixture of amino acids per Urrea et al. (2011). The cultures were
clones, Sca 6 being the most widely reported (Garcia et al., 2016). Al- maintained in these media for 30, 40, 50 and 60 days, and then were
though the TDZ has been reported as effective for inducing somatic transferred to the expression media. Twenty-five explants were put in
embryogenesis in T. cocoa, the cost of this growth regulator is high, every Petri dish, and each treatment consisted of 10 Petri dishes. The
making itunsuitable for most commercial laboratories in developing experiment was repeated 5 times.
countries. For the expression stage of the SE, tissues with callus were trans-
On the other hand, the need to implement breeding programs for ferred to the SCG media (McCown's salts), supplemented with 1 mgL-1
this crop is known, and that one of the key requirements in different B5, (2 mgL−1) 2,4-D, (0.3 mgL−1) KIN and coconut water (5%) and
genetic transformation methods used so far, is having a system for plant INDexp media (DKW macronutrients, micronutrients and vitamins).
regeneration from the transformed tissues. Somatic embryogenesis is The effect of the culture medium, type of explant and culture time on
the most reliable since the process of formation of embryos generally the formation of the embryos were calculated with the average number
involves a set of cells, which increases the probability that regenerated of proembryogenic structures, somatic globular embryos (GE) and co-
plants in the selection medium are true transformants. tyledonary somatic embryos (CE) formed in each explant at 15, 25 and
As described above, it is clear that the availability of an efficient in 35 days after being transferred to the expression media. Twenty-five
vitro regeneration system is crucial for the strengthening of the first link explants were put in every Petri dish, and each treatment consisted of
of the cocoa production chain in the short and medium term. To con- 10 Petri dishes. The experiment was repeated 5 times. With both cul-
tribute to this achievement, the aim of this research was to evaluate the tures, induction as expression wasmaintained at 28 °C ± 2 °C under
potential of in vitro regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of 12 cocoa dark conditions during the proposed cultivation times.
regional and universal clones with the protocols described by Li et al.
(1998) and Fontanel et al. (2002) with modifications. 2.4. Proliferation and conversion of the somatic embryos

2. Materials and methods For the induction of secondary somatic embryos (SSE), the primary
embryos in cotyledonary state (1–4 mm) from the varieties TSH565,
2.1. Plant material and explant preparation CCN51, SYS4 and SYS13 were segmented and cultured in the callus
multiplication medium (CM2) (MS macronutrients, micronutrients and
For this research, the experiment design included 12 genotypes in DKW vitamins, 1 mg L−1 2, 4, 5-T, 0.25 mgL−1 adenine and the amino
total, 7 universal/commercial genotypes CCN51, TSH565, TSE8, ICS1, acids mixture according to Urrea et al.) (2011). To evaluate culture time
ICS39, ICS60, ICS95 and 5 Colombian genotypes from the Colombian on the formation of SSE, the average number of embryos at different
National Chocolate Company (CNCH) called Santander Yariguíes stages was calculated; for this analysis, we chose the CE at 10, 15, 20, 25,
Selection (SYS), which where denominated SYS12, SYS13, SYS16, 30, 35 and 40 days after being transferred to the CM2 medium. For this

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

experiment, 50 explants were put in every Petri dish, and each treatment somatic embryos number (CE), a Poisson model was applied with a
consisted of 10 Petri dishes. The experiment was repeated 5 times. Gamma a priori distribution since the data came from countings, and
For the conversion stage, the CE longer than 3 mm were isolated the distribution is combined. Analysis of credibility intervals was per-
and transferred to glass containers (109.3 mm × 43.7 mm) containing formed at 95% with a significance level of P < 0,05.
the MM6 media (MS half concentrated macronutrients, micronutrients For the analysis of the effect of culture time on the average number
and DKW vitamins, 0.01 mgL−1 NAA, 0.02 mgL−1 GA3 and 1 gL−1 of secondary somatic embryos of the SYS4, SYS13, CCN51 and TSH565
activated charcoal) for embryos derived from the INI-INDexp, and to ED genotypes, a Poisson model with a prior Gamma distribution was ap-
media (macronutrients, micronutrients and vitamins DKW) for embryos plied, since the data came from counts and the Gamma distribution is
derived from the PCG-SCG media. Cultures were maintained at combined. A 95% confidence interval analysis was performed with a
28 °C ± 2 °C under a photoperiod of 12/12 hours (light/darkness cy- significance level P < 0.05.
cles) with a 32 mmol/m2s illumination provided by fluorescent lamps. For the analysis of the effect of culture media on the frequency in
To evaluate the effects of the culture medium on the embryos conver- the conversion of embryos to SYS4 and SYS13 seedlings, a Kruskal-
sion, after 60 days of culture, the average percentage of SSE for SYS4, Wallis Test (P < 0,05) was applied, a non-parametric test, because the
SYS13, TSH565 and CCN51 which succesfully reached the conversion assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were not met to apply a
to root seedlings (number of germinated SE/total number of SE by variance analysis of the factorial design. For the analysis of the results
container) was calculated. Each experiment consisted of 20 containers of the TSH565 and CCN51, a factorial design was applied with an
and was repeated 3 times. analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's Honestly-
significant-difference test (P < 0.05).
2.5. Regenerated in vitro seedlings acclimatization Finally, for the analysis of the effect of different substrates on sur-
vival, stem elongation and number of leaves of the in vitro regenerated
To evaluate the response to the hardening off stage, seedlings of at seedlings, a ANOVA with factorial design was applied and means were
least 5 cm high, 3 leaves, and with the presence of roots were removed compared using the Tukey HSD Test (P < 0,05). All analyses were
from the culture vessels and washed with tap water to remove culture performed using R software (R See. 3.3.3).
medium excess. They were then transferred to plastic containers
(8 × 10 cm) and subsequently to bags (7 × 14 cm) with a substrate 3. Results
mix cointaining only soil from the crop (1), river sand/soil (1:1) and
(1:2). Plants were transferred to greenhouse conditions and watered 3.1. Effects of the culture medium, explant type and culture time on the
with tap water twice a week for 84 days. To evaluate the effect of induction of PE
substrates on seedling development, the stem length was measured
(cm), as well as the number of new leaves, and the survival percentage After 5–7 days in the induction media, the explants started the
(number of alive plants/total number of plants). A seedling was planted formation of callus in both culture media evaluated, a transition to
in each container. The experiment consisted of 10 seedlings per treat- embryogenic callus and PE were observed in all the genotypes in the
ment and was repeated twice. different time periods. In general, and in accordance with Gallego et al.
(2016), it was possible to recognize 4 callus types, the first type com-
2.6. Data analysis prised of vitreous white, round and translucent cells (TC); the second
type consisted of waxy yellow cells (WC), the third, was a granulated
For the analysis of the effect of the culture medium, explant type brown waxy callus (WBC) and finally a white filamentous calluses (FC)
and culture time on the formation of proembryogenic structures (Fig. 1). From the TC, WC and WBC calluse, it was posible to differ-
number (PE), somatic globular embryos number (GE) and cotyledonary entiate the embryogenic callus, proembryogenic structures and later

Fig. 1. Callogenesis, callus type and proembryogenic structures (PE) induced in the petal explant, TSH565 genotype, INDI medium. (A) After 18 days (B) After 25 days (C) After 30 days
(D) PE in ICS39 with the petal explant after 50 days in PCG induction and 25 days in SCG expression (E) PE in SYS4 with the staminode explant after 30 days in induction and 25 days in
INDexp expression (F) PE in SYS24 after 30 days on the induction medium PCG and 15 days in the expression medium SCG (G) Filamentous white callus (FC) and Round and translucent
white vitreous cells (TC), the second type consisted of waxy yellow cells (WC), the third, granulated brown waxy callus (WBC). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

somatic embryos (Fig. 1). Significant differences were found in the re- biggest production of CE (6.20) and (7.99) respectively, after 15 days in
sponse of PE induction in the 12 genotypes evaluated according to the the expression medium, the same time that was required for the highest
culture medium, explant type and culture time (Supplemental 1). formation of globular embryos. Based on these findings, there was si-
In general, the 12 evaluated genotypes showed a different capacity multaneous formation of both GE and CE. On the other hand, a per-
of response to the embryogenic process induction, as was expected for manence of 35 days for SYS13 was required in the expression medium
the evaluated culture variables. With the INDI-INDexp culture medium for obtaining an average number of 4.99 CE, taking 20 days longer in
and the staminode explant PE with SYS4 and CCN51 an average of 8.26 the transition from globular to cotyledonary. The slower response was
PE for SYS4 was obtained after 30 days in the induction medium and 25 obtained with CCN51 which required up to 25 days for the CE forma-
in the expression medium, and an average of 9.18 PE for CCN51 after tion (7.99), i.e. 10 days longer for the transition from the globular to the
30 days in induction and 35 in expression. In the same medium (INDI- cotyledonary state. The lower average CE number was obtained with
INDexp) and with the petal explant, we obtained for SYS16 an average ICS60 (2.74) and SYS24 (1.74) after 35 days in the expression stage
of 6.98 PE after 30 days in the induction medium and 15 days in ex- (Supplemental 3). Due to limitations in the CE number for ICS60 and
pression and for TSH565 7.63 PE after 30 days in induction and 25 in SYS24, the evaluation of the embryo conversion stage was not con-
expression. tinued.
Using the PCG-SCG culture medium, with the staminode explant The genotypes EET8, ICS1, ICS95, SYS12, SYS16, ICS39 in spite of
and 30 days in induction, we obtained for SYS12 an average of 6.50 PE reaching an embryogenic development to the globular state, did not
after 35 days in expression; for SYS13 an average of 23.24 PE after reach the transition to a cotyledonary state, showing in addition ded-
15 days in expression and for ICS60 an average of 3.18 PE after 40 days ifferentiation from embryogenic tissues over time. In these genotypes it
in induction and 35 in expression. In this same culture medium (PCG- was observed that the embryos shared some features such as larger size
SCG) using the petal explant, 5.50 PE and 6.88 PE were obtained for (800–1000 μm) compared to embryos that reached the complete tran-
SYS24 and EET8 respectively, after 30 days in induction and 15 days in sition (250–500 μm), a similar epidermis to the surface of TC and WC
expression; for ICS39 we obtained 6.99 PE after 60 days in induction callus, and a clear, vitreous and bright covering color, in contrast with
and 25 days in expression, for ICS1 an average of 4.33 PE after 60 days the embryos that reached the regeneration, whose color was matte
in induction and 15 days in expression and lastly for ICS95 an average white (Fig. 2A–D).
of 6.87 PE after 60 days in induction and 25 days in expression. These
results indicate that the explant selection, culture medium and an ac- 3.3. Secondary somatic embryos (SSE) proliferation and conversion
curate culture time are essential to get somatic embryos in different
T.cocoa genotypes. The effect of time on the average number of secondary somatic
embryos formed was calculated for TSH565, CCN51, SYS4 and SYS13
3.2. Effect of culture media, explant type and culture time on the formation (Fig. 2 N-P). For TSH565 after 35 days in the CM2 medium, the highest
of GE and CE SSE production (22.63) was achieved, however, it did not show sig-
nificant differences after 25 days of culture when a production of 21.25
We found that media culture, explant type and culture time had a SSE was reached. For CCN51, an average number of 25.16 SSE per
significant effect on the average number of somatic embryos in globular explant was obtained after 35 days of culture, however, it did not show
state formed in the 12 evaluated genotypes (Fig. 2E–H). As expected, differences in the number of these SSE formed after 30 and 40 culture
the effect of these variables was consistent with the formation of PE days. For SYS4, an average number of 15.60 SSE per explant was ob-
response. With INDI-INDexp culture medium and the staminode explant tained after 20 days of culture, however, it did not show differences in
were obtained an average of 2.39 GE for SYS4 after 25 days in ex- the number of these SSE formed after 15 and 25 culture days. Finally,
pression and 7.49 GE for CCN51 after 15 days in expression. In the same SYS13 with an average number of 28.25 SSE per explant was obtained
medium (INDI-INDexp) and with the petal explant with SYS16 was after 15 days of culture (Table 1, Supplemental 4).
obtained an average of 2.00 GE after 25 days in expression and 7.99 GE The conversion frequency of the SSE was higher in the MM6
for TSH565 after 15 days in expression. Using the PCG-SCG culture medium, which has DKW salts and glucose, and is enriched with amino
medium, with the staminode explant we obtained for SYS13 an average acids, adenine and activated charcoal, compared to the ED medium that
of 7.95 GE after 15 days in expression; for SYS12 an average of 2.00 GE contains only half of the DKW salts concentration and the carbon source
after 25 days in expression and for ICS60 an average of 2.18 GE after 35 (Fig. 3A–B). The highest percentage of SSE conversion for SYS4 and
in expression. In this same culture medium (PCG-SCG) using the petal SYS13 genotypes was 66% and 76.1% respectively, and for the TSH565
explant, 2.39 GE, 3.83 GE and 3.33 were obtained for SYS24, EET8 and and CCN51 genotypes it was 91.41% and 92.61% respectively (Table 2,
ICS1 respectively, after 15 days in expression; for ICS39 we obtained Supplemental 5). Even though the ICS39 genotype formed embryos in
6.99 PE after 60 days in induction and 25 days in expression, an the cotyledonary state, it did not reach the conversion to seedling under
average of 5.87 GE and 5.49 GE for ICS95 and ICS39 after 15 days in the evaluated conditions.
expression (Supplemental 2).
The main changes respect PE formation were only shown because of 3.4. Regenerated seedlings acclimatization
the time that they remained in the medium of expression for the for-
mation of the GE in the genotypes SYS16, SYS12, TSH565 and CCN51. Regenerated plants via somatic embryogenesis from the SYS4,
The process of formation of embryos was asynchronous, and different SYS13, TSH565 and CCN51 genotypes were successfully adapted to ex
stages of development were detected in the same explant. The lower vitro conditions. The seedlings highest survival percentage was obtained
times for the formation of the GE, 15 days, were obtained in ICS1, EET8, in the 1:2 substrate with 53.4%, however, it did not show significant
SYS24, SYS13, CCN51 and TSH565, followed by 25 days for the geno- differences with respect to the 1:1 substrate, with which we obtained a
types ICS95, SYS4, SYS12, SYS16 and finally 35 days for ICS39 and 42.2% rate of survival. In substrate 1, we only reached a regeneration
ICS60. percentage of 13.2% (Table 3, Supplemental 6).
The formation of cotyledonary somatic embryos was consistent with The highest growth in terms of stem elongation, was reached in
the response of globular embryos and proembryogenic structure for- grown plants in the 1:2 substrate, with an average lenght of 7.16 cm
mation. Significant differences in the CE average number were found in followed by 6.58 cm for grown seedlings in the 1:2 substrate and 1:1
five of the evaluated genotypes, from the variations in the growth substrate respectively, without significant differences between them
media, explant type and culture times used both for the induction and and with 1 substrate it was 2.28 cm with significant differences with 1:2
expression stages (Fig. 2I–L). For SYS4 and TSH565 we observed the and with the 1:1 substrate. Finally, the highest number of leaves (6.4)

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

Fig. 2. Not regenerating globular somatic embryos (A) EET8 (B) ICS1 (C) ICS95 (D) SYS12. Regenerating globular somatic embryos (E) TSH565 (F) SYS4 (G) SYS13 (H) CCN51.
Cotyledonary somatic embryos (I) SYS13 (J) CCN51 (K) TSH565 (L) ICS60. SSE proliferation (M) SYS13. SSE elongation and development (N) TSH565 (O) CCN51 (P) SYS4.

Table 1 substrate is the most suitable for T. cacao acclimatization (Fig. 3C–E).
Effect of the culture time on the average number of secondary somatic embryos formed
from primary embryos in a cotyledonary state on the CM2 medium.
4. Discussion
Culture Time in Average number of cotyledonary secondary embryos formed by
expression (days) explant.
Cocoa has been considered a recalcitrant species in studies related
TSH565 CCN51 SYS4 SYS13 to somatic embryogenesis (Gallego et al., 2016). However, currently
complete or partial protocols for regeneration via somatic embryogen-
10 4,82e 12,47c 3.14c 10.40d
esis for numerous genotypes have been developed which include Sca 6,
15 10,95c 12,33c 12.50ab 28.25a
20 7,68d 3,58d 15.60a 20.15b Pa 300, UIT 1, ICS 13, GC 7, DR 2, ICCRI 2, Cimanggu 1, Cimanggu 2,
25 21,25a 14,66c 14.09a 14.80c inifap 1, MCCS 14-056, POUND 7, TSH 1188, TSH 565, VB 1151, CCN
30 18,35b 22,82ab 10.80b 15.40c 51, UF 613 and PS 1319, TSH 1188, ICS95, CCN51, IMC-67, BIO B, etc.
35 22,63a 25,16a 2.95c 11.50d
(Maximova et al., 2002; Monsalve et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2008; Urrea
40 4,74e 21,56b 2.95c 12.50 cd
et al., 2011; García et al., 2016; Ajijah et al., 2014; Kan et al., 2017).
The values followed by the same letter within a column indicate that they are not sig- Despite the importance of T. cacao for Colombia, currently there are
nificantly different (p < 0.05). no massive propagation systems for Colombian regional materials that
stand out due to their flavor, aroma and productivity characteristics. So
per seedling was observed in the 1:2 substrate, compared to the 1:1 far Urrea et al. (2011) proceeded with the reported protocols evaluation
substrate, where an average of 4.6 leaves per plant were formed, for SE induction in two genotypes: ICS95 and BIOB, reaching re-
without significant differences between them and an average of 1.2 generation on the BIOB genotype; and Monsalve et al. (2005) studied
leaves with 1 substrate with significant differences between the 1:2 and regeneration in THS565, ICS95, CCN51 and IMC67 genotypes, however,
1:1 substrate. Considering the survival and development of the plant only succeeded on callogenesis induction.
(height and leaves development) it can be concluded that the 1:2 Responses during the different stages of the embryogenic process
can be very diverse and therefore, can be positive during the initial

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

Fig. 3. (A) Seedlings obtained during conversion of

SSE from SYS13 (B) sequence of SYS4 seedlings de-
velopment up to 60 days in medium MM6. Plantlets
with roots at least 60 days in MM6 ready for accli-
matization (C) THS565 (D) CCN51. (E) Plantlets ac-
climatization for 84 days in 1:2 substrate, right
TSH565 left CCN51.

Table 2
Effect of culture medium on the Conversion Frequency (%) of SSE embryos on the ED and
MM6 media.

Genotype Conversion Frequency (%) of SSE embryos


SSE TSH565 10.28b 91.41a

SSE CCN51 8.53b 92.61a
SSE SYS4 4b 66a
SSE SYS13 6.7b 76.1a

The values followed by the same letter within a row indicate that they are not sig-
nificantly different (p < 0.05).

Table 3
Effect of the substrate mix on survival of seedling (%), stem length (cm) and number of

Ratio substrate mix river Survival (%) Stem elongation Number of

sand/soil (cm) leaves

1 13.2 b 2.28 b 1.2 b

1:1 53.4 a 6.58 a 4.6 a
1:2 42.2 ab 6.58 a 6.4 a
Fig. 4. Working summarizing the potential of regeneration via somatic embryogenesis
Different letters within a column represent significant differences tested by Tukey's HSD along time in the Colombian genotypes SYS12, SYS13, SYS16, SYS24, SYS4 and com-
(honest significant difference) at P < 0.05 level. mercial/universal genotypes CCN51, TSH565, EET8, ICS1, ICS39, ICS60, ICS95. The or-
ange and pink highlighted region indicates induction of embryogenic structures (PE) with
stages such as the proembryogenyc structures formation, GE formation, PCG and INDI medium. The purple and red highlighted region indicates expression of
and can be negative during the final stages of embryo development and somatic globular embryos (GE) and cotyledonary somatic embryos (CE) with SCG and
conversion. This study confirms the high variability in embryogenic INDexp medium. The yellow region indicates induction of secondary somatic embryos
(SSE) with CM2 medium. The green region indicates SSE conversion with MM6 medium
response in the different genotypes evaluated in relation to explant
and the blue region indicates ex vitro plantlets development with 1:2 sustrates. (For in-
type, time and culture medium used for induction, expression and SE terpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
and SSE maturation (Fig. 4). web version of this article.)
For 8 of the 12 evaluated genotypes in the PCG-SCG media con-
taining 2,4-D and TDZ, both PE and SE were observed, however, only in
morphogenesis by TDZ as described by Guo et al. (2013). Auxins and
3 genotypes (SYS24, SYS13, ICS60) the transition to the subsequent
cytokinins are key factors to determine the embryogenic response due
development states such as cotyledonary was obtained, and only the
to their involvement in the cell cycle regulation and cell division. TDZ
SYS13 and SYS4 genotypes reached seedling development. It is possible
normally increases the supply of purines for cell development and the
that the endogenous phytohormones concentration affected the induced
metabolites accumulation, as well as the conversion from adenine to

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

adenosine (Victor et al., 1999). These compounds are required during the proembryogenic structures and embryos expression (Ajijah et al.,
the cell division process and protein synthesis, both are fast processes 2014).
that take place during somatic embryo development. TDZ in higher For genotypes SYS4, SYS13, CCN51 and TSH565 the secondary
concentrations than 0.0045 mgL−1, can stimulate the formation of embryogenesis was higher compared to the primary embryogenesis, in
callus, adventitious shoots and somatic embryos (Huetteman and terms of frequency and number of generated embryos by explant (data
Preece, 1993). This also affects the embryogenic callus formation and not shown). Production times of secondary embryos was also lower
somatic embryogenesis in T. cacao where 0.005 mgL−1 TDZ has been than those reported so far in other genotypes. Garcia et al. (2016) listed
found to be the most effective concentration for some genotypes (Garcia a total of 180 days since the introduction of the plant material up to the
et al., 2016). seedlings obtention for the Sca6 genotype; Azpeitia-Morales et al.
On the other hand, for the CCN51 SYS4, TSH565, SYS16 genotypes (2015) obtained an average of 6 SSE per explant with the inifap1 gen-
there was PE and GE formation and the CCN51, SYS4, TSH565 geno- otype after 210 days under a treatment devoid of phytohormones. In
types reached a complete regeneration and seedlings development in the present study, the times for SSE formation were 145 days for
the INDI-INDexp medium supplemented with 2,4-D and KIN. The pre- TSH565 and 160 days for CCN51, showing more uniformity and better
sence of KIN in the culture medium favored the embryogenic tissues development compared to primary somatic embryos.
induction and their corresponding regeneration in these genotypes, a In this study, the highest frequency of secondary somatic embry-
coordinated action with auxins, since the hormone balance and other ogenesis was obtained with primary somatic embryos in a cotyledonary
culture conditions like amino acids and basal culture medium can lead state, where the globular, torpedo, and heart stages were less sensitive
to different organs regeneration (Su and Zhang, 2014). The 2,4-D (data not shown). One of the limitations for the somatic embryogenesis
concentration in the INDexp medium is not present and in the SCG processes standardization (primary and secondary) is the genotype
medium is 2 mgL−1, and in accordance with Su et al. (2011) relatively dependence. This different response to the secondary embryogenesis
high auxin concentrations suppress the organized growth and may void induction is highly dependent on the physiological characteristics of the
the polarity of the embryogenic mass when this spreads inside it, which explants in a specific development stage; this was also reported for Paris
induces the inhibition of the embryogenic process started by en- polyphylla and Sapium sebiferum (Rai et al., 2007; Raomai et al., 2014).
dogenous auxins (Vondráková et al., 2011). Some of the genotypes Efficient conversion of cotyledonary somatic embryos into seedlings
which formed globular embryos in the SCG expression medium (with is another important step for the whole plant regeneration. In this
the highest auxin concentration), did not reach the following stages of study, primary and secondary embryos conversion percentages over
embryo development, allowing to suggest that they were sensitive to 66% were achieved, superior results to those reported by Ajijah et al.
the 2,4-D concentration. In this sense, Santana-Buzzy et al. (2009) (2014), where the Sca6, Pa300, ITU 1, ICS 13, GC 7, DR 2, ICCRI 2
suggests an inhibitory role of auxins in the apical meristems develop- genotypes were used. The seedlings complete development in the MM6
ment of Capsicum baccatum somatic embryos. This phenomenon may be medium, is opposite to the results obtained by Garcia et al. (2016) who
caused by genetic, epigenetic or physiological factors. In T.cacao as in describes this development in ED medium.
C.baccatum, the auxins elimination from the medium is the key for the Regenerating embryos were characterized by a matte white col-
embryo’s normal development (Venkataiah et al., 2016). In conclusion, oration, which coincides with Teixeira et al. (2002) who asserts that
in several T. cacao genotypes the elimination of the 2,4-D level triggers these embryos have higher conversion rates into seedlings than into
the initiation of the embryogenic process, opposite to what happens in translucent embryos. One of the main differences between these media
most of the Poaceae where the total elimination of this auxin during the is that the MM6 macronutrients are MS while for ED the nutrients are
process to facilitate the cell division is not possible (Alcantara et al., DKW, in addition, the MM6 medium is supplemented with activated
2014). carbon, amino acids, NAA and GA3. One possible explanation for these
In the SCG-PCG medium the TDZ presence could inactivate or limit results is a higher macroelements concentrations, especially nitrogen
the responses; for Cruz et al. (2003), this regulator had a high resistance (KNO3 and NH4NO3) in the MS medium compared to the DKW (Aghaye
to degradation by the action of the cytokinin oxidase enzyme of the and Yadollahi, 2012).
cytokinins, which suggests that the cytokinin action of TDZ decreases In the MM6 medium, which contains NAA combined with GA3, an
gradually, taking long periods of time. Although the medium INDexp efficient germination was achieved, opossite to the findings in the
has no growth regulators, a positive response was obtained which may medium without regulators (ED). This synergistic effect of auxin and
be the result of the different amino acids such as arginine, glycine, gibberellin on the promotion of embryo conversion into seedlings has
leucine, lysine, tryptophan. Aminoacids represent an effective and im- also been reported in other species (Zlenko et al., 2002; Junaid et al.,
mediate nitrogen source for the cells, and are considered essential for 2007; Paramageetham et al., 2004). Ali et al. (2010) managed the so-
embryogenesis (Su and Zhang, 2014). matic embryos development of Juglans regia in a medium that contained
The results obtained in the TSH565 and CCN51 varieties match with MS salts and that was supplemented with NAA and GA3, after two
the report made by Garcia et al. (2016), where the explant type for months of culture. GA3 has also been used in the elongation of the re-
TSH565 was petal and for CCN51 was staminodes, however, induction, generated buds (Lakshmi et al., 2013).
expression and maturation times were lower in this study. These au- For the 12 genotypes evaluated, only EET8, ICS1, ICS95, ICS39,
thors obtained 3 SE per explant for TSH565 and 2 SE per explant for SYS12, SYS16 reached the formation of embryos in a globular state and
CCN51, while in our work we achieved 7.99 SE per explant for both the subsequent dedifferentiation in callus. The callus from non-re-
varieties TSH565 and CCN51, using the basal salts DKW and the generating genotypes were in general vitreous white and granular,
medium reported by Fontanel et al. (2002). unlike the Brown and granular callus that were related to the ones from
We also obtained a higher embryo production for TSH565 compared embryo formation response, which is in line with what was described
to what is reported by Silva et al. (2008), Monsalve et al. (2005) and by Gamez (2012), in T.cacao.
Maximova et al. (2002) and for CCN51 compared to the report made by According to Gallego et al. (2016) in T.cacao, non-regenerating
Monsalve et al. (2005). For the above, for these two genotypes the embryos are lacking from reserve substance but have a high polyphenol
medium with basal salts DKW supplemented with KIN in combination content, which are randomly located in all of the embryo tissue. On the
with 2,4-D, is suitable for the process of primary somatic embryogen- other side, regenerating embryos were characterized by having a high
esis. Li et al. (1998), affirm that the basal salts DKW are more appro- protein and carbohydrate content, procambium vascular bundles and
priate for the cocoa somatic embryogenesis than the basal salts MS, apical meristems (SAM), and a differentiated root system (RAM), imi-
because DKW contains a higher level of calcium, sulfur and magnesium, tating the zygotic embryo ontogenesis in which polyphenols are only
and these elements can be crucial during the early induction stages of restricted to the protodermal cells.

A.M. Henao Ramírez et al. Scientia Horticulturae 229 (2018) 148–156

The explants oxidation during the beginning of the culture is a Colombian Administrative Department of Science Technology and
frequent cause of early in vitro recalcitrance due to a high phenolic Innovation (COLCIENCIAS), number 111570048738 and contract 359-
content. This problem is more common in woody plant tissues such as 2015.
cocoa, because they have high levels of phenols associated with sec-
ondary growth and lignification, and in other cases are related to the Appendix A. Supplementary data
secondary metabolites production. The in vitro oxidation of these phe-
nolic compounds can be increased by the effect of the cutting done on Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
the explants, the disinfection process, and specific components of the online version, at
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