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Roleplay - Role play is the fact of embodying a character and making your life at stake

In Character (IC) - In Character is your characters roleplay, It's the act of embodying your
Out of Character (OOC) - Out of Character is when you, as a player are talking or doing
actions outside of IC actions. Examples Basically, you are the one talking, not your person.
Metagaming (MG) - using information, you have Out of Character ways and using it In
Character. Like calling people by their names

Powergaming (PG) - Powergaming is doing impossible things in life in game.

Deathmatching (DM) - Killing another person without a sufficient roleplay reason
(deathmatching) is not allowed.
Force RP- Forcefully performing an unrealistic action against someone without providing
them an opportunity to evade such an action.
Fear RP - concept that your character is afraid to die and comply with the situation. Being
Fail RP - anything the can be considered an unrealistic situation. Asking drungs from a cop
Revengekill - is coming back to a shooting scene when you were killed.
Non-RP - Doing things that are considered considered good standard roleplay. e.g running
around a crime scene for no reason, not roleplaying fear appropriately in situations
Car Ramming - Using a vehicle to crash into people or vehicles.
Provoking - Purposely annoying/irritating players to get a reaction from them.
Unrealistic Behavior (UB) - Actions that are unrealistic or hurt the roleplay (RP) experience
of other players are considered as Non-roleplay.

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