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Innovative cooking methods (molecular gastronomy)

Molecular Gastronomy

French chemist and cook Hervé This, known as "The Father of Molecular Gastronomy.

Molecular gastronomy is the scientific approach of nutrition from primarily the perspective of
chemistry. The composition (molecular structure), properties (mass, viscosity, etc) and
transformations (chemical reactions, reactant products) of an ingredient are addressed and
utilised in the preparation and appreciation of the ingested products. It is a branch of food
science that approaches the preparation and enjoyment of nutrition from the perspective of a
scientist at the scale of atoms, molecules, and mixtures.

What is the purpose of gastronomy?

Gastronomy is about much more than food. It reflects the culture, heritage, traditions and
sense of community of different peoples. It is a way of promoting understanding among
different cultures, and of bringing people and traditions closer together.

How is molecular gastronomy used in food?

Molecular gastronomy is a branch of food science that focuses on the physical and chemical
processes that arise when cooking. These processes and interactions are explored and
manipulated to yield flavorful, functional, and artistic results.

Top Molecular Gastronomy Techniques and Recipes :

● Pearls & Caviar: Spherification. Spherification is arguable the commonly seen molecular
gastronomy technique.
● Foams and Airs: Emulsification.
● Molecular Gastronomy = Slow and Easy: Sous Vide. ...
● Gels: Gelification. ...
● Transformation: Transglutaminase.

Equipment is needed for molecular gastronomy.

The Molecular Gastronomy Toolit includes the following: Perfect Caviar Maker, Stainless Steel
Caviar Strainer, Spherification Mold, 6' Spaghetti tubing, 100 pH Test Strips, 3 Anti-static
Weighing Dishes, and High-Precision Digital Ingredient Scale. If bought separately these tools
would cost over $100

Is molecular gastronomy healthy?

Molecular Gastronomy is considered to be little unhealthy for a person's health as it involves
usage of gases. Molecular Gastronomy is an advanced culinary science which uses certain
amount of gases in cooking and preparing food and drinks. It is also about cooking food at
different temperatures and viscosities.
As a result of the precision of Molecular Gastronomy techniques, waste is minimal. The
scientific approach opts for using creativity to make meals taste and look interesting. Some
examples of molecular gastronomy foods are a miniature apple that is made to taste like
meat, cocktails in ice spheres, fake caviar made of olive oil, transparent raviolis, spaghetti
made from vegetables, instant ice cream and many others .


Among the modernist cooking techniques spherification is one of them. This technique
can imbue flavorful liquid with the appearance of being solid an illusion which is broken when
the sphere of encapsulated thin hydrocolloid gel like membrane bursts as its eaten. The spheres
can be obtained in different sizes and from different foods. Chefs have adopted both direct and
reverse methods of spherification.

For direct spherification, the water solution containing the food or aroma and a gelling agent,
usually sodium alginate is slowly added to a second bath containing missing ions, example
calcium chloride. When droplets fall into the bath, the process of gelification starts and small
gel capsules with a liquid core or chewy beads are obtained, depending on the dip into the
bath. this technology has been around for decades in the food industry, which first used
alginates to restructure red peppers for manufacturing pimentos in olives. Unlike most edible
gels, which are solid throughout, alginate spheres typically contain a physical outer gel
membrane with liquid core. Various calcium salts like chlorides, lactates, gluconoates, etc. are
used for jellification process The various applications of sodium alginate include use of the
same as stabilizer for ice cream, yogurt, cream, and cheese. It acts as a thickener and emulsifier
for salad, pudding, jam, tomato juice, and canned product.

In reverse spherification, Calcium lactate or other source of calcium ions, is added to edible
liquid. The bath contains unset gel, which is made using deionized or distilled water, when the
food is added to the to the bath solution itself forms a skin of gel around it. . Calcium acts like a
bridge between the alginate chains, enhancing their interactions and favoring the gelation.
Spherification can be considered in the broad sense as an encapsulation method. The viscosity
of the calcium chloride/emulsions and alginate solutions increases with the increase of calcium
chloride and alginate concentration. If the viscosity of the emulsion is higher than that of
alginate solution, droplets deformation during impact with the alginate solution is smaller at
higher degree of emulsion viscosity. Challenges related to spherification include the choice of
the correct acidity and calcium concentration, and the most appropriate solution density and
concentration of flavoring agents. It has been applied for formulation of new food products or
functional foods or to optimize the sensory aspect through the addition of new aromas and
flavors. Both the flavour and texture is enhanced with the spherification technique.
Flash freezing is technically the process whereby objects are frozen in just a few hours by
subjecting them to cryogenic temperatures, or through direct contact with liquid nitrogen at -
196 degrees Celsius. It's generally used in the food industry to snappily freeze perishable food
items. In this case food items are subordinated to temperatures well below waters melting of
freezing point. Therefore, lower ice crystals are formed, causing lesser damage to cell
membranes. This rapid freezing is done by submerging the samples in liquid nitrogen or a
mixture of dry eyes and ethanol.
Freezing is a common food preservation system that's used by nearly everyone, gourmet cook
or not. It works with lower temperatures and reaction rates, preventing the proliferation of
bacteria and other microorganisms. The conception of freezing food was brought by Clarence
birdseye in 1920s thanks to his desire to get fresh food, whatever season of the time it was.
This common kitchen fashion retains nutrients in food as well as provides an Avenue for quick
Still, in the world of molecular gastronomy, freezing does more than just preserve food. It
serves as cooking style that provides a unique way of presenting dishes. More known as flash
freezing, this ultra modern cuisine technique involves the use of veritably low temperatures to
snappily freeze food.
In the kitchen flash freezing is done substantially with the use of liquid nitrogen. As the name
implies, this is nitrogen gas which has been thawed through the process of fractional
distillation. It's presented as a clear liquid without any colour. While the use of liquid nitrogen
dozen directly affect the taste of food, the state of being frozen may enhance flavour. The small
crystals formed during the process of flash freezing don't affect food quality or nutritive value.
In turn, this keeps food properties complete and intensifies both smell and flavor in dishes. This
technique of freezing allows liquids to be frozen fully or incompletely. As a result, it's possible
to produce fluid filled frozen dishes with solid external shells.
The liquid nitrogen is common tool used in the process of flash freezing due to its extremely
low temperatures and cooling properties the third gas reacts with the food that it comes into
contact with and results in the formation of small crystals that solidifies food without affecting
taste. Serving as a coolant, liquid nitrogen isn't used as an ingredient so it isn't ingested by
diners. In cases where the liquid nitrogen is mixed into foods such as cream, it's snappily
evaporates into the air. Due to the properties of liquid nitrogen, care is required when using it
of freezing. Special equipment such as an anti-grill or anti-griddle can be used alongside this
ultra modern cuisine cooking tool. There is no mistrustfulness that the use of cold temperatures
for cooking brings about a whole new approach to food. As earlier mentioned, it's possible to
create dishes which are solid on the outside and liquid on the inside. This is a different way to
serve food be it for desserts appetizers, soups, salads or indeed a main course. Aside from this,
freezing makes it possible to produce intricate decorations that can be used as set of for dishes.
The employment of freezing can be observed in presentations where “smoking” dishes are
those who employ the use of freezing in modernistic cookery will observe a number of benefits
brought about by this method. Therefore, this approach can be used to enhance dishes and
dining experiences and is one of the most popular styles used in modern cooking

En papillote or al cartoccio in Italian is a method of cooking in which the food is put into folded pouchs
or parcel and then baked. It is the combination cooking method of steaming and baking. This method is
mostly used to cook fish or vegetables, but lamb and poultry can also be cooked en papillote. Although
it is cooked in an oven this is a moist-heat method because the paper seals in hot vapours and steams
the food. Same kind of results can be achieved through the use of grape or banana leaves, corn husks,
pastry, or foil. By wrapping in leaves the technique can be adapted for grilling or steaming in the

The modern Papillote technique has been perfected in France starting from the 17th Century. The term
Papillote means paper envelope and describes the technique literally. Even if foil is the common
alternative, the Papillote is mainly made with parchment paper. The most popular food cooked in this
method is fish.

Beyond its nutritional benefits, the papillote brings out all the different flavour of your foods that are
steamed, without coming into direct contact with your plancha. The vegetables, meat and fishes come
out more softer. This technique also helps to cook healthier versions because it does not involve adding
of additional fat.

There are two essential reasons to cook en papillote: the technique cooks food to exactly the right
texture and degree of fineness and it only requires the use of one pan for the parchment to sit atop.

What Dishes Are Typically Cooked en Papillote?

1. Fish en papillote. Delicate fish filets are ideal for cooking en papillote, since they can so easily be
overcooked while roasting or searing. While white fish like cod, or tilapia are commonly prepared en
papillote, you can also use this method of cooking to prepare meatier fish like flounder, snapper, and
salmon with great results.

2. Chicken breast en papillote. Thin-cut chicken breasts are another option to cook en papillote.
Marinate the chicken breasts prior to cooking for an extra boost of flavors.
3. Vegetables en papillote. Vegetables that benefit from a gentler treatment do especially well en
papillote since the steam works to coax out their flavors without turning them to mush. Try this cooking
method with zucchini, asparagus, or the mushrooms.

“Sous Vide cooking method”

Sous vide, also known as low temperature, long-time (LDLT) cuisine, is a system of cuisine in
which food is placed in a plastic pork or a glass jar and cooked in a water bath for longer than
usual cozine time at a precisely regulated temperature. The temperature is much lower than
generally used for cuisine it is around 55 to 60 degrees Celsius for red meat, 66 to 71% degree
Celsius for flesh, and even higher for vegetables. The intent is to cook the item evenly, ensuring
that the inside is rightly cooked without overcooking the outside and to retain moisture.
What's the use of sous vide cuisine system?
Sous vide cuisine utilizes precise temperature control with circulation to produce results that
you can't achieve through any other cuisine fashion. the reason when using traditional styles of
cuisine, you don't have control over heat and temperature. Accordingly, it's veritably delicate
and time-consuming to continually cook great food. Food ends up overcooked on the outside
with only a small portion in the center that's cooked to the temperature you want. Food loses
flavor, overcooks effortlessly and ends up with a dry chewy texture. With the size temperature
control in the kitchen, sous vide provides following benefits

 consistency. Because you cook your food to a precise temperature for a precise amount
of time you can hope really consistent results
 taste. Food culinarians in its juices. this ensures that food is very moist, juicy and tender.
 Waste reduction. Traditionally set food dries out and results in waste. For example, on
average, traditionally cooked steak loses up to 40% of its volume due to drying out.
Steak cooked via perfection cooking, loses none of its volume
 Flexibility. traditional cooking can bear your constant attention. Precision cuisine brings
food to an exact temperature and holds it. There is No Fear about overcooking
The new darling of the savorer set, Sous vide has a lot of pluses
 Evenly cooked food
 juicy and tender flesh
 controlled cooking temperatures
 bettered flavor without adding fats
 consistent results with proteins
sous vide cons
Forward each cuisine system, a little rain must fall. But if you I a die hard researcher, some of
these downsides might not be invincible.

 Longer cooking times

 inconsistent results with some vegetables and some fish
 requires additional attention to food safety
 requires special equipment that is water roaster
safety issues
the thumb rule among food service professionals is that food should stay in the so-called perils
zone (temperature range of 40 Fahrenheit to 140 Fahrenheit) for a shorter time since bacteria
thrive in that range. Still much of sous vide cuisine occurs at lower temperatures and indeed
cooking at 140 Fahrenheit can be dangerous if one is unfamiliar with the various D-values for
D-value refers 2 decimal reduction time that is the time needed at a certain temperature to kill
90% of the organisms being studied .thermal inactivation of salmonella requires a value of
seven and a 12 -D the reduction is needed of Clostridium botulinum in canning

Food has evolved rapidly over the last few centuries and what chefs use to prepare has also
changed. Earlier chefs used to serve huge portions, nowadays chefs are preparing bite size
food. So by time chefs are changing the methods of cooking dishes which are also health
beneficial as well as the consumption of resources are also low. People have shifted to
microwave cooking rather than bakery as the bakery products contain huge amounts of fat in
them. The chefs are also using sous vide to cook products like vegetables and meat which
require no fuel to cook. They cook the items with the help of electricity. Similarly with an air
fryer the products which are cooked are 90 percent fatless compared to products which are
fried in a deep fryer or shallow fried. The consumption of steam products are more consumed
as they are health friendly. Even in big restaurants and in industries chefs are more emphasis on
these types of cooking. There are many restaurants which also practise molecular gastronomy
cooking in which chefs are trained to use chemicals like lecite and more to cook. Therefore the
methods of cooking as we saw are drastically changing as in earlier centuries the mode of
cooking was only with the contact with fire. Later on our ancestors practised and started
cooking with the help of water which became methods like boiling and poaching. And
nowadays chefs are shifting more towards electric cooking as it is more health friendly.
Scientists are also working with today’s chefs in preparation of a capsule which will help the
astronauts to live on the outer planets. The capsule will provide them with the same amount of
nutrients as well as taste the same which a normal food will contain. These capsules will be
available by 2020 in every store. Hence to conclude we would like to say that without the help
of earlier methods of cooking the new methods of cooking would not come.
Through the following project we can conclude that there are many other techniques in which
food can be prepared, for example like the Air fryer where the mode of cooking is the same but
with a very little fat which is good for the body with no impact on taste. Less use of fat means
less fat in the body which is good. People are making more of these types of machines as they
are more accepted in today’s generation because people are becoming more health conscious.
People are also working with a new method known as capsule cooking.

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