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Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd

Sirirchala, Bagherbazar SELECTION VersionNo: - 006
Review Date: - 01-Oct-2021
Bhabanipur, Gazipur Policy


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Name, Title Signature, Date

Prepared By:

Md. Jahangir Alam (Quality Assurance Department)

Name, Title Signature, Date

Approved By:

Mr. Abu Yunus (Head of Operation)

Review Date Revision Date Signature, Date

Annual Review 01.10.2020 30.09.2021

01.10.2021 30.09.2022

Location: Copy Location: Copy Number


Production 1

Sample 1
Distributed To:
Maintenance 1

Quality 1

Admin 1

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd
Sirirchala, Bagherbazar SELECTION Version No: - 006
Review Date: - 01-Oct-2020
Bhabanipur, Gazipur Policy

Supplier refers to any person or organization which has the potential of supplying materials
being used by the facility.


To make sure that the factory sources all the raw materials from approved and selected
supplier through maintenance of proper system and procedure.

Objective of the Procedure:

To make sure that all the suppliers are selected through maintaining proper system and

Effective & Review Date:

This SOP is affected since Oct 10, 2019 and it can be reviewed, revised or kept as it is at
any time under any reasonable circumstances.

Responsible Person:

Head of Merchandising is directly responsible for monitoring, controlling and implementing

the SOP through related departmental responsible person.

Standard Operating Procedure:

Internal Procedure:

1. Factory merchandising section sources the raw material supplier as per buyer or
client’s requirement.

2. Merchandising section compares price and service with other suppliers and industry

3. Merchandising section liaises with factory quality and compliance department to

check the quality standard and compliance through own selection procedure.

4. Merchandising section liaises with buyer or brands with the obtained quality and
compliance report and gains their positive opinion.

5. If the buyers or brands agrees on that ground then merchandising goes for next
negotiation with own management.

6. After getting own quality and compliance report about the supplier, merchandising
submits the report to higher management.

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd
Sirirchala, Bagherbazar SELECTION Version No: - 006
Review Date: - 01-Oct-2021
Bhabanipur, Gazipur Policy
7. Higher management considers the standard, ethics of that supplier which must
comply with buyer standard, price and service as well as our system and procedure.

8. Finally, factory management negotiates with buyer and supplier and makes a
memorandum of understanding containing business terms and conditions.

External Procedure:

I. Sometime buyer advises to factory management to source from their own nominated
raw materials suppliers.

II. Buyer sends an approved supplier list to factory concern people as per category of
the raw materials.

III. If buyer advises to factory management about nominated supplier in that case buyer
will confirm all types of selection procedure and understanding but need to share the
necessary information with factory end.

Criteria Considered for Selecting Suppliers:

The merchandising department usually considers the following criteria or KPI before
selecting a supplier in their supply chain loop as given below;

a. Company Profile – refers the strength and weakness of the company, past record
and future growth prospect of the company.

b. Ownership – refers the owner status and background in the business industry and
their past record in the same industry.

c. Physical Visit – merchandising department people must the supplier office, factory
and other related places to see the actual status and existence.

d. Financial Strength – merchandising department can see bank status to justify their
financial strength either they are capable or not.

e. Past Performance / Current Suppliers – verify the past performance of the company
in the same product and industry.

f. Ethical / Strength – refers how much their sound in their social and ethical practices it
means labor practices.

g. Price Competitiveness – refers how much their price is competitive compared to

other supplier and clients.

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd
Sirirchala, Bagherbazar SELECTION Version No: - 006
Review Date: - 01-Oct-2021
Bhabanipur, Gazipur Policy
h. Delivery Performance – refers how timely they can deliver their goods and services
to their clients.

i. Post Supply Support – refers how much they believe that after sales service is their
moto to satisfy their customer.

j. Management SOP – refers how strongly they are following their SOP to do their
production and decision-making process.

k. Technical Strength – refers how much they are efficient to follow their own and buyer
set technical sop or standard in their product process or product safety.

Communication & Feedback of the Policy:

The procedure can be communicated and given feedback through the following processes
those are effective for our sop maintenance as;

a. Mail communication
b. Internal Meeting
c. Regular communication through higher management meeting.

Record & Control of the policy Activities:

As the factory can use wood under any circumstances, so factory administration must maintain a
record register to follow up its breakage record and control the safe breakage in the factory

Authorized Signature

1. As above


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