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direction in which the magma flowed.

From the fact that

The general importance of Abelard lles in his having fixed

Charter-parties and Bills of Lading (London, 1904). (W.)

which entirely proceed from objects before our eyes; and

water from glycerin by heating it with anhydrous potassium

solution, after settling out the mud, a quantity of potassium

harvests of successive years. But, so far as the northern

extending to about 6000 ft. The most characteristic feature

in 1660) was refused licence by Archbishop Sheldon, and was

study. The last, and possibly the most influential, of

24. Plan of Campaign for 1864.--Grant, now the foremost

for the homicidal mania which attacks Malays. A Malay will

(``Writing'') begun by Olin Warner, and the statue of Professor

generally known as the Alexandrian school of philosophy. The

and that from which nearly all their kings were chosen.

to the literary and social conditions of the time, and are

to make a living there he went to Damascus and thence to

and passed by the emperor, remained unsigned. Alexander, in

and L. Trabut, L'Algerie; le sol et les habitants (Paris,

they grow are so much more readily controlled, that they have

the neighbouring pashas and chiefs, crushed the Suliotes and

where he graduated as a nobleman in 1804. Before this time,

legislative efforts equal to this, in respect of the real

(fantasia) is that it must be credible, irrefutable and

emasculated. impoverished and rigidified it. It sees in

in the department. There are many corn and saw mills and

against the adulteration of food have been found necessary

Mediterranean. The climate is temperate, and the rainfall very

real estate in addition to maintenance on divorce for her

minimum. The only way in which the Leblanc process could still

two states may contradict each other, as in the case of the

pastime. The value of the constant known as Euler's, and

S. Little cloister.

Die Stanz (Gastein to Rauris), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,900

Western Squadron, under Viscount Keppel. Keppel, after a

of the introduction of Western reforms under the sultans Abdul

lakes ( U.S. v. Rogers, 150 U.S. 249). (J. A. BA.)

from the north Bulgarians and Vlachs descended unchecked

bearer. He arrived at Massawa in July 1864, and immediately

to show that gravity at the bottom of the mine exceeded that


which is still signed by every academician on receiving his

number of state documents, and is an invaluable authority

the Egyptian judicature, he was appointed judge of the court

&c. (Darmstadt, 1883), with English translation by the Princess

impression unfavourable to the fire-balloon in the matter

The movement of expansion towards the south was continued under

reputed to be that of the Baptist's father, and the Kakun.

elevation of temperature (due to electrolytic strengthening

Haase, in Jahns Jahrbuch, 1835, xiv. 1 ; Max Jahns, Gesch.

orifice, round the lower border, is the greater curvature.

at first enjoy increased strength, vigour and appetite; later,

was an able anti-slavery member of Congress. Most of the

revised in Bollandist Acta Sanct. 29th Oct. xii. pp. 840-843.

the Ucayali, Reclus the same, both following the missionary

minutes, when the balloon rose to the height of about 1500

the walls of the houses, and open at the front. In these shops

come before the courts for construction, and the decisions in

and, (c) the great Logos doctrine as the explanation of

m. The western side consists of stony but fertile plains,

Father of Danish Painting,'' was born at Copenhagen, the

the chief adviser at headquarters during the American War of

investigated by J. v. Liebig (Annalen, 1835, 14, p.

line; the axis of the system is roughly parallel to the

Klasse, vol. 38: Vienna, 1890). For early printed versions

expenditure in this direction which an advertiser may find

recognized Afghanistan as outside her sphere of influence.

sea. The origin of the namo Aegean is uncertain. Various

the stream of Europeans continued until well into Theodore's

S. Doctor's house. s, s, s. Kitchens.

But James was unmoved by his application, and granted the

1905. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs.

replaced by commerce-destroying pure and simple, carried out

feudal system also affected the advocatus. In times of

waterways. As Sherman in 1862, so now Grant was unable to

older. Of a Benedictine abbey there remain a beautiful

power to landlords to grant leases and otherwise improve their

the ancient parish church, and the modern church (1850),

The figure denoting the general average yield per acre of

compromise. Thus the Hellenistic doctrine of personal

of Hermann III., count of Orlamunde, after the death of

of Dunham Massey, one of the eight baronies founded by Hugh,

Darmstadt, 18 m. S. of Mainz by rail. Pop. (1900) 6893.

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