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Professional Interview

By Chris Jay Gelera

Professions are what make our everyday lives easier and more bearable. But have
we ever thought how some are processed and how something so little can affect
our lives so much. So we asked a construct worker what they thought.

Do you feel like this job is something to feel ashamed of?

“Not at all, I’m not the one to be picky about what profession to work in but
sometimes people judge this profession as a lowly one because it pays very
minimally and people on this kind of jobs are generally viewed as failures of
society. But that’s such a close minded process of thinking and in the end it does
nothing but stale my work.”

Do you feel safe in the construction site with many debrees?

“You don’t really mind those things once you start to know each other. Trust
builds in the team and you trust that what the team built is safe. I don’t think an
accident has ever occurred too.”

How does your friends/family relatives think of you?

“Not much of a change, they we’re very accepting but I know that’s not always the
case. I’m very thankful they see me as me and not ‘that guy who works in a
construction site’.”

If you were offered a job outside construction. Will you accept it?
“If it pays well why wouldn’t I (chuckles)”

Do you feel satisfies with you work?

“I guess so, I made some connections here and friends I am proud of. I feel
honoured to work with them. I like working with them and I feel welcomed here. I
don’t feel unaccepted. You could say this is my second family.”

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