Chap 13 Organisms and Populations - Watermark

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ORGANISM AND bPULAT1ON Tropical Tain {oreat

Ramodeo Misra -

Fadnen ol Feology in Tndia .Biomes in Indioa Aeciowows horest

Minisry oEnvionment 8 Foresk - 1984 S0a Cooat
Ecology- 4 levet Organik m
Populahioin Niche Habitot+apeciic ncthion
Commumty a organianm.
NEET mcat important kattor
Ablotic FactoR - GURU (Water

Salt conc" Tnlond waken -
les han 5)
Tempenot e Seo 3O-35
ecologically most important actor Hyporealine agoon- more
dhoun 100
Pole to e9uator = TT Amal

Plain to mountain = T
Steuotnalin tolerate etetu rouge oRalanit
E u y h o l i e - tolenote wiole
eeep sta Hydrolhermal vents =T>10oc

Mavgo- can't goe in tmpeate countmea (3 ught- tor photokyniheuia

Aike Canada Cenmamy a
Aften S00 m depth
ae dak) Oceama -

Snow leopanol no% 1ound in kenala


Tuna ial - Caugtd in ttmperate regiona sea (O Sol Soil CompokitioOn
olding 7 Grain siz
* Stemofheimal - cam tokenate kmall range
Tewp Cimate
KWealhening proceAs
tolerate Lange range
tUyhenmal - Can TPe oil. is t sedimdtony or
*Popwlotion Attribte GTOwn modelz
o : oirdlns (O Exponential grootn
riginal (*eviou) opulotion when TeLOunces ae wninited

no ak cleam
Deon yate
Oiginal Cpre vious) Populotion
-d) N N

male [r=b-dJJ
vatioNo o 4emales pen 1000
Populotion deait (N) 0 N, N,e
(NEET intrinsic rate onotwnal

(* opuloñion grooh
Immigrohion (1) NoToay rot T=
r = 0- 12
Floun beut le
come to popu-
(indiviouali rOm el&ewhou Hunmom Y = 0-020

Movtality (a)
Populahion no , deah] Logistic groudn-
Nokoldty (8) Bensity (N) au
when reAowrces
no-o birn) asymptok

MOre realistte
Emigrotion (E)
TNE phase of
aCceleraho n
leave lhi
individvals else
90 komtw h u lag phaue
K Covvnyiy apautyY t
maximum ike mat
N + [ (B+I) (8+E)J

a habitat can &uppOT Vrhulkt feanl

o pPop- density at time t+1 | N opkimt
t logiztic g rocsh
(* Response to Rbiokie foctor Supend- To Lemporoniy
cowstant intennal
Atop /oo doon olevelopmnt
Homeostasis -

maintaining in plants
environment. Seud
Seed bean
Hibenation inten slwp -

O Regulate wmaintain homeoztasia Aeativation -aummen ileep Anau

AL birols a mamnmals
Feuw louoerr vOtebyates å invertebyates 9fapaue- in zooplankton
g Sweating in Umnmen, shiveu ng tn
ointen Tek:
Adapdotions -

rat -aets waten rom intennal

CongOrn- 997 ol plauts 8 ammalk Can't Kangonoo at
ointain homtoetosiaA
Lhey change intomal fatoys accovoling Opuntia e

photosyndmesis by 4lattoned
+o apines
to evironmet
Atem- Plylbciade
Heat oRs oy gain d sn{at aea cold cimate
Allens Rule -Mammals
have small ean a imbs
mall birds g avumals have more beloo &kin)
SUace a e a relahve
to h e i vowwme, Seal- BLabber - Rayen o fat
dhat's wyfanely seen in polan auas

DLvrt Uzahd - belnavioral aoloptation

Bauk in aun whm temp. drops
favowrable oHea
Miqrate Move ko a
ALudae slckness
Keo ladoSiboua to at thigh alhituoles
Sibeian rane - A u to loo oxygm auna ea
places, we expeutma
Notional fonk. Rhahakpwr RaFosthaunj ,
8 heant palpitahon.

Adoptation - RBC produchion feu

Breating rate te)
opulotion Interachios- Competition (--)
Con nappen bto. Yelateol or unyelatee 4peuies
Pre dokion >
(*,-) Gala pog0% Ialamd
Rrickly pean cackus Adoivndon tortoise get extct wilhin a olecad
Tntroduced in Aukralia ten goats w e u ntrodutel
Spreaded Tapidally
L Condroleol by Cactus feeolig motda Competitive release -

} a upevor Bpeciu
removed om on anea, dhe omen
Rredatos helps to owen cowpefition amona PrA)itunior) peues will expQnod tts rage
h e n all pisasten startish we

Amerutan Coast,
aifc ConnelU's expeument
rOn G aea o cotlond
ore han 10 species oh inwertebrates FOn rocky 4a coasts o
became extincs wiin ayean. Ttenior -

Superior - Palanu
Mohanch buttenhly uigtnly olixtostehud
9ominates intertidal asneoa
in catierpilen stge, it eats a poisionous wee
Gauuse's Competiäve txcluston Printiple-
Plauts ThornA
Tuoo related speciRs hat
Poiaionous Candliac GAycosides Compete or 8 m e rekouwces Can't
Calotropis CO-xist anol infeior
(" 257. inects- ptnytophagOu plaut eatiug pecies oill be eleninated.
that 5 species ok
MacArdhwn showed
ovn A0me trea (to-exiat).
NEET Resounce fanitiouiug wanblor living
GURU avoicled compehitton y odapking dilheret
orog1a ackivihs
PasauiiAm (+,-) Mutualism -(+, +)
Porouites -
Jive in/on ohhar organia m 9 Lichun , wycorrhiza
Plant yeLoanoly (hector pollen etu) v aimals
k o s unnecekany s s e organ
or &teo oisperzion 3 polinahion.
develo ped sucked to cling ohozt
no digestive Byatem Cheatos Pollen Tobber take Teono

out domt nelp in pollination.

tgh reproductive copaciAS
Yucca -moth relJaBion -
modh oys g9
h o a t t a t
in r u t oh c c a a Konva eat& h o seeol
Humam Aiven 4luke 2
* MediteIanean Orciod
Ecto poasite uss seXual deci et
Fornasites { FLive o n extenal awjace o, hoat
J i c e On human , tick 0n dogs
Opry a petal TesembleA senmede bea

Copepod - on Marine t A e a l e bee pauedo copulotes oin petal

Cos Cuta -

- On hdge pla pollen get &tick to it.

Endo panasites -

live mid hoit ( emale bee hanges ita appeahemce,

ophrya oiln co-evokue &chmnge it petal
e bacteda in buman intutine

Broool dnaktiam Paasitic birol » Loy29 Commengalikm 7 (+,0)

in nest
o host. Koel 8
rou Ovchid on m0mgo
Bannacles kack a wtnales

( Amenalism (-.0) NEET OTR 1get and arazin9 cottle

Amc trus nden a bio tree
LGURUJ S e a Anemone 8 Clouon tia.
H bacteria
prodwcing onti -biotic
kiuing ohen bacBouta.

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