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Subject Chemistry Total marks(25)

Q#1 Choose the correct option Total marks(5×1=5)

Atoms reacts with each other because

a) They are attracted to each other b) They are sort of electrons
c) They want to attain stability d) They want to disperse

Octet rule is
a) Descriptions of eight electrons b) picture of electron configuration
c) Pattern of electrons configuration d) attaining of eight electrons

A bond formed between two non-metals is expected to be

a) Covalent b) Ionic c) Metallic d) Coordinate covalent

Ice floats on water because

a) Ice is denser than water b) Ice is crystalline in nature
c) Water is denser than ice d) Water molecules moves

Triple covalent bond involves how many electrons

a) Eight b) Six c) Four d) Five

Q#2 Answer any five form short questions Total


i. Why do atoms react?

ii. Metals are good conductors of electricity why?
iii. What type of covalent bond is formed in nitrogen molecule (N2)
iv. Why a covalent bond becomes polar?
v. Why does ice floats on water?
vi. What is the difference between inter-molecule and infra-molecular forces?
vii. Write 3 properties of metals.
viii. What is dipole-dipole interaction?
ix. Why HCL has dipole-dipole forces of attraction?

Attempt any one question Total Marks(6×1=1)

What is an iconic bond? Discuss the formation of iconic bond between Na and CL
What are covalent bonds? How they form? Explain the formation of single,double
and triple covalent bonds.

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