How To Write A Refutation

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Refutation: In your refutation you want to show

 why the opposition is wrong

 your opinion/position is better
 where the opposition's argument falls short

Summarize the opposite opinion in a sentence or two and provide the

context. Then,

1. problematize the opposing arguments

2. shift from opposing arguments to supporting arguments

1. Problematizing the opposing arguments: It is important that

the reader knows that when you write opposing arguments you do not
agree with them. You have to make it clear that you are presenting
these arguments only to show that you understand the issue from
both sides, that you have anticipated the opposing arguments and
wish to criticize them. In order to signal this you have to use special
phrases. To problematize something means you make it seem like a
problem, to make it seem untrue.

However, you should avoid an aggressive approach when you are

problematizing your opponent's arguments. For example, do not use
expressions like, "This is silly/foolish/rubbish" or "It/This is not true."


Counter argument: "The establishment of a university in a small or

developing town will contribute to the development of local culture,
community and economy."

Problematized argument: "It is argued that the establishment of a

university in a small  or developing town will contribute to the
development of  local culture, community and economy."

2. Shifting  from opposing arguments to supporting arguments:

You should clearly mark the point  where you shift from opposing
arguments to supporting arguments. The most common of the
contrast markers is "However".

It is argued that the establishment of a university in a small  or
developing town will contribute to the development of  local culture,
community and economy. However, if a university is wrestling with
staff recruitment problems and cannot solve its financial funding
problems,  it cannot be of any help to the local community or the

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