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Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet

Name: Ellys Smith

Topic: Creative Writing, Poetry.
Strand: Project
Inquiry Question: How does art particularly writing benefit mental health and invoke healing.
Presentation Method: Physical copy, poetry reading, website presentation.
Presentation Time & January 11th 10:50-11:10 am

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

During my capstone presentation I plan to bring the physical copy of my poetry book and allow Mr. Main a
few moments to flip through and see what I made.
Then I plan to walk through my process, reading my journal entries and all my evidence and artifacts of
when I was writing, what inspired me how I chose my poems and what I meant in the way I wrote them.
I plan to walk him through the whole process on my website, each tab and provide examples of my creative
I will show him three examples of my inspirations from the references page, a big inspiration to me has
been Rupi Kaur and I will read out her poems that inspired me. I will then briefly talk about the trial-and-
error process of actually publishing this book, building the cover, uploading files, selecting the layout and
possibly the distributing process if I make it that far.
Finally, I plan to present at least ten of my personal favorite poems or 2-3 from each chapter to Mr. Main
and read them aloud highlighting what I was trying to say the process of writing and how I chose this design
and layout.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.)
*This was also done in your Capstone Draft Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have
not changed, then you can copy and paste your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & Finding inspiration online and in my community and forming new ideas
Responsibility and drafts using samples.
I set goals that a manageable and reachable and record progress of my
Social Responsibility I’ve had many peers review my writing and critique my work.
I appreciate different opinions and try to approach my work from different
Critical Thinking I can critique my own work and try different things until I find something
that works for me. Troubleshooting.
I explore different ways of expressing my message and I understand my
audience and can format my writing to work for different demographics.
Creative Thinking I can come up with new unique ideas and perspectives that can benefit
people and how they respond to different experiences.
I can use the environment around me as inspiration for new work.
Communication I can engage in a deep and meaningful ways with consumers based on the
relatability of my content.
I can reflect on obstacles and my learning process and I can’t share what
I’ve learnt from the creative process.
Personal & Cultural Identity I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world
and how I Identify that others most likely can relate to.
I know my experiences and what is important to me, I use my values as
truth and shape my choices around those.

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc.…)

I will need the tv so I can present my website by connecting to apple tv and a table to put my computer on,
bring a highlighter so you can highlight phrases that stick out in your personal copy. Bring a willingness to
listen to me ramble about my writing.

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

I will need to bring my laptop to present my website, I will need copies of my book that I have already
ordered. Lastly, I would like to bring a few of my journals that just show the drafting process and how I made
them into an actual book.

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

I have done all the things I’ve needed to do on my end all there is, would just be waiting to receive my
physical copies of my book and look into the distribution process and how I would go about selling my book
if I wanted to since I have my ISBN regardless. I also will need to select the poems I want the read to Mr.
Main on the day of my presentation.

4) References and explanation of sources:

Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.
 this is a very dark poem about suicide I think it’s important to talk about those struggles v=ML5lcubbraw
because they are so real for so many people. I simply really e
it is read aloud to do any publish
noNxhKD3mhk6dt7hC+b4HGIJqXljaVWolgowWmxINX4=_1835e59beab:178964:4934a55e media.
this is a video of Ocean Vuong who was one of the first novelist I had a difficult time
understanding, but I really enjoy his writing and the depth and layers to his work. https://postsecret
this is a website cards too with se
this is one of my favourite poems of ALL TIME and this is the kind of writing level I want to and I like to go t
be at one day. when I’m
this is another Rupi Kaur poem that speaks on misogyny in her industry and this speaks to me v=Jz9vATqRtds
because I can relate that feeling of not being adequate as a woman.  another really g
my interest style in this one.
this is a page from Rupi Kaur's book, it is inspiring, and she is one of my biggest idols,
so I take a lot of inspiration from her work.

In all of these references the use was inspiration these are all relatable to me in some way and I
have written something based of my understanding of these poems.

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