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Tuesday, 31st of January 1649


By Daphne Panagiotopoulou

After 7 days of trial and 3 days of waiting

for the sentence to be carried out, finally,
yesterday at 2:00 in the afternoon, the King
of treason, the King of insolence, the
Catholic, Charles I was beheaded in front
of Whitehall Banqueting House.

The execution, was originally planned to

take place at 12 noon, but it was delayed
because the executioners couldn’t bring
themselves to carry out the sentence and
cut off the King’s head. But in the end,
reason prevailed and the executioners
realised that this was necessary for the
common good. Sir. Oliver Cromwell called this a “cruel
necessity”. And it was a necessity indeed,
The last because King Charles I brought this fate to
head-line himself by being a traitor. He betrayed the
of Charles I: country by repeatedly disrespecting the
The final hours of the
Parliament, the laws and the people. He
King that divided started a Civil War to overthrow the
England. Parliament because he believed he was above
everyone and equal only to God.
Read on Page 3
During the 25 years that “A cruel
he was King, he had a necessity”
So, as the crowd stared in silence in the
lavish and provocative
shivering cold of January, King Charles
lifestyle that led him in Sir. Oliver
walked up to the platform without fear. Cromwell
the path of the Devil. The
The King had prepared himself for this
evil who sent, Rupert, a
demon from Hell in the
The day before we said goodbye to his wife
form of a dog, to
and children. In the morning of the day of
manipulate the King of
his execution, he woke up and requested
red wine and bread for his last meal. Also,
as a last order to his former servants, he The gravest crime of King Charles I, though,
directed them to get him 2 white shirts is that he never repented. He insulted the
instead of one to prevent him from court and was arrogant, because he
shivering from the harsh weather of the continued to believe that he was better than
day. all. But the court made it clear for him and
So yesterday, the executioners’ axe swung generations a-head that “the King of England
down and ended a dark chapter in the is not a person, but an office whose every
history of our country. There were no occupant was entrusted with a limited power to
cheers from the people, only a deep gasp govern 'by and according to the laws of the land
and then silence fell once again. and not otherwise”
The King was dead.

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