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G. Schlag - H. Redl - D. Traber (Eds.) Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure Brain Damage Secondary to Hemorrhagic-Traumatic Shock, Sepsis, and Traumatic Brain Injury Fifth Wiggers Bernard Conference 1996 ‘With 91 Figures aiid 35 Tables Springer cord in this modelz er tracts that may (atleast in part) in Enhanced Osteogenesis: Systemic Consequence of Traumatic Brain Injury R. WipnuroER, N. Zankovic, S, BoRoviG, K, ZaRkOvIC, and Z. KejLA, Background Already in 1918, Dejerine and Ceillier [9] described for the first time the appearance of abundant osseous neoformations near joints and bones in patients with injuries of the spinal cord. Calandriello in 1964 [7] and Roberts in 1968 [28] were the first authors to describe the phenomenon in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). ‘The advantage of this phenomenon is early consolidation of the fractures, while an extreme disadvantage is extensive periarticular calcification that could, inspite ofthe spontaneous ending of the process, Iead to complete ankylosis ofthe affected joint Figs. 1,2). However, in spite of a relatively long history of studies on the phenomenon, the mechanism of enhanced osteogenesis in patients with traumatic injury of the central nervous system (CNS) is not understood [27,35,40]. Probably, the main reason for that isthe lack of knowledge on very challenging topics: (1) regulative mechanisms of the tissue regeneration or wound healing, and (2) mechanisms of systemic reaction to ‘The lack of general knowledge on these topics, particularly on the role of CNS in growth control and wound healing, as well as possible practical usefulness of the study of the phenomenon, were the reasons forthe joint research study of the Univer- sity Clinic of Traumatology in Graz and Ruder Boskovié Institute in Zagreb sup- ported by the AO/ASIF Foundation. In this joint research study the sera of three groups of patients have been examined and compared with the sera of healthy sub- jects Group | comprised the patients with fractures of long bones and/or large joints only, group II included patients with TBI only and, group II those with combined injury, Le, feactures of long bones or large joints together with TBI. All the patients with TBI, alone or combined with bone fractures, were in coma for 9-14 days but recovered completely without neurological deficits. Only two of them required neurosurgical treatment during the initial post-traumatic period. The groups com. prised 9-11 patients, with equal incidence of male and female subjects, who were on average 20 years old. a aysuao R. Wildburger et al r \cogenesis: Syst Enhanced Ost i asBoi2u ey 049 120) oon 312 R, Wildburger et al after injury. Evaluation of this hypothesis should not only aid the understanding of the phenomenon of enhanced osteogenesis in patients with TBI, but also the understanding ofthe systemic reaction to injury and regulation of the tissue regeneration, Thus, although enhanced osteogenesis in patients with TBI is without doubt a consequence ofthe impaired systemic reaction to trauma and local regulation of the bone fracture healing, even the humoral nature of the phenomenon is uncertain Bidner [3] described in 1990 that inthe sera of patient with severe head injury and bone factures who develop hypertrophic alls formation, growth stimulating atv ity, which probably enhances osteogenesis, is increased. In contrast, in 1994, Renee ct al. [27] desfibed a transient, unspecific growth-inhbiting effect of the injured patients’ sera during the initial poxt-irsumatic week followed afterwards by unspe- {ic growh-promoting acti Hence, to obtain further date on the humoral nature of the phenomenon, we started pilot experiments using cultares of hunan bone cells isolated from the head Fig. 3. Primary culture afhuman bone cells, Mechanical destruction ofthe head of the fem ‘of middle-aged male patient obtained after surgical removal ofthe bone (for the implantation ‘of hip protesis) was combined with partial digestion ofthe tissue by collagenase and pronase solutions. Thus obtained particles were incubsted for 10 days at 37°C in a humidified air atmosphere with 58 CO, in dMEM-F12 Ham's solution supplemented with 10% fetal calf setum. Migration af the bone calls from the bone particle into the caltare medium and devel ‘opment ofa gentle monolayer cell culture at the bottom of the flask can be seen, The same cells were afterwards used for the “bone-tissue” cultures, by implanting the eells into the bovine bone matrix (see Figs. 4-7 understanding TBI, but also mn of the tissue vithout doubt a sgulation of the m is uncertain, read injury and rmulating activ 11994, Renfree of the injured ards by unspe- fenomenon, we from the head ad of the femur yeimplantation se and pronase humidified air 108 fetal jiom and deve "The same cells inca she bovine Enhanced Osteogenesis: Systemic Consequence of Traumatic Brain Injury 313 Fig. 4. Culture of human bone cells incubated for 1 week in bovine bone tissue matrix in the Presence of 96 serum obtained during the fist week afer injury from the blood of patients Rith treumatie brain injury (TBI) and bone fractures (pool prepared from the blood of ten Uonors), Marginal pers of the bone matrix were resorbed by the bone cells resulting in the tissue “defects” (left and central part of the photograph). The seme phenomenon vas also fobserved for cells cultured in the presence of normal human serum of sera of patients with bone fractures only o- TBI only of the femur. The cells are nat only incubated as monolayer cultures (Fig. 3) for the analysis of the cellular DNA synthesis or proliferation rate, but also as “tissue cul tures”. For that purpose, the cells are cultared in vitro in the bovine bone matrix which is used for bone plastic surgery as a replacement for destroyed tissue. The cells are cultured either in normal human serum (obtained from the pool of ten donors) or in pooled sera of the injured patients suffering from TBI alone, bone fractures alone or polytrauma, respectively. The samples of sera are replaced weekly following the time schedule of blood withdrawal from injured patients for the sera preparation. Hence, bone tissue cultures of injured patients are exposed in vitro to the sera of injured patients in consecutive weekly intervals according to the post-traumatic re- covery of the patients. ‘The use of normal human serum, 2s well as the sera of injured patients obtained during the first week afer injury, did not differ much from each other regarding their influence on cell growth behavior. For all the cultures obvious resorption of the bone matrix could be seen (Figs. 4, 5)- However, replacing the “first week” serum with those obtained during consecutive weeks resulted in intensive synthesis of new bone material which even resulted in reintegration of the previously resorbed bone par~ ticles (Figs. 6, 7). This phenomenon of bone remodeling resembled phenomenon ‘of enhanced osteogenesis in patients with TBI since it could be observed only if Fig 3. Culture ofhuman bone cells incubated for 1 week in bovine bone tissue mate in the prasence of serum obtained during the second wee alter fajury from the blood of patients with Bisse fractures only (pool prepared from the blood of eight donors). The week before the cells are cultured under the same conditions but in the presence of serum obtained from the same patents (wth bone aciares only) during te first wesk after injury. Moderate bone resorption aaaere eed (foci of wrensparence of the Bone matrix), without intensive disintegration oF Femodeling of the bone tissue. Similac effects were also seen if the sera of patents with Seumatie brain injury only or combined injury, as well as normal human serum, were used » matrix inthe vi patients with defore the cells Irom the same patients with mm, were used sist Systemic Consequence of Traumatic ee e §, EI Fig. 7. Colture of the human bone cells incubated in bovine bone tissue matrix inthe presence ff serum obtained during the fourth week after injury from the blood of patients with traumatic brain injury (TB1) and bone fractures (poo! prepared from the biood of ten donors). During the preceding 9 weeks the cells were cultured in the presence of serum obtained from the same Patients (with TBI and bone fractures) during the frst, the second or the third week after injury Fespectively. Intensive synthesis ofthe navel bone matrix lead to production of compact and ease bone matrix and extended all ever the marginal parts of the bovine bone resulting even, in the ecunion of the previously "ent" (partly resorbed) particles af matrix. Thus, the bone cells Cultured in the presence of seta of patents with TBI (alone or combined with bone fractures) Showed enhanced osteogenesis in vitro resembling phenomenon of heterotapic ossification oF hypertrophic callas formation clinically observed forthe same patients. Such intensive recon struction of the bone in vitro could be sea only if the sera of patients with TBI (alone or Combined with bone fractures) taken weekly after the second post-traumatic week were used. for the cell cultures. latensive production ofthe novel bone matrix could not be seen ifthe sera ‘of patients with bone fractures only or normal serum were used Fig. & Culture of human bone cells incubated in bovine bone tissue matrix in the presence of serum obtained during the third week after injury from the blood of patients with trauma brain injury (TBD only (pool prepared from the blood of nine donors). During the preceding 2 weeks the cells were cultured in the presence of serum obtained from the same patients (with TDI only) during the fist and the second week after injury, respectively. While the moderate bone resonption (es seen in Fig, 5) continued i the cells were cultured inthe presence of normal human serum or serum of patients with bone fracture osly, intensive bone remodeling was seen forthe cultures incubated with sera of patients with TBI (alone or combined TBI and bone fectures). Intensive bone remodeling was manifested by construction of the novel, transparent rmaitix, even forming the entite “arch” structure joining two parts of the bovine bone matrix (dense tissue) A gentle bone call ayer can also be seen below the “arch” showing an attempt to fil the hole surrounded by the new, in vitro-formed maitix and by the old, bovine Done matrie the sera of patients with TBI alone or TBI combined with bone fractures were used in vito. ‘Thus, we assume that the brain plays an important, but not understood, role in the central control of growth and wound healing which should be further studied to define the nature of the humoral factors involved in growth control. 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