Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet

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Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet

Name: Chloe Park

Topic: Short Story
Strand: Presentation
Inquiry Question: How can I define or refine my writing style as I work to write a short story
influenced by Korean mythology?
Presentation Method: PowerPoint/Hard copy
Presentation Time & Date: Tuesday January 17, 11:40 – 12:00

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300 word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

In my presentation I plan to show how I came to choose my inquiry question and the process of my writing
journey. The key point will be how the slow loss of connection between me and my culture led me to write
a Korean mythology-based story – because I always see so many western fantasy and supernatural genres
– and that personally, I wish to accomplish reaching the big goal of finding my own unique style that is
built up of all tales I’ve heard in my life whether in writing or oral and stepping closer to making an old
dream come true: becoming a storyteller. Community wise, I want to believe that my work and what I
have achieved can influence other young writers in the minority like me with less representation in the
world to have faith and strength in their words. This is true for me because I got the courage to write a
story by finding out another graduate made one before me, so, if one tiny piece of information can help, I
would like to contribute. I would also highlight how reading and writing are important in our lives. They
provide a safe space and encourage us to dream, imagine and get creative. For me, these are the most
healthiest ways to cope with stress and learn more about the world and myself along the way.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & • Self – Determination: Since no one will check on how much I have
Responsibility done I motivate myself to effectively use time to work solely on
my capstone but also ask for help without waiting.
• Self – Regulation: This project relies entirely on me taking
responsibility and setting goals to be productive and on time.
Social Responsibility • Contributing to the community and caring for the environment:
For small communities like our Korean Canadian writers, I will
work to contribute to it by my small efforts.
• Valuing diversity: This whole project started by wanting to show
diversity in a way that is well known – reading – so it could be
easily accessed.
Critical Thinking • Question and Investigate: Asking others for feedback and
researching information will help improve my work’s quality.
• Analyze and Critique: I would constantly critique and get critiques
of my work while defending my opinion.
Creative Thinking • Developing Ideas: My project will push me to develop my ideas
and not give up.
• Generating Ideas: I can use my culture and experience to make
unique stories not seen a lot in our society.
Communication • Acquire, interpret, and present information: I can interpret
stories and share them for my personal goals and inquiry to the
• Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and
accomplishments: In the end I would be able to reflect on my
growth in terms of writing and lend help to others.
Personal & Cultural Identity • Personal Values and Choices: My writing is influenced by values
formed since childhood like identity.
• Relationships and Cultural Identity: This project shows my
attempt to explain that culture is not fixed on where you come
from or where you lived the longest, but it is made up of your
own experiences.

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)

Laptop with Teams, TV and Weebly website access.

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

Hard copy of story, notebook with ideas.

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

Short story, presentation slide.

4) References and explanation of sources:
Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.
This song is by a Korean artist called Ahn Yeeun. It tells of the story of a Changgwi luring a passerby to his
master, a man-eating tiger. This gave me the idea to write a horror genre.
This is another song by the same artist about the origin of the flower Trumpet Creeper. It is sang in the
perspective of the dead woman cursing her lover who didn't keep his promise to come back.
This Korean site has information on Korean folk culture and gave me more details about the Changgwi lore and
that these evil ghosts usually go after family members or close friends.
This video showed me a simple way and guideline on how to write a thriller backwards. This worked well with
me because I usually start with who's going to be the culprit and go from there.
The website taught me how to change my word document to a booklet format so I can print it and bind it to
make a physical copy.

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