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Sprit No Tasks worked On Experience / Learning

84 Bug fix-Email-inputfield expands on generateLink

Rearrange Custom Fields - Paperflite Understand the workflow of the application and folder structure
Bug Fix- Logginin via SSO redirects to Hub instead of the asset or collection work and experience on class compenents (react)
Bug fix-button overlapping When deleting multiple assets on a stream scss styling implimentation and working on react draggable library
Bug Fix-Contacts tab buttons overlaps the text
Bug Fix-Scroll is not getting triggered in QuickSend slider after attaching assets

85 Common Asset Library Viewer worked on building npm package from the scratch and understanding
bug fix - email autocomplete auto size issue on compose the usage of babel, package.json, config files and about linking npm

86 Create new contact form-Mobileview scss responsive styles

Docshifter - Content Engagement Analytics (Zoho #387) functionality implimentation helped to understand more on workflow
Common Asset Library Viewer - (continued) worked on enhancement of the asset viewer and render the view

87 Additional details (Same as Chrome extension) in search UI related defects to fix

unmute-speakers video blog post worked on drupal to upload responsive video's for blog post
Content similarity Analytics - UI animation loaders , and unnderstanding step loading implimentation
Asset view safari crop fix

88 Content source migration - confirmation UI ui task to build slide panel to confirmation of migrating data
Separate sub page for sessions recordings on UNMUTE landing page drupal to add video for speakers helped in understanding drupals workflow
Table of content nav bar - Aspire Systems case study

89 ACI Worldwide - Making the View Library more prominent customer ticket to change view library button style changed more prominent
Contact Conversation Merge - Timeline UI building conversation timeline ui only and dummy data impl to understand reducers
User Management - Paperflite UI task to enhance the information and user add form fixing

90 Outlook user management user roles restriction on chrome extenstioin and outlook
User role management for Chrome extension understand the working of extenstion application and work on UI to restrict on user data
Contact Conversation Merge - Timeline UI - continued run extenstion application locallly, link with gmail and all was new experience/ learning

91 Chrome extention webapp share restriction customer ticket issue to view full name , ui task worked on tooltips with scss
Gyros - Paperflite content formatting - full asset title cleverstory 2 - build reports ui from scratch only UI as skeleton with dummy data
Cleverstory Reports UI improvised breaking compoents and to practice clean ui coding

92 Paperflite defect fix small UI defects fixes on styling

Cleverstory defects - UI designn issues cleverstory 2 UI defects on styles helped to understand scss more about global styling
A/B testing for “View Library” button experinced working with google analytics and google optimization

93 Paperflite GenerateLink sidepanel- responsive fix UI issue to fix responsive view of side panel

94 Cleverstory - defect fixes ( CP-194, CP-195, CP-222, CP-183) most UI defect on buttons, login page , and responsive page
Form Widget UI UI only for form widgets - understanding folder structures of v2 and implimentatiions
Templates -UI templates ui design built, from scratch , scss and bindiing with datas
HTML widget UI adding html widget ui - understanding of iframe working and clean scss practice

95 JPMorgan - Pink arrow button being very close to the asset (UI change) last task worked on paperflite UI defects to enhance the cards
Brand Colours and Font- Cleverstory v2 application colors and font style change for overall pages - global styling of scss impl
Cleverstory Icons usage of icomoon and learnt implimenation of adding icons on application
Media Library - Cleverstory UI enhancement on media liibrary upload modal
Cleverstory UI Changes/ Defects most UI defects on overall application , buttons, allignment, colors & responsive

96 Black Hole Screen - Cleverstory built blackhole video error message as responsive - scss and working on video loaders
Login Screen - Defects UI defects on login screen
404 page - Cleverstory viewer 404 screens on clevertsory UI styling

97 Cleverstory Anchor Widget UI understanding and learinng of react draggable packages and widgets overall impl
Cleverstory support link to widgets to restrict anchor widget movement was challenging

98 Media Library Empty Screen - Cleverstory ui task to add empty screen - scss
Empty screen - Invite user ui task to add empty screen for add users screen with responsive styling
Adding additional shapes on Cleverstory 2 adding svg shapes on the shapes widget - worked on translate positions for shapes
Cleverstory Loader Animation loading screens at application main page comman for all
Cleverstory- ui changes and defects defects for ui / changes - scss

99 Safari 14 Defects - celeverstory safari ui defects - learnt about styles which is not applicaple in safari
UI Defects UI defects to fix on icon buttons style size and colors
Match Sizes - Elements worked on match size feature from scratch - understanding & experince more on actions

100 Editor change to be able to type in hex codes and pick colour. #942 ticket on Zoho changing implimentaion of color picker - challenging to work & understand tinymce editor
Enhancement to HTML UI design implimenation with slide animation for html widget - add resource files ( redux )
Distribute equally: Elements. distribute equally - feature impl from scratch , logical calculatioins and clean coding to practice

101 Cleverstory- video upload size restrictions functionaliy implimenation and working on reducers to restrict the file by size
Cleverstory - ui defect changes ui defects fixes on other implimenations - scss or functionality
Template Flow - UI enhancement on template flow functionality and UI - more on scss

102 View only mode for Storyboard settings page working on storyboard setttigs screen data restriction - functionality impl
FullScreen in IC worked on viewer application and understanding workflow doc fullscreen impl
Cleverstory- distribute equally and match size defect defects fixes - on the match and equally features
Cleverstory - HTML widgets defects fix defects fixes - on the enhanced html widget styles and functionality

103 UI: Cleverstory 2: Text Animations working with animation package and understanding scroll screen - intresting and worked on reducers also
Cleverstory - defects understanding animation workflow and implimenating for viewer also in commons
Template Flow UI - Defect Fix animation keframes working and more learninng on reducers and actions

104 Scroll effects: Parallax - POC scroll parallax - poc implimentation understanding the library working and experimenting on widgets
Weekly Defects both in commons and editor , unnderstanding translate positions
Animations: Two More Elements implimenting animation for two more widgets ( button , image , shapes)

105 Animations: spin in animation spin animation and other animation with customization was intresting to work on it
Landing Page - Single Publish reducers and actions working to make api calls in sequentail way to avoid lack of performance
Scroll effects: Parallax - POC ( continued) making the implimenation more clean and optimized for good performance

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