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ADM: 21S01EIA001


a. Discuss the KEY levels and forms of public participation in the EIA process based
on a selected example from the water sector.

Proposed Project: One production Borehole at Rongai Area of Kajiado County.

The purpose of public involvement is to inform the stakeholders about the proposal and is
likely effects, Converse their inputs, concerns and views. The stakeholders’ information is
also taken into account in the EIA and decision making. The levels and forms of public
participation are;

i. Information: This is a one way flow of information from the proponent to the public.
The proponent informs the community that they are planning to drill a one production
borehole to a recommended minimum depth of 320m and Installation of a
desalination plant. The water is intended for domestic use. They are informed of the
possible impacts on water quality, Health and Safety, Soil, Land and Biodiversity, air
quality, social economic activities and hydrology.
ii. Consulting: a two way flow of information between the public and the proponent.
This is an opportunity for the public to express their views on the project.
iii. Participating: This is an interactive exchange between the proponent and the public,
which involves shared analysis and agreed position on the proposal and its impact. At
this point the public may raise concerns on the adverse impacts on the project like
noise, and air pollution especially during construction. Concerns on the available
borehole in the area and regulations governing proximity of boreholes in the area.
iv. Negotiating: This is a face to face discussion between the proponent and Key
stakeholders to reach a mutual acceptable agreement. A consensus is reached in the
different factors raised by the Public to ensure mutual benefit.
b. Who are the key stakeholders involved in an EIA for proposed renewable energy plant in
Samburu County?
i. Local Community: The individual or groups in the affected community ( Samburu
ii. Project Proponent: The organization wishing to shape the project proposal and
make it successful
iii. Government Agencies: This will be the national government and county
government; they will want to have their policy and regulatory responsibilities
addressed in impact analysis and mitigation consideration.
iv. NGOs or other interest group: This can be a group that is funding the project.
c. Discuss the merits and demerits of any three methods that you would use to
undertake public participation during the EIA process for a nuclear project.
i. Surveys, Interviews and Questionnaire

 In this information can be obtained face to face, self-administered by the

respondent or, by post or telephone.
 This method is able to identify existing knowledge and concerns from the

 The response rate can be poor.

 Responses may not be representative since opinions change.
ii. Local Newspaper
 This is a cheap method for publicity
 Reaches the local audience


 The circulation may be limited.

iii. Displays or Exhibits
 The information is displayed in a public area, more audience is reached.
 The Public is able to view at their convenience.
 Graphics can be used.


 Information may be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

d. What are the roles and benefits of involving the following actors in the EIA process?
i. Proponent: The proponent wishes to shape the project proposal and give its best
chance of success. The proponent does this by providing basic information of the
proposal to the public for understanding and acceptance. The proponent ia also
responsible for improving the project design using public inputs and the locals
knowledge and values.
ii. Decision maker: They are responsible for ensuring compliance to policies and
regulation governing the area, Reducing uncertainty when the project commences.
They are also responsible for improvement of the EIA process for better
iii. Affected communities: The affected communities communicate their concerns
about the proposed project. They also enhance local knowledge of the project.
They are able to raise issues on their values as a community, health and Safety
issues and how impacts in the above issued should be addressed.

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