Time-Domain Analysis of First-Order RL and RC Circuits

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Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits,

Prof. P. R. Sawarkar Prof. N. M. Deshkar

Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

• Analysis of response of circuit consisting of R, L, C voltage source , current source

& switches to sudden application of voltage or current is called as Time domain
Analysis & Transient Response.
• When A.C. or D.C. voltage source is connected to circuit, a steady current can be
calculated by many methods , already discussed . (Ohm’s law).
• It is also assumed that circuit elements R, L, C are constant and source is very strong
to absorb any disturbances.
• Amongst basic circuit elements Resistor is energy dissipating component & Inductor ,
Capacitor are energy storing elements. (electro magnetic & Electro static)
• Response of these elements to nature of source and disturbance varies from source to
• Transients (current or voltage lasting for short duration) in circuit is due to energy
storing elements.
• For source free circuit transients response is called as Natural Response .
• For circuit with source transient response is called as Forced Response.
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
• Disturbance in steady operation of circuit is unavoidable & can be of any type
as below

I. Any circuit suddenly connected to source or disconnected from

II. Sudden change in applied voltage from one level tom another
III. Faults like short circuit or open circuit.

•After disturbance current or voltage shall have two components

I. Final steady state component (t ∞ )

II. Transient component lasting for short duration that may settle down to
zero or final value
R L DC. Source _ L

Source Free RL Network RL Network

Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

Steady System
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

During Disturbance
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

Continuous Disturbance
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

• Equations for these circuits, formed using KVL & KCL, consisting of basic
elements contain derivatives & integrals of Currents / Voltages .

• Due to above facts equations are not algebraic but are differential in nature.

• Solutions of differential equations are functions of time & not constant as in case
of purely resistive circuits.
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RL Circuit
Fig. 1 shows a series RL circuit connected across a DC source
through a switch S. When switch ‘S’ is close at t>0 the as per +
KVL network equation will be … Vs _ L
di(t )
Ri(t ) + L = Vs …………………. Eq. 1
dt Fig. 1 Series RL Circuit
Above equation is non homogenous equation linear differential equation of first order.
The solution of Eq. 1 will give i(t) which consists of two components i.e.
i) Complimentary function (in(t))
di (t ) R
Which will satisfy + i (t ) = 0
dt L
ii) Particular integral (if(t)) di(t )
Which will satisfy Ri(t ) + L = Vs
Thus complete solution may be written as …

i (t ) = in (t ) + iJ (t ) …………………. Eq. 2
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RL Circuit
R t
−( )t −( )
i (t ) = I 0 e L
= I 0e τ …………………. Eq. 3

Where ζ = L/R time constant of RL circuit

Eq. 3 provides the natural reproduced and is reproduced below….
−( ) t …………………. Eq. 4
in (t ) = Ke L
= Ke −(t /τ )
Eq. 1 can be written with ( i(t) = I = constant )
RI + L = Vs …………………. Eq. 5
Since I = Constant
L =0
i f (t ) = I = …………………. Eq. 6
Substitute Eq. 4 & Eq.6 in Eq.2 yields the solution of Eq. 1
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RL Circuit

We get..
Vs …………………. Eq. 7
i (t ) = Ke −t /τ + = Ke −t /τ + I
K is determined from initial condition i.e. t=0 Eq. 7 will be …
K =− = −I …………………. Eq. 8

Hence complete solution of Eq. 1 is given by

Vs  −( t ) 
i (t ) = 1 − e L 
R 
i (t ) = I (1 − e −t /τ ) For t >0
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RL Circuit
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RL Circuit
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RC Circuit

Fig. 2 shows a series RC circuit connected across a DC source

through a switch S. It is assumed that capacitor voltage id V0 + R
When switch ‘S’ is close at t>0 the as per KVL network Vs _ C
equation will be …

Vs − Ri (t ) − vC (t ) = 0 …………………. Eq. 9 Fig. 2 Series RC Circuit

For analysis of circuit of Fig. 2 the capacitor voltage Vc(t) is chosen as variable.
dvc (t )
Substituting i (t ) = c in Eq. 9 We get.
dvc (t )
RC + vc (t ) = Vs For t >0) …………………. Eq. 10

Above Eq.10 is like Eq. 1 it is also non homogenous equation linear differential equation of
first order. Therefore solution, solution is also similar to Eq. 1. i.e.

vc (t ) = ke − t /τ + Vs …………………. Eq. 11
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RC Circuit
In Eq. 11 the time constant is τ = RC
By substituting initial condition Eq. 11 i.e. Vc = V0 it leads to
K = V0 −Vs
By substituting value of K in Eq. 11 and after simplification we get …
)  −

vC (t ) = V 0 e τ
+ V S  1 − e τ V

For t > 0 …………………. Eq. 12
 
The expression for the current in the circuit is given by….
dv C (t )
i(t ) = C
 1 −
  1 −
i ( t ) = C   − V 0e τ  + 
 τ V S e τ 

  τ    
C −
i(t ) = (V S − V 0 )e τ
(V S − V 0 ) − …………………. Eq. 13
i(t ) = e τ
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RC Circuit
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits
Series RC Circuit
Reference :-

Basic Electrical Engineering , Second Edition, T. K. Nagsarkar & M. S. Sukhija.
OXFORD University Press. Pp 96 – 122.

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