Apollo FE Pre-Checks

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Alarm Severity Profile

Equipment Out Critical

Equipment mismatch Critical 1
Equipment Out Critical 2
Equipment mismatch Critical 3
Equipment Out Critical 4
Equipment mismatch Critical 5
wavelength mismatch Critical 6
los Critical 7
OCHP los Critical 8
OTS los Critical 9

Equipment Out Critical 10

OTU Equipment mismatch Critical 11

wavelength mismatch Critical 12
los Critical 13
Equipment Out Critical 14
Equipment mismatch Critical 15
wavelength mismatch Critical 16
los Critical
Internal Pre-checks For Field Engineer
STMS Historical Alarms should be checked from STMS Domain properties. One time for STMS.
LOS should be critical in ETY, OCHP, OUT, OTS. STMS>Tools>FM Profile.
Patch3 Upgrade and verify the app version.
There should not be any XC on node before migration activity.
NTP should be enable on Asia/Calcutta only after Date & Time manually setting done.
ARTMIS Rack/Position in rack should be 1 (UPDATED).
All External topologies should be created very carefully with correct data of plan.
In NE properties PM profile should be done on SCP Protocol with Password Manor441 . NMS Team will ensure this after up
ODU2e Alarm master mask should be disable and PM monitor should be enable. Comes after Expand OTU2e.
Attenuator details should be verified and same need to reflect in Alien Lambda -4.5 and TRP -5 from Z to A. Add 5dB attenu
Amplifier in that section.
On TR Cards Line Ports Trace should be done in proper format in SAPI & DAPI and TIM should be on both, Consequent acti
At TR Cards Line Ports High Pre- FEC BER monitor should be enable.
Patch cord loss should not be more than 1 dB.
For Channel Addition at TR Line and NPT ports Rx power should be in range of -11 to -23 dB.
Alarm master mask should be disable on every traffic card and its ports.Master Mask enable only on that ports which are
After all configuration done once RESET TR_10 cards.

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