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April 21, 2011 Joseph P. Tylutki General Counsel Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc.

One Kroc Drive Oak Brook, IL 60523 Dear Mr. Tylutki: Thank you for your April 8, 2011 letter in response to my March 7, 2011 letter regarding your organization's funding of the Save-A-Life Foundation (SALF). I also appreciate - and gratefully accept - your offer to assist me with further questions. Your letter rightly noted that you were not in a position to comment re: other organizations which funded SALF. However, re: the first three questions below, I see no impediment to you commenting on the accuracy of claims made by SALF about Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). 1) In a grant progress report submitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), SALF claims to have spent CDC funds to identify potential national and local sponsoring organizations for a national expansion program and named RMHC as one of those organizations. Was RMHC involved with or have any knowledge of this national expansion program and, if so, would you please provide details? 2) The following information was included in financial statements attached to sworn AG990-IL Annual Reports SALF submitted to the Illinois Attorney General's Charitable Trust Bureau: McDonald's Chicago Public Schools Project - to train 10,000 fourth graders; $50,000 total from Ronald McDonald's Charities, $24,500 from Chicago Public Schools Please click here to view and click here to download an 11-page list published on SALF's website entitled Schools where SALF has trained. The lists consists of hundreds of Chicago Schools, the following of which are identified by asterisk as schools where Training (was) made possible by Ronald McDonald House Charities. AN Pritzker Avondale Elementary School Burnside Scholastic Academy Casimir Pulaski Community Academy Dewey Academy of Multicultural Studies Henry Clay Elementary School Joseph Stockton School Moses Montefiore Special School Thomas Chalmers School 1

Was your organization aware that funds RMHC awarded to SALF were intended for the purpose of providing first aid training to students in these or any other Chicago Public Schools? If so, would you please provide details? 3) From an August 2005 grant request submitted by SALF to the Chicago Public Schools: The Save A Life Foundation is requesting the financial assistance for its on-going work to provide professional training of life-support first aid skills for 10,000 grade children within the Chicago Public Schools. The scope of this request would include: 1. A supportive grant of $75,000 to SALF from the Ronald McDonald's (sic) House Charities for continuing its work in training Chicago Public Schools children to be emergency prepared should they face an unexpected man-made, natural or personal emergency with life supporting first aid skills. 8. The total cost of this project will be $100,000 of which SALF requests $37,500 RMHC $37,500 Global $37,500 and $25,000 from the Chicago Public Schools. Was your organization aware of or in any way involved with this or other SALF funding requests to the Chicago Public Schools? If so, would you please provide details? 4) From your April 8 letter to me regarding a 2004-06 grant for which, as I understand it, RMHC and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana awarded a total of $125,000 to SALF: In this particular case, a local Chapter representative visited several classroom training sessions orchestrated by Save a Life Foundation, saw the training being provided was substantially similar to the grant proposal, and was satisfied that children were receiving information and education that would indeed provide skills to assist in the event of a medical emergency. The representative informed Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc. that she observed several training sessions. Therefore, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc. believes the funds were spent in accordance with the grant request. How many of these orchestrated classroom training sessions took place? What were the dates and locations? 5) Was Louise Palvig Edwards the RMHC Chapter representative who attended these orchestrated training sessions? If not, who was that representative? 6) What was the substance of SALF's grant proposal and when was it dated? Did it include any mention of the Chicago Public Schools? If so, would you please provide details? 7) Did SALF submit any follow-up reports and/or correspondence describing how the grant was spent? If so, what was the substance of those and when were they dated? Did they include any mention of the Chicago Public Schools? If so, would you please provide details? 8) What are the names of the SALF employees with whom RMHC communicated and/or interacted? 2

If you're willing to provide any documents regarding the above or other related matters, I'd greatly welcome receiving them. Finally, my understanding is that you have never provided legal representation to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana. Please correct me if I'm mistaken. Thank you your continued attention and I look forward to your reply, preferably within ten business days. Sincerely,

Peter M. Heimlich 3630 River Hollow Run Duluth, GA 30096 ph: (208)474-7283 e-mail: website: cc: US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General Elton Malone, Special Agent in Charge Office of the IL Attorney General Barry Goldberg, Assistant Attorney General, Charitable Trust Bureau Robyn Ziegler, Press Secretary Chicago Public Schools James M. Sullivan, Inspector General

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