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1.1 Background

An internship is an agreement between the intern and a company for a fixed period of
time, which is a structured work experience, related to a student's major and career
goal that allows student to work as an assistant or a trainee to enhance a student's
academic, career, and personal development. Internships are usually part-time if
offered during a university semester and full-time if offered during the vacation
periods. An internship can be either paid or voluntary.

Commercial banks are big business houses that carry out a large number of
operations. Thus, commercial banks have the largest scope of study. At a time when
hundreds of finance students are required to work as interns, commercial banks
provide the largest number of placement under different branches and departments.
Few of the banks even have the provisions for interns with pre-defined schedule
allocated for rotation around most of the department during the period of internship.

This approach focuses on the generalization concept where the interns obtain a
general overview about each of the department they get a chance to be in. Unlike
other banks, Nabil Bank Ltd. focuses on specialization rather than generalization of
the interns. For this reason, an intern is mostly placed only in one particular
department throughout the internship period. Even though the intern is not job-
holders, they are given the opportunity to work as if they are the assigned personnel
in that post.

The two-month period of internship in the CSD department was an invaluable

opportunity to gain the overall knowledge of bank and the operations involved in it.
As per the course requirement of the BBA program every eighth semester, student
should prepare the internship report after the completion of minimum 8 weeks
internship in the institution, it provides the platform for the BBA products to do the
self-evaluation of them in the practical business world and moreover, act as a
feedback forum for the policy makers of the Tribhuvan University to revise the
course as per the requirement Internship provides students hands-on work experience
in a particular organization and field. This report, therefore, explains what
knowledge, experiences were learned in the bank during the internship period.

1.2 Issue/Problems of the Report

The problem towards this study is directed by today’s banking sector which is
competitive. There are different bank established to provide service to customer and
achieve, existence in the market and achieve the goals. High competition is the main
problems of every bank. So due to high competition and better service some bank
cannot compete with them and cannot exist in the market with good market share
position and goodwill. These banks are not free from problems. So problem arises
due to :
- lack of time
- Lack of observation due to small period of time.
- Lack of time

1.3 Objectives of the internship

The main objective of this study was to gain practical experience of real life
work environment, which helped to know the general banking practices of
Nabil Bank Ltd. The specific objectives of the study were:
❖ To understand the major functions along with product and services of Nabil
bank limited.
❖ To study the various process that CSD go through to overcome customer’s
❖ To get knowledge in opening account, handling customer and perform
entire supporting activities.
1.4 Methodology
This internship report is of descriptive nature where the facts and findings
were prescribed in a systematic manner. This internship report has been
designed to give a clear picture of the operations performed in Nabil Bank Ltd.
It starts from the selection of the organization for the internship, performance
of different kinds of activities and placement in different departments of the

1.4.1 Source of Data

This report uses both primary and secondary method of data. The information
required for the preparation of report had been collected from observation of
the activities that are performed in the bank and the personal interview and
consultation with the staffs involved in different departments of the bank.
Interviewing immediate supervisor collects primary data. The secondary data
used in the report were obtained from websites, brochures, annual report, and

1.4.2 Organizational Selection

The most important and the initial part in the internship program is the
selection of the organization. The selection of organization is very crucial
factor in order for our internship to be worthwhile. In this competitive market
it is not an easy task to find internship in the reputed organization. Being a
finance student, commercial bank was a prior target for internship. However,
Nabil Bank Ltd, the desired organization was selected because of its market
credibility. Moreover, with prior inquiry with former interns, NBL was said to
provide the best internship platform. Recommendation letter were provided by
campus to apply for internship program, which was dropped in the System of
Nabil Bank Limited of Durbar Marga, Head office. Head office recommended
intern name to HR and was transferred to NBL Teendhara branch. Next day,
HR asked to come along with the required documents. This bank provided the
great opportunity to learn and gather experience about real banking
environment that would be very helpful for enhancing the knowledge about
real world banking scenario. Hence, intern joined the bank as an internship
from Feburary 1, 2021.

1.4.3 Placement
During the internship period of eight weeks in NBL, intern was given
opportunity to understand and to experience functioning of various
departments. Intern was placed to conduct internship at the Teendhara branch
office of NBL. Intern was assigned in Customer Service Department. Intern
also got chance to support management in many other petty activities like data
entry, documentation and many more.

1.4.4 Duration of internship

The duration of internship period has been defined for 8 weeks by Tribhuvan
University, so as per the specified period, intern worked in NBL, Teendhara
branch from 1st Feburary, 2021 to 31st march, 2021. The bank has closely
monitored attendance, performance and conduct of intern at the workplace.

Table Duration Of Internship

Name of the Department Weeks

Customer Service Department (CSD) 1-8 Weeks

1.4.5 Activities Performed

During the internship, intern got the opportunity to perform different activities
of the department. The first 2-3 days intern spent gaining information from
the staffs of Teendhara branch, and then after knowing that, intern spent in the
information counter where intern had serve the customers with various
information. The major task in the customer service department was to cope
with the customers that come with variety of the problems and queries. Intern
was supposed to provide general banking information like opening new
account procedure, requirements, filling of various forms and help them to fill
up the different vouchers and forms.

Since, the bank gave the limited access, intern was not given to operate the
system. So, mostly intern got the time to do clerical works like issuing
checkbooks, sorting files and checking debit cards. However intern got an
opportunity to learn many things by interacting with the customers and staffs
too. The following were the works
performed in Nabil Bank during internship:-
1. Filling of account opening form, cheque books, and other necessary
2. Updating new account and Know Your Customer (KYC) document in Web
Data Management System (WDMS)
3. Photocopy and scanning the document
4. Handling Telephone calls
5. Handling Customer’s queries
6. Opening and closing of accounts
7. Entering the records in register
8. Distributing the cheque books and the Debit cards
9. Locker’s Information
10. Issuing of new cheque books to customer
11. Balance inquiry and bank statement dispatching
12. Filling different types of forms
1.5 Limitations
The study was concerned simply as for the partial requirement of BBA program. The
study has to be conducted and submitted within a prescribed time. Despite most of the
efforts undertaken to make the project more realistic, practicable in terms of Nepalese
context, there are certain limitations of the study. The following were the limitations
of the study:
❖ The analysis is only based on the Teendhara branch.
❖ There is only Partial information and data due to confidentiality and
mechanism of bank.
❖ Limited information due to short period of time.
❖ For intern, there is limitation to certain department and operation
❖ Intern was not authorized to use the software like staff.

1.6 Structure of the Report

The report entitled “An Internship Report on General Business Practices Of Nabil
Bank Limited” is prepared in the form of partial fulfillment of the requirement of
BBA. This report is organized as following:
 CHAPTER I : Introduction
 CHAPTER II : Introduction to Industry
 CHAPTER III : Introduction to Organization
 CHAPTER IV : Analysis of Intern Departmental Activities and Problem solved
 CHAPTER V : Summary, Conclusion and Lesson Learned


2.1 Meaning and Definition of the Bank

A Bank is an institution that deals with money by accepting various types of

deposits, disbursing loan and rendering other financial services to the people.
Bank is a financial institution that deals with money. It is an intermediary
institution that helps to bridge the gap between saving and deficit units. It
accepts deposits from saving units and provides interest on amount deposited.
Similarly, it lends money to needy deficit units and charges interest on money
lent. The interest charged on credit
provided by the bank is higher than the interest provided on deposits. A bank
generates a profit from the difference between the level of interest it pays for
and other sources of funds, and the level of interest it charges in its lending
activities. This difference is referred to as the spread between the cost of funds
and the loan interest rate. Different scholars have defined bank in different
ways. Some definitions
of bank are as follows:

According to Nepal Rastra Bank Act 2002, “Bank is a financial institution

which provides financial services that maybe in the form of accepting
deposits, advancing loan, providing necessary technical advices, dealing over
foreign currencies, remitting
funds etc.” According to Commercial Bank Act 2031 B.S, “A commercial
bank refers
to such type of bank which operates currency exchange transactions, accepts
advances loans, performs dealing relating to commerce except the banks
which been
specified for the cooperative, agricultural, industry of the similar other specific
objective. ”

2.2 Origin of Bank

The modern banking system that we have today is the result of various
evolutionary activities in banking sector in the past. With the development of
money, gradually the concept of banking also started in order to solve the
complexities the evolution of money had created in human life. The word
“bank” was derived from the Italian word “Banco”, Latin word “Bancus” and
French word “Banque”. All of these words meant the bench in which the
bankers would keep money and its records during the Renaissance. The early
bankers are the Lombard who were originally from the plains of Lombardy of
Northern Italy. They introduced banking practice in England. These Lombard
were eventually bankrupted because they lent money to kings who did not
repay them.

After the Lombard, the goldsmiths practiced banking as a sideline to their

normal activities in the bullion and jewelers fields. The early goldsmiths used
to have large vaults, which were soundly built and heavily guarded. The
person who deposited his surplus funds with the goldsmith became a
'depositor' and naturally paid for the privilege of having his money defended
this way. These payments were called 'Bank Charge'. The depositors who
needed funds to pay wages or debts, could call at the bank and collect such
sums as required.

The modern banking system has been originated in Italy. The first bank called
the ‘Bank of Venice’ was established in Venice Italy in 1157 AD. It was
originally established to finance the monarch in his wars. The ‘Bank of
Barcelona’ and the ‘Bank of Genoa’ were established in 1401 and 1407 AD
respectively. Another important bank the ‘bank of England’ was established in
in1694 AD and it was a great development in the banking sector. The modern
commercial banks were developed after the enacting of ‘Banking Act’ in 1833
AD which provided the freedom to establish a joint stock bank. After the
establishments of joint stock banks in 19 th century in leading countries of the
world, banking system got fully developed.

2.3 Types of Banks

The participated Banks can be classified into different types on the basis of their
functions or activities they perform. At present banking system is more liberalized
and there are various
types of bank working in modern banking system. It includes:
i. Central Bank
ii. Commercial Bank
iii. Development Bank
2.3.1 Central Bank
The generic name given to a country’s primary monetary authority, such as the Nepal
Rastra Bank in the Nepal usually has responsibility for issuing currency,
administering monetary policy, holding member bank’s deposit and facilities the
nation’s banking industry. In the monetary system of all the countries the central bank
occupies an important place. The central bank in an apex body of the monetary
system which seeks to regulate the functioning of the commercial banks of the
country. The central bank not only provides monetary aid to the commercial banks in
the time of the crisis but also perform many other functions. Indeed the control over
the cost and availability of credits in the economy and regulation of the growth of the
money supply are special responsibility of the central bank. The central bank of the
country primarily meant to promote the financial and economic stability of the
country. The central bank of the Nepal is called NRB.
The main functions of the central bank are;
❖ Issuance of money
❖ Government Bank
❖ Banks of the Bank
❖ Custodian of foreign currency and Metallic reserve
❖ Publication of Statistical Report
❖ Promote Economic growth of the country

2.3.2 Commercial Bank

A bank, which undertakes all kinds of ordinary banking business, is called a
commercial bank. It is so called because it provides money and credit for commercial
and trade activities. They receive short and medium term deposit from the public and
grant short- term loans, and advances. They supply working capital to industries and
enable them to carry on production and manufacturing activities. They grant loans
and advances on the stocks of agricultural commodities, industrial goods etc. They
discount internal and foreign bills and thereby finance the International trade. They
also perform certain agency services such as collection of cheques, dividends, interest
on investments, issue of drafts, letter of credit, Travelers’ cheques, investment
Advisory Services etc. Some of its functions are:

Primary functions:
❖ Collect deposits various types of Accounts
❖ Provide credit in the form of various loans like overdraft, consumer’s loan,
❖ Co-financing to industry, commerce, agriculture, export and service.
❖ Remit funds

Subsidiary Functions:
❖ Invest in government securities, Treasury bills etc.
❖ Deal in foreign exchange
❖ Provide agency function such as collection of cheques, bills, promissory notes etc.
❖ Purchase or sale of securities. (Merchant banking)
❖ Supply trade information and statistical data.
❖ Pension Payment
❖ Provide new technology service like SMS banking, Debit card, E- banking etc.
❖ Re-financing loan from central bank.
❖ Provide locker facilities to the customers.
❖ Publish financial data (every 3 month)
❖ Involve in collection of dividends and interest of shares and debenture.

2.3.3 Development Bank

Financial institutions dedicated to fund new and upcoming businesses and economic
development projects by providing equity capital and/or loan capital are known as to
the development banks. They are the banks that aid developing countries in the
economic development. They may lend or invest money and encourage local
ownership. They may be worldwide, regional, or national. Nepal has become member
of World Trade Organization (WTO) and has committed to open financial services
sector (FSS) especially banking services to the foreign banks and financial
institutions by 2010. This could be threat as well as opportunities for banking sector
in Nepal.

This exiting level of non-performing assets (NPA) is not that much healthy sigh for
the smooth growth of banking sector in Nepal. One should seriously need to re-think
proper strategy for managing NPA. The predominance of rural economy urges bank
and financial institutions of Nepal to penetrate, remittance etc. so as to support
poverty alleviation program. Expansion of medium and small size enterprises in rural
sector could lure to banking sector to invest on it too. Managing inflow of remittances
would yield fruitful outcome foe Nepal. Public private partnership concept will be
equally desirable foe poverty alleviation, growth and expansion of banking service
especially in the rural economy.

2.4 Evolution of Bank

The history of banking in Nepal may be described as a component of gradual
and ordinary evolution in the financial and economic sphere in the Nepalese

life, which is different than rest of other world. Even now they are in

evolutionary phase. The establishment of 'Tejarath Adda' in 1980 can be

convinced as the starting of credit mobilization in the nation. However, this

institution, although formally established, was not allowed to take public
deposit and provide credit to public – the government for credit to their staff
and landlords had provided the fund only. Therefore, it was not a bank per se.

Even the urban people in need of the financial support had to rely on Shahus
and landlords because of the limited activities of Tejarath Adda (Maskay &
Subedi, 2009).

The history of modern banking in Nepal dates back to the year 1937 with the
establishment of Nepal Bank Limited as the first commercial bank of Nepal.
The total deposits of Nepal Bank Limited for the first year was NRs.
17,02,025 where current deposits was about NRs. 12,98,898 fixed was about
NRs. 3,88,964 and saving was NRs. 14,163. Loan disbursed and outstanding
at the end of the first year was NRs. 1,985,000. From the very conception and
its creation, Nepal Bank Ltd, was as joint venture between the government and
the private sector. Out of 2500 equity shares of NRs. 100 face value, 40% was
subscribed by the government and the balanced i.e. 60% was offered for the
sale to private sector. There were only 10 shareholders when the bank first
started (Nepal Bank Limited, 2017). The first bank notes were issued in the
year 1945 by the treasury "Sadar Muluki Khana" and there notes were signed
by " Khanjanchi" the head treasury who also was high hindu priest. In the year
1955 Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) act was formulated for the better regulation of
financial institution and in 1956 NRB was established under the NRB act 1955
as "central bank of Nepal" with an objective of supervising, protecting and
directing the functions of commercial banking activities.. After the
establishment of NRB the bank notes are issued by central bank with the
signature of governor of institution (

Another commercial bank fully owned by the government, “Rastriya Banijya

Bank (RBB)” was established in 1996, which made it possible for the NRB to
devote more attention to the important aspects of economic, monetary and
fiscal development. Industrial development center was set up in 1957. Later it
was converted into Nepal Industrial Development Corporation in 1960. As
agriculture was the basic occupation of Nepalese people so to fiancé and
promote agricultural sector of nation Agricultural Development Bank (ADB)
established in 1968. To operate all commercial banks uniformly single act,
“Commercial Bank Act 1975” was enacted. In 1985, Nepal Government
established five rural development banks under control of NRB to promote
rural sector business and to provide easy access to rural people towards FI.
With the aim to provide quality-banking service, enhance the efficiency and
competition, foreign investment and new technology in banking sector was
introduced. Nepal Arab Bank, the first joint venture bank of Nepal was
established in 1984.

The bank was the outcome of joint venture with Dubai Bank Limited of
United Arab Emirates. The footstep of this bank was followed by Nepal
Indosuez Bank a joint venture bank with a Bank of Paris in 1986 and later
other joint venture banks are established in Nepal. These commercial banks
have played a very significant role in creating banking habit among the
people, widening area, and business communities and the government in
various ways. In recent year Nepal Rastra Bank had opted merger, acquisition
policy and financial institutions have merged and become one from two, and
even one from three and many of financial institutions are in pipeline of
merging. Although, banks and financial institutions occupies more than 60%
in Nepalese economy but the development of banking sector in Nepal is not
said as satisfactory because these financial sector have target cities and
populated areas only and not in rural areas. This is how modern banking
system is running in Nepal (Sahayogee, 2015).
2.5 Functions
The function of a Bank is to collect deposits from the public and lend those deposits
for the development of Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Commerce. Bank pays
interest at lower rates to the depositors and receives interests on loans and advances
from them at higher rates. The functions of commercial banks are classified into two
main divisions.

(a) Primary functions

- Accepts deposit: lances collected from the firm and individuals are lent to the
temporary requirements of the commercial transactions.

- Provides loan and advances: Another critical function of this bank is to offer loans
and advances to the entrepreneurs and business people, and collect interest. For every
bank, it is the primary source of making profits. In this process, a bank retains a small
number of deposits as a reserve and offers (lends) the remaining amount to the
borrowers in demand loans, overdraft, cash credit, short-run loans, and more such

- Credit cash: When a customer is provided with credit or loan, they are not provided
with liquid cash. First, a bank account is opened for the customer and then the money
is transferred to the account. This process allows the bank to create money.

(b) Secondary functions

- Discounting bills of exchange: It is a written agreement acknowledging the amount

of money to be paid against the goods purchased at a given point of time in the future.
The amount can also be cleared before the quoted time through a discounting method
of a commercial bank.
- Overdraft facility: It is an advance given to a customer by keeping the current
account to overdraw up to the given limit.

- Purchasing and selling of the securities: The bank offers you with the facility of
selling and buying the securities.

- Locker facilities: A bank provides locker facilities to the customers to keep their
valuables or documents safely. The banks charge a minimum of an annual fee for this

- Paying and gathering the credit: It uses different instruments like a promissory
note, cheques, and bill of exchange.
2.6 Objectives
A bank is a financial institution that is involved in borrowing and lending money.
Banks take customer deposits in return for paying customers an annual interest
payment. The bank then uses the majority of these deposits to lend to other customers
for a variety of loans. The difference between the two interest rates is effectively the
profit margin for banks. Banks play an important role in the economy for offering a
service for people wishing to save. Banks also play an important role in offering
finance to businesses that wish to invest and expand. These loans and business
investment are important for enabling economic growth. They also offer a wide
variety of services to individual and business customers, and to collect payments
including fees, charges and interest on the products and services provided to
customers for the purpose of generating profits for shareholders.

The objectives of the bank are:

1. Keep money safe for customers
2. Offer customers interest on deposits, helping to protect against money losing value
against inflation.
3. Lending money to firms, customers and homebuyers.
4.Offering financial advice and related financial services, such as insurance.
2.7 SWOT Analysis of the Bank
SWOT Analysis is the process that identifies an organization’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that
assesses what an entity (usually a business, though it can be used for a place, industry
or product) can and cannot do, for factors both internal (the strengths and
as well as external (the potential opportunities and threats). Here, SWOT Analysis of
this research is mentioned below: 

- Organization’s mission and visions.
- Raised customer trust (oldest bank in the country)
- Government support (40% shares owned by the government)
- Provides variety of product and services.

- Non-performing Assets or bad loans. 
- Weak human resources policy.
- Lack of systematic operations on the organization.
- Weak management.

- Political will and encouragement.
- Exchange partnership internationally.
- Increased Remittance.
- Support from Media.

- Government restrictions and unstable politics.
- Sustainability problems due to lack of funding.
- Lack of interest and attitudinal problems at the community level.
- Lack of access to target groups and organizations.



The competitive business context of today is a challenge to corporate houses,
especially to banks and financial institutions because of their high sensitivity
to internal as well as external environment. Large numbers of banks and
financial institutions is also a challenge to stand out uniquely and to lead the
industry rather than just survive. When there are few banks from the
government side that is not able to provide service to the people properly. The
government decided to establish banks from private sector. In July 1984 Nabil
bank limited is established as the nation's first joint venture bank with the
objective of extending international standard modern banking services to
various sector of society. It was earlier known as Nepal Arab bank ltd.
Pursuing its objective, Nabil provides a full range of commercial banking
services through its seventy nine points of representation. In addition to this,
Nabil has presence through over fifteen hundred Nabil Remit agents
throughout the nation. It has its head office located in Nabil Centre, Durbar
marga, which is also a premium location of the capital. The present Chief
Executive Officer of Nabil bank is Mr. Anil Keshary Shah.

Nabil was incorporated with the objective of extending international standard

modern banking services to various sectors of the society. Pursuing its
objective, Nabil provides a full range of commercial banking services through
its one hundred eighteen points of representation. Nabil, as a pioneer in
introducing many innovative products and marketing concepts in the domestic
banking sector, represents a milestone in the banking history of Nepal as it
started an era of modern banking with customer satisfaction measured as a
focal objective while doing business. Highly qualified and experienced
management team manages operations of the bank including day-to-day
operations and risk management. Bank is fully equipped with modern
technology, which includes international standard banking software that
supports the E-channels and E-transactions.

Nabil is moving forward with a Mission to be “1st Choice Provider of

Complete Financial Solutions” for all its stakeholders; Customers,
Shareholders, Regulators, Communities and Staff. Nabil is determined in
delivering excellence to its stakeholders in an array of avenues, not just one
parameter like profitability or market share. It is reflected in its Brand Promise
“Together Ahead”. The entire Nabil Team embraces a set of Values
“C.R.I.S.P”, representing the fact that Nabil consistently strives to be
Customer Focused, Result Oriented, Innovative, Synergistic and Professional.

3.2 Value, Mission, Goals and Objectives

3.2.1 Value
The value statement presents that each and every Nabilian is committed to be
Customer focused, Result oriented, Innovative, Synergistic and Professional or
C.R.I.S.P. every day in everything they do.

3.2.2 Mission
Nabil has been working together to bring vision into reality. The mission are
discussed below:
- To prove that Nabil is driven by the spirit for realizing those visionary
aspirations by working in partnership with their stakeholders and the
community at large.
- Maneuvering strategic action plans through a well-teamed and synergistic
workforce into industrial end products – with customized services.
- Differentiate products by reengineering them with the best technologies and
management philosophy keeping in focus of customers’ satisfaction over and
above everything else at all times.

3.2.3 Goals
3.2.3 Objectives
The commercial banking industry has been posing through a across phases of
transaction right from its inception which is now operating with the
liberalization of financial policies but has given a way to some malfunction
misused if fraudulent practices deregulation in banking environment so as to
capture the increased interest sensitivity of depositors your bank at your
service has become the stepping stone for the success of bank. Thus to cope
with the changing environment the important management objectives of bank
1. To provide high quality services to its customers
2. To provide efficient and innovative services to customers
3. To generate adequate resources for expansion and growth
4. To ensure optimum development of their human resources
5. To earn recognition as professional from the society
6. To promote the national economy, society and individual
7. To provide innovative new technology to enhance and facilitate transactions
with convenience and customer satisfaction
8. To invest capital in new areas in a productive manner
9. To generate employment opportunity and facilitate career development
plans for
Nabil bank have one hundred and nineteen branches across the country with one
hundred and nineteen ATMs booths. It has been extending its branches network in all
provinces. It’s head office is located at Durbar Marg.


Proper management of work responsibility and work division to motivate and
encourage healthy and competitive work ethics is found in Nabil Bank. The
functions of the bank are divided into different departments headed by
department heads. The service of the bank is expanded all over the country
with one hundred and eighteen branches and with one hundred and thirty nine
ATMS, each branch headed by branch manager. The Board of Director lies at
the top of the governance of the bank. There are seven members in the board
including the chairman. All the board members are non-executive directors
and thus they do not take part in day-to-day management decisions. Boards of
directors are from diverse background and possess specialization and expertise
in various fields and thus bring about an external perspective on company
affairs and provide constructive suggestions to the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO). Individual directors exercise their authority in the board meetings and
the board acts in the collective interests of the shareholders. The Board
decides on corporate and business strategies, approves capital and operational
plan and consistently monitors and reviews the management's chapter deals
with the major conclusions, which are discussed in separate section
performance so as to ensure that the actual performances are in tandem with
the annual and long-term targets.
The list of members of Board of Director is as follows.
Table 3.4.1: List of Board Members

S.N. Name Of Directors Representers Position in Board

1 Upendra Prasad Poudyal Promoter Shareholder Chairman
2 Nirvana Chaudhary Promoter Shareholder Vice Chairman
3 Asha Rana Adhikary Independent Director Board Member
4 Ananta Poudyal Public Shareholder Board Member
5 Malay Mukharjee Promoter Shareholder Board Member
6 Pravin Tibrewala Public Shareholder Board Member
7 Udaya Krishna Upadhyay Promoter Shareholder Board Member
Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020

3.5 Number of Employees

As of 15th July 2020, the Bank has a total of 1127 permanent employee, 2 direct
contract employees and 982 outsourced personnel deputed from various outsourcing
companies. The outsourced personnel include 115 clerical levels and 867 support
level personnel.

3.6 Product
Nabil has structured its delivery platform by constituting specific Strategic
Business Units (SBUs) to ensure single window customer dealing in specific
product segments. Most of the Bank’s product and service offerings are
channeled through these SBUs for effective and efficient delivery. All SBUs
are equipped with the resources and expertise required for driving business in
their respective markets. Within respective markets the SBUs undertake
market research, product enhancement, delivery channel optimization,
relationship marketing and relationship management. The Bank’s product and
services are being offered through the following SBUs.

3.6.1 Corporate banking

Corporate Banking (CB) is a one window banking designed for catering the
entire gamut of financial services to large corporate. CB offers entire banking
services required for corporate establishments such as manufacturing and
processing industries, export and import trading, real estate development,
hotels, agro production, service industries and others. CB offers capital
investment in the form of multi-year term loan, working capital in the form of
overdraft and structured time loans, trade transactions in the form of letter of
credit, bank guarantees, import loans, pre shipment / post-shipment loans, bills
and documentary negotiation / collection / advising and open account

3.6.2 Infrastructure and project financing

Infrastructure and Project Financing (IPF) is an one window banking designed
for catering to large capital intensive projects such as hydropower generation,
power transmission lines, telecommunication infrastructures, cement
manufacturing, civil aviation, and others. While IPF offers all the products as
CB SBU, it additionally caters to large funding requirements of mega-projects
through loan syndication and banking consortium, high value import LC and
loans denominated in foreign currency against raw materials, imported
machinery, airplanes, etc. The department also facilitates the projects having
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in infrastructure sector by providing the
service of Agent Bank on behalf of the foreign lenders and the company.

3.6.3 Retail lending

Nabil Bank believes customers need different types of loan products to suit
their requirements at different stages of life. Nabil also believe that the journey
to loans should be hassle-free and without any bumps. Be it for purchase of a
house or for meeting social obligations, Nabil bring customized bank Loans at
competitive interest rates. Retail lending products are offered across all branch
offices and customers can visit any branch to meet their funding requirements.
Within the retail lending segment, the Bank offers a range of products and
regularly introduces various attractive schemes within those products. Nabil housing

Nabil Home Loans are flexible as well as affordable as it offers the most
competitive interest rates. Financing is available for purchase of land, building
construction, furnishing, refurbishment and purchase of individual homes and
apartments. Nabil properties

This product offers clients with a simple option to obtain credit against
mortgage of a
residential or commercial property. Clients have the access to credit towards
funding their social obligations like marriages, travelling, education, equity
infusion in businesses, etc. Nabil auto

This product is for financing of motor vehicles for private and commercial
use. Clients can avail easy financing for purchase of cars, van, jeeps, taxi,
trucks, bus, etc. either for personal use or use by offices such as schools,
hotels, hospitals, transport operators, small businesses, among others. The
bank has also entered into agreement with major automobile dealers to support
low interest offerings and fast processing to clients. Nabil sikshya

Nabil Bank brings Nabil Sikshya for financing higher education to aspiring
Nepali students choosing foreign universities and colleges as their next study
destinations. Specially packaged study loans cover funding for tuition,
accommodation, travel and insurance required for the full course period. Nabil
has promoted its education loan as a social initiate within a financially feasible
framework. Nabil is the largest caterer of education loan in Nepal and is
among the most preferred bank by the Australian High Commission for loan
facility because Nabil Bank has been highly accredited by the Australian
Academic Institutions. Nabil share loan

Nabil Share Loan is an easy loan provided against the pledge of demats shares
in the
form of either overdraft or demand loan facility. Nabil personal loan

An exclusive product targeted to those who have maintained staff payroll
account with us is non-collateral EMI and overdraft based loan, which is in
consonance with NRB Directives. This loan facility can also be availed by
existing mortgage-based loan customers. Personal overdraft

This product offers overdraft limit to clients against mortgage of land and
building within the threshold of regulatory framework. This is a quick solution
to our customer’s immediate and contingent funding requirements. Loan
processes are simplified and expedited coupled with features of convenient
payback facilities tied with revolving credit line.

3.6.4 Deposit product and services

Nabil offers different types of deposit products to its customer. The account
holder has the right to withdraw deposited funds, as set forth in the terms and
conditions governing the account agreement. Deposit products and services of
bank are: Saving account Nabil premium nari bachat
Premium nari bachat is our new deposit scheme with special discounts on
locker facility, attractive remittance features, special discounts on Visa
Electron Debit and Credit card and attractive discounts on e-channel facility. Nabil sahuliyat khata

This product is specially designed account for unbanked population for
financial inclusion to meet the objective of Government of Nepal to have bank
account for all citizens of Nepal. People of such area will get NPR 100 from
bank if they open the account. Bal bachat

Bal bachat is a saving account that grows with customers child and teaches
them savings habit. Nabil offers a savings account designed specifically for
children below the age of sixteen. Bal bachat is perfect if customers want a
safe and easy way to start savings for their child. Bachat yojana

Bachat yojana a premium saving account provides an enriched version of
saving account that consists of various concessions and add-ons. It is a saving
account designed for customers having high end earnings and yet to avail
savings account features. Jestha bachat

Jestha Bachat is a savings deposit product primarily meant for the senior
citizens of the country. It can be opened without minimum balance
requirement and offers host of waivers/ discounts on facilities like Good for
Payment, Stop Payment, Safe Deposit
Locker, etc. Nari bachat

Nari Bachat, a specially designed deposit product for female customers. There
is no provision of maintaining minimum balance to open account under this
scheme. The account holders are offered with a customized Visa Electron
Debit Card and with this Nabil is the first Bank ever to have crafted a special
Visa Electron Debit card for women. This product is suitable for ladies from
various walks of life. Share khata

Share Khata- designed for general public who invest in securities of various
companies listed on Nepal Stock Exchange. The Share Khata is designed to
integrate with the Demat (Dematerialized) account of the customer maintained
with Nabil Investment Banking (NI). Nabil Gen-N Account

Nabil Gen-N Account is targeted towards new generation not just by age but
by heart as well. Nabil Gen-N account that refers to Generation Nepal who
values the ease of banking and speed of transaction to a greater extent. The
Bank has introduced Critical Illness and Term Life Insurance Coverage
applicable to all individual saving accounts. The customer will be insured of
NPR 300, 000 against 13 Critical Illness and term life insurance of NPR
75,000 if he/she maintains daily balance of NPR 35,000. General savings

Nabil bank offers saving accounts that have been designed to take care of
banking and savings requirements. For customer, bank is always at your
fingertips with mobile banking, internet banking, and probably the largest
ATMs networks throughout the nations. Student's saving

Student Savings”, a savings deposit product meant for students pursuing
higher studies. The product bears special features like discount on issuance of
Bank Drafts, hassle free online registration for TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT. Lok bachat

Lok bachat account is an account to get started with for all basic banking
services. Simplicity at its best- Lok Bachat account it offer a specially
designed savings account to enable people belonging to low income
account that provides perfect solution in an easy hassle free manner. Nabil premium payroll savings

Nabil Premium Payroll is the exclusive scheme designed specifically to
provide the complete banking solution to employees catering financial,
investment and lifestyle needs. The interest rate on saving account applicable
during internship period is shown in appendix two. Current account

Current/ Checking account designed to address individual day to day
requirements. Current account deals largely with liquid deposits, this nature of
account allows for withdrawal of funds and cheques being written against the
balance and does not limit the number of transactions in a day. Premium account

It includes two types of account: Fixed deposit account
Nabil's wide range of fixed deposit schemes provide individuals greater
earning along
with the benefit of credit facility up to ninety percentage of their fixed deposit
to meet their short term financial needs. Put money away for fixed terms and
get assured of the attractive return on money. Nabil offers wide range of fixed
deposit scheme that gives customers a good return on their hard earned money
with strong sense of security. Call account

It is the combination of current and saving accounts features, with interest in
addition. Nabil offers call deposit account that is basically a demand deposit
account with wide array of benefits; earning interest and facility of unlimited
withdrawals and deposits being the essence of this account.
The interest rate on fixed deposit applicable during internship period is shown
appendix three. Safe deposit locker

It is designed to safeguard customer valuables. Safe deposit lockers offer
shelter and security of your valuables. A safe deposit locker at Nabil Bank is a
solution to individual concern. Nabil offer customer access to safe deposit
lockers at maximum locations.

3.6.5 Bancasurrance
Bancassurance is one of the newly conceptualized products. The Bank offers
insurance service to clients for coverage of both property and life under
agency relationships with major insurers in Nepal. Credit clients can
conveniently choose a policy for risk coverage on properties pledged to bank.
Likewise all clients can choose to select from a range of different life
insurance policies as per their requirement and investment plans. This
arrangement between the Bank and insurance companies to sell insurance
products to the Bank’s customers brings mutual benefits to insurer, Bank and
the clients at the same time.

3.6.6 Cards and E- banking

Nabil Bank is the pioneer in introducing credit cards in Nepal. Nabil bank has
been one of the principal members of Visa Worldwide Inc. and MasterCard
Worldwide Inc. since early 1990s and also associated with Union Pay
International Co. Ltd. and Smart Choice Technologies (P) Ltd. Nabil has the
widest range of services in cards, which includes issuance of Visa and
MasterCard brands of cards whereas on the acquiring side it honors Visa,
MasterCard, China Union Pay (CUP), Smart Choice Technology (SCT)
brands of payment cards as a mode of payment. The Bank has employed with
state-of-the art technology to provide online banking services, mobile banking
services, credit, debit and pre-paid cards under Visa and MasterCard brands to
the accountholders and non- accountholders.

Nabil Visa (Debit Card), Nabil Visa Local (Credit Card) and Nabil
MasterCard Local
(Credit Card) are accepted at over 2.8 million merchant outlets and over two
lakh fifteen thousand ATMs in Nepal and India. Nabil Visa (Debit Card) can
be availed and used without any hassle of limits, interests, late payment fees
and other penalties. Nabil also offers International Dollar Cards like Nabil
MasterCard International Credit Card (Regular) and Nabil Visa International
(Pre-paid) under Visa brand, which are accepted over millions of merchant
outlets and ATMs worldwide. Recently Nabil have also launched Nabil i-card
where it can do transaction up to 500 dollar per year. Nabil has recently
updated its technology to provide updated electronic banking services to its
customers. Some more e- banking products of Nabil Bank are Nabil
installment, Nabil Esecure, Mobile commerce, Nabil net, ATM, Nabil viber
banking, Electronic Payment Gate way (EPG).
3.6.7 Remittance services
Keeping in mind the need to bring back the hard earned money by the
Nepalese working abroad, Nabil bank provides remittance services to its
customers at cheapest rates. It uses its large international network and
domestic branches to transfer money, financing foreign trade and other needs. Western union

Western Union provides fast, reliable and convenient ways to transfer money.
Through Western Union, the customers can receive the fund through more
than five lakh Western Union Agent locations in more than two countries and
territories. One does not need to have an account with Nabil Bank to receive
fund. Nabil remit

Nabil Bank also renders domestic remittance services for money transfers
within Nepal. NABILREMIT is a web based online money transfer system
introduced by Nabil Bank Ltd. to ease the fund transfer from one place of the
country to the other. NABILREMIT has one of the largest networks with more
than fifteen hundred locations across the nation to render domestic remittance
services to its valued customers. Drafts and swift transfers

The Bank issues demand drafts and executes fund transfer instructions for
transfer of
funds across the globe using the platform provided by SWIFT. The Bank has
wide correspondent banking arrangement with international banks in order to
execute fund transfer requests from clients so as to facilitate individual fund
transfer requirements, international trade transactions and treasury operation
of bilateral and multilateral agencies. The SWIFT code for Nabil bank is
NARBNPKA. Foreign inward remittances

Nabil Bank has established remittance relationships with a number of
exchange houses, remittance companies and banks in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, Australia and Japan for rendering foreign
inward remittance services.

3.6.8 Other products and services Any Branch Banking Service (ABBS)
The Bank has capitalized on its technology resources to offer uninterrupted
transactions across a wide network of its branch offices, ATM network and
PoS machine network. The objective is to ensure that Nabil’s products and
services are easily accessible to its customer irrespective of their location.
Clients can benefit from hassle free transaction banking services from each
and every branch offices irrespective of the branch where they opened an
account. Extended Banking (EB) services

Nabil has offered “365 Days Banking Service” and “Extended Banking
Service” from selected branches to cater to the banking needs of customers
who do not have time to visit a branch during regular banking hours.
Teendhara and Lalitpur (Kupondole) branches in Kathmandu valley provides
“365 Days Banking Service” and “Extended
Banking Service” while many more branches across the country provides
Banking Service”. Bullion operations

Nabil is a wholesale importer if gold on consignment basis and has developed
a credible name on the domestic bullion supply chain. The Bank offers bullion
import services to merchants as well as licensed financial institutions. Nabil treasury

The Bank’s treasury offers complete solution for foreign currency transaction
requirement of its customers. The Bank is well equipped with real time
transaction window for transacting in global financial markets. Extensive
network of correspondent banking arrangements worldwide support clients
requirement of transactions with foreign counterparties, be it for individual
requirements, trade transactions or for treasury operations of bi-lateral and
multi-lateral foreign agencies. The Bank undertakes all forex transactions as
permitted by the regulation, competitive spot and forward currency exchange
rates and non-deliverable forward contracts for licensed financial institutions. Electronic online account opening form

Customers can open an account in desired branch by filling up an online
account form. The basic motto towards launching this feature is to give new
dimension to online banking and conventional account opening approach.
Nabil bank is committed to provide banking services of highest possible
standards that suits the customer requirements as well as the market needs.

3.7 Performance/Financial Position

The strength of every organization is shown by the financial highlights of the
organization. The performance of the organization depends upon how much
the organization is financially healthy. As per the 2020 annual report of Nabil
bank total operating income is 9.12 billion whereas net profit after tax is 3.46
billion. The total deposit of bank remains 193.03 billion in 2020. Similarly
gross loans and advances is 156.92 billion in 2020. The total asset of the bank
is 237.68 billion and shareholders fund is 25.86 billion in 2020. The average
return on assets is 1.58 % in 2020. Similarly return on equity is 13.61 % in
2020. Credit to deposit ratio and capital adequacy ratio remains 79.72% and
13.07 % in 2020. The position of non-performing loan to total loan is 0.98%.
Earnings per share and dividend per share is 36.16% and 35.26% in 2020. The
last closing price of share in 2020 is NPR 765. The total market capitalization
remains 77.25 billion in 2020.
Figure 3.7.1: Five Year Trend Analysis Of Bank’s Financial Position

Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020

3.8 Work Flow Process and linkage with other Department

The workflow process is that the CSD Department of Teendhara branch has
linkage with the Branch Manager and simultaneously with the operation and
credit department. CSD is known as the first and foremost front linear of the
bank because without CSD the general flow of transaction is completely
uneven. They scanned all the flow of customer with various background and
with variety of income sources.
Table 3.8.1 Linkage of CSD with other Department (Teendhara Branch)

3.10 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is the process that identifies an organization’s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Specifically, SWOT is a basic,
analytical framework that assesses what an entity (usually a business, though it
can be used for a place, industry or product) can and cannot do, for factors
both internal (the strengths and weaknesses)
as well as external (the potential opportunities and threats). Here, SWOT
Analysis of this research is mentioned below:
- Trust of people
- Wide Network
- Dedicated and experienced manpower
- Wide Array of products
- Higher HR cost
- Low Marketing
- Higher Employee Turnover

- New industries and Customers in the Market
- Better use of IT
- Modified Product
- Strong relationship with customers

- Political Instability
- High Competition
- Less authority to BM leading to lengthy decision-making
- Internal conflict among workers.


4.1 Customer service department

Customer service department (CSD) is also known as Front Desk, which is the
most important department for every Organization. It helps to develop good
impression to the customer because in this department we directly deal with
the department, answer their queries etc. Customer Service is the commitment
to provide service to external and internal customer that includes providing
information, technical support and quality of services on time. Customer
Satisfaction is the main wealth of every organization.

During the eight weeks of internship in Agricultural Development Bank Ltd,

the intern was assigned to Customer Service Department which helped intern
to gain knowledge of that department. Excellent customer service delivers
services or products in a way that allows the customer to access them in the
most efficient, fair, cost effective, and humanly satisfying and pleasurable
manner possible. Customer service is normally an integral part of a company’s
customer value proposition. The customer service process must be transparent.
If an organization can practice full disclosure in an obvious way in their
product information and their contracts, they are on the way to creating
customer loyalty.

The loyal customer always uses the product and services of the bank regularly
thinking of other alternatives. So, Loyal and regular customer is the main
source of a successful bank. If the customer experiences organization as one
where they were never surprised and never felt deceived, the organization will
create a competitive edge in a world where there is precious little confidence
in the customer service process. It is very important to know that a highly
satisfied customer stays loyal longer, buys more as the organization introduces
new product, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to
price. Having a significant number of this kind of customers is only possible
through the efficient functioning of customer service department of any
organization. It would then not be inappropriate to say that
this department is the key to success of any organization. CSD of NBL always
maintains good relationship with the customer and makes them loyal to the
organization. It performs various day-to-day operations. The basic task of
CSD are account opening, account closing/transfer, cheque issuing, bank
statement issue, balance certificate issue, provide information about bank
product and services, and many more.

4.2 Activities Performed in the Organization

CSD is the important department of Organization that provides good

impression to the customer. This department is involved in various activities
from opening an account to its closing, providing account statement as per
customer demand, issuing ATMs etc. As an intern, various activities were
performed and some of them are described below:
4.2.1Customer counseling
Customer counseling is most important functions of customer service
department. The efficiency of the customer service department or an
organization is the outcome of the
quality of the customer counseling that it provides. This department is also
responsible for providing detail information regarding these different products
and services. Similarly it is also the responsibility of CSD to answer customer
queries. Staffs in CSD should have information about the various products of
the bank and should have good communicating skills as to answer the queries
of the customers correctly, precisely and politely.

4.2.2 Opening an account

Account opening is very important for every bank. It helps to increase the
number of customer in the bank and expand its business. The success of the
organization depends upon number of customer it have.

A) Saving account
Any individual capable to enter into a contract can open accounts with the
bank. Lunatics, insolvents, drunkards cannot enter into the contracts.
Naturally, they cannot be the account holders. Illiterate person, blind, trustee
can open accounts but special attention should be paid to such accounts.
Likewise, bank open accounts in the name of minors but they have to be
operated by guardians till “minors turn into “majors”.
The basic requirements for opening Personal Account:
❖ Fill in the application form
❖ Agree with the terms and conditions of the bank
❖ Sign the specimen cards
❖ Fill up the KYC form.
❖ Certified True Copy of Identification Document i.e. Citizenship or Passport
❖ Two photograph of account Holder
❖ Utility bill for address verification or voters id

In case of Foreign National:

❖ Certified true copy of Passport

❖ Documents should be certified from concerned Embassy
❖ Certified True copy of valid Visa
❖ All documents of personal account for all the joint parties

In case of Joint account:

❖ All documents required for personal account for all joint parties.
❖ Special instruction must be provided to the bank in the application form in
case of any one signature among the joint account holders.
❖ ATM/Debit Card is not provided to joint account holders.

After ascertaining completion of above said documents, the bank assigns an

account number, accepts deposit in the deposit slip (voucher) and issues a
checkbook and card to individual(s). In case of the illiterate, thumb impression
is obtained in the specimen card. Moreover, s/he is required to furnish
photograph as well. No checkbook is issued and the account holder is required
to visit bank in person for withdrawal. Terms and conditions should be

B) Corporate account

i. Proprietorship account:
A business firm registered in the name of a person/proprietor is known as Sole
Proprietorship Firm. The proprietor bears all the profit or loss of the business.
Requirements for opening proprietorship account:
❖ Registration certificate
❖ Tax certificate
❖ Citizenship certificated proprietor
❖ PP size photos

ii. Partnership account

A firm registered in the name of more than one individual is known as
Partnership firm. The profit and loss from the business operation is shared by
the partners.
Requirements for opening partnership account:
❖ Partnership Agreement deed
❖ Firm Registration Certificate
❖ Tax Certificate
❖ Citizenship Certificate of Partners
❖ PP size photos of partners

iii. Limited company account

Limited Company Account can be maintained by both private and public
limited companies. Requirement for opening proprietorship account are:
❖ Registration Certificate
❖ Memorandum & Articles of Association
❖ Name, Address of directors & Office Bearers of the Limited Company with
copy Citizenship Certificate
❖ Name & Signatures of the Persons Authorized to Operate an account
❖ Operation Commencement Certificate (for Public Ltd. Co.)
❖ Resolution of Board of Directors regarding opening & conduct of an
❖ Tax Certificate

iv. Club society & association account

Various clubs, social institutions, etc can also open accounts by fulfilling the
requirements. Requirements for opening this account:
❖ Registration Certificate
❖ List of Office Bearers
❖ Resolution Regarding Opening & Conduct of Account.
❖ Name & Signature of the persons authorized to operate the account.

For fixed deposit account, just an application form is to be filled out as the
holder must normally have any account maintained with bank. Bank issues a
Deposit Receipt as a proof of having accepted fixed deposit.

C) Procedure for opening new account:

After fulfilling the requirement of the issued account opening form and
customer information form by the customers, it is received by the CSD. Then,
thorough checking and verification are done to see any discrepancies. Once
the verification is done with the original documents, a stamp is affixed on the
photocopy of all the supporting documents. Finally all these are taken to the
operating head for verification
and approval.

D) Account closing process and requirements

It is another important task done under account operation. It is very rare that
you encounter an account-closing request at the customer desk at ADBL.
People close their accounts because of many reasons. The Procedures to close
an account are given
Step1: The customer is asked the reasons for closing the account and tries to
not to close the account by explaining the benefit of the account and the
charges taken
for closing the account.
Step2: If the customers are willing to close the account, he/she must fill up the
account closing form along with KYC specifying the reason.
Step3: Signature is verified and the client is then asked to return all his
account related belongings like ATM cards and the cheque book. These are
received by the teller and are cancelled or destroyed.

4.2.3 Preparing cheque book

Customer requires cheque book to withdraw money from their bank account.
It is issued to the customer after he/she opened the account in bank as per
his/her request. The number of cheque issued to the customer according to the
customer s’ requirement. If customer requested for new cheque book for
second time s/he should fill the requisition form which is placed at the end of
the cheque book. The intern prints the cheque and makes sure that the account
number of the customer and cheque requisition slip and the cheque slip are the
same. Before receiving the cheque book, account holder should sign in cheque
register and requisition slip.

4.2.4 Statement Print

Bank Statement is the list of transaction of the customers during the certain
period of time. One of the major works done in CSD is to print the statement
for customers. Customers are required to fill the enquiry form which contains
the Name, Account number and authorized signature of the customer in order
to get the bank balance statement. At the time of printing the bank statement
signature of the customer must be match with the actual signature done when
opening the bank account because the statement is only provided to the
account holder. Bank normally provides the statement paper free of cost.
Customers usually wish to take the monthly statement.
4.2.5 Balance check
Most of the customer frequently asks for their balance in account. So, intern
had to check the balance of account by entering the account number in
respective search heading of the software. Intern can tell the amount of the
account to the account holder only. Intern doesn’t have any permission to tell
amount in the account to the person.

4.2.6 Handling and making phone calls

Handling phone calls and making phone calls to the customer are also
important for every organization. Through phone calls, the customers need to
know the information about the bank and also different questions. Intern must
handle the responsibility to handle the phone calls and solve the query of the
customers. If intern doesn’t know the answer then intern had to call the
officer. If the bank require any issue like requires any information or
document about the customer document or have to give any information like
the about the maturity date of fixed deposit.

4.2.7 Other activities

❖Account closing/transfer.
❖KYC update and verification.
❖Providing the service of signature change, SMS Banking or E-Banking if
needed by the customers.
❖Signature verification.
❖Customer profiling and compiling information.
❖Making sure of complete filling of different forms, account opening form
and providing account number and checking signature.
4.3 Distribution/Allocation of work/activities
The internship period was of eight weeks. During this period, day-to-day activities of
CSD is assigned and performed. Good customer service is the heart of banking. The
goal of the customer service is not only to help the customer having good experience
but also to offer them an experience that exceeds their expectation.
- Filling forms
- Account opening
- Scanning and Photocopy
- Filing and Record keeping
- Cheque Delivery
- Dealing with the Customer complains
- Marketing for Opening Form with QR at Vegetable Shop
- Providing Locker forms for Locker visitor

4.4 Problem Solved

Intern had solved few problems during the period of internship in CSD and they are
❖ Helping the customer to fill different forms when they are confused.
❖ Describing different accounts along with its features.
❖ Finding the missing documents.
❖ Informing the problem that raise during the interaction with customers to the
authorized person for the solution.

4.5 Intern’s Key Observation

The analysis of the activities presented as given below is based on the experience
gained during the performance of the activities and the observation made during the
period of performance:
- Co-operative, supportive and friendly environment.
- Hierarchical organizational structure.
- All employees follow the rules and regulations of the bank set by the bank head and
they are so helpful.
- Formal line of communication among employees.
- The task of dealing with the various natured customers is indeed a very difficult
- The intern of dealing less tasks to be performed in the credit and cash department by
themselves as they need enough of the time to know the technical and legal aspects of
the tasks and its sensitivity.
- The activities in the CSD are simple yet challenging and repetitive yet sensitive.



5.1 Summary
Internship is always a great opportunity for the students to get the field
experience and bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical
knowledge. It was a great exposure to work as an internee at Nabil Bank
Limited, which brought the practical knowledge that internee, lacked and
gained some experience on banking activities. During the internship period,
there was substantially large inflow of the customers in the bank for using
various product and services of NBL. Through which internee got chance of
promoting product and services to customers. This experience was very new to
the intern but enjoyed it greatly. All the knowledge, experience and skills
gained will be extremely beneficial to internee’s future career in the banking

-Initially, Chapter I describes the background, objectives, problem,

methodology, and limitation of the study. Additionally, the entire organization
of report is mentioned. In
short, it elaborates the various aspects of the study.

-Secondly, Chapter II describes the introduction of industry where the internee

has done internship has been explained in Chapter II. Since internship was
done in bank, meaning and origin of bank along with the brief elaboration of
commercial bank has been included.

-Thirdly, organization that had appointed interns has been prefaced in Chapter
III. The abstract insertion of NBL alone with capital as well as organizational
structure, management team and product and services.

-Chapter IV comprises the keen aspects of study i.e. the activities performed
by internee in bank. Internee has carried well in various function of ECC.
Here, internee tends to illustrate the problem faced and problem one had

-Finally, Chapter V it ends with the summary, conclusion and feedback from
internee to the Organization as well as College/University.
5.2 Conclusion
An internship is first step of learning experience at work environment after the
studying of theoretical knowledge at BBA. During the period of internship, it
was different experience and exposure to work in a real scenario. This
internship period helped the intern to know how an organization can be
different from each other. It helped the intern to apply the year’s long
theoretical lessons into practical area. This report has been prepared as the
partial fulfillment of eighth semester of BBA under TU. Nabil Bank Limited
proved to be a strong support for building up professional career. Further, in
past 8 weeks, the intern learned to work under pressure and broadened its
knowledge, vision, ability and confidence to perform in real working

It was a great opportunity to gain practical knowledge of banking sector.

Beside this,
the supervisors and other staffs were extremely helpful in guiding on
internship program. It was the great experience working for the intern in Nabil
Bank Limited (NBL). The operational environment was friendly. There was
good communication and healthy relationship in between the different levels
of staffs. The intern was able to find out various services offered and facilities
provided by Nabil Bank Limited. Working as an intern mainly provided an
opportunity to learn about practical implication in career building hence it is a
significant platform for the future career. The internee got chance to gain
knowledge about issuance of Customer service
department (CSD) and essential factors required while making its decision.
This department has helped intern to gain knowledge about Bank Product and
Services, its procedure to deal with the customer and agent and many more.
The internee believes this experience will support while working for an
5.3 Key Skill and Attitude Learnt
Practical knowledge is different from theoretical knowledge. The internship
was an
opportunity to learn several things that matter in corporate life as well as in
general life. Working in real life situation practically is not as simple as we
think of. It requires high dedication, commitment, and discipline. This
internship program had helped to transform in the positive way. Many things
related to bank and watching, listening and doing learned banking. An
opportunity to learn and do new things practically in the work place at Nabil
was a great experience. Daily tasks like dealing with customers, performing
activities, communicating with bank staffs and higher-level officials and
handling equipment made realize different things that matter in providing
quality service and maintaining a good working environment in an
organization. Some major learning's and understandings acquired from the
internship program are as follows.

5.3.1 Key Skill

The key skill learned by interne are:
❖ Learned about the procedure of cash deposit and withdraw.
❖ Learned about the different functioning of the bank also learn about the
KYC Policy.
❖ Filling bank transaction in passbook of account holder (if illiterate)
❖ Technology is one of the major factors that minimize the operational cost
and increase the efficiency.
❖ Learned about the general documents requirement in the various
❖ Learned how to deal with the customer and their queries on time help to
retain them and also helps to keep the customers loyal.
❖ Learned about the importance of time, personality and dedication towards
❖ Learned about the procedure in account opening and closing of the
individual or the corporate.
❖ Learned about the procedure of distribution of ATM cards, balance
enquiries and account statement
❖ Learned to be calm under the adverse conditions and tactfully handle the
❖ Record of remittance and filing the documents.

5.3.2 Attitude Learn

The interne developed the attitude about: Punctuality
Time is a valuable thing, which helps an individual and an organization to
grow when
used wisely. Punctuality is necessary in an organization to successfully
achieve the set
goals on time. Similarly, serving valued customers on time makes customers
satisfied and creates a positive impression. Punctuality and time management
is equally important also for an individual to achieve his/her goals. At Nabil
either intern or staff everyone has to reach office at 9.30 am in office dress for
staffs and in formal dress for interns. Sense of responsibility and accountability

Responsibilities are set to each and every employee on the basis of their
position and jobs they have to perform. Employees must understand the things
they are responsible and act accordingly to fulfill them. Similarly, they also
should have sense of accountability for the jobs they are responsible for. These
are things that help in effective and responsible working environment. At
Nabil intern are also assigned some tasks under the supervision of staffs for
which they have to be responsible and accountable. Professionalism
The way of presenting oneself and behaving with others is a way of creating
impression of oneself on others. One's skill of communication, speech, body
gestures, attire, punctuality and compliance somewhat reflect how professional
he/she is at his/her job. Therefore, one must maintain professionalism while
performing jobs to create positive impression of one and to win trust of others. Coordination and cooperation

In every work place coordination and cooperation is necessary. The success of
any organization depends upon how much they have coordination and
cooperation. At Nabil intern gained knowledge to coordinate the activities of
different department for the achievement of ultimate goal. In Nabil not only
inside branch but there is coordination between all branches as other branch
staffs used to help another branch if they ask. Staffs of branch used to say
Nabil is a learning centre here everyone coordinate and cooperate each other
to go ahead together for the success.
These are the learning's and understandings acquired from the internship at
Nabil Bank Limited, Teendhara Branch, which have broadened the knowledge
and provided fruitful experience. The exposure to real corporate life groomed
various skills like interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and work-related
skills which will obviously help in future career and life.

5.4 Feedback

It is another important task done under account operation. It is very rare that
you encounter an account-closing request at the customer desk at ADBL.
People close their accounts because of many reasons. The Procedures to close
an account are given
Step1: The customer is asked the reasons for closing the account and tries to
not to close the account by explaining the benefit of the account and the
charges taken
for closing the account.
Step2: If the customers are willing to close the account, he/she must fill up the
account closing form along with KYC specifying the reason.
Step3: Signature is verified and the client is then asked to return all his
account related belongings like ATM cards and the cheque book. These are
received by the teller and are cancelled or destroyed.

5.4.1 Feedback to the Organization

By working as an intern at Nabil Bank Ltd (NBL) and observing its working
environment and procedures some areas of improvement has been identified.
Therefore, the following measures are recommended to the bank for
enhancing its performance:
- Customer satisfaction is the most important thing in any organization. But it
was seen that some of the customers of the bank were not satisfied by the time
taken to render service. Thus taking this into consideration NBL should focus
more on providing quick and satisfactory services to the customers.
- NBL should increase the number of ATM machines both within and outside
the valley so as to attract more customers towards the bank.
- Adopting efficient marketing strategies to encourage more of the customers
will help NBL to successfully compete with other banks.
- NBL focuses on hiring outsource rather then employees so there is class
differentiation between permanent employees and outsource.

5.4.1 Feedback to the College/University

Internship is defined as learning proper supervision of the intern is essential.
Ongoing supervision of the intern is keys to the success of the internship
program. The college and university both institutions have provided us an
opportunity to gain some practical knowledge on what we are learning in our
classrooms. Theory unless made behavior have no use. Thus, this internship
program offered by college and university in fact has been proven to be the
first milestone in professional career.
The internship program is to be conducted by the students as per the
requirement of the university. It is also a responsibility of the college to
provide good and practical opportunities to the students to impart the real
world situations. There are some feedbacks to the college, which are

- College should make proper inspection of intern students in proper time and
in regular manner during the tenure of internship.
- College should send the supervision to the organization before, after and
during the internship program.
- During the internship program of the students, the college should visit the
respective organizations so as to know the performance of the intern.
- Due to oversupply of the students, it is very difficult to find the organization
to do internship. So college also searches some institution for internship.
- College should be in touch with the organization where students did their
internship so that the college can get timely feedback about the intern.
- College should also focus to the problem faced by intern student while
doing internship

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Branches Of Nabil Bank

Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020

Financial Highlights Part 1

Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020
Financial Highlights Part 2
Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020

Financial Highlights Part 3

Source: Annual Report of Nabil Bank 2020

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