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Challenges of Metal Recycling

Article · April 2012


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1 author:

Markus A Reuter
SMS group GmbH


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Prof. Markus A. Reuter

Director: Technology
Challenges of
Management in Outotec

Was professor at TU Delft (Netherlands),

now professorial fellow at the University
metals recycling
of Melbourne (Australia).
D.Eng and PhD degrees from Stellenbosch
University (South Africa), Dr.-habil. from
RWTH Aachen University (Germany).
Worked for Mintek and Anglo American Markus A. Reuter, Ilkka V. Kojo, Outotec Oyj
Corporation in South Africa.
Over 380 publications as well as co-author
of the book Metrics of Material and Metal
can be improved significantly by re- production of goods and services over their
cycling, not only through the reuse of full life cycle. The ‘doing more with less’
non-renewable resources through mak- slogan indicates the focus on more outputs
ing end-of-life products available as a with fewer impacts (fewer resources, less
CURRICULUM VITAE resource, but it can also significantly pollution, fewer impacts on the conditions
Ilkka Veikko Kojo
increase the availability of various of poor people). Efficiency gains do not
metals (some presently critical, which however guarantee that the overall out-
could have ended in landfill) contrib- come stays within the ecological carrying
uting to the sustainability-enabling capacity of the Earth. Influencing the de-
EDUCATION M.Sc., Eng., Helsinki University infrastructure. Significant metal will mand side is therefore another prerequisite
of Technology (HUT) 1981 be required for sustainability-enabling for sustainable development. It will only
Licentiate of Technology, Eng., Process technology such as in energy (e.g. solar, be by a combination of resource efficiency
Metallurgy, HUT1983 wind, smart grids), water purification and resource sufficiency measures that the
Dr.Sc.(Techn), Eng., Process Metallurgy, (e.g. various technologies to enhance ultimate goal of sustainable consumption
HUT1985 water quality such as sensors, filter and production patterns can be achieved.”
2010 – Outotec Oyj
Director – Environment & Sustainability
materials, smart water systems), trans- [UNEP1]. The recyclability of metals
1987–2010 Outokumpu, Outokumpu port (e.g. electric cars, planes), building makes it possible for future genera-
Technology and Outotec Various R&D related (e.g. various materials in eco-cities), to tions to use the same metals that have
tasks name a few [REU1]. The Brundtland already been used, therefore providing
definition for sustainability [BRUN] as a service to our descendants by mining
stated in paragraph #27 is: “Humanity the ore and refining it to metal. It may
has the ability to make development sus- be pointed out that in the future min-
Introduction tainable to ensure that it meets the needs of ing and metals extraction will not be as
the present without compromising the abil- energy intensive as today, but metal is
The metals in the earth’s crust have ity of future generations to meet their own needed today and will continue to be
clustered in certain locations in much needs”. In Chapter 8 the Brundtland needed in the future and recycling will
higher concentrations than average due report discusses “Industry: Producing help to reduce the footprint.
to geothermal processes. This great eco- More With Less”, which is at the heart
service provided by nature has made it of recycling. This key theme was taken Some restrictions concerning
possible for society to produce metals. up by the World Business Council on metals recycling
However, the earth has its boundaries Sustainability Development as “Doing
and in that sense the amount of metals more with less” [WBCSD]. Key issues of Table 1 shows simplistically the glo-
is limited. Nevertheless, many predic- importance to achieve the transition to bal recycling rates of some metals. The
tions of the availability of metals have this vision are “Phasing out landfill”, values given in Table 1 are low compa-
failed as they have been based on the “Closing the loop”, “Four to tenfold red to the political targets of recycling
known and predicted ore reserves at increase in resource efficiency”, while 100% of the material contained in the
that time. Here the definition of metal also highlighting the importance of products. One of the reasons for this is
ore is important: ore is a mineralization materials in the interlocking system of that the recycling rates (recollecting) of
from which it is economically feasible our society to achieve sustainability in End-of-Life (EoL) products remain low,
to produce metals. Thus the price of the world. Of particular importance is because the motivation to return expen-
metals and even more the technology “Resource Efficiency”, i.e. the decou- sive EoLs is still low and also the global
with which the metal is extracted from pling of welfare and environmental collection systems are not yet ready to
the ore play a very important role. impact by the World Council on Sus- absorb all the material that could be
The Brundtland Report [BRUN] tainable Development. available for recycling. This is increa-
devotes Chapter 2 to discussing the Resource efficiency through recy- singly important today, when the life-
“Interlocking Crisis,” alluding to the cling can be explained as follows: “Re- time of products is shorter and shorter.
complex systems that connect our ac- source efficiency means reducing the envi- Society should prevent these materials
tivities to nature. Resource efficiency ronmental impact of the consumption and ending up in municipal solid waste and

50 Materia 2/2012
landfill, from where the recovery of the
metals is possible, but laborious due to
the complex “landfill mineralogy”.
A simplistic description of recy-
cling for metals is depicted in Figure
1 [UNEP2], which is also often the ba-
sis for describing the various recycling
rates used for metals. While this ap-
proach to recycling gives an indication
of the recycling rates of commodity
metals (which are often used to a large
extent in relatively simple but impor-
tant applications, e.g. various alloys of a: primary metal input
steel (incl. stainless) and aluminum,
copper etc.), this abstraction fails in re- e.g.
lation to multi-material products with
a large number of elements in function-
al proximity [REU1-3]. This primary
resource-based approach is discussed
here as the metal/material centric view
of recycling. Figure 1. A metal/material-centric view of recycling: Linear and sequential representation of re-
An important restriction on recycling cycling for non-complex metal application such as in construction, packaging etc. [UNEP1]

l recycling rate of some metals [NOR]

Metal Global recycling rate, % use are in China. The same happened
in the US after the Second World War,
Aluminum 40 when more than 70% of the world’s an-
Copper 38 nual copper production entered stock
in use in that country.
Iron/steel 47
Many consumer products are much
Lead 47 more complex than those described
Nickel 34 in Figure 1. In contrast to a material
centric approach to recycling, a prod-
Zinc 36 uct-centric view of recycling is more
representative of the recycling of com-
Table 1. Indicative global recycling rates of some metals – values depend on the
plex consumer goods, which is evident
measure used and should usually be defined as a range due to the complexity of
from the complexity shown in Figure 2,
recycling systems ([NOR] & [REU2])
which also explains the low recycling
rates that are achieved.
is that the availability of the metallic Figure 2 depicts the complexity of
materials to be recycled is much lower recycling, especially the fact that all
than the annual metal consumption.
The use of metals is increasing with a
rate that is higher than ever. This rate
increase, however, is still mainly based
on material use in construction, dura-
ble goods, machinery and other instal-
lations, the lifetime of which is long,
meaning the material will only return Losses Losses Losses
for recycling after a relatively long pe-
riod of time. Thus the amount of what
is called stock of material in use is in-
creasing. For example, for aluminum Losses
the total aluminum in use (including the
stocks in municipal solid waste (MSW)
facilities) in 2006 was 586 million met-
ric tons and the annual net addition to
that stock was 24.4 million metric tons. Infrastructure Losses &
etal/material-centric view of recycling: Linear and sequential representation of recycling for
From that amount only 7.8 million met-
on-complexric tons applications
metal of aluminum such
was recycled. It
as in construction, packaging etc. [UNEP1]
must be noted that the amount of non-
recycled (wasted) aluminum was 3.9 Losses (thermodynamics, technology, economics)
million metric tons, which is alarming
[MEN]. This means that there is sim- Figure 2. A product-centric view of recycling: A multi-dimensional dynamic first-principles view
ply not enough material to be recycled. to quantify the resource efficiency of all elements over the life cycle of simple and complex products
Most of the materials entering stock in simultaneously. [REU3]

Materia 2/2012 51
elements in products have to be con- consider the following: Figure 3 shows material-centric recycling rates that un-
sidered simultaneously. Thus, it is a the average tonnes of CO2 that are cre- derlie Figure 1 a metric revealing the
truly complex multi-dimensional dy- ated during the primary production of rich details of multi-dimensional com-
namic problem, to be optimized in its metals (compare to 30,500 Mt CO2 in total plexity and physics (and the related eco-
entirety in order to reach minimum produced in 2010). Recycling of metals is nomics) of the system? Is this enough
losses, i.e. to maximize resource effi- often “simply” a remelting operation detail to facilitate improved resource ef-
ciency. It is pointless simplifying it to with a fraction of the emissions quoted ficiency? We will now discuss and shed
one-metal-at-a-time metal flows, which in Figure 3. For example, it has been es- some light on the issues that have to be
do not include the physics of their con- timated that the energy consumption in surmounted in order to improve the
nections or consider all the chemical/ Europe to produce steel from primary performance of the recycling system.
thermodynamic interactions (alloys, raw materials is in the range of 20-42
compounds etc.) that take place while GJ/ tonne of steel and the same using Resource Efficiency through Best
hydro- and/or pyrometallurgically recycled raw material is in the range of Available Technology (BAT)
treating the recyclates. In other words, 9-13 GJ/t of steel. This means a dramatic
it should be self-evident that the Re- saving in energy costs but also savings Scrap metals, and also metals and their
source Efficiency of metals is not only in relation to carbon dioxide emissions, compounds in End-of-Life (EoL) goods,
to be considered in a one-dimensional which in this example would decrease often have to be either smelted (i.e. with
manner (Figure 1); instead, complex in- from 1.4 tonnes CO2 to 0.55 metric chemical change) or simply remelted (if
teractions as shown in Figure 2 are at tonnes CO2 per tonne of steel [STEEL], in metal and alloy form and not conta-
the heart of optimizing recycling. The with correspondingly less impact on minated by contained and attached ma-
degree of recycling is determined and nature, thus implying a higher resource terials) to bring them back into the cycle.
limited by the quality of the scrap that efficiency. However, this value will in- The importance of extractive metallur-
is fed into what the “normal” operation crease as scrap becomes more complex, gy as enabling, “loop-closing” techno-
of a smelting or melting unit operation if compounds of metals or metal mix- logy is therefore self-evident as also
allows as well as by the chemical/ther- tures in complex products are recycled reflected in Figure 2, showing that the
modynamic interactions. simultaneously, which in turn will in- product (and the material it contains)
crease energy consumption and require cycle rests on the “Metal & Energy Re-
Driver for Recycling? a more sophisticated approach to recy- covery” block. Metallurgical ingenui-
cling as will be shown below. The trans- ty has helped the industry to drive the
Finland has been a benchmark for re- port of scrap and its carbon footprint resource efficiency of ferrous and base
cycling, e.g. glass milk and other bottles also play a role. metals (e.g. steel, stainless steel, alu-
as well as paper have been recycled in Where economics has failed to drive minum, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, tin)
the country for over half a century. The recycling, important legislation has using Best Available Technology (BAT)
motivation to do this has been the re- been implemented e.g. recycling is mo- ever nearer the limits that are permitted
fund or reward related to the return of tivated by directives such as 2008/98/ by physics, although the industry’s in
the object or material. Strictly speaking, EU [EU4] , which forms the basis for some cases continuing use of non-BAT
the return of bottles in the early days Finland’s new Waste Act (01.05.2012). technologies leaves room for impro-
would be categorized today as reuse In this the waste hierarchy is deter- vement. Remelting scrap arising from
and the return of paper waste would mined to be the prevention of waste, relatively “simple” products such as
be categorized as recycling (if the pa- reuse of waste, recycling of waste, oth- packaging, infrastructure metals/alloys,
per is targeted for a paper mill instead er recovery such as energy production transport, die-castings, etc., using large
of an incineration plant). Metals have via incineration, and at the bottom the quantities of bulk metal/alloy, is carried
also been recycled effectively throug- disposal of waste. out routinely today, provided that the
hout history; cannons have been cast Therefore, some key questions can be scrap quality is within the bandwidth
from bronze statues (and vice versa). asked: Are the relatively simple metal/ required/permitted by the market. Usu-
It has been calculated that around 80%
of the copper ever produced is still in
use. The motivation for recycling may
be different but the main issue is that Metals Primary
Demand CO2 Source, data
metals are easy to recycle and almost t CO2/
used in
for EEE
emissions year
EEE intensity
100% recyclable if 100% collected and t primary Au
in PURE form! As metallic scrap has a metal
monetary value, this is an obvious in- Pt Ru
centive for metals recycling. Platinum
Therefore, if metal scrap is available Pd
for remelting and it is economically vi- Palladium
In Ag
able to do so, a metallurgical (hydro- Silver
and/or pyro-) plant will process it on Sn
the back of its normal operation. The
scrap price may be directly or indirect- Co Tin
ly influenced by the metal price, which Cu
is related to the physics of recovery. In
CO2 total [Mt/a] 33.58
other words, this also implies that if less
energy is used,Figure 3: atCarbon
therefore footprint of selected elements in WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic E
lower cost,
the system will be more profitable and Figure 3. Carbon footprint of selected elements in EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) goods
goods this
more resource efficient. To illustrate [EU2][EU2]
compared to 30,500 Mt/a global emissions in 2010 [Umicore, UNEP3
compared to 30,500 Mt/a global emission in 2010. [Umicore, UNEP3]

52 Materia 2/2012
ally these scrap types arise as bulky and
well-defined materials or well sorted/
dismantled parts or liberated materials
from complex products.
Modern products and hence the asso-
ciated resource cycles and efficiencies
are becoming increasingly complex e.g.
modern multi-material (electric) cars,
electrical and electronic equipment,
solar cells, planes, windmills (Figure
4) and various other sustainability-
enabling products, to name just a few.
Product design has engineered a large
variety of different materials into close
proximity with one another for reasons
of functionality for example, resulting
in EoL scrap becoming increasingly
impure and contaminating the tradi-
tional commodity metals and their al-
loys. This has large implications for Figure 4. The ever-increasing use of complex mixtures of metals in products: this has a key effect on
metal purity and recovery, as all of the the recyclability of metals as the designed element combinations start spilling outside the constraints
elements in some or other way affect of thermodynamically compatible separation as shown in the Metal Wheel (Adapted from [ACH]).
each other during physical processing
and metallurgical recovery, demanding
a more detailed and sophisticated ap-
proach. If product design brings ther-
modynamically compatible materials
in close proximity, then metallurgical
technology can deal with them well,
hence true Design for Recycling.
The BAT of extractive metallurgy
and its underlying physics and associ-
ated mineralogy are captured in the
Metal Wheel (Figure 5). It is organ-
ized by main commodity Carrier Met-
als. Each slice within the Metal Wheel
shows the Carrier Metal, i.e. the metal
used in large quantities for commod-
ity products. The carrier metal miner-
als are the principal components in an
ore/mineral and concentrate (the in-
side ring that drives the mining of the
ore). Each metal wheel slice shows the
elements associated geologically (and
hence thermodynamically) with them.
Over the years, the recovery of each
valuable element has been optimized
by various BAT technologies, often in
one metallurgical complex, while the
ultimate loss of elements (compounds)
to the outside green ring has been mini-
mized at the lowest possible energy
consumption (hence highest efficiency),
Figure 5. Recycling Metal Wheel reflecting that knowledge of recovering carrier elements (commod-
the ultimate goal of resource efficiency. ity/base metals/alloys) is implicitly linked to the recovery/recycling of minor elements i.e. base and
Metallurgical plants processing scrap minor metal extractive metallurgy. Metals in the green band may, as compounds, substitute natural
produced from “simpler” commodity resources: e.g. slags substitute natural sand. [Updated from the original REU 1]
products can operate comfortably with-
in the thermodynamic, technological
and resulting economic constraints of
a single slice of the Metal Wheel. Obvi- as the thermodynamics of the different these products and contained metals
ously, if complex multi-material prod- elements and their compounds are in- (and their compounds & alloys) well,
ucts have metals (and their alloys and compatible. This suggests that the met- while at the same time operating with
compounds) that fall into more than allurgy, physics and the infrastructure economies of scale to remain profitable.
one slice of the Metal Wheel, the extrac- to process these materials have to fall In short, where steel recycling has to
tive metallurgy based on one slice of into more than one slice of Carrier Met- cope with Cu, Sn and Sb and generally
the Metal Wheel will run into problems als (Alloy) in order to be able to process operates comfortably within a single

Materia 2/2012 53
Figure 5: Recycling Metal Wheel reflecting that knowledge of recovering carr
(commodity/base metals/alloys) is implicitly linked to the recovery/recycling of mino
and minor metal extractive metallurgy. Metals in the green band may, as compounds
resources: e.g. slags substitute natural sand. [Updated from the original
slice of the Metal Wheel, complex post- Figure 6. Outotec® Mini-
consumer scrap such as e-Waste may Mill for copper-containing
have to account for 50+ elements at the scrap.
same time. While the former already
poses a formidable complex metallurgi-
cal problem to create steel qualities for
high tech applications, the 50+ elements
are an even larger process metallurgi-
cal, thermodynamic and economic puz-
zle to solve. This is a daunting task, and
lies at the heart of resource efficiency.
Therefore, successful e-waste pro-
cessing facilities are based on two or
more carrier metals. This is practiced
by for example Boliden (Sweden),
Umicore (Belgium), Dowa (Japan),
and Aurubis (Germany), which have a
combination of deep-rooted lead/zinc Figure 6: Outotec® MiniMill for copper-containing scrap
and copper primary smelting know-
how and infrastructure, forming the ity. It also shows the ingenuity that a 30t copper scrap smelting furnace,
basis for maximized recovery of metals innovative smelters and their highly 180t anode furnace, M16 anode cast-
from these products. Recycling of new trained employees have come up with ing shop, anode preparation machine,
products and material combinations, to expand their traditional core compe- stripping machine, copper electrolysis
outside the existing infrastructure, re- tences into a capability to process com- as well as installation supervision and
quires the addition of smelting compe- plex scrap and the multitude of metals, commissioning services. In addition,
tence in other carrier metals. alloys and compounds of modern com- aggregates for waste gas treatment,
The clever use of thermodynamics plex products. These visionary smelt- wasteless foul electrolyte processing,
and appropriate technology reflected ers understand the full implications of and waste water clean-up have been
in the Metal Wheel by forward-look- what the Metal Wheel expresses and installed at the works.
ing innovative companies, within the use it for innovation. Outotec has also delivered various
constraints of economics, is driving Various Outotec technologies exist to smelting reactor solutions, as shown
this innovation. It is an example of ex- supply the metals required in sustain- in Figure 7, for recycling copper and
ploring the limits and opportunities of ability enabling products. Recycling eWaste, lead-containing materials and
recycling based on both existing and plays an extremely important part in batteries etc.
new infrastructures. The boundaries ensuring that the supply of various
of resource efficiency are being pushed metals meets the demands of a future Resource Efficiency through
by a combined understanding of fun- sustainable society. Outotec has been Design for Recycling
damental science, process technology in the recycling business for a very
and economics. It is clear that the ther- long time. One example of this is the In order to address the issue of Design
modynamic basis of the Metal Wheel “MiniMill” (Figure 6) supplied to a for Recycling (DfR) correctly, it is im-
shows what is constraining traditional Russian customer “Novgorodsky Met- portant to distinguish between the Ma-
smelters and their recycling capabil- allurgichesky Zavod,” which included terial-Centric view of recycling as one

Boliden Rönnskår Smelter


E-Waste and Copper Recycling Dowa

(Japan) Lead Battery Recycling
Recylex (Germany)

Figure 7. Versatile Outotec

Smelting Technology
accepting a range of feed
Xiangguang Yanggu Smelter types including copper, lead,
various scrap, residues and
GRM Danyang Smelter (S. Korea) eWaste (two left plants) .

54 Materia 2/2012
Figure 7: Versatile Outotec Smelting Technology accepting a range of feed types for eWaste, copper, lead,
scrap [UNEP3]
that operates mainly in one segment Material-centric recycling - gin metal produced from ore.
of the Metal Wheel and concerns the The present status of recycling
recycling of “simpler” products, while Product-centric recycling –
the product-centric view accommoda- Agricola (1556) [AGR] described re- Enabling future sustainability
tes more than one segment for maximal cycling of precious metals in the first
recovery of a suite of metals (alloys/ metallurgical De Re Metallica, which The world is becoming ever more pro-
compounds) from complex products. highlights a simple fact – if a metal has duct-centric, where metals are mixed
Therefore, in order to understand the economic value and it makes business together into complex products that
limits of recycling in terms of physics sense to recycle it, it will be recycled. impart a functionality that in many
and therefore also its economics, it That was the case in the 16th century, cases will enable sustainability and
is very important to understand the and it is still the case now, only our change the way we live (Figure 4).
material-centric and product-centric metal-containing products are so much This complex mixing in functionality-
views of recycling and why these have more complex than recycling simple dictated complex designs is making
to be considered together to maximize gold jewellery or the alchemistic at- the recovery of metals and materials
resource efficiency. tempts to create gold from lead (re- increasingly difficult, as their recovery
While the material-centric view of cyclates). Industry’s accomplishments is affected not only by the physics of se-
materials processing can happily exist already achieved in carrier metal re- paration and sorting, but also in terms
only on a primary mined resource, re- cycling are remarkable considering of thermodynamics, and the economic
cycling requires the metallurgical ba- the complexity of recycling. Various viability in BAT. This product-centric
sis and core competence of the Carrier (carrier) metals associations are doing view of recycling obviously acknow-
Metals to operate well, especially in considerable good work to quantify ledges the material-centric view and its
capturing all the metals from complex recycling rates. It must be noted that accomplishments in recycling; howe-
products. It must be noted that a scar- recycling in a commodity metal centric ver, it also forces us to discuss material
city of certain elements forces society world obviously works for commodity and energy efficiency and recycling in
to recycle more, so the policy must take (Carrier) metals as applied in relative- a complex product setting, as shown by
care to protect basic metallurgical core ly “simple” applications implying few the very different consumer minerals. It
competence (and infrastructure), as it linkages of materials and/or linkages is self-evident that these designed “mi-
requires deep knowledge of the prima- that can be easily separated with little nerals” are much more complex than
ry carrier metal metallurgy to recycle contamination of impurities. Therefore, thermodynamically compatible linka-
at BAT level and ensure that recycling in a Material-Centric view of recycling: ges of elements in geological minerals.
can also take place in future. The losses attempts to quantify the recycling These complex product “mineralogies”
that take place from the recycling sys- mainly of commodity (carrier) metals include a multitude of complexly lin-
tem are related among other things to and their alloys on their own with non- ked materials:
the thermodynamics of a slice of the thermodynamic based material flow commodity materials (pure metal,
Metal Wheel that cannot cope with the models work to an extent, due to the alloys and compounds) such as steel,
minor constituents that enter the sys- bulk application of commodity metals copper, aluminum, zinc, nickel, plas-
tem “out of place”, hence decreasing (alloys) for relatively uncomplicated tics, “critical” resources such as those
resource efficiency. While a slice of the linkages in “simple” products, identified by EU [EU2] through the EU
Metal Wheel has its thermodynamic recycling usually operates in the Raw Materials Initiative [EU3], and
limits, increasing resource efficiency confines of a single sector or slice of the various valuable minor elements
implies breaking down the border be- Metal Wheel and hence has issues with (sometimes including toxic materials –
tween the slices. The number of differ- minor contaminating and alloying ele- which can be transformed into benign
ent slices in which recyclates should ments that do not “fit” the basic metal- materials in appropriate process steps)
be treated is affected by the efficiency lurgy of the sector, that make Electrical and Electronic
of design (for recycling/sustainability), recycling metrics are used that do Equipment (EEE) work, are often close-
liberation/separation, and defining the not include the complicating factors ly linked as a result of functionality.
remaining material combinations in of multi-sector materials in the Metal The product-centric view of recycling
different flows. The limiting ideal case Wheel, and deals with the complexity depicted in
is given when scrap can flow into the discussions of material and energy Figure 2 to maximize Resource Efficien-
centre of the Metal Wheel (i.e. a system efficiency of metals and alloys in “sim- cy. This figure also shows that pre-pro-
that connects all Carrier Metals) and ple” products could lead to conclusions cessing and sorting parts and materials
then flows, as determined by physics that do not necessarily hold true for into Metal Wheel compatible fractions
and economics, into the appropriate many of the other elements in the peri- helps considerably to maximize the re-
slices, with the links between each slice odic table nor for metals and alloys that covery of metals and materials.
connected smoothly. Although this is are applied with many other materials This gives Design for Recycling and
an utopian view, this understanding of in complex products. Sustainability (DfR and DfS) as well
the complete system is required to pin- While it can be postulated that a as Life Cycle Management (LCM) a
point the limitations of recycling, and material-centric view is good enough very prominent role, within a context
hence understand fully the constraints for bulk metals such as steel and alu- that understands and integrates the
on resource efficiency and unattainable minum, scrap quality issues (created by complex physics of separation of all
Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) approaches. complex products, poor sorting, metal the metals and compounds from these
The Metal Wheel also shows, that the linkages etc.) are an increasing problem complex products. In the context of
ultimate Resource Efficiency is the as unwanted elements are slipping into this product-centric view, recycling
minimization of metals/elements/com- the steel and aluminum sectors of the often has to deal with in excess of 50
pounds ending up in the outer green Metal Wheel, which can only be dealt elements (unlike the “mere” 25 or so in
band of the Metal Wheel. with adequately by dilution with vir- concentrates) that are present as met-

Materia 2/2012 55
als, alloys, compounds etc. in a com- The objective of the recycling indus- etc. Therefore, valuable (minor) metal
plexly linked setting. During recycling, try is to produce pure metal, alloys and losses are a fact of nature, i.e. phys-
all these elements affect each other’s high quality compounds from diverse ics. It is also clear from the Recycling
recycling rate. Therefore, it is clear that scrap and sell them at LME-related Metal Wheel (Figure 5) that if there is
the recycling metric for measuring cur- prices if they are traded on the LME or insufficient metallurgical know-how
rent system performance of complex sold according to the price dictated by and infrastructure then recycling from
products can only be based on rigorous supply and demand. The crux of the to- EoL to LME-grade metal will only hap-
system models like the one depicted in tal dynamic system is in fact the “Metal pen with difficulty! A case in point is
Figure 2. and Energy Recovery” block in Figure 2, the Rare Earth (RE) industry, which,
The Metal Wheel (Figure 5) makes which is the real closer of the material through poor foresight and vision has
one thing very clear: recycling is based cycle, often also a primary producer concentrated metallurgical technology
mainly on the backbone of the Carrier of metal from concentrates that also in one geographical area, which is now
(Commodity) Metals (alloys). It is this processes recyclate feeds. The poorer limiting the recycling of REs in other
backbone, which must be present to the multi-material recyclates are, the parts of the world.
recycle metals and their compounds ef- more losses from the system there will
ficiently. This implies that to optimize be (see lower right arrow in Figure 2). Summary
resource efficiency, careful considera- On the other hand, if the metallurgical
tion has to be given to first principles in technology and infrastructure is not The product-centric view of recycling
order to harmonize the Material-Cen- sophisticated enough, then the met- brings into play all the policy issues
tric and the Product-Centric views of als and materials cannot be separated and legislation around products and
recycling. Numerous Product-Centric well thereby creating losses. DfR and their recycling, Life Cycle Management
aspects are implicit and explicitly giv- appropriately organized collection and consumers (who will make increa-
en by the visionary work of the World pre-processing systems that ensure singly informed purchasing decisions
Business Council for Sustainable De- that metal, alloys and materials do not based on material types, their recycla-
velopment [WBCSD]. To realize these end up in the wrong slice/sector of the bility, footprints etc.) in addition to all
visions require considerable depth and Metal Wheel are also of great impor- the material and energy efficiency issu-
detail to achieve; from a recycling per- tance. However, functionality forces es that are all part of metals processing.
spective, this detail is reflected by Fig- elements together that are not neces- The product centric view also makes it
ure 2. The WBCSD speaks of “closing sarily compatible from a metallurgi- clear that primary as well as recycling
the loop” and “not a particle of waste”, cal point of view. In order to improve metallurgy and their infrastructure are
both of which thermodynamically im- resource efficiency, the designer needs a pre-requisite for recycling and must
possible to achieve. However, with a to be provided with tools/technology- co-exist to produce the vast number of
deep understanding of the economics, driven guidelines to make the correct metals and materials from their mul-
technology and thermodynamics of re- choices from a recycling point of view titude of combinations in modern sus-
cycling one may go a long way towards whenever possible, within the limits of tainability-enabling products within a
it. This requires acknowledgement of design and product specifications and resource efficient society.
the complexity of material applications requirements. The above is partially based on the
and then dealing with these complexi- By improving the product design reference UNEP3’s introduction (ack-
ties using the appropriate tools avail- using all the concepts of DfR and DfS nowledging herewith the given main
able to us. [REU2], including Cradle-to-Cradle authors’ input to this) and work by the
[C2C], it can be claimed that recycling authors published in various academic
Product-Centric Design for and resource efficiency will increase. journals.x
Recycling (DfR) and Life Cycle This may be true for simple products
Management (LCM) such as a chair, or a kettle; however, it
is not easy to make an LED, fluorescent REFERENCES
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[STEEL] Graedel, T.E., Alwood, J., Birat, J.-P., Reck, tainable Development x


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