Results For Rieca

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1. What are the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex
1.3 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
1.4 Field of study; and
1.5 Mode of learning
1.6 General Weighted Average
2. How does students utilize the flexible mode of learning in terms of:
2.1 Device
2.2 Internet Connectivity
2.3 Learning Activities and Platforms
3. What are the factors that determine the academic productivity of students in
utilizing the flexible mode of learning in terms of:
3.1 Environment
3.2 Instruction
3.3 Motivation
3.4 Performance
3.5 Time Management
4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic productivity of students when
they are grouped according to their Sex, Mode of Learning and General Weighted

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