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Internet Based

Trade Fully Automated

Management Online Trading
System System
User Manual


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1.1 Document Control

1.2 Version History

Version Date Author Comments/ Changes from

No. prior version
1.0 2018/08/16 YCO QA TEAM

1.3 Document Reviewers/ Approvers

Name Designation Reviewer & Approver Reviewer &


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1.1 Document Control .....................................................................................................2
1.2 Version History ..........................................................................................................2
1.3 Document Reviewers/ Approvers ............................................................................2
2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Target Audience ........................................................................................................4
2.3 Glossary .....................................................................................................................4
3 Application Creation and UCC Generation .......................................................................5
4 TMS Login .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Create Password ........................................................................................................6
4.2 TMS Login ..................................................................................................................9
4.2.1 Forgot Password (Reset Password) ..................................................................10
5 Order Management .........................................................................................................15
5.1 DNA Login ................................................................................................................15
5.2 Order Entry ..............................................................................................................15
5.2.1 Buy Order...........................................................................................................15
5.2.2 Sell Order ...........................................................................................................23
5.3 Edit Orders (Buy/Sell).............................................................................................. 29
5.3.1 Edit Open Order.................................................................................................29
5.3.2 Edit Partially Traded Order ...............................................................................30
5.4 Cancelled Order (Buy/Sell)...................................................................................... 32
5.4.1 Cancel Open Order ............................................................................................ 32
5.4.2 Cancel Partially Traded Order ...........................................................................33
5.4.3 Order Cancelled at the End of Day (Buy/Sell) ..................................................34
5.5 Rejected Order (Buy/Sell) ....................................................................................... 35

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2 Introduction

2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to instruct users on the functionalities of Order
Management System that can be used to perform the desired task using the system. It
details step by step procedure of all implemented functionalities in Order Management
2.2 Target Audience
This Manual has been prepared to provide guidance to the users of Order Management
System. This document is targeted for external users of NEPSE (Brokers) carrying out trading
transactions on day to day basis.

2.3 Glossary

Term Definition
TMS Trading Management System
NOTS NEPSE Online Trading System
DNA Direct NOTS Access
LTP Last Traded Price
CLI Client
CNC Cash & Carry

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3 Application Creation and UCC Generation
 New Clients can provide their full details to the broker so that the broker can create
their Client Application and generate the UCC.
 Old clients need to provide only the following details for their UCC generation (if
they don’t have it already).
 For Individual Client: Citizenship Number, Citizenship Issued Date, Citizenship Issued
 For Corporate Client: Registration Number, Registration Date, Registered District.

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4 TMS Login

4.1 Create Password

 If you are logging in for the first time, make sure that you receive a password create
link once you are registered with the respective broker. The password create link will
be sent to your registered Email account.

Fig. 4.1.1. Create Password Link

NOTE: Please make sure you provide your correct Email account during registration. If you are
already registered, Please make sure you update your correct Email account in CDS.

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 Click on Create Password link. It will direct you to create password URL.
Enter user defined password & confirm it. 

Fig. 4.1.2. Create Password

NOTE: - Password length should 5-10 with at least one caps, one special character and 1

 Click on Submit. A success message will be displayed at top right corner of the

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 Once the password is successfully created, an email confirmation will be sent.

Fig. 4.1.3. Email Confirmation for Password Creation

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4.2 TMS Login

 Go to your TMS Login URL.

Fig. 4.2.1. TMS Login

NOTE: Please consult your respective broker for Login URL.

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4.2.1 Forgot Password (Reset Password)

 If you forgot password or want to reset your password, go to your

 respective TMS login URL.
 Click on forgot password.

Fig. 4.3.1. Click Forgot Password

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 Enter username and registered email account.

Fig. 4.3.2. Enter Details for Forgot Password

Fig. 4.3.3. Link Sent to Mail

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 Password reset link will be sent to your email.

Fig. 4.3.4. Password Reset Link in Mail

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 Click on that Reset link. It will direct you to reset password URL. Enter user defined
password & confirm it. Click on submit.

Fig. 4.3.5. Reset Password

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 An email will be sent with password reset confirmation.

Fig. 4.3.6. Email Confirmation for Changed Password

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5 Order Management

5.1 DNA Login

 Before placing an order, make sure your respective member admin terminal is
logged into DNA.
 An error message (“ME not logged in”) will be displayed while placing an order if
respective member admin terminal is not DNA logged in.

NOTE: DNA login enables connection between Trade Work Station and the Exchange.

5.2 Order Entry

5.2.1 Buy Order

 Navigate to Order Management -> Buy/Sell order.

 This screen allows user to place orders.
 There are different market sessions from which you can place orders. As of now,
verify that Continuous market session is checked.
 Place a buy order by checking Buy in right top corner of the screen.

Fig. Order Placement Screen

 Respective Client Name and Code will be automatically populated.

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Fig. Place Buy Order

 Select Instrument Type as Equity. Select Security Symbol to be traded. Once the
security is selected for trading, trading parameters for respective security will be
displayed as shown in below fig:

Fig. Select Instrument Type

NOTE: - Price should be in between Valid Low Price & Valid High Price & multiple of tick size defined.
Quantity should be multiple of Board Lot Quantity defined in trading parameters. LTP is Last Traded
Price for respective security.

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 Enter trade quantity, trade price and disclosed quantity (Optional). Only quantity
defined as disclosed will be displayed as order quantity and minimum of 10% should
be disclosed. Select order validity as Day. Then, click on Place order.

Fig. Enter Quantity and Price

 Once the order is placed, a success message will be displayed at top right corner of
the screen.

Fig. Order Placing Successful

 Once the order is successfully placed, it gets populated in order book of respective
 To verify, Navigate to Order Management- > Order Book.

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 All orders by the client will be populated in a table. Order status will be ‘Open’ until
the order is Matched/Partially matched/Cancelled/Rejected.

Fig. Order Book

CONFIDENTIAL 18 | ©2018 YCO Private Limited. All Rights Reserved. Completely Matched Buy Order

 Once counter sell order comes through for same security, trading is initiated. If the
counter sell order is of same quantity and price, the order will be completely
matched and status will be change to complete. The counter order should be placed
by a different client.

Fig. Order Status Complete

 Once the order is completely matched, the total quantity will be equal to traded
quantity and remaining quantity will be zero. It is shown in above figure.
 Click on view icon in Action bar to view order details.

Fig. Order Details

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 Once the order is matched, it becomes a Trade which will be populated in Trade
Book of respective client.
 To verify, Navigate to Trade Management- > Trade Book.

Fig. Trade Book Partially Matched Buy Order

 The order will be partially matched if a counter sell order comes through for same
security at exact price but different order quantity.
 Place a Buy order for some security.

Fig. Place order

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 Once the order is successfully placed, it gets populated in respective client’s Order
Book. The status of the order will be ‘OPEN’.

Fig. Order Status OPEN

 Now, once a counter sell order comes with different order quantity for same security
and at same price, the order will be partially matched .Here, counter sell order is of
order quantity 10, so traded quantity is 10 and remaining quantity is 5 as shown in
below figure.

Note: In partially traded order, Remaining quantity= Total quantity- Traded quantity as
shown in above figure. Remaining quantity will be traded as per counter orders that will
come with the same price. If there is any quantity left to be traded at the end of the day, the
remaining quantity will be automatically cancelled.

Fig. Order is Partially Traded

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 Remaining order quantity will be matched if & when next counter order comes
through and the process will continue until all quantities are matched.
 Unmatched order quantity will be automatically cancelled at market close.
 Once the order is partially matched, the trade book for respective client will be
populated with a trade for matched quantity only.

Fig. Trade Book

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5.2.2 Sell Order

 Navigate to Order Management -> Normal order.

 Verify that Continuous Session checked.
 Place a buy order by checking Buy in right top corner of the screen.
 Order entry screen is color coded. For Buy orders, it is blue and for sell orders, it is

Fig. Place Sell Order

 Respective Client Name and Code will be automatically populated.

Fig. Select Order Type

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 Select Instrument type as Equity. Select security symbol to be traded. Once the
security is selected for trading, trading parameters for respective security will be
 Enter trade quantity, trade price and disclosed quantity (Optional). Only quantity
defined as disclosed will be displayed as order quantity and minimum of 10% should
be disclosed. Select order validity as Day. Then, click on Place order.

Fig. Enter Quantity and Price

 Once the sell order is successfully placed, it gets populated in order book of
respective client.
 To verify, Navigate to Order Management- > Order Book.
 Order status will be ‘Open’ until the order is Matched/Partially

Fig. Order Book

CONFIDENTIAL 24 | ©2018 YCO Private Limited. All Rights Reserved. Completely Matched Sell Order
 Once counter buy order comes through for same security, trading is initiated. If the
counter buy order is of same quantity and price, the order will be completely
matched and status will be change to complete. The counter order should be placed
by a different client.

Fig. Trade Complete

 Once the sell order is completely matched, the total quantity will be equal to traded
quantity and remaining quantity will be zero. It is shown in above figure.
 Click on view icon in Action bar to view matched order details.

Fig. Order Details

 Once the sell order is matched, it becomes a Trade which will be populated in Trade
Book of respective client.
 To verify, Navigate to Trade Management- > Trade Book.

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Fig. Trade Book Partially Matched Sell Order

 The order will be partially matched if a counter buy order comes through for same
security at exact price but different order quantity.
 Place a Sell order for some security.

Fig. Place Sell Order

 Once the sell order is successfully placed, it gets populated in respective client’s
Order Book. The status of the order will be ‘OPEN’.

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Fig. Order Status OPEN

 Now, once a counter buy order comes with different order quantity for same
security and at same price, the order will be partially matched .Here, counter sell
order is of order quantity 10, so traded quantity is 10 and remaining quantity is 8 as
shown in below figure.

Fig. Order Partially Traded

 Remaining sell quantity will be matched if & when next counter buy order comes
through and the process will continue until all quantities are matched.

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 Unmatched sell quantity will be automatically cancelled at market close.
 Once the sell order is partially matched, the trade book for respective client will be
populated with a trade for matched quantity only.

Fig. Trade Book

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5.3 Edit Orders (Buy/Sell)

5.3.1 Edit Open Order

 User can manually edit Open order. Navigate to Order Book and click on Open
Orders tab.
 Choose an open order to edit. Click on edit icon in Action bar.

Fig. Edit Open Order

 Once edit icon is clicked, it directs user to Order Entry window for respective order.

Fig. Edit Order Screen

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 Make necessary changes to existing order details and click on Place Order.
 The order will be placed for trading with updated order details. The status of the
order will remain ‘NEW’. Navigate to Order Book to verify.

Note: Only quantity, price and validity of the existing order can be changed.

5.3.2 Edit Partially Traded Order

 User can edit Partially Traded orders. The update will only be applicable to order
quantity yet to be traded.
 Choose Partially Traded order and click on edit icon in Action bar.

Fig. Edit Partially Traded Order

 Once edit icon is clicked, it directs user to Order Entry window for respective order.

Note: - This Partially Traded order is a sell order.

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Fig. Edit Order Screen

 Make necessary changes to existing order details and click on Place Order.
 The order will be placed for trading with updated order details. The status of the
order will remain ‘PARTIALLY_TRADED’. Navigate to Order Book to verify.

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5.4 Cancelled Order (Buy/Sell)

5.4.1 Cancel Open Order

 User can manually cancel his/her open order.

 Choose an open buy/sell order to cancel. Click on cancel icon in Action bar.

Fig. Cancel an Open Order

Fig. Confirm Cancellation

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 The status of the order will be changed to ‘CANCELLED’. The cancelled order will not
be available for trading.

Fig. Order Status Changed to CANCELLED

5.4.2 Cancel Partially Traded Order

 User can cancel Partially Traded buy/sell order. Only order quantities that are yet to
be traded will be cancelled.
 Navigate to Order Book.
 Choose partially _traded order to be cancelled. Click on cancel icon in Action bar.

Fig. Cancel a Partially Traded Order

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Fig. Confirm Order Cancellation

 The status of the order will be changed to ‘CANCELLED’. Once the order is cancelled,
the remaining quantity of Partially Traded order will not be available for trading

Fig. Order Status Cancelled

5.4.3 Order Cancelled at the End of Day (Buy/Sell)

 All open and Partially Traded orders (buy & sell) will be automatically cancelled at
the end of day. All unmatched orders will be cancelled at market close.

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5.5 Rejected Order (Buy/Sell)
 Buy/Sell order can be rejected for various reasons like Member Suspension, Client
Suspension or total collateral utilized.
 To verify Rejected order, navigate to Order Book of respective client. The status of
the order will be ‘REJECTED’.

Fig. 5.5.1. Order Rejected

 The Rejected will not have EXCHANCE ORDER ID.

 To view rejection details, click on view icon in Action bar.

Fig. 5.5.2. Order Details

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