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Allergology International.

DOI: 10.2332!
allergolint. 11-RAI-0329

Japanese Guideline for

Food Allergy
Atsuo Urisu1, Motohiro Ebisawa2, Tokuko Mukoyama3,
Akihiro Morikawa4 and Naomi Kondo5

Food allergy is defined as “a phenomenon in which adverse reactions (symptoms in skin, mucosal, digestive,
respiratory systems, and anaphylactic reactions) are caused in living body through immunological mechanisms
after intake of causative food.”
Various symptoms of food allergy occur in many organs. Food allergy falls into four general clinical types; 1)
neonatal and infantile gastrointestinal allergy, 2) infantile atopic dermatitis associated with food allergy, 3) im-
mediate symptoms (urticaria, anaphylaxis, etc.), and 4) food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis and oral
allergy syndrome (i.e., specific forms of immediate-type food allergy).
Therapy for food allergy includes treatments of and prophylactic measures against hypersensitivity like ana-
phylaxis. A fundamental prophylactic measure is the elimination diet. However, elimination diets should be con-
ducted only if they are inevitable because they places a burden on patients. For this purpose, it is highly impor-
tant that causative foods are accurately identified. Many means to determine the causative foods are available,
including history taking, skin prick test, antigen specific IgE antibodies in blood, basophil histamine release test,
elimination diet test, oral food challenge test, etc. Of these, the oral food challenge test is the most reliable.
However, it should be conducted under the supervision of experienced physicians because it may cause ad-
verse reactions such as anaphylaxis.

elimination diet, food allergy, IgE-mediated type, non-IgE-mediated type, oral food challenge test

schoolchildren. The prevalence of food allergy, re-

1. DEFINITION OF FOOD ALLERGY ported from various countries, is shown in Table 1.
The Japanese Pediatric Guideline for Food Allergy
2005,1,2 published in 2005, defines food allergy as “a 2.2. CAUSATIVE FOODS
phenomenon in which adverse reactions (symptoms Eggs, dairy products, wheat, buckwheat, shrimp and
in skin, mucosal, digestive, respiratory systems, and peanuts are the common causative foods of imme-
anaphylactic reactions) are caused in living body diate-type food allergy, indicated by the national sur-
through immunological mechanisms after intake of veys of food allergy during 1998-1999, conducted by
causative food.” the Review Committee on the Countermeasure for
the Food Allergy of the Ministry of Health and Wel-
2. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF FOOD ALLERGY fare (Fig. 1). As shown in Figure 2, patients aged less
2.1. PREVALENCE OF IMMEDIATE-TYPE FOOD than 1 year of age account for 29.3%, and those aged
ALLERGY "8 years account for 80.1%. The number of patients
Food allergy is common among infants aged 0-1 decreases with aging. Patients aged #20 years ac-
years and decreases with aging, which indicates that count for 9.2%. This is not a small number. Eggs,
tolerance develops with aging. The estimated preva- dairy products and wheat are 3 major allergens
lence in Japan is 5-10% among infants and 1-2% among among those aged "6 years, while shrimp, fish, and
1Department of Pediatrics, Fujita Health University The Second Correspondence: Atsuo Urisu, Department of Pediatrics, Fujita
Teaching Hospital, Aichi, 2Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Health University, The Second Teaching Hospital, 3−6−10 Oto-
Rheumatology, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara Na- bashi Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya 454−8509, Japan.
tional Hospital, Kanagawa, 3Department of Pediatrics, The Frater- Email: urisu@fujita−hu.ac.jp
nity Memorial Hospital, Tokyo, 4Kita Kanto Allergy Laboratory, Received 20 January 2011.
Gunma and 5Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medi- !2011 Japanese Society of Allergology
cine, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan.

Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp! 221

Urisu A et al.

Table 1 Prevalence of food allergy reported from various countries

Number of Preva-
Year Reporter Country Subject Methods Diagnosis Journal
subjects lence
1994 Young E UK All ages 7,500 Interview + Food 1.4-1.8% Lancet
households DBPCFC intolerance
1994 Jansenn JJ Nether- Adults 1,483 Questionnaire + Food allergy, 0.8-2.4% J Allergy Clin
lands persons DBPCFC food intolerance Immunol
1999 Kristjansson I Sweden, Children (aged 652 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.00% Scand J Prim
Iceland 18 months) DBPCFC Health Care
2001 Kanny G France All ages 33,110 Questionnaire Food allergy 3.52% J Allergy Clin
persons (two-step survey)
2004 Zuberbier T Germany All ages 4,093 Questionnaire + Food allergy 3.60% Allergy
persons DBPCFC
2005 Imai Japan School children 8,035,306 Questionnaire Food allergy 1.30% J Jpn Pediatr
persons Soc
2005 Rance F France School children 2,716 Questionnaire Food allergy 4.70% Clin Exp Allergy
2005 Pereira B UK School children 757 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.30% J Allergy Clin
(aged 11 years) Open challenge test Immunol
School children 775 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.30%
(aged 15 years) DBPCFC
2005 Osterballe M Denmark 3 years old 486 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.30% Pediatric Allergy
Food challenge test Immunol
Aged ≥3 years 301 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 1.00%
Food challenge test
Adults 936 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 3.20%
Food challenge test
2005 Penard- France School children 6,672 Questionnaire Food allergy 2.10% Allergy
Morand C (aged 9-11 persons
2006 Venter C UK 1-year-old 969 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 5.50% J Allergy Clin
children Open challenge test Immunol
Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.20%
2006 Venter C UK 6-year-old 798 persons Questionnaire + Food allergy 2.50% Pediatric Allergy
children Open challenge test Immunol
Questionnaire + Food allergy 1.60%

fruits are common among those aged >6 years (Table gested into low-molecular substances. However, even
2). in adults with mature digestive functions, the anti-
genicity remains to some extent after foods are ab-
3. PATHOLOGY, SYMPTOMS AND CLINI- sorbed into the living body. Orally ingested foods are
CAL TYPES OF FOOD ALLERGY foreign substances (non-self). If antigenicity remains,
3.1. PATHOLOGY OF FOOD ALLERGY they should be immunologically eliminated, but are
IgE is often involved in food allergies (IgE-mediated not eliminated. Healthy individuals have mechanisms
food allergy).3 In some patients, symptoms develop for preventing allergic reactions to foreign food anti-
via immunological mechanisms not involving IgE gens, including a physicochemical barrier during
(non-IgE-mediated food allergy).4 Both IgE-mediated food digestion and absorption in the digestive tract
and non-IgE-mediated reactions may be involved in and an immunological barrier to reduce the antigenic-
the development of food allergies (mixed type food al- ity of foods absorbed in the digestive tract. The for-
lergy). mer includes digestion into low-molecular substances
Food provides essential nutrients for humans. The by digestive enzymes (e.g., pepsin) and denaturation
antigenicity of foods is reduced when they are di- by gastric acid. The latter includes the inhibition of

222 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

Soybean: 2% n = 1,420 absorption of food antigens via secretory IgA and the
establishment of oral immunotolerance to suppress
Peanut: 2%
allergic reactions to food antigens ingested from the
Others: digestive tract.5
Meat: 3% 11% In patients with food allergy, oral immunotoler-
Egg: 29% ance, which is normally established against orally in-
Shrimp: 4% gested food antigens, may not be established or may
be compromised after establishment. However, it is
unknown why oral immunotolerance is not estab-
Fruits: 5% lished in patients with food allergy.
Food allergy is common in infants because physi-
Fishes: 5% Dairy products: cal, biochemical and immunological barriers are un-
Wheat: 23% derdeveloped during infancy.


Symptoms of food allergy include skin, digestive, na-
Fig. 1 Causative foods of immediate-type food allergy sal, ocular, respiratory and systemic symptoms (Ta-
(national surveys by the Ministry of Health and Welfare dur- ble 3).
ing 1998-1999).


n = 1,420







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20s30s40s50s60s70s


Fig. 2 Age distribution of immediate-type food allergy (national surveys by the Ministry

of Health and Welfare during 1998-1999).

Table 2 Causative foods of immediate-type food allergy by age

0 year 1 year 2-3 years 4-6 years 7-19 years >20 years
(n = 416) (n = 237) (n = 289) (n = 140) (n = 207) (n = 131)
No. 1 Egg Egg Egg Egg Buckwheat Seafood
47.4% 30.4% 30.8% 25.0% 14.0% 16.0%
No. 2 Dairy products Dairy products Dairy products Dairy products Shrimp Shrimp
30.8% 27.8% 24.2% 24.3% 13.0% 14.5%
No. 3 Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Buckwheat
9.6% 8.4% 12.1% 8.6% 10.6% 12.2%
Total 87.8% 66.6% 67.1% 57.9% 37.6% 42.7%

Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp! 223

Urisu A et al.

Table 3 Symptoms of food allergy by organ

Organ Symptoms
Digestive system Oral discomfort, lip swelling, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea
Respiratory system Sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness, laryngo-
pharyngeal edema
Eyes Conjunctival hyperemia and edema, blepharedema, and lacrimation
Skin Erythema, urticaria, angioedema, itch, burning sensation, blister, eczema
Nervous system Headache
Urinary system Hematuria, proteinuria, nocturnal enuresis
Systemic Anaphylaxis

3.2.1. Skin Symptoms: Skin Symptoms Are Most troenteritis is a rare disease with eosinophil infiltra-
Common in Food Allergy tion in the intestinal mucosa from the esophagus to
(1) Urticaria and angioedema: Acute urticaria and the rectum. Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea oc-
angioedema are common. Rash often occurs within cur. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is accompanied by
several minutes after ingestion, accompanied by itch. malabsorption, protein leakage and iron deficiency
(2) Atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis is not anemia caused by intestinal hemorrhage. While an in-
caused by a single factor. There are various exacerba- filtration of eosinophils is usually localized to the mu-
tion factors. Many papers have been published re- cous membrane, it may spread to submucosa or mus-
garding the involvement of food allergies. Reports of cle layer, being complicated by eosinophilic ascites.
its incidence vary widely, depending on the methods Food allergy is involved in 25-50% of these cases.
used to select subjects (e.g., selection based on se- (4) Neonatal and infantile gastrointestinal allergy:
verity, history, specific IgE antibodies, or skin test re- In Europe and America, several disease types have
sults), methods used for the oral challenge test (open been reported, which mainly present with digestive
food challenge, double-blind, placebo-controlled food symptoms and occur among newborns and infants,
challenge (DBPCFC), and test timing, i.e., before or and in which IgE is not involved.7,8 Many Japanese
after the remission of skin symptoms). patients also fall into these categories regarding their
symptoms and test results. However, some patients
3.2.2. Digestive Symptoms do not fall into any of these disease types. Thus, the
(1) Immediate-type gastrointestinal allergy: Nau- Guideline Committee for Food Allergy in the Japa-
sea, vomiting, abdominal pain, colic and diarrhea oc- nese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immu-
cur during food ingestion or at about 2 h after food in- nology bracket together these food allergies, which
gestion. These are often accompanied by skin and air- mainly present with digestive symptoms and occur
way symptoms. Some infants present with intermit- among newborns and infants, into “neonatal and in-
tent vomiting and poor weight gain. Most affected in- fantile gastrointestinal allergy.” Many patients are
fants (!95%) are positive for specific IgE antibodies negative for IgE antibodies and are positive for an
against causative foods and in a skin test. allergen-specific lymphocyte stimulation test (ALST).
(2) Oral allergy syndrome (OAS)6: OAS is caused Thus, this disease may be mainly caused by the hy-
by contact urticaria in the oral mucosa. IgE antibod- perreactivity of cellular immunity.
ies are involved. Itch, redness, tingling, swelling, etc., About 70% of patients develop symptoms during
often occur in the mouth, lips, and throat mostly the newborn period, while some do at several months
within 15 min after ingestion. Some patients present after birth. Half of neonatal patients develop symp-
with systemic symptoms, such as throat constriction, toms until 7 days after birth. Symptoms may develop
generalized urticaria, cough, wheezing, dyspnea, and after the first milk ingestion on the day of birth. Com-
anaphylactic shock. These may be caused by food an- mon symptoms are vomiting, bloody stool, diarrhea,
tigens absorbed from the oral mucosa and distributed and abdominal fullness. Other symptoms include
throughout the body. OAS occurs in infants, school- shock, dehydration, sluggishness, hypothermia, aci-
children, and adults. Common causative foods are dosis, and methemoglobinemia. Of note, some pa-
fruits (kiwi, banana, melon, peach, pineapple, apple, tients present with fever and positive CRP. Differen-
etc.) and vegetables. OAS is often complicated by pol- tial diagnosis of these patients from those with severe
linosis. OAS complicated by pollinosis is called infections, such as bacterial enteritis, is difficult.
pollen-associated food allergy syndrome or pollen- Some patients develop neonatal transient eosinophilic
food allergy syndrome (PFS). Reportedly, in Hok- colitis, which causes bloody stool immediately after
kaido (Japan), 16% of patients with birch pollinosis de- birth (before nursing). This disease may occurs in
velop OAS due to fruits, such as apple. utero.9
(3) Eosinophilic gastroenteritis: Eosinophilic gas- The most common causative food is cow’s milk.

224 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

Table 4 Classification of food allergy

Tolerance Possibility of
Mechanism of
Clinical type Age of onset Common causative foods acquisition anaphylactic
food allergy
(remission) shock
Neonatal and infantile gas- Neonatal and Cow’s milk (+) (±) Mainly non
trointestinal allergy infantile period (powdered milk for infants), IgE-mediated
soybean, rice type
Infantile atopic dermatitis as- Infancy Egg, cow’s milk, wheat, (+) in many (+) Mainly IgE-
sociated with food allergy† soybean, etc. cases mediated type
Immediate-type Infancy-adult- Infants-young children: egg, Egg, cow’s milk, (++) IgE-mediated
(urticaria, anaphylaxis, etc.) hood cow’s milk, wheat, buckwheat, wheat, soybean, type
fishes, etc. etc.(+)
School children-adults: Others (±)
crustacean shellfish, fish, wheat,
fruits, buckwheat, peanut, etc.
Specific Food-dependent School age- Wheat, shrimp, squid, etc. (±) (+++) IgE-mediated
type exercise-induced adulthood type
Oral allergy syn- Infancy-adult- Fruits, vegetables, etc. (±) (+) IgE-mediated
drome (OAS) hood type
†Some cases are complicated by digestive symptoms, such as chronic diarrhea, and hypoproteinemia. Foods are not involved in all cas-

es of infantile atopic dermatitis.

Modified from Food Allergy Management Guideline 2008.

Others include soybean milk and rice. Some cases 3.2.4. Ocular Symptoms
were fed by mother’s milk or hydrolyzed whey for- Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, such as conjunc-
mula. tival hyperemia and edema, blepharedema, and lacri-
Diagnosis is made based on i) development of di- mation, may occur.
gestive symptoms after causative food ingestion, ii)
improvement and disappearance of symptoms by 3.2.5. Systemic Symptoms
eliminating causative foods (positive elimination test), (1) Anaphylaxis: Severe allergic symptoms occur-
and iii) positive food challenge test. ring in multiple organs are called anaphylaxis. The
To treat gastrointestinal allergy caused by cow’s most severe symptoms result in shock accompanied
milk in an early stage, therapeutically effective prod- by decreased blood pressure and impaired conscious-
ucts, such as amino-acid-based formula and exten- ness. Causative agents of anaphylaxis, besides foods,
sively hydrolyzed formula, are preferably used. include medicines, blood transfusion, bee, and latex.
The prognosis is relatively favorable. About 70% of Food allergy is the most common cause. Food-
patients acquire tolerance at 1 year of age, and about induced anaphylaxis is an immediate reaction, in
90% acquire tolerance by their second birthday. which IgE antibodies are involved. While symptoms
usually occur within several minutes after ingestion,
3.2.3. Respiratory Symptoms they occasionally occur 30 min or later. Symptoms
Upper respiratory tract symptoms include symptoms may occur either in monophasic or biphasic. In
of allergic rhinitis, such as nasal discharge, nasal con- Europe and America, causative foods of anaphylaxis
gestion, and sneezing. Lower respiratory tract symp- include peanuts, nuts and seeds, seafood, eggs, and
toms include symptoms of airway narrowing (wheez- cow’s milk. In Japan, they include eggs, cow’s milk,
ing) and laryngeal edema. seafood, shellfish, buckwheat, and peanuts in this or-
The Heiner syndrome is characterized by pulmo- der.
nary hemosiderosis caused by milk,10 Heiner syn- (2) Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
drome a rare disease, which causes hemoptysis due (FEIAn or FDEIAn): FEIAn is induced by exercise af-
to alveolar hemorrhage and features chronic cough, ter food ingestion (mostly within 2 h after ingestion),
dyspnea, wheezing, fever, and bloody sputum, result- but does not occur after either food ingestion or exer-
ing in iron deficiency anemia. Precipitating antibodies cise alone. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,
against cow’s milk proteins are detected in the sera of such as aspirin, are an exacerbation factor. FEIAn oc-
affected infants. curs in an IgE-mediated manner.
The prevalence of FEIAn in schoolchildren and stu-
dents is 0.0085%, i.e., one incidence per 12,000 per-

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Urisu A et al.

: Specialist

Take a detailed case history for

symptoms, time of occurrence of symptom after ingestion of food, age,
nutrition, family history of allergic disease, drug (NSAIDs, β-blocker, etc.)

Severe anaphylaxis?
(including FEIAn)


General blood tests

IgE measurement of suspected food allergen
(Antigen-specific IgE antibody test, SPT, etc)

Positive IgE Negative IgE

3 or more Below 3 Food challenge

Blood test Positive Negative

Food challenge test

No elimination
Elimination of diagnosed food Elimination food positive Follow-up

Confirm tolerance, food challenge test†

Fig. 3 Procedure for Diagnosis of Food Allergy (for “Immediate Type Reaction”).

NSAIDs, non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs; FEIAn, food-dependent exercise-induced
anaphylaxis; SPT, skin prick test.
†Generally, patients who demonstrate immediate type reaction in later childhood are less

likely to acquire tolerance.

Adapted from reference 12.

sons. FEIAn is most common among junior high “Neonatal digestive symptoms” in the Food Allergy
school students, and is more common in males than Management Guideline 2008 was altered to “neonatal
in females (male-female ratio, 4 : 1). Common causa- and infantile gastrointestinal allergy” after approval
tive foods are shellfish (55%) and wheat products by the Guideline Committee for Food Allergy in the
(45%).11 Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Im-
Definitive diagnosis can be made by presuming the munology.
causative foods through history taking, allergy test- Atopic dermatitis during infancy is often associated
ing, and checking hypersensitivity in a provocation with food allergy, of which symptoms become imme-
test with food challenge followed by exercise loading. diate type and is usually resolved with aging. This
Few patients have a positive provocative test. In pa- type atopic dermatitis is called “infantile atopic der-
tients with negative results, consider administering matitis associated with food allergy.” Common causa-
aspirin before the food challenge. tive foods are eggs, cow’s milk, wheat, and soybeans.
The food allergy which promptly develop after in-
3.3. CLINICAL TYPES OF FOOD ALLERGY gestion of causative food are “immediate-type food al-
Four representative clinical types of food allergy are lergy which is common in young children to adult-
shown in Table 4, a revision to “Food Allergy Man- hood.” The causative foods are buckwheat, peanuts,
agement Guideline 2008”.12 fish, curastacean shellfish, and fruits. Tolerance ac-

226 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

: Specialist
Emerging symptom (eczema)

Take a detailed case history for

symptoms, time of symptom occurrence after ingestion of suspected food,
age, nutrition, home environment, family allergic history, and drug, etc.

Education of skin care†

Apply steroid ointment‡
Allergen reduction in the home environment

Improved No change

Continue the above treatments. General blood testing

Re-evaluate the treatment every 3 months. Specific-IgE test for suspected foods
(SPT, antigen-specific IgE antibody test, etc)

Positive IgE against foods§ Negative IgE against foods

Positive IgE >2 allergens Positive IgE = <2 allergens Re-education of skin care†
Re-evaluation of drug‡

Elimination of suspected food

Refer to specialist allergens for 1-2 weeks

Recheck case history/blood test Improved No change Improved

Food elimination/challenge test
Continue elimination Refer to specialist

Recheck case history/blood test Continue the above

Consider non-IgE mediated treatments.
Elimination of diagnosed food Food elimination/challenge test Re-evaluate the
treatment every 3
Confirm tolerance, monitor by IgE test, food challenge test, etc.

Fig. 4 Procedure for Diagnosis of Food Allergy (for “Infantile Atopic Dermatitis associated with Food Al-
lergy”). SPT, skin prick test.
†Skin care. Cleaning with soap and moisturizing is essential for skin care.

‡Drug treatment. Steroid ointment is the essential treatment for infantile atopic dermatitis.

§SPT is useful for a baby under six months of age because an IgE antibody tends to become negative.

¶Precautions for practicing the elimination diet. Monitor child’s growth and development. Always look for

the possibility of ceasing the elimination diet.

Adapted from reference 12.

quisition may be less common compared with food al- 4.1. HISTORY TAKING
lergy in infants. In history taking, causative foods and their intakes,
“Food-dependent, exercise-induced anaphylaxis” time from food intake to onset of symptoms, repro-
and “oral allergy syndrome” are specific forms of ducibility, other causative conditions (exercise, medi-
immediate-type food allergy. cation, etc.) and time when last symptoms occurred,
should be recorded. Food diaries are useful for his-
The flowcharts of food allergy diagnosis are shown in 4.2. EXCLUSION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING
For chronic nonimmediate symptoms (e.g., atopic

Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp! 227

Urisu A et al.

Table 5 Cutoff values of specific IgE antibody titers, which enable food allergy diagnosis even if no challenge test is conduct-

1) Sampson (JACI 2001) (UA/mL)

Specific IgE Egg white Cow’s milk Peanut Fish
Diagnositic decision points 7 15 14 20
2) Komata (JACI 2007)
Age <1 year 1 year ≥2 years
Egg white 13.0 23.0 30.0
Cow’s milk 5.8 38.6 57.3
3) Ando (JACI 2008)
Challenge diet Raw egg white Heated egg white
Specific IgE Egg white Ovomucoid Egg white Ovomucoid
Positive decision point 7.38 5.21 30.7 10.8

Egg challenge Milk challenge

1 1
95% probability 95% probability
0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

<1 year 0.2 <1 year

1 year 1 year
≥2 years ≥2 years
0 0
0.3 1 3 10 30 100 0.3 1 3 10 30 100
IgE antibody concentration (kUA/L) IgE antibody concentration (kUA/L)

Fig. 5 Probability curves of egg white-specific and cow’s milk-specific IgE antibody titers by age.
Specific IgE antibody titers indicate the rate of positive immediate reaction (probability) in the food
challenge test. However, these values should be used as reference, because they vary by reporters.

dermatitis), factors other than diet causing or exacer- Before testing, the use of agents such as antihista-
bating symptoms should be removed by indoor envi- minics, antiallergic drugs, and steroids should be
ronmental improvement, proper skin care, pharmaco- avoided because these influence in vitro tests.
therapy, etc. SPT-negative patients present with no immediate-
type food allergy at the possibility of 95% or more.
4.3. SKIN TEST While a positive SPT indicates the presence of
A skin prick test (SPT) is recommended for examin- antigen-specific IgE antibodies, this result alone does
ing the causes of food allergy. Intradermal tests using not substantiate the diagnosis of food allergy. How-
food antigens are not recommended because they are ever, even if the antigen-specific IgE antibodies in
more likely to yield false positive results and cause blood is negative, a positive SPT may provide a clue
anaphylactic reactions than SPT. However, for pa- to the diagnosis of food allergy. Of note, during early
tients with a history of symptoms or high antigen spe- infancy, some patients negative for antigen-specific
cific IgE antibody levels, even SPT should be avoided IgE antibodies in blood may give positive results in
because it may cause systemic symptoms. SPT.
Reportedly, an atopy patch test is useful for predict- Vegetables and fruits, which cause oral allergy syn-
ing nonimmediate reactions in the diagnosis of causa- drome, are unstable allergens. Thus, employ a prick-
tive food of atopic dermatitis. However, no consensus prick test using fresh vegetables and fruits (a needle
has been reached on this finding. used to prick food is used to prick the skin).

228 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

very useful for eggs, cow’s milk, and wheat. The diag-
4.4. ANTIGEN-SPECIFIC IgE ANTIBODIES IN nostic sensitivity of immediate reactions is 93.0% for
BLOOD egg white (Class 4), 93.9% for cow’s milk (Class 3 or
The presence of specific IgE antibody titers suggests above), and 93.8% for wheat (Class 4). Thus, this kit,
antigen sensitization and do not necessarily indicate combined with the above specific IgE antibody titers,
the induction of hypersensitive reactions. However, is useful for conducting antigen detections without
for some antigens (eggs, cow’s milk, and peanuts), it challenge tests in patients at higher risk of severe
is possible to depict the probability curves indicating symptoms. However, this kit is less diagnostically
correlations between specific IgE antibody titers and useful for soybean and rice.
the positive rates of immediate reactions in food chal-
lenge tests. Furthermore, some reports suggest spe- 4.6. ELIMINATION TEST
cific IgE antibody titers, with which food allergy can Eliminate potential causative foods for about two
be diagnosed without food challenge tests (Table 5, weeks. Then, observe whether symptoms are im-
Fig. 5).13-16 However, since the values differ with re- proved. In infants receiving mother’s milk or mixed
ports, they should only be used as reference values. feeding, eliminate the potential causative foods from
Wheat and soybean-specific IgE antibody titers are the mother’s diet.
correlated with positive predictive values in challenge
tests. However, even if titers are above 100 UA! mL, 4.7. ORAL FOOD CHALLENGE TEST17,18
positive rates do not exceed 95%. Wheat-specific IgE An oral food challenge test is the most reliable in
antibody titers are correlated with positive predictive identifying the causative foods of food allergy. How-
values in challenge tests. Even if titers are above 100 ever, this test carries a risk of anaphylaxis in pa-
UA! mL, positive rates are around 75%. Antibody tit- tients,17 so it is important to ensure safety. Preferably,
ers which are predicted that positive rates in chal- the food challenge tests should be conducted by phy-
lenge tests are "95% cannot be calculated. IgE anti- sicians skilled in the treatment of food allergy and
body titers specific for omega-5 gliadin show positive management of anaphylaxis. For treatment at outpa-
predictive values of 90% for Class 3 and almost 100% tient departments or clinics, prepare for immediate
for Class 4 or above. However, the diagnostic sensi- hospitalization. Criteria for facilities are determined
tivity is around 77%, thus wheat allergy cannot be to conduct food challenge tests as healthcare services
ruled out even if results are negative.16 provided by health insurance. Thus, make a notifica-
Reportedly, a titer of 65 UA! mL of soybean-specific tion according to them.
IgE antibody shows a positive predictive value of 86%
in a challenge test. Antibody titers are weakly corre- 4.7.1. Objectives
lated with positive rates in challenge tests. A titer of (1) Identification of the causative foods of food al-
20 UA! mL of fish-specific IgE antibody shows a posi- lergy:
tive predictive value of 100% in a challenge test, but i) Challenge tests, conducted following elimina-
this has not been sufficiently reexamined. tion tests if food allergy may be involved in
These positive and negative predictive values were atopic dermatitis, etc.
calculated using immediate reactions as parameters, ii) Determination of causative allergens if immedi-
thus they cannot be applied to nonimmediate reac- ate reactions are predominant symptoms.
tions. iii) Challenge tests, conducted when sensitization
Reportedly, the incidence of induced symptoms re- to foods of interest was demonstrated by posi-
quiring treatment becomes higher as specific IgE an- tive specific IgE antibodies, but the presence of
tibody titers increase. Many reports show that spe- induced symptoms is unknown because the
cific IgE antibody titers do not reflect provocation foods are not consumed.
thresholds or the severity of induced symptoms in (2) Determination of tolerance acquisition.
challenge tests.
4.7.2. Ensuring Safety
4.5. BASOPHIL HISTAMINE RELEASE TEST (1) Conduct tests under the supervision of physi-
A basophil histamine release test is used to measure cians and nurses.
the amount of histamine released from peripheral (2) Prepare agents for emergency, such as adrena-
blood basophils after reactions with allergens. This is line (epinephrin) (BosminⓇ, Adrenaline SyringeⓇ),
an in vitro test which most accurately reflects specific steroids, antihistaminics, bronchodilators (inhaled β2
IgE antibodies in the living body. “HRT ShionogiⓇ,” stimulants, aminophylline), and transfusion sets.
covered by health insurance, can be used for clinical (3) Postpone the test if symptoms such as fever
laboratory tests. This kit allows simultaneous tests of and diarrhea occur.
response to egg white, cow’s milk, wheat, soybean (4) Start with small dosage and increase gradually.
and rice. HRT ShionogiⓇ greatly differs in its diag- (5) If symptoms occur, discontinue tests to conduct
nostic usefulness depending on antigens. This kit is treatment if needed.

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Table 6 Induced symptoms and their grades in an oral challenge test

Respiratory system
Grade Skin Digestive system Circulatory system Nervous system
(mucous membrane)
1 - Mild small erythema - Mild nausea - - -
- Wheal (≤3) - Discomfort and itch
- Itch of eczema in the mouth and
2 - Localized erythema - Vomiting (once or - Sneezing - - Mild depression
- Wheal (3-10) twice) or diarrhea - Rhinorrhea and nasal
- Slight exacerbation of - Temporary abdomi- blockade
eczema nal pain - Scratching of the nose
- Increased scratching and eyes
- Cough (<10 times)
3 - Systemic erythema and - Vomiting (≥3 times) - Cough (≥10 times) - Tachycardia (increase of - Decreased activity
wheal or diarrhea - Wheezing ≥15 times/min) level or dysphoria
- Marked itch - Persistent abdomi- - Hoarseness and bark- - Ill complexion
- Angioedema nal pain ing cough
- Dysphagia
4 Same as the above - Frequent vomiting Add the following to the - Arrhythmia - Vertigo
and diarrhea above: - Slight pressure decrease - Agitation and con-
- Dyspnea - Coldness of limbs fusion
- Reduced wheezing - Sweating
- Cyanosis
5 Same as the above Same as the above Add the following to the - Severe bradycardia - Unconsciousness
above: - Severe hypotension
- Respiratory arrest - Cardiac arrest

4.7.3. Preparation challenge test): Both subjects and examiners who as-
(1) Prepare for tests (staff, equipments, medicines, sess symptoms are blinded to the challenge test. The
etc.) considering the risks of anaphylaxis. challenge test should be prepared by controllers
(2) Explain objectives, methods, risks, and meas- other than examiners. In addition to challenge tests
ures for hypersensitivity, etc., and obtain informed using foods of interest, a test using a placebo should
consent in written form. be conducted.
(3) Before tests, discontinue the use of agents,
which influence test results, such as antiallergic 4.7.5. Protocol of Challenge Test
drugs, histamine H1 receptor antagonists, β2 stimu- (1) Administration method: Provocation thresholds
lants, theophylline, oral disodium cromoglicate, Th2 in food challenge tests cannot be predicted even
cytokine inhibitors, leukotriene receptor antagonists when based on a combination of history and data of
and steroids. various tests. Thus, divide the total amount of chal-
lenge diet into 3-6 portions and gradually increase the
4.7.4. Administration Methods amount fed. To ensure safety, conduct a preliminary
(1) Open test: Both the examiners and the subjects challenge test with a small dose. If negative results
know the content of the challenge food. If the symp- are obtained, a challenge test using a standard dose
toms are subjective, reexamine in a blind manner. may be needed on a different day.
(2) Single-blind food challenge: Examiners know (2) Administration intervals and total challenge
the content of the challenge food, while the subjects dose: Safety can be improved by increasing the ad-
do not. For blinding, mix a challenge food with mask- ministration intervals, thus it will be more likely to
ing stuff, such as juice, puree, oatmeal and ham- prevent unnecessary dose-up before symptoms de-
burger. Powdered foods may be used as challenge velop. Foods are given at intervals of 15-30 min be-
tests. A challenge test is conducted using a placebo cause of the time restriction of challenge tests.
(e.g., masking food alone or a mixture of masking Within the scheduled observation period, make note
food and food other than what is in the challenge of possible signs of induced symptoms such as mild
test), in addition to the challenge test of interest, on a redness and small wheals around the mouth and mild
different day. cough. Make flexible judgments such as prolonging
(3) DBPCFC (double-blind placebo-controlled food the observation period or reducing the dosage as

230 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

needed. The total challenge dose is determined as a 5.3. NATURAL HISTORY OF FOOD ALLERGY
sufficient amount based on intake per meal according 5.3.1. Food Allergy and Allergic March
to age. Childhood allergic diseases exhibits a natural history,
(3) Observation period after the last intake: Imme- in which various diseases, such as food allergy, atopic
diate reactions mostly occur within 1-2 h after intake. dermatitis, asthma and allergic rhinitis, develop with
Thus, even if no symptoms occur, patients should re- aging. This natural course is called allergic march.
main in hospitals for about 2 h after the last intake. Food allergy occurs at an early stage.
Explain to patients that symptoms may occur within
24 h. Then, instruct them about what measures to 5.3.2. Tolerance of Food Allergy
take before going home. If nonimmediate reactions Most patients with food allergy, which developed dur-
are predicted, prolong the observation period as ing infancy, become tolerant with aging to be able to
needed, e.g., one-day hospitalization. eat causative foods. High remission rates are noted
(4) Classification of induced symptoms (Table 6): for eggs, cow’s milk, wheat, and soybeans. However,
Not all symptoms are prerequisites. Severity is classi- the reported age of remission varies, mainly due to
fied based on the most severely affected organ. For subject differences. Allergies to peanuts, nuts, ses-
example, if respiratory symptoms of Grade 3 and gas- ame, and fish, which may continue for a long time,
trointestinal symptoms of Grade 1 are noted, the se- also remit although at lower rates.
verity is Grade 3.
5. PREDICTION, PROPHYLAXIS, AND NA- Therapy of food allergy includes treatments to im-
TURAL HISTORY OF FOOD ALLERGY prove hypersensitivity due to causative foods (ana-
5.1. PREDICTION OF FOOD ALLERGY phylaxis, etc.) and those to prevent hypersensitivity
Although a few of studies have reported that the (eliminate causative foods).
measurement of cord blood total IgE level, combined
with a family history of allergy, is useful in predicting 6.1. TREATMENTS TO IMPROVE HYPERSENSI-
the development of allergic disorders, the measure- TIVITY DUE TO CAUSATIVE FOODS
ment of cord blood total IgE level is not sensitive 6.1.1. Treatments at Medical Institutions
enough to predict the development of allergic disor- Oral administration of a histamine H1 receptor an-
ders. Therefore, the measurement of cord blood total tagonist (antihistaminics) is effective for local urti-
IgE level is not recommended for screening test. caria. An intramuscular injection of adrenaline (epi-
nephrine) (1 : 1,000) (BosminⓇ or Adrenaline syr-
5.2. SUBJECTS AND METHODS OF THE PRO- ingeⓇ; 0.005-0.01 mL! kg for children to a maximum
PHYLAXIS OF FOOD ALLERGY of 0.3 mL, 0.2-1 mL for adults) is the first choice for
There is no evidence that the incidence of childhood anaphylaxis. Injections can be repeated every 10-15
allergic diseases is reduced by eliminating food aller- min. The anterolateral part of the thigh is the pre-
gens from the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Thus, ferred injection site because of rapid absorption. Re-
dietary restriction during pregnancy is not recom- portedly, immediate adrenaline injection (within 30
mended. min) after the onset of symptoms is important for pa-
There have been many reports that eliminating tients with the potentially fatal prognosis of anaphy-
food allergens from the diets of breast-feeding moth- laxis.
ers does not reduce the incidence of allergic diseases The timing of adrenaline injection is still controver-
after infancy. Thus, dietary restriction during breast- sial. Histamine H1 receptor antagonist can be orally
feeding is not recommended as a prophylactic meas- administered to patients in Grades 1 and 2 as de-
ure for food allergy. If mothers and their children un- scribed in Table 6. Intramuscular adrenaline injection
dergo dietary restriction during lactation, the inci- is required for patients in Grade 3 or above. For pa-
dence of atopic dermatitis temporarily declines, and tients with a history of severe anaphylactic symptoms
specific IgE levels significantly are decreased. How- (Grade 4 or above), such as respiratory symptoms,
ever, these effects are temporary. In addition, dietary decreased blood pressure, and impaired conscious-
restriction continued from late gestation through lac- ness, adrenaline should be injected even if no symp-
tation has no long-term prophylactic effects. There is toms occur after intake of causative food.
no evidence that an elimination diet reduces the inci- Place a patient with anaphylactic shock in the su-
dence of childhood allergic diseases over long peri- pine position with the lower limbs raised by 15-30 cm
ods. In addition, there are case reports from showing (shock posture). Perform oxygen inhalation for dysp-
poor weight gain in pregnant women and impairment nea (<95% SpO2). In patients with laryngeal edema,
in fetal growth due to nutritional deficiency during administer adrenaline, inhaled corticosteroid, and in-
pregnancy. Thus, caution should be exercised for travenous steroid. In patients with bronchoconstric-
elimination diets. tion, conduct β2 stimulant inhalation.
Steroids, such as methylprednisolone (Solu-

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Urisu A et al.

If allergen-containing food is put Take it out of the mouth and rinse

into the mouth the mouth.
If ingested in a large amount, vomit it.
Discomfort in the mouth is an
Caution should be exercised for aspiration.
important symptom.
If attached to the skin Wash it away.

Don’t rub the eyes with contaminated hands.

If ocular symptoms (itch, hyperemia, bulbar Wash the eyes and instill antiallergics or
conjunctival edema, etc.) occur steroid in the eye.

Orally administer a household medicine for emergency (antihistaminics, antiallergics, steroids,

etc.). Then, observe symptoms.

(i) If mucocutaneous symptoms are spreading

(ii) If symptoms other than mucocutaneous symptoms occur, If symptoms improve
such as coughing, speech difficulties, dyspnea, wheezing, within 30 minutes
somnolence, impaired consciousness, vomiting, and abdominal
Consider adrenaline (epinephrine) self-injection

Visit a medical institution (consider calling an ambulance) Follow-up

Fig. 6 Treatment out of medical institutions.

Cover cap Safety


Hold for several


Complete if a
needle comes out.

Fig. 7 Injection of Epipen®. Caution should be exercised for thumb positioning to prevent acci-
dental injection on the thumb. Thigh muscle is the recommended injection site.

232 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Food Allergy

MedrolⓇ, 1-2 mg! kg) and hydrocortisone (5-10 mg! sider eliminating minimal causative foods.
kg), are intravenously injected.
Dual response may occur. Thus, even if patients 6.2.1. Minimal Elimination Diet
with anaphylaxis recover after ambulatory treatment, (1) Correctly identify causative foods.
they should be observed for at least 4 h. To minimize the number of causative foods to be
eliminated, it is important to identify causative foods
6.1.2. Measures at Places Other than Medical In- correctly (see the method to identify causative
stitutions (Fig. 6) foods).
Instruct patients with a history of anaphylaxis to carry (2) Even if the food is positive for specific IgE anti-
medicines for the first-aid treatment of hypersensitiv- bodies and in a skin prick test, do not eliminate the
ity (histamine H1 receptor antagonists, oral corti- foods if it is negative in an oral challenge test.
costeroids [prednisolone], or adrenaline for self- (3) Periodically check tolerance to foods that pa-
injection [EpipenⓇ]). For patients with food allergy tients tend to outgrow.
complicated by asthma, inhaled β2 stimulants are Tolerance to buckwheat, peanuts, nuts, fish, shell-
also needed. fish, sesame, etc., is unlikely to develop. On the other
According to the “Guidelines for the Treatment of hand, allergies to eggs, cow’s milk, soybeans, etc.,
Allergic Diseases in Schools”,16 there is no legal often remit with aging. Do not continue the elimina-
problem with school staff injecting EpipenⓇ if pa- tion diet, but rather conduct a challenge test once or
tients cannot inject it themselves. However, there are twice a year to determine continuance of symptoms.
many other problems with injection, so staff should Even if infants have allergies to peanuts and fish, a
receive technical training. In March 2009, the Minis- part of them may develop tolerance.
try of Health, Labour and Welfare issued a notifica- (4) Not all the foods with cross-reactivity with aller-
tion that ambulance staff can inject EpipenⓇ if pa- genic ones should be eliminated.
tients carry it. EpipenⓇ (0.15 mg of EpipenⓇ injection Wheat and rice are both gramineous plants and
for 15-30 kg body weight; 0.3 mg for "30 kg body cause cross-reactivity in terms of IgE-binding capac-
weight) can be prescribed only by qualified physi- ity. However, most patients with wheat allergy can
cians who received training. Before prescription, pa- eat rice. Alternate kinds of beans and fish may be
tients and their guardians should receive technical consumed even if a single species of them cause
training (Fig. 7). symptoms.
Measures for accidental ingestion are shown in (5) Don’t eliminate all foods even if they are of the
Figure 6. First, cause the patient to bring up an acci- same biological lineage.
dentally ingested food by beating the back. At this The burden on patients can be reduced by deter-
time, caution should be exercised for aspiration. mining elimination in reference to the degree of aller-
Then, rinse the mouth. If ocular symptoms occur af- genicity of foods belonging to the same biological
ter rubbing the eyes with hands exposed to causative lineage.
foods, wash the eyes and administer eye-drops such The allergenicity of egg white is reduced by heat-
as antihistaminics or steroids. In addition, orally ad- ing. Thus, about half of patients, for whom raw eggs
minister household medicines for emergency, pre- should be eliminated, can consume heated eggs.
scribed by physicians, such as histamine H1 receptor The allergenicities of fermented foods (e.g., miso
antagonists and steroids. If symptoms are exacer- and soy sauce) are reduced. Thus, many patients can
bated or symptoms occur in multiple organs, immedi- consume them even if they are hypersensitive to soy-
ately consult a medical institution. At this time, con- beans and tofu. The allergenicity of natto (fermented
sider calling an ambulance and using an EpipenⓇ. soybeans) is also reduced compared with soybeans.
If anaphylactic shock is suspected, place the pa- Fruits (e.g., apples and tomatoes) can be often con-
tient in the shock position with the lower limbs raised sumed because their allergenicities are reduced by
by about 30 degrees. Then, wait for an ambulance. heating and processing. For example, most patients
Start resuscitation to help patients in cardiopulmon- can consume tomato juice and ketchup even if they
ary arrest. cannot consume fresh tomatoes. About 90% of pa-
tients with milk allergy can eat beef without hyper-
6.2. TREATMENT TO PREVENT HYPERSENSI- sensitive reactions.
The elimination of causative foods is the most reliable 6.2.2. Elimination Diet without Nutritional Prob-
prophylactic method of hypersensitivity caused by lem
food allergy. However, this places various burdens on (1) Instruction of alternative foods.
patients and their guardians. Ensuring safety by Elimination diet therapy may cause nutritional
causative food elimination, preventing nutritional dis- poblem in affected children. Caution should be exer-
orders, and improving the quality of dietary life are cised particularly for patients with allergy to multiple
essential for diet therapy. For these purposes, con- foods. Instruct them about suitable edible foods, as

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Urisu A et al.

Table 7 Specific raw materials, for which labeling is mandated or recommended

Specific raw materials Reasons for selection
Mandatory Egg, milk, wheat, shrimp, crab Allergies to these foods are common.
Buckwheat, peanut Caution should be exercised because of severe and life-
threatening symptoms.
Recommended Abalone, squid, salmon roe, orange, kiwi fruits, Allergies to these foods are less common. Thus, further
beef, walnut, salmon, mackerel, soybean, surveys are needed for the ministerial ordinance to des-
chicken, pork, matsutake mushroom, peach, ignate them.
yam , apple, banana
Gelatin Many public comments demand independent labeling as
“gelatin.” Many specialists also request this labeling.
Adapted from Food Sanitation Act, revised in June 2008.

well as eliminated foods, for nutritional management. cate foods to be eliminated, to guardians. Instruct
Here, dietitians familiar with food allergy play a major staff of kindergarten and schools to have a discussion
role. based on the instructions. Use the instruction table
(2) Use of alternative foods. attached to the “Guidelines for the Treatment of Al-
Alternative foods for patients with food allergy in- lergic Diseases in Schools” for management (Table
clude low allergenic foods and allergen-free or 8).16
allergen-reduced foods, produced using low aller-
genic food materials. 8. POINTS TO REMEMBER IN TREATING
Low allergenic foods include stuff using peptides ALLERGIES COMPLICATED BY OTHER DIS-
and amino acids, reduced in molecular sizes by en- EASES
zyme treatment. For example, hydrolyzed casein for- 8.1. ATOPIC DERMATITIS
mula (New MA-1Ⓡ), hydrolyzed whey formula (MA- The exacerbation factors of atopic dermatitis vary
miⓇ, Milfee HPⓇ), amino acid formula (Elemental with age. Atopic dermatitis, associated with food al-
FormulaⓇ), etc., are available. lergy, is common among infants and decreases with
Commercially available main allergen-free pack- aging.
aged foods include those in which 25 food allergens The basic therapy of atopic dermatitis, associated
are not used as raw materials. Allergen-reduced foods with food allergy, is the same as that outlined in the
include low allergenic rice. Guidelines for the Management of Atopic Dermatitis
(3) Assessment of growth and development. 2009. The following comprehensive therapies are es-
The growth and development of children must be sential.
assessed. Measure weight and height over time and
graph them on charts. Growth graphs in maternal 8.1.1. Pharmacotherapy
and child health handbooks are useful. This entails the proper use of topical steroids or Pro-
topic ointmentⓇ (for children aged !2 years), hista-
6.2.3. Check Food Labels before Purchase mine H1 antagonists for itching, antimicrobials to
Table 7 shows 7 items for which labeling is mandated treat skin infection.
and 18 items for which labeling is recommended. In-
struct patients to check food labels before purchase. 8.1.2. Skin Care
Ensure that skin is protected by bathing and shower-
6.3. ANTIGEN SPECIFIC ORAL IMMUNOTHER- ing, applying moisturizer, using bandages or sup-
APY OF FOOD ALLERGY porter, etc.
Tolerance is more likely to develop to orally adminis-
tered antigens. Antigen specific oral immunotherapy 8.1.3. Diet Therapy (e.g., Eliminating Causative
has also been initiated to treat food allergy. Elimina- Foods) and Measures Against Causative and Ex-
tion diet therapy is a negative treatment, while this acerbation Factors
immunotherapy is called active treatment, with the Many patients with atopic dermatitis associated with
goal of causing remission of food allergy. The effects food allergy are simultaneously involved in other
of oral immunotherapy have been recognized, but causative and exacerbation factors. Thus, measures
problems with safety and permanent tolerance re- other than eliminating causative foods are often
main.19 taken.
Causative foods, including the exacerbating foods
7. SOCIAL MEASURES FOR FOOD ALLERGY of atopic dermatitis and the causative foods of
Hand instructions (medical certificates), which indi- immediate-type allergy, should be eliminated.

234 Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

Table 8 Food allergy and anaphylaxis in certificate for school life management (for allergic diseases)

Name Male/Female Birthday (age) (   ) School name Grade/Class Date of submission:

Disease type and treatment Points to remember for school life *Guardians

A. Type of food allergy (if you have food allergy) A. School meals TEL:
1. Immediate-type 1. No need for management
2. Oral allergy syndrome 2. Consult with guardians for decision.
3. Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
B. Classes and activities regarding foods and food materials

B. Type of anaphylaxis (if you have a history of anaphylaxis) 1. No need for considerations
2. Consult with guardians for decision.
*Contact medical institution
1. Food (causative food:)
2. Food dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis Name of medical institution:
C. Exercise (gymnastics, extracurricular activities, etc.)
3. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis
1. No need for management
4. Insects
2. Consult with guardians for decision.
5. Medicines

Allergology International Vol 60, No2, 2011 www.jsaweb.jp!

[Emergency contact number]

6. Others D. Overnight extracurricular activities

1. No need for considerations
C. Causative foods/Grounds for diagnosis: Circle the number of causative food and describe grounds for diagnosis in <>.
2. Caution should be exercised for meals and events.
1. Egg < >
[Grounds for diagnosis] Describe all relevant items in <>. TEL:
2. Cow's milk/Dairy products < > E. Other considerations/Management items (optional)
(i) History of marked symptoms
Food Allergy

3. Wheat < >

(ii) Positive for food challenge test Date of description

Food allergy (+/-)

Anaphylaxis (+/-)
4. Buckwheat < >
(iii) Positive for IgE antibody test
5. Peanut < >
Name of physician
6. Nuts and seeds < > ( )
7. Shellfishes (shrimp and crab) < >
8. Fruits < > ( )
Name of medical institution
9. Fish < > ( )
10. Meat < > ( )

Certificate for school life management (for allergic diseases)

11. Others 1 < > ( )
12. Others 2 < > ( )

D. Prescriptions for emergency

1. Oral medicines (antihistaminics and steroids)
2. Adrenaline self-injection “Epipen ”
3. Others ( )

Adapted from http://www.gakkohoken.jp./book/bo0002.html.

Urisu A et al.

Table 9 Points to remember in referral to food allergy spe- REFERENCES

cialists 1. Food Allergy Committee, Japanese Society of Pediatric
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mosiderosis. Am J Dis Child 1962;103:634-54.
Early intervention is desired to prevent severe
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clude: (i) appropriate application of steroid ointment Japanese junior high school students. J Allergy Clin Im-
and skin care at an early stage for favorable manage- munol 2001;108:1035-9.
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foods; (iii) check of growth (weight and height) and
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development; and (iv) mental support for guardians, 13. Sampson HA. Utility of food-specific IgE concentrations in
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8.2. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA 14. Komata T, Soderstrom L, Borres MP, Tachimoto H,
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and milk varies by patient age. J Allergy Clin Immunol
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15. Ando H, Movérare R, Kondo Y et al. Utility of ovomucoid-
8.3. ALLERGIC RHINITIS specific IgE concentrations in predicting symptomatic
OAS is established through sensitization to pollen, egg allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008;122:583-8.
and is developed after intake of foods that share cross 16. Ito K, Futamura M, Borres MP et al. IgE antibodies to
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by pollinosis. At the consultation, examine nasal
symptoms. In patients with pollinosis, examine abnor- 17. Food Allergy Committee, Japanese Society of Pediatric
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vegetables. Guideline for Oral Food Challenge Test in Food Allergy
2009]. Tokyo: Kyowa-Kikaku, 2009 (in Japanese).
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