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Heaven’s Light is Our Guide

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

Course No: MTE 3100

Course Title: Industrial Training

A Report on
Industrial Training in BCL Paper Mills Ltd

Submitted by

S. M. Rakib Uddin (1808025)

Shezan Ahmmed (1808038)
Md. Hafizur Rahman (1808043)

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

August 2022
Heaven’s Light is Our Guide

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

A Report on
Industrial Training in BCL Paper Mills Ltd

A report is submitted to the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajshahi University of

Engineering & Technology for the fulfillment of the course named “Industrial Training” for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering.

Examined by- Submitted by-

Zinat Tasneem Shezan Ahmmed
Assistant Professor Roll: 1808038
Department of Mechatronics Engineering S. M. Rakib Uddin
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Roll: 1808025
Md. Hafizur Rahman
Roll: 1808043
Heaven’s Light is our Guide
Department of Mechatronics Engineering


This is to certify that the report on “Industrial Training” by Shezan Ahmmed, S. M. Rakib Uddin
& Md. Hafizur Rahman, bearing Roll no 1808038, 1808025 & 1808043 has been carried out under
my instruction in fulfillment of the requirements of the course named “Industrial Training” for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering.

Examiner Signature Signature of students

………………………………….. ………………………………….
(Zinat Tasneem) Shezan Ahmmed
Assistant Professor Roll: 1808038
Department of Mechatronics Engineering Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
S.M. Rakib Uddin
Countersigned Roll: 1808025
Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET

(Dr. Sajal Kumar Das) …………………………………...
Head Md. Hafizur Rahman
Department of Mechatronics Engineering Roll: 1808043
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET
We, Shezan Ahmmed, S.M. Rakib Uddin, and Md. Hafizur Rahman, hereby declares
that we are the sole author of the industrial training report with BCL Paper Mills LTD. This
is written and submitted by us to the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajshahi
University of Engineering & Technology, in fulfillment of the course named “Industrial
Training” for acquiring the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering.
This work was done under the instruction of Zinat Tasneem, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering &

We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, our report does not infringe upon anyone’s
copyright nor violate proprietary rights, and any ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other
material from the work of other people included in our report, published or otherwise, are
fully acknowledged following the standard referencing practices.

We further declare that the work done in this report has not been submitted and will not be
submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this
university or any other institutes or universities.

This is a report for the industrial attachment which was held on 3rd April 2022 and continued
to 30th April 2022. It is a part of our course included as the title of “Industrial Training”
in our course curriculum with the corresponding Course No: MTE 3100. This training aimed
to learn about industrial designing, planning, production, and automation. For this case, this
report satisfies the brief discussion of our industrial training to fulfill the aims of the course.
However, this industrial attachment report is based on the company “BCL Paper Mills Ltd.”
For our industrial training, we selected this company to successfully do our attachment. This
company helped a lot to fulfill our aims. In this report, there has been included a brief
introduction of the company, major concerns, production process, controlling process, and
utility sector which are relatable to fulfill our demands for this course. In a single word, it
is an overview of our experience in the company. As mechatronics engineering students, it
is the basic demand for us to design and develop a sector using automation and doing them
more advanced. Since BCL Paper Mills Limited is a recycle-based paper mill and most of
the sectors are controlled by automation, this is our main hope and target to achieve
knowledge about those items. This report will be the reflection of those items related to our
experience in the industry.

Shezan Ahmmed (1808038)

S.M. Rakib Uddin (1808025)

Md. Hafizur Rahman (1808043)

At the very beginning, we are very much grateful to the Almighty for all the blessings and
courage throughout our report and for completing it successfully. It is regardless to express
our sincere gratitude in words to our examiner, Zinat Tasneem, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET, for giving us the opportunity for the
report and providing invaluable guidance and kind suggestions throughout the session. It is
no doubt that without her guidance, instruction, and motivation, the attachment would never
be completed successfully.

We especially thank Dr. Sajal Kumar Das, Head, Department of Mechatronics

Engineering, RUET, and our corresponding course advisors Md. Robiul Islam, Assistant
Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET, and Prangon Das, Lecturer,
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, RUET for their kind directions and providing us
with all facilities in the department.

We are also grateful to all the teachers of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering who
contributed to our education and guided us throughout our undergraduate studying life. The
support provided by our family is irreplaceable.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, and sacrifices. In the end,
we would like to thank all the employees and staff of BCL Paper Mills Limited and most
importantly Md. Mobarok Hossain, Md. Selim Khan & Md. Nurul Islam. Without their
support and help, industrial training would not be possible. We wish them very good luck.

May the Almighty bless us all.

Shezan Ahmmed
Roll: 1808038
RUET, Rajshahi S.M Rakib Uddin
August, 2022 Roll: 1808025
Md. Hafizur Rahman
Roll: 1808043

Table of Contents

Preface…………………………………………………………..........……….... i
Acknowledgment……………………………………………………..........…... ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………............ iii
Table of Figures……………………………………………………………….. vi

Chapter 01: Introduction 01-08

1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Limitation ………………………………………...... 01
1.2 Company Background
1.2.1 Brief History……………………………………………………… 01
1.2.2 Company Concerns……………………………………………...... 02
1.2.3 Production and Employers………………………………………... 04
1.2.4 Mission and Vision………………………………………………... 05
1.2.5 Future Goals and Perspectives……………………………………. 05
1.3 Purpose of the Training
1.3.1 Why this training?............................................................................ 06
1.3.2 Training Place………………………..………………………….... 06
1.3.3 Different Sectors………………………………………………….. 06
1.4 Industrial Training Objectives………………………………………….... 08

Chapter 02: Utility/Electrical Sector & Equipment 09-34

2.1 Overview of Utility/Electrical Sector
2.1.1 Segment of the Utility/Electrical Sector…………………………... 09
2.1.2 Study of Layout Designing………………………………..………. 10
2.2 Power House
2.2.1 Generators and their Description……………………………..….... 11
2.2.2 Transformers……………………………………………...………. 20
2.2.3 Feeders…………………………………………………...……….. 23
2.2.4 PFI Plant.......................................................................................... 25

2.3 Generator Controlling Unit
2.3.1 LT Panel ………………………………………………………….. 26
2.3.2 VCB & ACB…………………………………………………….... 28
2.3.3 CT & PT………………………………………………………...... 31
2.3.4 Network Controlling Hub....…………………........................…… 32
2.4 Overview of the Boiler Section……………………………….................... 33

Chapter 03: Production Sector & Equipment 35-42

3.1 Overview of the Production Sector………………..........……..................... 35
3.2 Machine Overview…………………………...............………………......... 36

Chapter 04: Production Process 43-45

4.1 Pulp Making to Sand Cleaning………………………....................……..... 43
4.2 Washing to Slicing…………………………..................................………... 44
4.3 Vacuum Pumping to Final Product………………..............…………….... 45

Chapter 05: Control Sector & Equipment 46-52

5.1 Overview of the Control Sector
5.1.1 Introduction to PLC…………………...........................………....... 46
5.1.2 Types of PLC……………………….......................………………. 47
5.2 Process Control
5.2.1 Boil Glue System……………………................……………...…... 50
5.2.2 Vapor System…………………………….....................………….. 51
5.2.3 Approach Flow System………………………..........…………….. 51
5.2.4 Repulp and Screen System……………………........……………... 52

Chapter 06: Application of Mechatronics Engineering 53-54

6.1 Directly Related Units………………………………………….........…….. 53
6.2 Indirectly Related Units……………………………………………............ 53
6.3 Future Scopes and Development………………………….........………..... 54

Chapter 07: Discussion & Conclusion 55
7.1 Discussion.………………………………………………………………...... 55
7.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................... 55

References……….…………...............................................................……….... 56

Table of Figures

Fig-1.1: Products of BCL group (a-l) ………..……..………….…………...................... 05

Fig-1.2: Waste and old papers as raw materials for making different types of papers in
BCL Paper Mills Limited ……………..…..........………………..........……..... 08
Fig-2.1: Powerhouse layout plan used in maintaining generator controlling unit............ 10
Fig-2.2: Overall view of the CAT® G3520C Gas Generator (a) and (b)…………............. 14
Fig-2.3: Overall view of the CAT® G3516A Gas Generator (a) and (b)……………...... 17
Fig-2.4: MWM TCG2020 V12 Gas Generator used for supplying power in unit-03…... 18
Fig-2.5: Transformers providing the power supply for all sections of BCL Paper Mills
LTD (a) and (b).................................................................................................... 21
Fig-2.6: Transformer working principle for source-01 (a) and source-02 (b)………....... 22
Fig-2.7: Panel Board used for switching the power supply……………………....…....... 23
Fig-2.8: Outgoing Feeder used for low voltage switchgear…………………………....... 23
Fig-2.9: LV Panel for giving electric protection against overload current PDB (a)
and Generator (b)................................................................................................ 24
Fig-2.10: PFI plant outer view (a) and inner view (b)………………................………... 26
Fig-2.11: LT Switchgear used for receiving power…………………….........………….... 26
Fig-2.12: VITZRO Vacuum Contactor Switch………………………….........…..……… 27
Fig-2.13: Neutral Grounding Resistor Panel……………………….……..........………... 28
Fig-2.14: 11kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker…………………………….........…..………… 29
Fig-2.15: Generator Control Panel (ACB)……………………………….........…..……... 29
Fig-2.16: TERBERG Control System……………………………………..........……...... 30
Fig-2.17: Generator Controlling System (a), (b) and (c)..…...………….……................. 31
Fig-2.18: Boiler used in making steam for drying the wet pulp…………….….........….. 34
Fig-3.1: Pulper used for cutting the raw materials to make pulp……………..........……. 36
Fig-3.2: Sand Cleaning Bottle used for filtering the unwanted sand…………..………... 37
Fig-3.3: Vibrator used for differentiate the unwanted particles from the raw material..... 37
Fig-3.4: Condensate Tank used for supplementing return with make-up water as
needed................................................................................................................. 38
Fig-3.5: High-Density Cleaner used for the removal of grit from biogas substrate.......... 38

Fig-3.6: Washer Cleaner Head for setting the profile of the paper needed……………... 39
Fig-3.7: TDR used to create pressure for the substrates.………………….……….......... 39
Fig-3.8: Press part used for pressuring the pulps to make desired paper…………........... 40
Fig-3.9: Dryer used for drying the wet pulps……………………………...……….......... 40
Fig-3.10: Scanner Machine used to check the profile GSM of the paper needed….……. 41
Fig-3.11: Calendar Machine used to ensure the thickness………………………............. 42
Fig-3.12: Pop Roll used for rolling the final production of paper…………………......... 42
Fig-4.1: Flow Diagram of the Pulp Making to Sand Cleaning Process……..……........... 43
Fig-4.2: Flow Diagram of Washing to Slicing Process…………….…………..….......... 44
Fig-4.3: Flow Diagram of Vacuum Pumping to Final Product……………………......... 45
Fig-5.1: Delta PLC DVP-12SA2 with extension to control the process of unit 01 and
02.......................................................................................................................... 48
Fig-5.2: Relays for connecting the pairs using magnetic conduction………………….... 48
Fig-5.3: Siemens PLC Internal Box……………………………………..…………......... 49
Fig-5.4: Siemens PLC with Extension............................................................................... 40
Fig-5.5: Controlling Process of Siemens PLC (a-d)…...………………………………... 52

Chapter 01:

This chapter includes the basic information and future scopes or targets of Building
Construction Limited. The information is given below section-wise:

1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Limitation

This section deals with the purposes and concerns of Building Construction Limited.
Building Construction Limited (BCL) is a Private Limited Company. The company has
registered by Joint Stock Company, Dhaka on 1st September 2005. Directors of the
company are motivated to re-invest revenue of the company rather than dividend sharing
because the directors desire to create products, services, and employment to establish a
happy & proud citizen of the nation. The company has been maintaining a slogan that is
"Creating Opportunity" [1]. The company is trying to achieve the slogans through their
management skills and adequate fund flow so that no person suffers unemployment
problems. Though the company cannot reach its goal yet, the management hopes that it will
get its rewards soon. For this reason, the company is now moving forward to expand its
business and trying to spread its concerns, projects, and branches in all the districts of
Bangladesh and also in foreign regions. The mission of the company is the efficient
development of human beings to engage in the right work in time to produce products and
services. The vision and future goal of the company is to create opportunities and produce
good products to provide good services to consumers. Thus, in this way they are going ahead
to fulfill their dreams.

1.2 Company Background

This section concerns the basic information about the company. This brief contains the basic
information and future Scopes or targets of the company that are given below:
𝟏. 𝟐. 𝟏 Brief History
Building Construction Limited (BCL) is a Private Limited Company. The company was
registered under a Joint Stock Company, Dhaka on 1st September 2005. TMSS is one of the

major shareholders of the company. T.M. Ali Haider is the Founder and Managing Director
of BCL Group. In addition to this Alhaji Md. Tariqul Islam, Mrs. Gulshan-Ara Parvin &
Alhaji Md. Abdur Rahman is the Director of the company and is dedicated and honest
business personnel. Initially, the company started the journey with Construction works,
Land development & Real Estate Business but at present Building Construction Limited has
diversified activities. Presently, Building Construction Limited is intending to establish a lot
of new Projects. The company has a total of 21 projects of which 18 projects have been
completed, 1 project is ongoing, and 2 projects are upcoming. The Head office of the
company is located at TMSS Foundation Office, TCB Building-1, Rangpur Road, Bogura-
5800. The Dhaka liaison office is located at TMSS Bhabon, Fifth Floor, 631/5 West
Kazipara, Mirpur, Circle 10, Dhaka-1216 [1].
𝟏. 𝟐. 𝟐 Company Concerns
Presently, Building Construction Limited has diversified its activities towards Automatic
Brick Production, Shopping-malls, Re-cycling Paper Mills, Board Mills, Ceramics
industries, Mineral Water production, 5 Star rated Hotel and Local & International Trading
are major activities of the company. BCL has also operated clean fuel projects such as CNG
& Gasoline Station with CNG Conversion & Automobile workshop [1].

Fig-a: Hotel Momo Inn [2]

Fig-b: BCL Fluid System [2]

Fig-c: TMSS Gas Station [2] Fig-d: BCL Ceramics [2]

Building Construction Limited has different projects on its own. The projects have been
spread in different districts of Bangladesh. In their major concerns it includes:
a. BCL Paper Mills Limited.
b. Momo Inn Limited.
c. BCL Cold Storage Limited.
d. BCL Board Mills Limited.
e. BCL Aviation Limited.
f. BCL Ceramic Industries Limited.
g. BCL Food & Beverage Limited.
The major concerns are the largest investments for the company. Without major concerns,
they have also their subsidiary concerns which include:
i. BCL Property Development.
ii. BCL Bricks.
iii. BCL Superstore.
iv. BCL Fluid System.
v. BCL Ready Mix.
vi. Local & International Trading.
vii. TMSS CNG Refueling & gasoline Station.
viii. TMSS LPG Conversion & Auto Workshop.
ix. BCL IT & GD.
The company has 2 upcoming projects and they are:
a. BCL Glass Industries Limited.
b. TMSS Lpg Limited.

𝟏. 𝟐. 𝟑 Production & Employers
Since directors of the company are motivated to re-invest revenue of the company rather
than dividend sharing because the directors desire to create products, services, and
employment to establish a happy & proud citizen of the nation. The company has been
maintaining the slogan “Creating Opportunity.” We are trying to achieve the slogans
through our management skills and adequate fund flow. Presently, Building Construction
Limited is intending to establish a lot of new Projects, Such as LPG, Glass industries, and
Garments & Footwears. The new Projects will create direct employment for around 1500
unemployed people [1]. It is to be noted that around 4000 people are working in different
positions in the BCL Group.
Building Construction Limited has several types of products such as:
a. Media/Quality/White Paper.
b. Wooden Board.
c. Floor Tiles & Wall Tiles.
d. Mineral Water.
e. Property.
f. Red Bricks.
g. BCL Superstore.
h. Foras & Algo Pumps.
i. Glass
j. Trade.

Fig-e: Fig-f: Fig-g:

Media/Quality/White Paper [2] Wooden Board [2] Floor Tiles & Wall Tiles [2]

Fig-h: Fig-i: Fig-j:
Mineral Water [2] Red Bricks [2] Foras & Algo Pumps [2]

Fig-k: Glass [2] Fig-l: Trade [2]

Fig-1.1: Products of BCL group (a-l)

𝟏. 𝟐. 𝟒 Mission and Vision
Building Construction Limited aims to do something good for the Nation, Specially for
North Bengal’s Industrial Development. The company expresses different kinds of
businesses to establish for upholding itself, producing products & services which lead to
creating job opportunities for the unemployed educated people and contribute to the
National GDP [2].
𝟏. 𝟐. 𝟓 Future Goals and Perspectives
It has been already known that the company deals with different kinds of businesses. Their
slogan is “Creating opportunity”. So, this is the main priority of the company is to allow the
unemployed educated people to decrease the unemployment problem. Moreover, it aims to
contribute to growing up of the national GDP. The business is expanding day by day.
Expanding their business to develop North Bengal is their main perspective. Furthermore,
they are expanding as if their branches, projects, and concerns can be spread throughout the
whole country. The company hopes for producing good products to provide a better service
to the consumers according to their demands in the future [2].
1.3 Purpose of the Training
This section deals with the training perspectives and knowing the training place where the
attachment occurred. The brief discussions are given below:
𝟏. 𝟑. 𝟏 Why this training?
This training is about the process of learning. The purpose of this training is to know about
the various sections of the job field. As we are engineering students, that is why it should
be known to us about the job field practically concerning theoretical knowledge. The
objective of this training is to utilize our theoretical knowledge so that we can realize how
our knowledge can be applied in practical life. For this reason, a 4-week sessional course
named “Industrial Training” is included in the course curriculum for the 3 rd year students
according to the issued letter of the Bangladesh Education Ministry under SXI/1A-
22/03/735 on 2nd October 1984 for the institution. We chose BCL Paper Mills Limited
because of knowing the automation techniques and controlling systems applied to the
company. Since, BCL Paper Mills Limited is a recycle-based automated paper mill that is
why as mechatronics engineering students we chose the industry so that we can understand
the present and past problems, gather them and give or gain ideas that how they become our
future scope by developing the systems.
𝟏. 𝟑. 𝟐 Training Place
In this sector, it will be discussed the place where the training occurred. The training has
been successfully done at BCL Paper Mills Limited. As we know Building Construction
Limited has a vast sector of concerns and projects. From those, BCL Paper Mills Limited is
a major concern of it. The BCL Paper Mills Limited is an automated paper mill that is
established in 2009 and production started in 2011. It is situated at Thengamara, Bogura.
The raw materials of the paper mill are waste papers. It is a 100% recycled-based paper mill
although it is operating Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) concerning the Environment. The
product of this paper mill is being supplied across the country, which has made important
contributions to economic development. This paper mill has created direct job opportunities
for hundreds of people in different categories [3].
𝟏. 𝟑. 𝟑 Different Sectors
Officially BCL Paper Mills Limited has different types of sectors such as:
i. Production Department.
ii. Quality Assurance Department.
iii. Utility Department.

iv. Maintenance Department.
v. HR & Administration Department.
vi. Civil Department.
vii. Store Department.
viii. IT Department.
ix. Marketing & Sales Department.
x. Planning & Procurement Department.
xi. Finance & Accounting Department.
Moreover, BCL Paper Mills Limited can be categorized into 3 units. Such as:

Medium Paper (Unit-01)

In this sector, the raw materials of the paper mill are waste paper. It is a 100% recycled-
based paper mill although it is operating Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) concerning the
Environment. The product of this paper mill is being supplied across the country, which is
used to produce cartoons of different products and has made important contributions to
economic development.

Quality Paper (Unit-02)

In this sector, the paper mill creates premium quality paper and leads the market by its
quality and price. Moreover, it is one of the best paper manufacturing factories in the
country, which is used to print newspapers across the country.

White Paper (Unit-03)

This sector aims to produce quality offset and white papers. The product of this paper mill
is being supplied across the country and is used as material for printing and education. It
meets the need for offset paper in the country and has made important contributions to
economic development.

Fig-1.2: Waste and old papers as raw materials for making different types of papers in
BCL Paper Mills Limited [3]

1.4 Industrial Training Objectives

This training aims to learn about designing in the different industrial units, industrial
planning, production, and automation. etc. In the classroom, those things are learned
theoretically. But in the work field, it should be known practically. Moreover, engineering
students should know about entrepreneurship, leadership, business planning, and so on. In
the market place which product is available or in which system should be moderated for the
product to get great accuracy, should be known. For this reason, knowing about those things,
this industrial training aims to give a practical overview of the job sectors near the students.

Chapter 02:
Utility/Electrical Sector & Equipment

This chapter contains a brief discussion of the utility/electrical sector and its equipment of
BCL Paper Mills Limited.

2.1 Overview of Utility/Electrical Sector

This section refers to a brief overview of the utility/electrical sector of BCL Paper Mills
Limited. The information is given below:
𝟐. 𝟏. 𝟏 Segment of the Utility/Electrical Sector
Utilities (water, electricity, and gas) are essential services that play a vital role in economic
and social development. Quality utilities are a prerequisite for effective poverty eradication.
Governments are ultimately responsible for ensuring reliable universal access to services
under accountable regulatory frameworks. Increased competition in the utility sectors in
recent years has entailed changes in regulatory frameworks and ownership structures of
enterprises, in addition to business diversification [4]. These have impacted job security and
working conditions in the sector. Adequate staffing levels and training in the use of new
technologies are important for ensuring efficiency and safety in the workplace. The electric
utility sector is beginning a fundamental transformation of its infrastructure to overcome the
present challenges faced by the sector. These transformations are aiming to make the grid
“smarter” and the resulting outcome is referred to as a “smart grid”. Although there are no
agreed-upon definitions for the term “smart grid” between organizations, there is a common
understanding that smart grids should have an information communication structure [4].
Likewise, BCL Paper Mills Limited maintains an ingenuity utility sector of its own. In this
sector, it can be divided into such sub-sectors such as:
i. Power House.
ii. Generator Controlling Unit.
iii. Boiler.
From all those segments, the powerhouse is the major field to maintain all of the work
neatly. Generally, the powerhouse is the principal of all of those sectors. Moreover, there is

another segment named the sub-station. It can also be included in the powerhouse. The
substation contains transformers that produce the necessary power to produce the papers.
𝟐. 𝟏. 𝟐 Study of Layout Designing

Fig-2.1: Powerhouse layout plan used in maintaining generator controlling unit

This layout plan is shown in fig-2.1 the whole powerhouse plan with corresponding items
that are included to work in the diverse fields of the Paper Mills. Here, G3520C and G3516A
represent the two generators that are used for producing the required power supply. In their
right position, the control room is situated to control the generators and power supplies. The
generators contribute to producing power by using natural gas. The capacity of the pump
room and U.G.W reservoir is 10,000 liters. The generator room contains a silencer structure
because they produce so many noises. So, the silencer structure resists the sounds coming
outside the generator room. Moreover, the air handling room contributes to handling the air
pressures for the generators. There has also a radiator and cooling tower. Radiators are used
to convert thermal energy from one mode to another for cooling and heating. It acts as a

source of heat to the surroundings but might be the purpose of heating the environment, it
acts as a coolant source for automotive engine cooling. Otherwise, a cooling tower is a heat
removal device that uses water to transfer process, and waste heat into the atmosphere. The
industrial cooling tower operates on the principle of removing heat from water by
evaporating a small portion of water that is recirculated through the unit. After all, without
them, there have many important things included such as J.W expansion tank, AC
Expansion Tank, Fuel System, Breather Line, Air Inlet System, and Exhaust System.

2.2 Power House

This section includes a brief discussion of the powerhouse and substation that is given
𝟐. 𝟐. 𝟏 Generators and their Description
A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electric power for use in an
external circuit. Sources of mechanical energy include steam turbines, gas turbines, water
turbines, internal combustion engines, wind turbines, and even hand cranks. In BCL Paper
Mills Limited, there have 4 gas generators to produce electricity. A gas generator refers to
a device for generating gas [5]. The gas is typically used to drive a turbine rather than to
provide thrust as in a rocket engine. Gas generators of this type are used to power
turbopumps in rocket engines, in a gas-generator cycle.

BCL Paper Mills Limited uses 2 different manufacturing companies' generators. They are
given below:

For supplying power in Unit- (1 and 2):

• Generator Model: G3520C & G3516A
• Manufacturer Company: Caterpillar
• Number of Generators: 2
• Range of Power: G3520C (2MW,11KV) & G3516A (1MW, 11KV)
For supplying power in Unit-3:
• Generator Model: MWM TCG 2020 V12
• Manufacturer Company: Deutz
• Number of Generators: 2
• Range of Power: 1MW, 11KV for each generator

Model G3520C:

Fig-a: CAT® G3520C Gas Generator [6]

Specification: 50 Hz Standard Package Performance – AC and JW Pumps [6]

Performance Continuous Continuous

Frequency 50Hz 50Hz
Genset Power Rating @ 0.8 power factor- ekw (kVA) 1972 (2466) 1972 (2466)
Engine Speed – rpm 1500 1500
Compression Ratio 11.3 11.3
Emissions-mg/Nm3 (g/bhp-hr) NOx 250 (0.53) 500 (1.0)
Performance Number EM0115-04 EM0114-04
Fuel Consumption
100% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 9.25 (8769) 9.05 (8583)
75% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 9.54 (9043) 9.34 (8851)
50% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 10.10 (9576) 9.89 (9973)
Cooling System
Auxiliary circuit temperature (Maximum Inlet) -℃ (℉ ) 54 (130) 54 (130)
Jacket water temperature (Maximum Outlet) -℃ (℉ ) 99 (210) 99 (210)
Inlet Air
Combustion air inlet flow rate (0℃,101.3kPa) / 4.32 (5693) 4.19 (5522)
(77℉,14.7 psi)– Nm3/bkW-hr(ft3/min)
Altitude Capability
At 25℃ (77℉ )ambient, above sea level – m(ft) 950 (3117) 1454 (4770)
Exhaust System
Exhaust temperature – engine outlet - ℃ (℉ ) 471 (880) 472 (881)
Exhaust gas flow (0℃,101.3kPa) / (77℉,14.7 psi) – 4.59 (15299) 4.45 (14859)
Nm3/bkW-hr (ft3/min)
Exhaust gas mass flow – kg. bkW-hr (lb/hr) 5.78 (26133) 5.61 (25353)
Heat Rejection
Heat rejection to jacket water – kW (Btu/min) 631 (35881) 619 (35200)
Heat rejection to exhaust (LHV to 120℃/248℉)-kW 1235 (70232) 1198 (68143)
Heat rejection to the auxiliary circuit – kW (Btu/min) 154 (8762) 147 (8374)
Heat rejection to the atmosphere from engine and 217 (12322) 217 (12322)
generator - kW (Btu/min)
Heat rejection to jacket water circuit (JW+OC+AC1) 1101 (62592) 1058 (60136)
kW (Btu/min)

Summary and Standard Features [6]:

Bore – mm (in) 170 (6.7)

Stroke – mm (in) 190 (7.5)
Displacement – L (in3) 86.0 (5266)
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System Electronic Fuel Control Valve

CAT® Engine:
• Robust high-speed block design provides prolonged life and lowers owning and
operating costs.
• Designed for maximum performance on low-pressure gaseous fuel supply.
• Simple open chamber combustion system for reliability and fuel flexibility.
• The high percentage of component commonality with diesel engines.
• Conservative power density for reliability and long operational life span.
Generator Set Package:
• Reliability is verified through torsional vibration, fuel consumption, oil
consumption, transient performance, and endurance testing.
• High-efficiency design.
• Superior motor starting capability minimizes the need for an oversizing generator.
• Designed to match performance and output characteristics of Cat engines.
• Caterpillar generator sets are capable of maximizing power production opportunities
in an extensive range of industries.
EMCP 4 Control Panels:
• User-friendly interface and navigation.
• Scalable system to meet a wide range of installation requirements.
• Expansion modules and site-specific programming for specific customer

Fig-b: Dimensional View of G3520C [6]
Fig-2.2: Overall view of the CAT® G3520C Gas Generator (a) and (b)
Weight and Dimensions (In General) [6]:

Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” Dry Weight

mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) Kg (lb)
6950.5 (273.6) 1830.3 (72.1) 2449.8 (96.5) 17826 (39306)

Rating Definitions [6]:

Continuous Power Rating:
Output available with non-varying load for an unlimited time. The average power output is
70-100% of the continuous power rating. Typical peak demand is 100% of continuously
rated ekW for 100% of operating hours.
Applicable Codes and Standards:
AS1359, CSA C22.2 No100-04, UL142, UL489, UL869, UL2200, NFPA37, NFPA70,
NFPA99, NFPA110, IEC60034-1, ISO3046, ISO8528, NEMA MG1-22, NEMA MG1-33,
2006/95/EC, 2006/42/EC, 2004/108/ EC.
Fuel Rates:
a. For transient response, ambient, and altitude capabilities consult your local Cat
b. The fuel pressure range specified is to the engine fuel control valve. Additional fuel
train components may be required and should be considered in pressure and flow

Model G3516A:

Fig-a: CAT® G3516A Gas Generator [7]

Specification: 50 Hz Standard Package Performance – AC and JW Pumps [7]
Performance Continuous
Frequency 50Hz
Genset power rating @ 0.8 power factor ekW (kVA) 1030 (1288)
Engine speed – rpm 1500
Emissions mg/Nm (g/bhp-hr) NOx 250 (0.55)
Performance Number EM0823-01
Fuel Consumption
100% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 10.31 (9776)
75% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 10.64 (10085)
50% load with fan-MJ/ekW-hr(Btu/ekW-hr) 11.32 (10737)
Cooling System
Auxiliary circuit temperature (Maximum Inlet) -℃ (℉ ) 32 (90)
Jacket water temperature (Maximum Outlet) -℃ (℉ ) 99 (210)
Inlet Air
Combustion air inlet flow rate (0℃,101.3kPa)/(77℉,14.7 psi)– Nm3/bkW- 4.58 (3157)
Altitude Capability
At 25℃ (77℉ )ambient, above sea level – m(ft) 350 (1148)
Exhaust System
Exhaust temperature – engine outlet - ℃ (℉ ) 508 (946)
Exhaust gas flow (0℃,101.3kPa) / (77℉,14.7 psi) – Nm /bkW-hr (ft /min)
3 3
4.88 (8925)
Exhaust gas mass flow – kg. bkW-hr (lb/hr) 6.14 (14512)
Heat Rejection
Heat rejection to jacket water – kW (Btu/min) 431 (24532)
Heat rejection to exhaust (LHV to 120℃ / 248℉) kW (Btu/min) 222 (45538)
Heat rejection to the atmosphere from engine and generator – kW 157 (8924)

Heat rejection to jacket water circuit (JW+OC+AC1) – kW (Btu/min) 736 (41905)
Summary and Standard Features [7]:

Bore – mm (in) 170 (6.7)

Stroke – mm (in) 190 (7.5)
Displacement – L (in3) 69.0 (4210)
Aspiration Turbo Charged
Fuel System Electronic Fuel Control Valve
Governor Type ADEMTM A4

CAT® Engine:
• Robust high-speed block design provides prolonged life and lowers owning and
operating costs.
• Designed for maximum performance on low-pressure gaseous fuel supply.
• Simple open chamber combustion system for reliability and fuel flexibility.
Generator Set Package:
• Reliability is verified through torsional vibration, fuel consumption, oil
consumption, transient performance, and endurance testing.
• Superior motor starting capability minimizes the need for an oversizing generator.
• Designed to match the performance and output characteristics of CAT engines.
EMCP 4 Control Panels:
• User-friendly interface and navigation.
• Scalable system to meet a wide range of installation requirements.
• Expansion modules and site-specific programming for specific customer

Fig-b: Dimensional View of G3516A [7]
Fig-2.3: Overall view of the CAT® G3516A Gas Generator (a) and (b)
Weight and Dimensions (In General) [7]:

Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” Dry Weight

mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) Kg (lb)
5448.30 (214.50) 2179.90 (85.82) 2194.20 (86.39) 12384 (27306)

Rating Definitions [7]:

Continuous Power Rating:
Output available with non-varying load for unlimited time. Average power is 70-100% of
the continuous rating for 100% of the operating hours the duration of an emergency outage.
The average power output is 100% of the standby power rating. Typical operation is 200
hours per year, with the maximum expected usage of 500 hours per year.
Applicable Codes and Standards:
AS 1359, CSA C22.2 No. 100-04, UL 489, UL 869, UL 2200, NFPA37, NFPA70, NFPA99,
NFPA110, IBC, IEC 60034-1, ISO 3046, ISO 8528, NEMA MG1-22, NEMA MG1-33,
2014/35/EU, 2006/42/EC, 2014/30/EU
Fuel Rates:
a. For transient response, ambient, and altitude capabilities consult your local Cat
b. The fuel pressure range specified is to the engine fuel control valve. Additional fuel
train components may be required and should be considered in pressure and flow

Comparison Between G3520C and G3516A:
For G3520C it is characterized by such features:
Continuous 50Hz
Fuel Type ekW (kVA) Compression Ratio Engine Speed (rpm)

Natural Gas 1972 (2466) 11:3:1 1500

For G3516A it is characterized by such features:

Continuous 50Hz
Fuel Type ekW (kVA) Compression Ratio Engine Speed (rpm)
Natural Gas 1030 (1288) 11:0:1 1500

Model MWM TCG 2020 V12:

The MWM TCG2020V12 shown in fig-2.6 is a gas engine with high thermal and electrical
efficiency. Individualized temperature control for each combustion chamber, as well as
knocking monitoring for each cylinder, ensure maximum power output whatever the type
of gas (even if its composition is not stable) [8]. The TEM system controls both the engine
and the entire group, including the heat supply from the cogeneration plant. The gas mixer
and TEM allow the engine to be used in a wide variety of different gases. The MWM gas
engines of the TCG 2020 series are perfectly geared to the challenges of a dynamic market

Fig-2.4: MWM TCG2020 V12 Gas Generator used for supplying power in unit-03

This model in the output range of 1MW meets the high requirements of a broad range of
applications and guarantees efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and environmental
sustainability, together with low lifecycle costs and high profitability.
Performance Data of MWM TCG2020 V12 [8]:
Natural Gas Applications, NOx≤500 mg/Nm3:
(NOx = Oxides of Nitrogen gas; x = 1,2 and 3)

TCG 2020 V12

Engine Type RW = Optimized for high total
efficiency at the requested power
Electrical output kW 1000
Thermal output ± 8% kW 1056
Electrical efficiency % 43.0
Thermal efficiency % 45.4
Total efficiency % 88.4
Power-to-heat ratio 0.95

TCG 2020 V12 K TCG 2020 V12

Engine Type K = Optimized for R = Optimized for high
robustness and low CAPEX total efficiency

50Hz 50Hz
Electrical output kW 1125 1200

Thermal output ± 8% kW 1251 1189

Electrical efficiency % 41.0 43.7
Thermal efficiency % 45.6 43.3
Total efficiency % 86.6 87.0
Power-to-heat ratio 0.90 1.00

In BCL Paper Mills Limited, there remains two MWM TCG2020 V12 gas generator that
runs on natural gas. But the Deutz manufacturer company makes various types of generators
with different versions and some generators with biogas. Since the paper mill contains only
natural gas generators for this reason, here includes only the performance data of the

TCG 2020 – High Profitability Thanks to High Efficiency:
• Improvements to the intake duct and spark plug provide higher efficiency compared
to the predecessor model.
• Miller valve control times increase Genset efficiency.
Other Specifications [8]:
• TCG 2020 V12 in the Configuration RW (Natural Gas) and XW (Biogas).
• It increases efficiency and extended useful life in the 1 MW capacity range.
• For all-natural gas and biogas applications in countries with 50 Hz networks.
• Longer maintenance intervals for all natural gas applications extend useful life by
two years.
• Optimized electrical efficiency of 43 percent (under ISO conditions) for natural gas
• Optimized lubricant management.
• Lower internal consumption through higher mixture cooler temperatures for natural
gas applications.

𝟐. 𝟐. 𝟐 Transformers
The transformer is a voltage control device that is used widely in the distribution and
transmission of alternating current power. The general purpose of using transformers was
to maintain a balance between the electricity that was generated at very high voltages and
consumption which was done at very low voltages. Transformers work by inducing current
in a second coil known as the secondary as the magnetic lines of force build-up and contract
in response to variations in current flowing through the primary coil. The number of turns
in the secondary coil divided by the number of turns in the primary coil, known as the turn
ratio, is multiplied by the primary voltage to determine the secondary voltage. In BCL Paper
Mills Limited, the transformer is used to transfer the power supply which is produced from
the generator and supply them to the manufacturing sector so that production can occur.

Fig-a: Transformer for generating power provided to the generator in Unit-03
The transformers shown in fig-2.7 and 2.8 are included in the Sub-Station sector. Though it
is included in the sub-station sector, it is important for the powerhouse. There have
transformers that produce electricity for gas generators and another transformer for PDB.
When the gas generator is failed to produce electricity, the PDB transformers supply power
for keeping the production process on.

Fig-b: Transformer for generating power provided to the generator in Unit-01 and 02
Fig-2.5: Transformers providing the power supply for all sections of BCL Paper Mills LTD.
(a) and (b)

Working Procedure:
Source-01: Gas Generator:

Fig-a: Flow Diagram for the transformer to generate power for the gas generator

Source-02: PDB:

Fig-b: Flow Diagram for the transformer to generate power for PDB
Fig-2.6: Transformer working principle for source-01 (a) and source-02 (b)
Here, for the gas generator shown in fig-2.9, the step-down transformer is used. The
2500KVA (440V) comes from the generators. Then it conducts in the secondary coil which
is a process of mutual induction. After that, the conducting voltage goes through ACB Panel
and grows up in the bus bar, and then reaches the machine. The PDB transformer shown in
fig- 2.10 also works as same. The only issue is the source comes from the PDB and then the
process is the same for supplying power.

Fig-2.7: Panel Board used for switching the power supply
𝟐. 𝟐. 𝟑 Feeders
Feeder conductors shown in fig- 2.12 are conductors that are not service conductors and not
branch circuit conductors. All circuit conductors between the load side of the service
equipment and the line side of the final branch circuit overcurrent device are feeder
conductors [9]. The definition of a feeder also includes the conductors from the source of a
separately derived system or other non-utility power supply source and the final branch
circuit overcurrent device.

Fig-2.8: Outgoing Feeder used for low voltage switchgear

Here, the outgoing feeders are connected to the substations. The connection is with a bus of
the substation for carrying power from the substation to service points.

Fig-a: LV Panel for PDB Fig-b: LV Panel for Generator
Fig-2.9: LV Panel for giving electric protection against overload current PDB (a) and
Generator (b)

Bitoron-600 shown in fig-2.13 and 2.14 are the LV (Low-Voltage) Panel. These two are
modular LV distribution & control systems with possibilities of extension or modifications.
Access to connections is either from the front or the rear [10].
The switchgear is installed in fixed or draw-out chassis which may contain:
• Circuit breakers for control & protection of circuits.
• Contactors for control & protection of electric motors.
• Switches & fuse switches can be associated with other devices.
• Automatic and control devices are inclusive of speed variations for ac/dc electric
motors, electromagnetic or static relays, programmable controllers, and reactive
power regulators.
• Capacitors for power factor correction metering.
Applications [10]:
• LV power distribution.
• Process control.
• Motor control centers.
• Distribution for commercial & industrial installations.
• Power factor improvement.

Optional Features [10]:
• PF measurement.
• LV kWh metering.
• Harmonics measurement.
• Outgoing feeder metering.
• Frequency metering.
• Earth fault & over/under voltage protections.
𝟐. 𝟐. 𝟒 PFI Plant
The power factor is the relationship between working power and total power consumed.
Essentially, the power factor is a measurement of how effectively electrical power is being
used. The higher the power factor, the more effectively electrical power is being used. In
BCL Paper Mills Limited, there remain 2 sides called (i) the Machine Side and (ii) Stock
Side. The machine side includes generators and PDB, in which the power supplies to the
machine and the stock side includes also generators and PDB, in which the power stores to
supply later.

Fig-a: PFI Plant used for measuring the effective power

PFI Plant shown in fig-2.17 and 2.18 is used for low voltage occurring. In the Paper Mill,
the power of the PFI Plant consumes 1600kVA. The internal design is given the page-26,

Fig-b: Internal Design of PFI plant [11]
Fig-2.10: PFI plant outer view (a) and inner view (b)

2.3 Generator Controlling Unit

This section refers to the generator-controlling unit that is used to control and keep continue
the power supply.
𝟐. 𝟑. 𝟏 LT Panel
LT Panel (Low Terminal) shown in fig-2.17 is a kind of distribution board that receives
power from a generator or transformer and distributes the same as to numerous electronic
devices and distribution boards. The LT Panel includes the things given below:

Fig-2.11: LT Switchgear used for receiving power

Vacuum Contactor Switch:
In BCL Paper Mills Limited the Vacuum Contactor Switch manufacturer is “VITZRO”
shown in fig-2.12 gives-

Fig-2.12: VITZRO Vacuum Contactor Switch


Item Name Specification/Rating

Draw-Out Unit
Mounted outside the

Position Detector Limit Switch is operated at connecting and testing/

disconnecting positions.

Condenser Trip Device AC 100/110V

Vacuum Checker AC 100V
Power Fuse 3.6kV 5~250A 40kA; 7.2kV 5~250A40kA
Mounted on the Body

Silicon Rectifier For both AC100~220V

Potential Transformer 3300V/110V 100VA; 6600V/110V 100VA
Counter 5 Digits (0-99999)
Power Fuse Melting Switch (1C contact) mounted

Neutral Grounding Resistor Panel:

Neutral Grounding Resistor systems shown in fig-2.19 can be inserted between the neutral
and ground in a power system to provide ground fault protection through resistance. The
fundamental purpose of a Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR) is to limit ground fault
currents to safe levels so that all the electrical equipment in a power system is protected.
Neutral Grounding Resistors are also commonly referred to as Neutral Earthing Resistors
and Earth Fault Protection Resistors.

Fig-2.13: Neutral Grounding Resistor Panel
𝟐. 𝟑. 𝟐 VCB & ACB
VCB refers to Vacuum Circuit Breakers. Vacuum circuit breakers shown in fig-2.20 are
compactly designed for safe operation, high reliability, and easy maintenance, and are
widely used for various types of high-voltage circuits. Vacuum Circuit Breakers have been
developed through the use of many years of successful experience and advanced technology.
They are compact and light-mass and are available in several current ratings.
• Compact light-mass design.
• Spring closing system.
• Safe operation and simplified maintenance.
• Stable braking performance.

Fig-2.14: 11kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker
ACB refers to Air Circuit Breakers shown in fig-2.21. It is used for switching mechanisms
and the protection of the system. Other associated devices and components are also used for
this purpose associated with circuit breakers like fuses, relays, switches, etc. Circuit breakers
are widely used in a power system for controlling and protecting different parts of the circuit
like switch gears, Transformers, Motors, Generators/Alternator, etc., which leads the system
stable and reliable.

Fig-2.15: Generator Control Panel (ACB)

Here, the generator control panel (ACB) is a “TERBERG” control system. “TERBERG” is
a PLC manufacturer company. By this PLC and HMI system, the generators are controlled.
Moreover, the generator control panel includes a generator protection unit. Symap-BC is
used as the generator-controlling unit.

Fig-2.16: TERBERG Control System

Fig-a: Circuit Breaker used to protect from overloading voltage

Generator Circuit-Breakers (GCBs) are essential parts that help to preserve and increase the
dependability of essential power unit equipment, such as generators and step-up
transformers. Their installation increases the selectivity of the power plant, increases
availability, simplifies the operational processes, and lowers overall costs. That is why BCL
Paper Mills Limited uses it to give the safety of the generators and also reduce the cost of

Fig-b: Generator Protector used to protect the generator from overloading voltage

Fig-c: PID Controller used to control the generator processing

Fig-2.17: Generator Controlling System (a), (b), and (c)
𝟐. 𝟑. 𝟑 CT & PT
The Current Transformer (C.T.) is a type of “instrument transformer” that is designed to
produce an alternating current in its secondary winding which is proportional to the current
being measured in its primary. Current transformers reduce high voltage currents to a much
lower value and provide a convenient way of safely monitoring the actual electrical current
flowing in an AC transmission line using a standard ammeter. Generally, the current
transformers are used for measuring output current.

The Potential Transformer (P.T) is a voltage step-down device or instrument transformer,
or voltage transformer, in which the voltage of a circuit is dropped to a lower voltage for

detection. The electromagnetic instrument applied for transforming the greater voltage of
the network to the lower voltage is known as a potential transformer. The output of a low-
voltage network can be sensed with a wattmeter or voltmeter. These can decrease or increase
the voltage ratings of a circuit without a variation in its windings and frequency. Generally,
the potential transformers are used for measuring output voltage.
𝟐. 𝟑. 𝟒 Network Controlling Hub
In BCL Paper Mills Limited, there have these types of network hubs are given below:
(i) Comap NPU.
(ii) SYMAP.
(iii) Korenix Jetnet 4000.
Comap NPU [13]:
The NPU unit is designed for 3-phase mains protection. The operator can switch on/off
available protections or adjust limits and time delays for each protection. Rated voltages are
100, 230, 400, and 480 VAC. The measuring voltage frequency range is from 44 up to 68
NPU offers the following protections:
• Over-frequency protection.
• Under frequency protection.
• Over-voltage protection.
• Under voltage protection.
• Phase sequence supervision.
• Voltage asymmetry protection.
• Vector shift supervision.

SYMAP is a digital protection relay for use in low, medium, and high-voltage power
systems. Because of its integrated protection functions and human-machine interface
capabilities, it is an efficient and cost-effective solution for all types of switch bays. With
three powerful microprocessors, SYMAP offers complete protection functions for
generators, motors (synchronous and asynchronous), transformers, power lines, and
Korenix Jetnet 4000 [12]:
JetNet 4000 Series is a web-managed rail switch that is specially designed for industrial
applications. JetNet 4000 uses a one-piece formed aluminum case that complies with IP31

industrial standards, allowing JetNet 4000 to operate under harsh industrial environments.
JetNet 4000 provides dual DC power inputs, ensuring your systems run non-stop. JetNet
4000 also supports Super Ring technology, which offers an industrial-grade redundant
network solution. When the primary path fails, the entire system can still function normally
with the secondary path activated. JetNet 4000 supports fiber connectors, effectively
extending switches’ transmission distance. Web-based management interface ensures easy
management by using a web browser over the network.

2.4 Overview of the Boiler Section

Using the direct application of energy from the combustion of fuels, from electricity, or
nuclear energy, a boiler is a closed vessel in which water or another liquid is heated, steam
or vapor is generated, steam is super-heated, or any combination thereof, under pressure or
vacuum, for use external to itself. This section is about to know the overview of the boiler
section of the company. A boiler's primary purpose is to either generate hot water or steam.
For household or commercial heating and hot water delivery, hot water boilers heat water
[14]. To power turbines for energy production and several other industrial heating purposes,
steam boilers produce steam. Consider the steam driving a turbine to understand the impacts
of steam generated utilizing a boiler. The force that causes the steam to travel through a
turbine's blades rotates the blades and accelerates the turbine. Due to the high energy content
of steam, which depends on the fuel used to boil the water, steam-powered turbines are also
extremely energy-efficient. Solid biomass fuels are the components of the steam boiler at
BCL Paper Mills Limited. The essential piece of machinery in paper mills is the steam
boiler. Depending on the size of the paper mill, different steam boiler capacities are needed.
They often employ circulating fluidized bed boilers to supply the BCL Paper Mills
Limited business with a lot of steam. The specification of the boiler used in BCL Paper
Mills Limited is given below.

Fig-2.18: Boiler used in making steam for drying the wet pulp

In BCL Paper Mills Limited, there includes a steam boiler. The overview of the boiler for
BCL Paper Mills Limited includes:
• Type: Exhaust Gas Boiler
• Number of Boilers: 3
• Capacity: 3 tons (Approx.)
• Consume: Natural Gas
• Number of Dryer Parts: 5 in a single boiler
• Number of steam pipes: 28 in total
• Cell & Tube Type: Water in the cell & Hot water in the tube
• Exhaust Temperature: 450/500℃
• Out Temperature: 200℃ (Approx.)

Chapter 03:
Production Sector & Equipment

This chapter contains a brief discussion of the production sector and its equipment of BCL
Paper Mills Limited.

3.1 Overview of the Production Sector

This sector deals with the production sector of BCL Paper Mill Limited. The production
sector refers to a sector in which the manufacturing of a company's products is produced.
Usually, Industrial production measures the output of the industrial sector, which typically
comprises mining, manufacturing, utilities, and in some cases, construction. The industrial
production indicator is generally provided as an index in volume terms. Annual variation in
industrial production as a percentage thus reflects the change in the volume of industrial
output as compared to the previous year. So, the production sector is a very important term
for a company. In BCL Paper Mills Limited, production started in the year 2011 and
continues their production until yet. The company improves and enlarges its production
concerning the changes in time. They are now able to fulfill the market demands. Moreover,
the company produces a big number of papers and supplies them to the whole of
Bangladesh. For producing the final product, the company uses waste paper as raw
materials. The company has 3 units in which quality, medium, and white papers are
manufactured. The company maintains an ETP plant so that the production of papers cannot
be a bad impact on the environment. However, the production summary is given below:
• 1.5 tons of pulps can be processed for a single period.
• 1 pulper = 1600 kg (Approx.)
• Overall Products including pulps = 52 tons (Approx.) in one day in a unit.
• Clean Products = 45 tons (Approx.)
• Wastage = 15% of clean products.
• Rating = 36.22 kg production per minute.
The above overview is for a single unit. The other units continue in the same process and
give the same type of production. In this case, pulp refers to the raw material and recycled

paper, mixed with water and mixed well to get the pulp for the desired work. Pulp is the
most efficient material for paper making process as it helps to get fiber through the large
waste material.

3.2 Machine Overview

This sector contains an overview of the machines in the production sector.

Pulper Machine:

Fig-3.1: Pulper used for cutting the raw materials to make pulp
A pulper or Plumper machine shown in fig-3.1 is a type of cutter machine which is used to
cut the pulp or raw materials and make a paste by mixing them. The mixing of the pulper
depends on the demands of the desired paper. In the process of preparing recovered paper
stock, pulpers are crucial. The recovered paper is mechanically broken down by the pulpers
while water is added at the same time. Both the completed stock quality and the cost-
effective design of the entire stock preparation line are heavily impacted by the pulping
system. The goal of the pulping process is to remove lignin without sacrificing fiber
strength, releasing the fibers and getting rid of impurities that could cause the paper to
disintegrate in the future and produce discoloration. Any plant's fiber can be harvested and
used to make paper. However, the pulping process is complicated by the strength and quality
of the fiber, among other things. Softwoods (such as pine, fir, and spruce) are typically used
for boxes and packaging because they produce long, strong fibers that provide paper

Sand Cleaner:

Fig-3.2: Sand Cleaning Bottle used for filtering the unwanted sand
Since BCL Paper Mills Limited is a recycle-based paper mill so, waste papers are used to
make pulp. The raw materials have unexpected sand or dust. For ensuring to get a better
quality pulper, sand cleaning is an important process. For this reason, the sand cleaner
shown in fig-3.2 removes all of the unexpected dust to get the good quality pulp and the
sand cleaner bottle helps to remove the waste items.


Fig-3.3: Vibrator used for differentiate the unwanted particles from the raw materials
Likewise, sand, the waste papers may have pins and unwanted elements. For these kinds of
things, the vibrator shown in fig-3.3 helps to remove those unwanted elements.

Condensate Tank:

Fig-3.4: Condensate Tank used for supplementing return with make-up water as needed
The condensate tank shown in fig-3.4 supplement returns with make-up water as needed.
Make-up or feedwater is added using a solenoid valve. If water drops below a sensor in the
tank, the valve opens allowing more make-up water to be added. Make-up water is cold, so
a steam preheater is used along with steam sparging to bring the water up to a higher
temperature. For this system, when the water level is lesser than 30%, the water is outs of
the net and goes to the vacuum pump.

High-Density Cleaner:

Fig-3.5: High-Density Cleaner used for the removal of grit from biogas substrate

The high-density cleaner shown in fig-3.5 is used for the removal of grit from the biogas
substrate. Incoming organic waste includes particles from sand and glass which remain as
contaminants in the processed substrate. The high-density cleaner uses the vortex principle
to continuously remove those particles. With the grit removed, the overall service needs on
other machinery in the process are reduced. Pumps are subject to less wear, and less load is
put on agitators in tanks. But most importantly, the removal of grit means it is prevented
from accumulating in storage tanks and digesters as sediment. This frees a considerable
amount of space, optimizing biogas production, and preventing the need for costly
maintenance stops for cleaning tanks and digesters manually.

Washer cleaner:

Fig-3.6: Washer Cleaner Head for setting the profile of the paper needed
This is also called a profile. By this thing, it can set the paper color, GSM, density, etc.


Fig-3.7: TDR used to create pressure for the substrates

TDR refers to Tri Disc Refiner shown in fig-3.7. It is the most highly developed equipment
in refining. In recent times disc refiners are replacing conical refiners as they are more
efficient and save energy. Otherwise, Double Disc Refiner is composed of two sets of disc
blades, and the dual set of disc blades is adjusted hydraulically.

Press part:

Fig-3.8: Press Part used for pressuring the pulps to make desired paper
The press part shown in fig-3.8 creates pressure to remove the extra water at the time of
paper processing. If the pulper contains excessive water, the press part then removes the
water by creating pressure. The rotating speed of the press part is 135 MPM (Meter Per
Minute) or 509 RPM (Radian Per Minute)


Fig-3.9: Dryer used for drying the wet pulps

After completing the press part, the pulp or processed paper enters the dryer part shown in
fig-3.9 with 45% vapor. The dryer part increases the temperature sequentially step by step.
At first, the temperature keeps at 35℃ - 45℃. At the time of drying, it increases to a
maximum of 96℃. Even after passing the paper from the entire Press Section, the Paper
remains still wet hence it requires to eliminate

the remaining water which can only be done through the application of heat. This is carried
out by a Paper Machine Drying section consisting of a series of steam-heated cylinders
varying in diameter. These dryers we fabricate in-house in Mild Steel material which has
top quality and high efficiency. The heat in the dryers causes the water in the paper to
evaporate leaving it dry. At the end of this operation, the paper will have practically
eliminated most of the water it contained, leaving only 5-7% moisture which is necessary
for its final composition to maintain elasticity.


Fig-3.10: Scanner Machine used to check the profile GSM of the paper needed
The scanner shown in fig-3.10 scans the profile and ensures the set value which had been
given at the time of starting the paper processing. It also scans the desired GSM, color, etc.
For a better-quality paper, the GSM should be SR-15. At first, the GSM remains SR-35.
After processing, the GSM manages SR-15.


Fig-3.11: Calendar Machine used to ensure the thickness

The calendar machine shown in fig-3.11 ensures the thickness and smoothness of the paper.
It works for smoothing the papers.

Pop Roll:

Fig-3.12: Pop Roll used for rolling the final production of paper
Pop roll shown in fig-3.12 is used for rolling the papers that are manufactured. It is the final
process of paper production. After passing all the previous steps, the desired output (Papers)
is rolled. After rolling, the papers are ready for sending to the market to sell. The amount of
rolling paper varies from roll to roll.

Chapter 04:
Production Process

This chapter deals with knowing a brief discussion of the production process of BCL Paper
Mills Limited which is given below:
The production process can be implemented as 3 steps to understanding the production
process easily. The steps can be shown as:
i. Pulp Making to Sand Cleaning.
ii. Washing to Slicing.
iii. Vacuum Pumping to Final Product.

𝟒. 𝟏 Pulp Making to Sand Cleaning

Fig-4.1: Flow Diagram of the Pulp Making to Sand Cleaning Process

Pulp making to sand cleaning process shown in fig- 4.1, is the first step for producing the
desired paper. In this process, the raw materials are provided into the pulper. A pulper is a
cutting machine that cuts raw materials and makes pulp. For cutting and making pulp, there
is always provided water that helps to make good pulp. After that, the pulp reaches the HDC
(High-Density Cleaner) which is used for the removal of grit from the biogas substrate. The
waste goes to the exhaust line and the remaining materials go to the weight pin to remove

the unwanted pins included in the pulp another part goes to the sand cleaner to clean the
sands and the dilation pulper does the plastic cleaning process.

𝟒. 𝟐 Washing to Slicing

Fig-4.2: Flow Diagram of the Washing to Slicing Process

This is the next step after making the pulp shown in fig-4.2. In this process, the pulps move
to the header from the sand cleaner. The header allows moving the pulp to the washer. In
the washer, there the pulps are divided into two categories. The first one is the good
materials and the second one is the waste. The waste moves to the drain and the clean
product become a dense product and moves for the pumping process. After pumping, the
clean products go to the DDR/TDR where the pressure creator creates pressure and selects
the GSM of the paper, and makes the pulp for SR15 to SR35. The GSM varies from paper
to paper. After that, the materials move to the CRC to measure the density. After having,
desired density, it goes for the pump suction, where the extra water is sucked by the pump.
Then the materials go to the head box for profiling GSM. In the head box, there is checked
the color, density, and amount of paper. Furthermore, the materials are ready to slice.

𝟒. 𝟑 Vacuum Pumping to Final product

Fig-4.3: Flow Diagram of the Vacuum Pumping to Final Product

It is the last and final step in making the paper shown in fig-4.3. In this process, the slicing
materials move to the net for extracting excessive water having the pulp. There determines
the profile GSM 119g/sq.m. In the net, there extracts excessive water, and if the water level
is less than 30%, then the processed materials move for vacuum pumping. Where the
remaining water is also sucked. Then the processed materials move to the press part. In the
press part, excessive pressure is given for reducing the water level. This part ensures that
the water level remains at 45% on the materials. After that, the materials move to the dryer
where the temperature is increased step by step for removing extra water from the paper.
After completing the process, the final product moves for rolling to the pop roll. In this
process, the liquid ring vacuum pump and turbine blower are used where two of the most
common in the vacuum system comparing the development history of the two on paper, the
working principle, structure characteristics, and application characteristics of the vacuum
system, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of both. For this reason, the paper
mill-related technical personnel to provide the reference when choosing the vacuum-
generating equipment. The liquid ring vacuum pump is the most commonly used equipment
in the paper-making vacuum system.

Chapter 05:
Control Sector & Equipment

This chapter is a brief on the control sector and its equipment to know the controlling

5.1 Overview of the Control Sector

This section refers to the whole overview of the control sector. The required steps are given
𝟓. 𝟏. 𝟏 Introduction to PLC
PLC refers to the Programmable Logic Controller. For controlling the production process
and so on, there are used PLCs in the industry. It is a ruggedized computer used for industrial
automation. These controllers can automate a specific process, machine function, or even
an entire production line [15]. The PLC gathers data from attached sensors or input devices,
processes it, and then initiates outputs according to pre-programmed specifications. A PLC
can monitor and record run-time data, such as machine productivity or operating
temperature, depending on the inputs and outputs. It may also automatically start and stop
operations, create alerts in the event of a machine malfunction, and do other tasks. A
versatile and reliable control solution, programmable logic controllers may be used for
practically any application. PLCs differ from industrial PCs, microcontrollers, and other
industrial control technologies in several important ways, including the following:
• I/O: The input and output (I/O) modules that connect the PLC to the rest of the
machine are what feed information to the CPU and cause certain outcomes. The
PLC's CPU stores and processes program data. Both analog and digital I/O are
possible; examples of input devices include sensors, switches, and meters, while
examples of output devices include relays, lights, valves, and drives. The I/O of a
PLC may be mixed and matched by users to create the ideal configuration for their
application [15].

• Communications: A PLC may need to link to other systems in addition to input and
output devices. For instance, users may wish to transfer application data collected
by the PLC to a
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, which keeps an eye on
several connected devices. To guarantee that the PLC can connect with these other
systems, PLCs include a variety of ports and communication protocols [15].
• HMI: Users require an HMI, or Human Machine Interface, to communicate with the
PLC in real time. In either case, these operator interfaces allow users to monitor and
enter data into the PLC in real time. They can be straightforward displays with a text
readout and keyboard or large touchscreen screens that are more akin to consumer
electronics [15].
Whatever, a PLC program is created on a computer and downloaded to the controller.
Ladder Logic, or "C," programming is available in the majority of PLC programming
packages. The conventional programming language is ladder logic. With "rungs" of logic
that read from left to right, it resembles circuit diagrams. Starting with an input or set of
inputs (contacts), each rung represents a distinct PLC-controlled activity that leads to an
output (coil). Ladder Logic can be simpler to implement than many other programming
languages due to its visual nature. Programming in "C" is a relatively recent development.
Software for control programming is offered by a few PLC manufacturers [15].
𝟓. 𝟏. 𝟐 Types of PLC
There are several types of PLCs for industry use. Such as [16]:
• Modular PLC: The number of I/Os in a PLC of the modular kind can be extended
by adding new modules to the current PLC.
• Compact PLC: The compact PLC can’t expand the modules as it has a fixed
number of I/O modules and an external I/O card.
• Rack PLC: In rack-type PLC all the components of the PLC areas are separate
modules and are assembled to form one unit by mounting the individual components
on a rack. This PLC can support up to thousands of I/Os.
BCL Paper Mills Limited is used rack-type PLCs. The list of the PLCs and their
manufacturing company are given below:
• Delta PLC (Units 1&2)
• Siemens PLC (Unit 3)

Unit-1&2:(Delta PLC)
Model: DVP-12SA2 (Principal unit-1), DVP04DA-S (unit-2)
Extension: DVP04DA, DVP-16SP (unit-1)
Operating Voltage: 24V (DC)
Wire Part: 10 motors.
ACB: Model-SR18G (Lasern Turbo Ltd.)
VFD: Model-Yaskawa A1000 (50Hz)
Unit-3:(Siemens PLC)
Model: Simatic S7-300
Extension: Simatic ET 200 SP
Power Supply: NES-200-24

Fig-5.1: Delta PLC DVP-12SA2 with extensions to control the process of units 01 and 02

Fig-5.2: Relays for connecting the pairs using magnetic conduction

For Unit-1:
Delta PLC Model: DVP-12SA2
No. of Input = 8; No. of Output = 5
(a) DVP-04DA (Input = 4; Output = 4)
(b) DVP-04DA (Input = 4; Output = 4)
(C) DVP-16SP (Input = 8; Output = 5)
(d) DVP-16SP (Input = 8; Output = 0)
(e) DVP-16SP (Input = 8; Output = 0)
Total Number of Inputs = 40
Total Number of Output = 13
For Unit-2:
Delta PLC Model: DVP 04DA-S
Version: V4.00A0

Fig-5.3: Siemens PLC Internal Box

For Unit-3:

Fig-5.4: Siemens PLC with extension

SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317-2 PN/DP shown in fig-5.4, has the central processing unit with
1 MB work memory, 1st interface MPI/DP 12 Mbit/s, 2nd interface Ethernet PROFINET,
with 2-port switch, Micro Memory Card requirement.

5.2 Process Control

This section will be discussed the controlling process of production by using PLC. The
following process is given below:
𝟓. 𝟐. 𝟏 Boil Glue System

Fig-a: Boil Glue System

In this process shown in fig-5.5, the boiler section is controlled. From this section, the HMI
interface can show real-time data and manufacturing needs. This section is adjoined with
the boiler section that controls the vapor system and significant term by opening or closing
the switches or valves needed for the manufacturing.

𝟓. 𝟐. 𝟐 Vapor System

Fig-b: Vapor System

In this process shown in fig-5.6, the vapor flow process is controlled. Naturally, the system
controls the steam needed for good manufacturing. Moreover, the HMI interface shows
many types of things. The flash tanks are also controlled by the requirement in this process.
𝟓. 𝟐. 𝟑 Approach Flow System
This section shown in fig-5.7 is adjoined with the main settings of the manufacturing
process. In this process, the water tank, pulp chest, etc. can be controlled.

Fig-c: Approach Flow System

𝟓. 𝟐. 𝟒 Repulp and Screen System

Fig-d: Repulp and Screen System

Fig-5.5- Controlling Process of Siemens PLC (a-d)
This section shown in fig-5.5, includes the pulping process, calendaring process, press part,
dryer, etc. In this section, it can control the pulping process to the forward step. For
automation, the manpower needs a little. In which, people cannot reach or needs more time,
the PLC control system reduces the hardship, waste of time, and waste of materials. There
are monitored whole the process at every time. If any system performs poorly or there
happens any system loss, the HMI interface can show the problems in which the problem
has occurred. That is why automation is one of the most important things for industrial

Chapter 06:
Application of Mechatronics Engineering

This chapter is a brief on the control sector and its equipment to know the controlling

6.1 Directly Related Units

Mechatronics is a type of engineering that focuses on a combination of mechanical,
computer, and electrical systems. It is an engineering field that includes many different
disciplines including computer, mechanic, and electronic engineering. This type of
engineering focuses on both mechanical and electrical systems and may incorporate the use
of computer systems, robotics, control systems, electronics, and telecommunications. BCL
Paper Mills Limited is a well-organized paper manufacturing company. This company
produces papers by automation. This company has a control unit section in which the whole
manufacturing is controlled. The focuses of mechatronics engineering are designing,
developing an automation system, planning to develop an advanced system, etc. Since the
company is based on automation to produce paper, that is why the control sector is the direct
unit related to mechatronics engineering.

6.2 Indirectly Related Units

BCL Paper Mills Limited is a paper production company in which raw materials are waste
papers. The manufacturing field of the company is related to the mechanical department in
which production, machining process, CRC, TDR, Pulper, press machine, etc. are included.
The machining processes are the indirect study of mechatronics engineering. On the other
hand, a company has to need a power sector in which the product can be operated. That is
why the electrical/utility sector is a major part of an industry. The study of the power sector
is also an indirect unit related to mechatronics engineering.

6.3 Future Scopes and Development
Nowadays, the technological effect is increasing day by day. Presently, in Bangladesh, there
have many companies that are controlled by automation. Automation is now a part of life
in every sector. From this training, it is recommended to work in the automation field,
instrumentation field, or control section. This training helps to know about the
recommended sectors for the Mechatronics Engineer. Since technology is growing day by
day and industries are going forward to automation, the future scope of the Mechatronics
Engineer in the field of Automation, Instrumentation, and Control sector in the job field.

Chapter 07:
Discussion & Conclusion

7.1 Discussion
This chapter includes a summary of the whole report. It is the conclusion chapter. The
inherent industrial attachment, which lasted for nearly one month, had come to an end. The
program greatly enhanced the student’s knowledge about the industrial section and its
environment. It was a great experience for us as a student to be trained to know about
industrial management, techniques, and equipment. Our attachment goal was to learn
industrial designing, planning, automation, production, and so on. We have learned often
all about things. Since we are a student in the department of mechatronics engineering, our
recommended and concentrated part was automation. We have learned many things from
this exhibition. We have known the future scopes for mechatronics engineers in the
industrial field. Furthermore, the company concerns and especially the company
background have been studied well. The controlling process, production process, power
generation process, etc. have been learned from this exhibition. We had been provided the
layout design of the powerhouse which helped us so much to know the whole system. As a
result, this attachment has improved our corporate knowledge which will help us to make
our careers and to know our destinations and scopes.

7.2 Conclusion
BCL Paper Mills is a prestigious company in Bangladesh. The overall sectors of the
company have been studied and observed too well. This exhibition provides an experience
to know about the corporate fields. Furthermore, the equipment/machinery included in the
company has been observed as we know by studying them theoretically. The theoretical
topics are known practically by this exhibition. This training helped a lot to broaden our
seek for knowledge.


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