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My Advice to Myself

Dear Self, if you are choosing your career don’t make haste when coming to a
conclusion or when deciding what you career you will pursue always remember
choose what you love to do, choose the career that sets fire in your heart that even the
winter can’t put out. Don’t depends on your self always seek guidance to the Lord
because he is the only one who knows what is best for you, your little mind and
understanding is not the same as the Lord our Father, always trust his will always ask
advice when choosing the right path but that doesn’t mean that you have to listen
what other people will say just pick up the good things and ignore the bad things you
will meet a lot of people so always be careful and again when it comes to making
decisions think it thoroughly, you know that when it comes to decisions you’re such a
klutz so please think it thoroughly because your decisions and actions will affect your
future, good or bad depends what you make and some decisions can’t be undone so
think wisely and always be silent what you’re planning okay? And this may be out of
the subject but please be good to your self your being too hard on your self I know
you’re down I know you’ve been hiding behind a mask all I just want to say is be
strong because we are our own heroes and stop being sad to the things we can’t

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