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Acetaminophen, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory

Drugs, and Hypertension
J. David Spence , Tilo Grosser , Garret A. FitzGerald

ABSTRACT: Acetaminophen is widely regarded as a safe therapy for pain and fever in patients with cardiovascular disease and
those taking anticoagulants. However, recent studies report that acetaminophen, like most other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, increases blood pressure, and a formulation containing sodium increases cardiovascular risk. Those findings call into
question guidelines recommending acetaminophen for patients with cardiovascular disease and pain, and those taking
anticoagulants. We review evidence that acetaminophen has effects in common with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
and its influence on coagulation via effects on vitamin K metabolism. Possible alternatives to acetaminophen for patients
with pain are discussed.

Key Words: acetaminophen ◼ blood pressure ◼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ◼ prostacyclin ◼ thromboxane

he impetus for this review was the recent publication augment pain signaling by peripheral and central neu-
of 2 articles reporting that the analgesic acetamino- rons. They promote the release of pain-producing media-
phen (paracetamol) increases blood pressure,1 and tors, increase the expression of and lower the activation
that sodium-containing acetaminophen is associated with threshold of pain-sensing ion channels in primary affer-
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an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes.2 ent nociceptors.4 Prostaglandins formed upon activation
These findings are of concern because the guidelines of of pain-transmitting pathways in the central nervous
the American Heart Association recommend the use of system modulate neurotransmitter signaling to facilitate
acetaminophen in patients with pain and hypertension.3 ascending excitatory and reduce descending inhibitory
Acetaminophen is widely regarded as a safe alterna- neurotransmission.5
tive to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in Just like ibuprofen and naproxen, acetaminophen
patients at increased cardiovascular risk, including those inhibits the first committed step in enzymatic prostaglan-
taking anticoagulants. Indeed, acetaminophen is com- din biosynthesis catalyzed by the PGH2 synthases -1 and
monly viewed as an analgesic that is mechanistically dis- -2 (commonly called COXs [cyclooxygenases]), albeit
tinct from NSAIDs. However, those beliefs are on shaky with lower potency.6 The COXs have 2 functional sites,
ground. In this narrative review, we focus on more recent the cyclooxygenase site and the peroxidase site, which
literature, and some that has been forgotten. act sequentially on the substrate arachidonic acid to form
PGH2.7 Distinct isomerase enzymes transform PGH2 into
various prostaglandins, prostacyclin (PGI2) and throm-
boxane. The lower potency of acetaminophen may relate
ACETAMINOPHEN in part to its unique molecular interaction with the target
Acetaminophen shares with NSAIDs, such as ibupro- enzymes. While other COX inhibitors compete with arachi-
fen and naproxen, a key analgesic mechanism of action: donic acid or cause allosteric inhibition through interactions
inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Prostaglandins, with the arachidonic acid binding site,8 acetaminophen
including PGE2, formed in response to tissue injury, acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor of catalytic function at

Correspondence to: J. David Spence, Department of Neurology & Clinical Pharmacology, Western University, Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre,
Robarts Research Institute, 1400 Western Rd, London, ON, Canada N6G 2V4. Email
Supplemental Material is available at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 1925.
© 2022 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at

1922   September 2022 Hypertension. 2022;79:1922–1926. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19315

Spence et al Acetaminophen and Blood Pressure

PGE2 metabolism in the lung is rapidly upregulated and

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms the removal of PGE2 signaling acts as the key stimulus
to cause closure of the ductus. Inhibition of COX-2 with
BP blood pressure ibuprofen or indomethacin is routinely used to induce

COX cyclooxygenase closure of a patent ductus arteriosus in neonates. More
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug recently, acetaminophen has been shown to be an effec-
tive and potentially safer alternative.15
COX inhibition is thought to be fundamental to
the peroxidase site of the enzyme. As a phenolic-reducing NSAID-associated gastrointestinal adverse effects such
agent, it hinders the intramolecular electron transfer that as ulcer formation, because prostaglandins produced
is required for the removal of a hydrogen from arachidonic in the GI wall play roles in epithelial mucus production,
acid during prostaglandin synthesis.9 The weaker analge- microvascular mucosal perfusion, bicarbonate forma-
sic activity of acetaminophen (at commonly used thera- tion, and wound healing.16 Again consistent with its com-
peutic doses of 1000–1500 mg per day) in comparison mon mechanism of action, acetaminophen at doses that
to other NSAIDs is explained by its lower potency as an approach the degree of COX inhibition achieved clinically
inhibitor of the COXs. At doses of 1000 mg, acetamino- by ibuprofen and naproxen share their GI toxicity profile.17
phen reversibly inhibits COX-1 and COX-2 by ≈ 50% for
~4 hours; this represents approximately half the effect of
other drugs that are designated as NSAIDs.6 While the EFFECT ON BLOOD PRESSURE
analgesic effect of acetaminophen is dose dependent,10 In a study of effects of prescription drugs on blood pres-
dosing is limited by liver toxicity. sure, Hwang et al18 stated that “The most prevalent blood
The modest anti-inflammatory activity and modest pressure (BP)-interfering prescription medications were
and transient inhibition of platelet COX-1 with acet- NSAIDS, acetaminophens, and hormones.” In 2013, a
aminophen in comparison to other COX inhibitors can systematic review concluded that the evidence regarding
be explained by its unique molecular interaction with the effects of acetaminophen on blood pressure was weak,
enzyme. Inhibition of COX by the reducing action of acet- and further studies were needed.19 We have focused on
aminophen can be antagonized by the elevated perox- the more recent studies.
ide tone that returns the enzyme to its higher oxidation NSAIDs induce hypertension, sodium retention, and
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state.9 Inflamed tissues and the cytosol of platelets are edema by inhibition of COXs in the kidney.20 The COXs
environments with high oxidant tone in which this func- are abundantly expressed in renal structures relevant
tional antagonism is facilitated.9 to volume and pressure control. These include cortical
Several potential molecular mechanisms, in addition and medullary collecting ducts, in the vasculature of
to COX inhibition, have been suggested to amplify the the glomerulus, mesangial cells and the macula densa
analgesic actions of acetaminophen based on experi- and medullary interstitial cells.21,22 Adverse effects of
mentation in cells and rodents. These include the for- NSAIDs on blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes
mation of endocannabinoid metabolites and inhibition of have been reviewed.23 They largely reflect inhibition of
fatty acid amide hydrolase.11 However, all COX inhibitors renal vasodilator prostanoids, such as PGE2 and PGI2,
have been hypothesized to modulate analgesic efficacy formed predominantly by COX-2, under renoprival condi-
through similar mechanisms,12 and the importance of tions. One NSAID that is rarely prescribed, sulindac, may
these pathways in the clinical efficacy of acetaminophen have a distinct blood pressure profile due to its specific
remain to be shown. pharmacokinetic characteristics. Sulindac is a prodrug,
Like other COX inhibitors, acetaminophen has ther- and its active metabolite is highly protein-bound, so very
apeutic efficacy in COX-dependent conditions other little is filtered into the renal tubule. That which does
than pain. For example, the antipyretic activity of acet- reach the renal tubule is re-oxidized back into the inac-
aminophen is sufficiently explained by inhibition of the tive prodrug. In 1984, Patrono’s group reported that in
formation of PGE2 in the thalamic site of the central contrast to ibuprofen, sulindac did not reduce production
thermostat.13 Circulating cytokines, released during of renal PGI2 or impair renal function, in patients with
inflammation, induce the formation of COX-2-dependent glomerular disease.24 In 1986, Wong et al25 reported that
PGE2 formation in endothelial cells in brain venules in in patients with hypertension stabilized on a beta-blocker
the median preoptic nucleolus, from where it crosses the and diuretic, naproxen and piroxicam significantly raised
blood-brain barrier and disinhibits via its EPr3 receptor blood pressure compared with placebo, whereas sulindac
on neurons to raise the central temperature setpoint.14 lowered blood pressure significantly compared with pla-
COX inhibitors, including acetaminophen, lower fever by cebo (Figure S1) Although the study was small, its com-
removing this PGE2 thermic signal. plete 4-way crossover design minimizes the likelihood of
COX-2-derived PGE2 is also critical in maintaining bias. A meta-analysis by Pope et al26 also reported that
intrauterine patency of the ductus arteriosus. Upon birth, the effects of sulindac on blood pressure were minimal.

Hypertension. 2022;79:1922–1926. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19315 September 2022   1923

Spence et al Acetaminophen and Blood Pressure

Acetaminophen is readily filtered in the kidney and a por- placebo for 3 weeks, was carried out in 46 hypertensive
tion is excreted unchanged in the urine.27 Clinical studies patients.34 The authors reported an increase in 24-hour
with acetaminophen are consistent with a dose-depen- ambulatory systolic blood pressure with acetaminophen
dent effect on blood pressure, particularly within the con- by 5.04 mm Hg (95% CI, 1.80–8.28; P=0.004) in the

text of preexisting hypertension. per-protocol analysis. Some of this may have been due
In 2010, Sudano et al28 reported on a randomized dou- to the sodium content. The effervescent and soluble
ble-blind controlled trial of acetaminophen (3000 mg per formulations of 0.5 g acetaminophen contain 0.44 and
day) in patients with coronary artery disease. “Treatment 0.39 g of sodium, respectively; thus, the intake of maxi-
with acetaminophen resulted in a significant increase in mum daily dose (ie, 4 g/day) of sodium-containing acet-
mean systolic (from 122.4±11.9 to 125.3±12.0 mm Hg, aminophen corresponds to the ingestion of 3.5 and 3.1
P=0.02 versus placebo) and diastolic (from 73.2±6.9 to g of sodium.2 It is possible that sodium content in other
75.4±7.9 mm Hg, P=0.02 versus placebo)”. effervescent NSAIDS may have similar effects, little is
In 2012, Sudano et al29 reviewed the literature on known about that issue.
acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and hypertension. They noted A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study
that prospective studies were inconsistent, with one in 103 individuals with hypertension1 reported in 2022
study reporting an increase in mean blood pressure that acetaminophen increased blood pressure. Partici-
by 4 mm Hg with acetaminophen (4000 mg per day), pants received 4000 mg daily, or matching placebo for
and 2 showing no or no reproducible increase. How- 2 weeks, followed by a 2-week washout period and then
ever, 2 population-based studies (The Nurses Health crossing over to the alternative treatment. Ambulatory
Study and the US Health Professionals study) reported blood pressure was measured by a Spacelabs Health-
increases in incident hypertension among persons care 90207 Ambulatory BP recorder (Spacelabs, WA).
taking acetaminophen.30,31 Incident hypertension was Mean daytime systolic pressure was increased signifi-
doubled among women taking acetaminophen,31 and cantly by acetaminophen (132.8±10.5 to 136.5±10.1)
among men the hazard ratio was 1.38, similar to that compared with placebo (133.9±10.3 to 132.5±9.9,
among men taking other NSAIDs.30 P<0.0001), with a placebo-corrected increase of 4.7
A retrospective, observational study published in mm Hg (95% CI, 2.9–6.6). Mean daytime diastolic pres-
201332 reported that among 2754 hypertensive patients sure increased with acetaminophen from 81.2±8.0 to
who received acetaminophen, BP rose slightly during the 82.1±7.8 mm Hg, versus 81.7±7.9 to 80.9±7.8 mm Hg
period of acetaminophen treatment when antihyperten- with placebo, P=0.005. The placebo-corrected increase
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sive treatment was unchanged (change in systolic BP in diastolic pressure was 1.7 mm Hg (95% CI, 0.5–2.7).
1.6 [95% CI, 0.7–2.5] mm Hg and change in diastolic Changes in clinic blood pressures were similar.
BP 0.5 [95% CI, 0.1–1.0] mm Hg)]. The prescribed
acetaminophen doses were uncertain in this analysis of EFFECT ON CARDIOVASCULAR
the UK General Practice Research Database and the
authors suggested that “as needed” prescriptions might OUTCOMES
have been common. BP fell when new antihypertensive In 2016, Roberts et al35 reported on a systematic review
medications were prescribed. These changes were not and meta-analysis of observational studies of acet-
different from those in hypertensive patients not exposed aminophen and cardiovascular risk. They found a dose-
to acetaminophen. response increase in cardiovascular disease and decline
A randomized trial in 201333 compared the effect of of renal function with use of acetaminophen.
naproxen (500 mg per day) and acetaminophen (2000 In 2018, Girard et al36 reported that among 2239
mg per day) in 135 hypertensive patients whose blood residents of nursing homes in France followed for 1.5
pressure was normalized by randomly assigned treat- years, consumption of acetaminophen (2352±993 mg
ment with ramipril, valsartan, or aliskiren for 8 weeks. of acetaminophen daily) did not increase cardiovascular
Participants were randomized to receive naproxen or risk in the overall study population. However among par-
acetaminophen for 2 weeks. “Naproxen significantly ticipants with diabetes the odds ratio for stroke was 3.19
increased clinic and ambulatory systolic/diastolic BP ([95% CI, 1.25–8.18]; P=0.0157).
values in patients treated with ramipril (P<0.01) or val- In 2022, Zeng et al2 reported on the cardiovascular
sartan (P<0.05) but did not affect aliskiren effects. Also, risk of sodium-containing acetaminophen versus acet-
acetaminophen slightly but significantly affected clinic aminophen that did not contain sodium, over a 1-year
and ambulatory systolic BP/diastolic BP in all 3 groups follow up. The estimate of sodium intake from a maxi-
and, surprisingly, it also produced a slight increase in HR mal dose of acetaminophen (4000 mg per day) was 3.5
(+3.1, +3.3, and +3.4 b/min day-time HR values, for to 3.1 mg/day. This probably represents an important
ramipril, valsartan, and aliskiren, respectively; P<0.05). increase in sodium intake; average daily sodium intake
In 2018, a double-blind crossover study of efferves- in China decreased from ~6.5 to 4.5 mg/day between
cent acetaminophen, 3000 mg per day or matching 1991 and 2009,37 though it may have increased recently.

1924   September 2022 Hypertension. 2022;79:1922–1926. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19315

Spence et al Acetaminophen and Blood Pressure

The outcomes were incident CVD (myocardial if sulindac would be a better alternative to other NSAIDs
infarction, stroke, and heart failure) and all-cause mor- for patients with hypertension.
tality. Among participants with hypertension (mean
age: 73.4 years), the average weighted hazard ratio

was 1.59 (95% CI, 1.32–1.92) among 4532 who took ARTICLE INFORMATION
sodium containing acetaminophen, versus 146 866 Affiliations
persons who took nonsodium-containing acetamino- Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre, Robarts Research Insti-
tute, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada (J.D.S.). Institute for Transla-
phen. Among individuals without hypertension (mean tional Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of Systems Pharmacology and
age: 71.0 years), the average weighted HR was 1.45 Translational Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medi-
(95% CI, 1.18–1.79) in 5351 persons who took cine, Philadelphia (T.G., G.A.F.). Department of Translational Pharmacology, Medi-
cal School EWL, Bielefeld University, Germany (T.G.).
sodium-containing acetaminophen versus 141  948
who took nonsodium-containing acetaminophen. Sources of funding
Unfortunately, effect of acetaminophen was not com- None.

pared with no intake of acetaminophen. Disclosures


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1926   September 2022 Hypertension. 2022;79:1922–1926. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19315

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