The Deity - v1.2

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The Deity

        Wield destiny
destiny itself
itself as
as you
you shape
shape the
the world
world to
to your
your will.
Wield destiny
destiny itself
itself as
as you
you shape
shape the
the world
world to
to your
your will.
adiance beaming from his eyes, the indescribable  

form of what was once an elf shines upon a mass
of extraplanar invaders. The being waves its
hand, and all that is left of the intruders is a
smoldering pile of ash.
At the top of Mount Celestia, an ascendant
human holds out her palms, breathing in the
revitalizing winds. Her skin shimmers with starlight
reminiscent of the skyline in the astral plane. In front of her
she sees a town of her most devoted worshipers, and with a
clap of her hands, rain begins to fall, shielding this summers
crop from a heavy heat.
The sounds of battle clang from every direction as a legion
of orcs bear down on their enemies. From the front line, the
commander sends a prayer to their god of war, who answers
with a clap of thunder, and a strike of lightning that takes out
a battalion of foes.
A deity is just that, a god in every right. Though they may
not have started that way, or asked for this power, fate has
chosen them to play a part in the grand course of the
multiverse. Deities are often made from people of incredible
poise and presence, those who could seldom walk into a
room without drawing eyes.
They who Shape Reality
The gods of the multiverse control every aspect of reality in
the material planes. Whether explicitly dictated, or knowingly
ignored, nothing happens under a deities domain that they
did not allow or choose to allow. Those who do managed to Creating a Deity
circumvent a deities gaze, often in an attempt to challenge When creating a deity, try to choose ahead of time which
their authority, are beings of exceptional ability; liches, domain your deity will control. Your domain will determine
nefarious sphinxes, and other such beings of presence. the strengths of your deity.
A deity’s domain governs the extent of their influence. Once your domain is chosen, consider how your deity
While all deities are powerful beyond any mortal capability, views the world. The alignment of a deity plays a greater role
their influence on reality generally ends at the edge of their in the multiverse than a normal adventurer. Your alignment
domain. will decide how you eventually govern your domain, whether
Deities Yet to Ascend you reward devotion and kindness, or grant power to those
When a deity is first chosen by fate, before they have who reveal in destruction and domination.
ascended to the outer planes and accepted their mantle as a
being of multiversal power and responsibility, they must
uncover their strength much like any other mortal, through
time and practice.
A fledgling deity is a still a force to be reckoned with. They
wield divine power just like any other deity, though to a
lesser extent. They can shape the fate of mortals around
them, and smite their foes with uncompromising ferocity.
However, until they unlock their true potential and ascend,  
they are still technically mortal and able to be killed, unlikely
as that may be.


Class Features The Deity  
Level P.Bonus Features
Hit Points 1st +2 Divinity, Divine Implement
Hit Dice:1d20 per deity level 2nd +2 Godly Nature, Shape Fate
Hit Points at 1st Level:20 + your Constitution modifier 3rd +2 Domain, Innate Spellcasting
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d20 (or 11) + your Constitution 4th +2 Divine Ability Score Improvement
modifier per deity level after 1st 5th +3 Mythic Reaction (1)
Proficiencies 6th +3 Sever Destiny
Armor: All, shields 7th +3 Domain Feature
Weapons: All 8th +3 Divine Ability Score Improvement
Tools: Choose any three artisan’s tools or musical 9th +4 Otherworldly Mind
instruments 10th +4 Legendary Resistance (1)
Saving Throws: One of Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma, 11th +4 Improved Godly Implement, Mythic Reaction (2)
and one of Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom 12th +4 Divine Ability Score Improvement
Skills: Choose any two skills 13th +5 Purposed Movement (10)
14th +5 Domain Feature
Equipment 15th +5 Legendary Resistance (2)
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the 16th +5 Divine Ability Score Improvement
equipment granted by your background: 17th +6 Change Shape, Mythic Reaction (3)
(a) A heavy crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any weapon 18th +6 Domain feature
One equipment pack of your choice 19th +6 Divine Ability Score Improvement
(a) A shield, or (b) any weapon 20th +6 Ascension, Legendary Resistance (3)
21th +7 Additional Domain, Divine Ability Score
Divinity Improvement, Ascended Spellcasting (6th)

You are destined to shape the fate of the planes. The 22th +7 Divine Ability Score Improvement, Multiattack
maximum for your ability scores is 30, and while not wearing (two actions)
armor, your AC equals 15 + your proficiency bonus. You can 23th +7 Additional Domain Feature, Divine Ability Score
use a shield and still gain this benefit. Improvement, Ascended Spellcasting (7th)
However, your power overshadows mortal magic. You 24th +7 Divine Ability Score Improvement, Epic Boon
cannot benefit from magical bonuses to your ability scores, 25th +8 Divine Ability Score Improvement, Legendary
AC, attack and damage rolls, proficiency bonus, saving Resistance (4), Ascended Spellcasting (8th)
throws, or save DC of any kind. Other magical effects, such 26th +8 Divine Ability Score Improvement, Purposed
as increased speed or advantage on saving throws against Movement (20)
spells, apply as normal. 27th +8 Additional Domain Feature, Divine Ability Score
Improvement, Ascended Spellcasting (9th)
Divine Implement 28th +8 Divine Ability Score Improvement, Multiattack
You manifest a weapon reflective of your divine status. On (three actions)
your turn you can summon your divine implement in your 29th +9 Additional Domain Feature, Divine Ability Score
empty hand (no action required). It is a martial weapon with Improvement
which you are proficient, and you choose when you gain this 30th +9 Divine Retribution, Legendary Resistance (5)
feature whether it has the Finesse, Heavy, Range (150/600),
Reach, or Thrown (20/60) property. Alternatively, you can Godly Nature
forgo choosing a property to use either Intelligence, Wisdom, At 2nd level, your divine nature has permanently altered your
or Charisma for its attack and damage rolls (choosing when body, granting you the following benefits:
you gain this feature). If you choose Range, it also has Two-
Handed, otherwise it has the Versatile (1d12) property. You are immune to disease and the effects of aging.
Your divine implement deals 1d10 damage on a hit, and You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
the damage type depends on your alignment: radiant (good), You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
force (neutral), or necrotic (evil). Your divine implement You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those
counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. retain consciousness.
Your divine implement disappears if it remains more than
5 feet away from you for 1 minute. It also disappears if you Additionally, you learn the thaumaturgy cantrip, and can
use this feature again (reappearing in your hand), if you cast it as a bonus action without any components. You can
dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die. activate and maintain any number of its effects at once, and
you may have them last indefinitely, instead of one minute, so
long as you maintain concentration.


Shape Fate choose the Lucky, Resilient or Tough feat.  
Your very presence shapes the course of history. At 2nd level,
when you or a creature you can see within 120 feet of you
makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can
use your reaction to impose advantage or disadvantage on
the roll. You can use this feature after the initial roll, but
before any of the roll’s effects occur.
When you impose disadvantage, the target must also make
a Charisma saving throw with a DC calculated as follows:
Shape Fate DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier,
whichever is highest

On a failure, the next attack roll made against that creature is

made at advantage. Regardless of whether the creature
succeeds or fails, it is then immune to receiving disadvantage
from your Shape Fate for 24 hours.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a short or long rest.
At 3rd level, the nature of your divinity has been revealed to
you. Choose a domain detailed at the end of the class
description, which describes the aspect of reality you are
destined to control.
Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd
level and again at 7th, 14th, and 18th level.
Innate Spellcasting
Also at 3rd level, you gain access to certain spells that you
can cast. Your domain determines the list of spells you can
choose from and what ability score you use to calculate your
spell attack modifier and save DC, as shown below:
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your domain abiltiy modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your domain abiltiy modifier

When you cast a spell with this feature, its level must be no
higher than half your deity level, rounded up. The spell is cast
at its lowest level, and you ignore any material components
not consumed by it.
When you cast a spell of 6th level or higher with this
feature, you cannot use this feature to cast a spell of that level
again until you finish a long rest.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to half
your deity level, rounded up, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Divine Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 19th,
and 21st through 29th level, you can increase your ability
scores by a total of 6, up to a maximum of 30 for each score.
You can increase one score by up to 3, and other scores by up
to 2 each time you gain this feature.
You can also choose to increase your ability scores by a
total of 4 instead of 6 to gain a feat of your choice. You cannot
Mythic Reaction  
You strike with supernatural speed. At 5th level, you gain a
special reaction you can use in combat. You can use this
reaction as you would your normal reaction, or you can use it
at the end of another creature’s turn to make a single weapon
attack or move up to half your speed without provoking
opportunity attacks. Regardless of whether you use your
normal reaction or mythic reaction, you can only take one
reaction per turn.
Once you use your mythic reaction, it is unavailable until
the next time you roll initiative, or until you start your turn
without having used any mythic reactions since the end of
your last turn. You gain an additional mythic reaction at 11th
and 17th level.
Sever Destiny
The strings of fate are easily severed. At 7th level, when you
hit a creature with an attack, or when you force one or more
creatures to make a saving throw to prevent damage, you can
expend a use of Shape Fate to maximize the damage of the
attack, or increase the DC of the saving throw for one
creature by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus,
choosing to do so before the roll occurs.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can do so again.
Otherworldly Mind
Nothing can shake your divine resolve. Starting at 9th level,
you cannot be charmed or frightened.
Legendary Resistance
A god is not easily bowed. At 10th level, if you fail a saving
throw, you can choose to succeed instead. Once you use this
feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it
again. You gain additional uses of this feature between rests
at 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th level.
Improved Divine Implement
Your weapon sharpens as your power grows. At 11th level,
the damage dealt by your divine implement increases to 1d12
(2d8 if using the versatile property).
Purposed Movement
Your stride brims with divine purpose. At 13th level, your
walking speed increases by 10 feet, you gain a flying speed
equal to your walking speed, and you can hover.
Your walking speed increases by an additional 10 feet at
26th level.
Change Shape
A deity takes many forms. By 17th level, you learn to use your
bonus action to magically transform into any creature that is
Medium or Small, while retaining your game statistics (other
than size). You can alter the appearance, but not the function,
of any gear you have, or you can choose for it to absorb into
your new form, becoming unusable while you remain
transformed. This transformation ends if you are reduced to
0 hit points or use a bonus action to end it.
The material plane no longer binds your destiny. At 20th
level, you have become a true deity. Your physical presence is
now an aspect of your greater self, which gains the following
You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage.
You regain the use of your mythic reactions at the start of
each of your turns.
You have truesight out to 120 feet.
You cannot be paralyzed.
When you die, you may have your aspect reform on the
material plane 3d4 days later in a location of your choosing.
Additional Domain
Your place among the gods has been revealed. At 21st level,
you choose an additional domain, gaining its 3rd level
features. You gain that domain’s 7th, 14th, and 18th level
features at 23rd, 27th, and 29th level, respectively. If that
domain would grant you resistance to a damage type already
granted by your first domain, you instead gain immunity to
that damage type.
Ascended Spellcasting
With divinity comes power overwhelming. You can use your
Innate Spellcasting feature to cast two spells of 6th level
before needing to take a long rest to cast another 6th level
spell. You can cast an additional 7th, 8th, and 9th level spell
in this way at 23rd, 25th, and 27th level, respectively.
At 22nd level, you gain access to a Multiattack action. You
can use this action to do two things that both take an action,
excluding the dash, disengage, dodge, and hide actions, and
you cannot choose two actions that involve casting a spell.
The number of actions you can take with Multiattack
increases to three at 28th level.
Epic Boon
At 24th level, you gain an Epic Boon of your choice, as
described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide
Divine Retribution
You are the apex, and the planes tremble with your wrath. At
30th level, if you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you
instead regain 500 hit points, and you regain all expended
uses of your abilities as if you had taken a long rest.
Additionally, the cost of all your mythic reactions is reduced
by one (minimum one mythic reaction) for 1 hour. Once this
feature has activated, you must finish a long rest before it can
activate again.
Additionally, you are immune to nonmagical bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage.
Domains At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to cast a  
In almost every realm, there exists a pantheon of gods who At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to make
shape that realm’s reality. Everything from life and death to an attack with your Arcane Bolt.
nature and civilization are shaped to the will greater beings,
who set the course of mortal history. Legendary Spellcraft
14th level Arcana feature
Arcana You have advantage on saving throws against spells and
The Arcana domain covers the existence and use of magic. other magical effects. Also, when you target a creature with
Deities of the Arcana domain have command over magic like Shape Fate to impose disadvantage on a saving throw
no other mortal can comprehend. Whether for creation or against a spell, you automatically target each creature of your
destruction, knowledge, or power, Arcana deities govern the choice within 15 feet of it that is also making that saving
nature and use of magic all across the multiverse. throw, without expending additional uses of Shape Fate.
Arcane Bolt God of Arcana
3rd level Arcana feature 18th level Arcana feature
While wielding your divine implement, you can use your Choose a 1st and 2nd level wizard spell. You can cast
action to make a ranged spell attack using your Intelligence those spells at will as if with Innate Spellcasting. When you
modifier against a creature within 120 feet of you. On a hit, finish a long rest, you can exchange one or both of them for
the target takes your choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning, different spells of the same levels.
poison, or thunder damage equal to your Intelligence  
modifier plus a number of d8’s equal to your proficiency
Divine Knowledge
3rd level Arcana feature
You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, or another skill if
already proficient, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for
any ability check you make using Arcana. You also learn two
cantrips of your choice from the wizard’s spell list. You learn
an additional wizard cantrip at 7th, 14th, and 18th through
30th level.
Innate Arcana
3rd level Arcana feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any spell of 1st
level or higher from the wizard’s spell list, using Intelligence
as your domain ability. You can also cast the spell at any level
you’re able to cast a spell at with Innate Spellcasting, rather
than its lowest level.
Additionally, you can use Innate Spellcasting by expending
a use of Shape Fate. Once you do, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can do so again. You can also expend a
use of Shape Fate to cast any wizard cantrip.
7th, 14th,and 18th level Arcana feature
You gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws, or your
choice of either Wisdom or Charisma saving throws if
already proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of
cold, fire, or lightning damage. You gain resistance to another
of these damage types at 14th and 18th level.
Mythic Mage
7th, 14th,and 18th level Arcana feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
the end of another creature’s turn:
You can use one mythic reaction to cast magic missle as if
with Innate Spellcasting. When cast this way, you create
two darts instead of three.
7th, 14th, and 18th level Chaos feature
You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws, or your
choice of either Strength or Dexterity saving throws if
already proficient.
Also, when you finish a long rest, roll on the Chaos
Damage table. You gain resistance to the damage type rolled
until you finish your next long rest. You roll on the table twice
at 14th level and three times at 18th level. If you roll the
same damage type twice, you gain immunity to that damage
instead of resistance. If you roll it three times, you gain
immunity to that type and choose resistance to a second type.
Mythic Turmoil
7th, 14th, and 18th level Chaos feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
the end of another creature’s turn:
You can use one mythic reaction to roll on the Chaos
Damage table and cause a random hostile creature within
120 feet of you to take 2d12 damage of the type rolled.
Chaos At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to roll on
The Chaos domain controls the variability of the universe. the Entropy Unleashed table.
Deities in this domain determine how much entropy is At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to roll on
induced into the material plane at any given time. When the Random School table, then roll 1d4. You cast any
things get too mundane, or when progress stagnates or spell of your choice from the rolled school with a level
accelerates too quickly, Chaos deities shake things up. equal to or less than the number rolled on the d4, as if
with Innate Spellcasting. If the spell would deal damage,
Divine Knowledge replace one of the damage types by rolling on the Chaos
3rd level Chaos feature
Damage table.
When you make an ability check, roll 2d6. If you roll the Controlled Chaos
same number on both dice, add your proficiency bonus to the
check if you wouldn’t already. If you rolled two 6’s, add 14th level Chaos feature
When you roll on the Entropy Unleashed table, you can roll
double your proficiency bonus if you wouldn’t already. twice and use either number.
Also, when you hit a creature with your divine implement,
the target takes an addtional 1d6 damage of a type Pandemonium
determined by rolling on the Chaos Damage table. 18th level Chaos feature
Innate Chaos Roll on the Random School table and Chaos Damage
table, then roll a d20. You cast a spell of your choice from the
3rd level Chaos feature
When you finish a long rest, roll 2d8 on the Random rolled school at a level determined by your d20 roll: 6th on a
School table. Until you finish your next long rest, you can use 1-10, 7th on an 11-16, 8th on a 17-19, or 9th on a 20. One
Innate Spellcasting to cast any spell from the schools you damage type of your choice dealt by the spell is replaced with
rolled, using Charisma as your domain ability. If you rolled the rolled damage type. You then roll on the Entropy
the same number on both dice, you instead choose two Unleashed table.
schools. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
If a spell gained from this feature would deal damage, before you can do so again.
replace one of the damage types by rolling on the Chaos Random School Chaos Damage
Damage table.
d8 Spell School d10 Damage Type
Entropy Unleashed 1 Abjuration 1 Acid
3rd level Chaos feature 2 Conjuration 2 Cold
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast chaos bolt at a 3 Divination 3 Fire
level equal to half your proficiency bonus, rolling 2d10 on the 4 Enchantment 4 Force
Chaos Damage table instead of 2d8. You can also cast it in 5 Evocation 5 Lightning
the same manner by expending a use of Shape Fate. 6 Illusion 6 Poison
Additionally, when you expend a use of Innate Spellcasting
or Shape Fate, roll 2d4. If you roll the same number on both 7 Necromancy 7 Psychic

dice, roll on the Entropy Unleashed table to create a magical 8 Transmutation 8 Thunder
effect. If the effect is a spell, it is cast as if you had cast it with 9 Necrotic
Innate Spellcasting, and it does not require concentration;  
10 Radiant
the spell lasts for its full duration.
Entropy Unleashed           
d100 Effect
55-56 A random creature within 120 feet of you sneezes and
d100 Effect
confetti bursts from their nose.
1-2 Roll on this table twice more, rerolling on a 1 or 2.
57-58 A random tiny object within 120 feet of you disappears
3-4 You cast shield
and reappears on the ground in a random location
5-6 A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes
within 500 feet of you.
paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
59-60 You regain a use of Innate Spellcasting.
7-8 You are teleported to a random location on the ground
61-62 Music fills the air, causing all creatures within 120 feet of
within 500 feet of you.
you to harmlessly tap their feet and hum along.
9-10 You grow wings, gaining a 60 foot fly speed for 1 hour.
63-64 You cast enlarge/reduce on yourself and all creatures
11-12 You take 3d4 necrotic damage, then regain 3d12 hit
within 120 feet of you, randomly choosing which effect to
use. All creatures are affected in the same way and
13-14 Your hair bursts into flames for 1 minute, but is
automatically fail the saving throw.
65-66 A creature of your choice within 30 feet of you takes 6d10
15-16 A marble statue of you striking a dramatic pose appears at
fire damage.
a random location within 30 feet of you.
67-68 You cast confusion on yourself and all creatures within 30
17-18 An explosion of colorful sparks causes you and each
feet of you. The spell lasts for 1d4 rounds instead of 1
creature within 30 feet of you to be blinded until the end
of your next turn.
69-70 Insects swarm in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on
19-20 You cast web.
you and stay until the end of your next turn. Each
21-22 6d10 Dead octopi fall from the sky.
creature in the sphere has disadvantage on attack rolls.
23-24 Each other creature within 120 feet of you is put under the
71-72 A large bubble of soap appears around a random
effects of the seeming spell, with the only change to their
creature within 6 feet of you, lifting them 10 feet in the
appearance being that their head appears twice as large.
air. It then pops, leaving them perfectly clean.
25-26 You cast tasha’s hideous laughter.
73-74 Winds put out unprotected flames within 30 feet of you.
27-28 Every attack you make until the end of your next turn
75-76 You cast mass healing word.
automatically hits.
77-78 You transform into a random elemental of the DM’s
29-30 You are struck by lightning, taking 3d6 lightning damage
choosing with a CR as close to your level as possible for
and increasing your speed by 30 feet for 1 minute.
1 hour, as per the polymorph spell.
31-32 You partially phase out of time and space, becoming
79-80 You release a clap of thunder audible out to 300 feet.
paralyzed but immune to all damage and conditions until
81-82 All hostile creatures within 30 feet of you become
the end of your next turn.
covered in mud, blinding them until they use an action
33-34 Roll on the Chaos Damage table. A creature of your choice
to clean themselves off.
within 60 feet of you has vulnerability to the rolled damage
83-84 An illusory ghost appears in a random location within 30
type until the end of your next turn.
feet of you and casts fear using your Shape Fate DC. You
35-36 For the next 24 hours, your alignment changes to neutral,
determine the direction of the cone.
and you respond to everything with indifference.
85-86 A force wave blasts out from you, dealing 3d4 points of
37-38 You grow a pair of tentacles on your face, giving you
force damage to all creatures within 20 of you and
advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple
pushing them 10 feet away from you.
for the next hour.
87-88 The next spell cast by you or a creature within 120 feet of
39-40 You have advantage on the first saving throw you make
you has a 50% chance of failing. If it fails, the caster and
within the next minute.
each creaure within 5 feet of it takes force damage equal
41-42 You cast wall of fire, but it originates from a random point
to 5 times the spell’s level.
within 60 feet of you.
89-90 You become immune to all damage for 1d4 rounds.
43-44 You become partially incorporeal for 1 minute, giving you
91-92 Roll on the Random School table and cast a 3rd level
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
spell of that school.
45-46 For 1 minute, your head becomes a crab. Your Intelligence
93-94 A wave of psychic energy causes all hostile creatures
score becomes 1, you can’t activate magic items,
within 120 feet of you to have disadvantage on Wisdom
understand language, or communicate in any intelligible
saving throws until the end of your next turn.
way. You can still identify, follow, and protect allies.
95-96 3d4 diamonds worth 10gp each fall out of your mouth.
47-48 You cast polymorph on a random creature within range.
They turn to sand after 24 hours.
49-50 The earth trembles, knocking each creature within 120 feet
97-98 A kitten rubs against the legs of a random creature. The
of you prone.
kitten has the game statistics of a cat with 1 hit point. If
51-52 You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws
a creature drops the kitten to 0 hit points, it must
and a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls for 1 minute.
succeed on a DC20 Wisdom saving throw or be turned
53-54 Your eyes glow for 24 hours, giving you advantage on
into a kitten, as per the polymorph spell.
Wisdom (Perception) checks but disadvantage on
99-100 You regain all expended uses of Shape Fate.
Dexterity (Stealth) checks.


Death Inescapable
Patrons of the undead and masters of the negative energy 7th, 14th, and 18th level Death feature
You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws, or your
that suffuses the underbelly of the Material plane, Death choice of either Constitution or Wisdom saving throws if
domain deities oversee the dark tidings of the multiverse. already proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of
They are arbiters of hatred and despair, of darkness and cold, necrotic, or poison damage. You gain resistance to
shame, and work to spread malice or grief wherever they another of these damage types at 14th and 18th level.
land their gaze.
Mythic Reaper
Divine Knowledge
7th, 14th, and 18th level Death feature
3rd level Death feature
You gain proficiency in the Deception skill, or another skill You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
if already proficient, and your proficiency bonus is doubled the end of another creature’s turn:
for any ability check you make using Deception. You also You can use one mythic reaction to force a creature you
learn the chill touch and toll the dead cantrips, and when you can see within 120 feet of you to succeed on a
hit a creature with your divine implement, you can deal Constitution saving throw or take 3d4 necrotic damage
necrotic damage instead of any other type. and have disadvantage on its next attack roll.
Innate Necromancy At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to cast a
necromancy cantrip. If the cantrip targets one creature,
3rd level Death feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any necromancy you can target two creatures within range and within 5
spell of 1st level or higher, using Charisma as your domain feet of each other instead.
ability. At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to make
an attack with your divine implement, using Reaping on
Reaping the attack without expending a use of Shape Fate.
3rd level Death feature Grim Harvest
When you hit a creature with your divine implement, you
can force the target of your attack to make a Charisma saving 14th level Death feature
Necrotic damage dealt by you ignores resistance to
throw against your Shape Fate DC. On a failed save, the necrotic damage, and when you roll a 1 on a damage die for
target takes an additional number of d8s equal to your necrotic damage, you can reroll the die and must use the new
proficiency bonus as necrotic damage and is frightened of roll, even if the new roll is a 1. Also, once on each of your
you for one minute. You then learn their remaining hit poitns. turns when you hit a target with your divine implement, you
On a success, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t can deal an additional 1d12 necrotic damage.
frightened. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a Toll the Bell
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your 18th level Death feature
When a creature fails their saving throw against your
Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when Reaping ability, you can cast power word kill on that creature
you finish a long rest. You can also use this feature by immediately after you learn their remaining hit points. Once
expending a use of Shape Fate. Once you do, you must finish you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you
a short or long rest before you can do so again. can do so again.

Patrons of those who shape metal, no matter the purpose.
Forge domain deities grant blessings for good works, and
wisdom in failure. They are craftsman of civilizations,
bringing infrastructure and arms to the mortals who give
them their due.
Divine Knowledge
3rd level Forge feature
You gain proficiency with smith’s tools, or another
artisan’s tools if already proficient, and your proficiency
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using
smith’s tools. You also learn the control flames and produce
flames cantrips.

Steel Canvas
3rd level Forge feature
Each time you summon your divine implement, you can
switch the property you chose for it with another as
described in the Divine Implement feature. When you hit a
creature with your divine implement, you can choose to deal
bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or fire damage, instead of
any other type. Additionally, you can summon a shield in your
other hand at the same time you summon your divine
implement. The shield disappears in the same manner as
your divine implement.
3rd level Forge feature
Rather than casting a spell, as a bonus action you can use
Innate Spellcasting to choose a manufactured metal object,
such as a weapon or armor, that you can see within 120 feet
of you. You affect the object in one of the following ways:
Smelt - The object glows red-hot. Any creature in physical
contact with the object takes a number of d10s equal to
your proficiency bonus as fire damage. If a creature is
holding or wearing the object and takes damage from it,
the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
against your Shape Fate DC or drop the object if it can. If
it doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack
rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
Warp - The object warps, becoming drastically less
effective. Any weapon affected this way becomes an
improvised weapon, while any armors give the wearer a -2
penalty to their AC. Any object not being worn or carried
takes a number of d10s equal to your proficiency bonus as
force damage. An armor can only be warped once.
Magical items cannot be warped.
Refine - The object is refined, regaining hit points equal to
a number of d10s equal to your proficiency bonus. For 1
hour, any weapon affected this way deals an additional 2
damage of that weapon’s type on a hit, while any armors
reduce all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
taken by the wearer by 2. Targeting the same object
within that hour does not increase the damage dealt or
reduced, but does reset the time left back to 1 hour.
You can also use this feature by expending a use of Shape
Fate, after which you must finish a short or long rest before
you can do so again.
7th, 14th, 18th level Forge feature
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws, or your
choice of either Constitution or Wisdom saving throws if
already proficient. You also gain resistance to fire damage.
You gain resistance to thunder damage at 14th level, and
immunity to fire damage at 18th level.
Metal Opus
7th and 14th level Forge feature
You can cast summon construct (metal only) using
Strength as your spellcasting ability and without requiring
any spell components. You can do so a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest. When you reach 14th level,
the spell is cast at a level equal to your proficiency bonus,
instead of 4th level.
Your summoned construct has resistance to fire damage,
and can be the target of your Metalwork feature, being
considered an armor, object, and weapon when you do.
Mythic Blacksmith
7th, 14th, 18th level Forge feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
the end of another creature’s turn:
You can use one mythic reaction to have your construct
move up to half its speed or make one attack.
At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to use
your Metalwork feature.
At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to cause
your summoned construct to glow white-hot. Each
creature within 20 feet of it must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against your Shape Fate DC or
take 4d10 fire damage. A creature that takes this damage
is also blinded until the end of its next turn.
Iron Fortress
14th level Forge feature
You gain the following benefits:
While concentrating on summon construct, your
concentration can’t be broken from taking damage.
The additional damage dealt and reduced by objects
refined with your Metalwork feature increases to 3.
You can cast forcecage without using a spell slot or any
components. When cast this way, the cage is made of
magical and unbreakable adamantine, instead of magical
force, allowing you to target it with your Metalwork
feature. Once you cast forcecage this way, you must finish
a long rest before you can do so again.
18th level Forge feature
When you cast summon contruct , your construct is
immune to fire damage, and you can choose to use the stat
block of an iron golem or steel predator, instead of the
construct spirit in the spell’s description. The spell otherwise
behaves the same. You must finish a long rest before you can
alter the spell in this way again.
Ferryman of the afterlife, sentinels of the ultimate destiny of
all mortal things, deities of the Grave domain watch over the
passage from life to death. They ensure the safe passage of
souls and stamp out undead where they find them.
Divine Knowledge
3rd level Grave feature
You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, or another skill
if already proficient, and your proficiency bonus is doubled
for any ability check you make using Medicine. You also learn
the toll the dead cantrip, and are able to sense the presence
of living creatures at 0 hit points within 120 feet of you that
are not constructs or undead. You can use your bonus action
to stabilize such a creature, and you do not have to see the
creature to do so.
Additionally, you can sense any undead creatures within
120 feet of you as if you had blindsight.
3rd level Grave feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any abjuration or
necromancy spell of 1st level or higher from the cleric spell
list, using Wisdom as your domain ability.
Soul Herder
3rd level Grave feature
When a creature within 120 feet of you dies, you can use
your reaction to draw its soul to you. It appears as a dull
mote of light that hovers and circles around you. If the
creature’s soul would be destroyed or trapped from its
manner of death, you can expend a use of Shape Fate as part
of the same reaction to prevent that effect, safely bringing the
creatures soul to you instead. While you have at least one
soul, you can use your action to do one of the following:
Send the soul safely to the afterlife.
Consume the soul, destroying it and causing you or a
creature within 120 feet of you that you can see or that is
at 0 hit points to regain hit points equal to the number of
Hit Dice that soul had.
Send the soul flying to a point you can see within 120 feet
of you, where it then detonates, destroying the soul and
forcing each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered
on that point to succeed on a Charisma saving throw
against your Shape Fate DC or take force damage equal
to the number of Hit Dice that soul had.
Once you have a number of souls equal to your Wisdom
modifier, you can’t draw anymore souls to you until you
release one.
Delayed Death
7th level Grave feature
As an action, you can expend a use of Shape Fate to return
a soul you have collected with Soul Herder to its body, so
long as the body is within 120 feet of you and the DM decides
the body is capable of returning to life. The creature then
stabilizes at 0 hit points.

Additionally, when you use Shape Fate to impose At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to
disadvantage on an attack roll, or advantage on a saving summon a current of the River Styx. A line of black water
throw, the target of the attack roll or effect that forced the 60 feet long and 5 feet wide pointing in a direction of your
saving throw gains resistance to any damage dealt by it. choice appears, originating from a point you can see
within 120 feet of you. Each creature in the line must
Impassable succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d8 necrotic
7th, 14th, and 18th level Grave feature damage and have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom,
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, or your and Charisma saving throws until the end of their next
choice of either Intelligence or Charisma saving throws if turn, as they temporarily forget who they are.
already proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of
cold, necrotic, or psychic damage. You gain resistance to Hurry Along
another of these damage types at 14th and 18th level. 14th level Grave feature
When you use Sever Destiny, the target of the attack roll or
Mythic Sentinel saving throw has vulnerability to any damage dealt by it.
7th, 14th, and 18th level Grave feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at Ferryman’s Tax
the end of another creature’s turn: 18th level Grave feature
You can consume one soul you have collected with Sould
You can use one mythic reaction to curse a creature you Herder as a bonus action to regain an expended use of one of
can see within 120 feet of you. The target must succeed your features. When you do, choose an option on the table
on a Charisma saving throw against your Shape Fate DC, below. The consumed soul must have had a number of Hit
or until the end of that creature’s next turn, it cannot Dice equal to or greater than your chosen option.
regain hit points and it subtracts 1d4 from each attack roll
and saving throw it makes. Hit Dice Resource
At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to use 5 Shape Fate
your Soul Herder feature. 10 Innate Spellcasting
15 Sever Destiny

Knowledge governing deities are those who watch over the
distribution - or concealment - of knowledge of all kinds. They
archive history and deal in secrets. Some even watch over
the future, keeping vigil against events that could destroy the
material planes.
Divine Knowledge
3rd, 7th, 14th, and 18th level Knowledge feature
You learn the guidance and
true strike cantrips, and you
gain proficiency in the Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion
skills. If already proficient in one of these skills, you choose
another skill to gain proficiency in. Choose one of the listed
skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check
you make using your chosen skill. You can choose another of
these skills to double your proficiency bonus with at 7th,
14th, and 18th level.
Innate Foresight
3rd level Knowledge feature At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any divination spell enforce a negative outcome on your opponents. Each
of 1st level or higher, using Intelligence as your domain creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point
ability. you can see within 120 feet of you must succeed on a
Past, Present, and Future Charisma saving throw against your Shape Fate DC or
have disadvantage on the next ability check, attack roll, or
3rd level Knowledge feature
As an action, you can briefly summon a shimmering echo saving throw they make before the end of their next turn.
of a creature from another timeline. Choose a creature you Incomprehensible
can see within 120 feet of you. At the start of the target’s next 7th level Knowledge feature
turn, an echo of that creaure appears in an unoccupied space You gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws, or your
of your choice as close to the creature as possible. choice of either Wisdom or Charisma saving throws if
The echo is a copy of the target with all its equipment, already proficient. You also gain resistance to psychic
except it is immune to all damage and conditions. The echo damage. You gain resistance to force damage at 14th level,
is under the target’s control and acts on the turn it appears at and immunity to psychic damage at 18th level.
the same time as the target.
The target can cause the echo to move, speak, and take any Shape Destiny
action that they could (no action required), except the echo 14th level Knowledge feature
can make no more than one attack, regardless of other When another creature within 120 feet of you misses with
effects, and it can cast no more than one spell, which must an attack roll or fails a saving throw, you can use your
have a casting time of 1 action. It can only cast cantrips, reaction to expend a use of Shape Fate and pull in a different
unless you expend a use of Innate Spellcasting when you use outcome from another timeline, causing the creature to
this feature, allowing the echo to cast a spell of a level you automatically hit or succeed on the saving throw.
could cast with Innate Spellcasting, up to 5th level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
If the echo would begin to maintain concentration on an rest before you can do so again.
effect, you instead maintain that concentration, allowing the
effect to persist after the echo disappears. The Echo Omniscience
disappears at the end of the turn it appeared on. 18th level Knowledge feature
As an action, you can target each creature of your choice
Mythic Archive within 120 feet of you with your Past, Present, and Future
7th, 14th, and 18th level Knowledge feature feature. The echoes created this way are not limited to one
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at attack and have advantage on all attack rolls. One echo of
the end of another creature’s turn: your choice created this way can cast a spell of 6th level or
You can use one mythic reaction to briefly summon an lower without you needing to expend a use of Innate
echo of a creature within 120 feet of you. That creature Spellcasting, but you can otherwise expend uses of Innate
makes a weapon attack against a creature of your choice Spellcasting as normal for any number of other targets. Any
within range of one of its weapons. effect created by these echoes that requires concentration
At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to grant instead lasts until the end of their controller’s next turn,
limited foresight to a creature within 120 feet of you. That unless you choose to maintain concentration on it at the
creature has advantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, beginning of your next turn.
and saving throws it makes before the end of its next turn. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can do so again.

Life domain deities are stewards of positive energy that
brings vitality into the world. They deliver heath, happiness,
and protection to those they watch over, and keep negative
forces at bay.
Divine Knowledge
3rd level Life feature
You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, or another skill
if already proficient, and your proficiency bonus is doubled
for any ability check you make using Medicine. You also learn
the sacred flame and spare the dying cantrips.
Additionally, when you roll dice to restore hit points to a
creature, you can reroll any roll of 1 on the dice, but you must
use the new roll, even if it is another 1.
Innate Vitality
3rd level Life feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any abjuration or
evocation spell of 1st level or higher from the cleric spell list,
using Wisdom as your domain ability. You can also cast
revivify, raise dead, resurrection, and true resurrection in the
same manner when you reach the appropriate level.
Radiant Life
3rd level Life feature
As a bonus action, you can roll a number of d8’s equal to
your proficiency bonus. A creature you can see within 120
feet of you regains hit points equal to the total rolled. You can
do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and
you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You can use this feature by expending a use of Shape Fate.
Once you do, you must finish a short or long rest before you
can do so again.
7th, 14th, and 18th level Life feature
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you
already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in
Constitution or Charisma saving throws (your choice). You
also gain resistance to radiant damage. You gain resistance
to necrotic damage at 14th level, and immunity to radiant
damage at 18th level. Aura of Invigoration
Mythic Healer 14th level Life feature
7th, 14th, and 18th level Life feature You and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on death saving
the end of another creature’s turn: throws while you are conscious. Also, when a creature within
30 feet of you would regain hit points, they regain additional
You can use a mythic reaction to bless a creature you can hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
see within 120 feet of you. Until the end of that creature’s
next turn, it regains the maximum possible amount of hit Breath of Life
points from any healing it receives, and it adds 1d4 to 18th level Life feature
each attack roll and saving throw it makes. When you would restore hit points to a creature, including
At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to use one with all its hit points, that creature also gains resistance
your Radiant Life feature. to all damage from the next instance of damage they take
At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to cause within 1 minute.
each creature of your choice in a 30-foot cone emanating  
from you to regain 3d8 hit points.

Light Burning Radiance  
Deities of the Light domain are often heralds of safety and 7th level Light feature
The light of your Behold the Sun feature counts as
warmth. They seek to brighten the world by shining a light sunlight, and dispels any magical darkness it touches that
into the darkness that mortals are often faced with. was created by a spell of a level equal to or lower than your
Divine Knowledge proficiency bonus.
3rd level Light feature Inextinguishable
You cannot be blinded by bright light, and when you hit a
creature with your divine implement, you can deal radiant 7th, 14th, and 18th level Light feature
You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws, or your
damage instead of any other type. You also learn the light, choice of either Strength or Wisdom saving throws if already
sacred flame, and word of radiance cantrips, and when you
hit a creature with your divine implement, you can deal proficient. You also gain resistance to radiant damage. You
radiant damage instead of any other type. gain resistance to fire damage at 14th level, and immunity to
radiant damage at 18th level.
Innate Luminescence Mythic Star
3rd level Light feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any evocation spell 7th, 14th, and 18th level Light feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
of 1st level or higher from the cleric spell list, using Charisma the end of another creature’s turn:
as your domain ability. You can also cast fireball, fire shield
(warm shield only), wall of fire, wall of light, sunbeam, crown You can use a mythic reaction to make a ranged spell
of stars, and sunburst in the same manner when you reach attack using Charisma against a creature within 120 feet
the appropraite level. of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage and
Behold the Sun the first attack roll made against it before the end of its
next turn has advantage.
3rd level Light feature
As a bonus action, you can glow with divine light for 1 At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to teleport
minute. While this light is active, you emit bright light out to to any location in bright light within 120 feet of you.
60 feet, and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Creatures in At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to blast
this light have disadvantage on attack rolls against you, searing light in a 30-foot cone emanating from you. Each
unless they don’t rely on sight (as with blindsight) or they are creature in the affected area must succeed on a
immune to being blinded. Constitution saving throw against your Shape Fate DC or
When you use this feature, and as a bonus action on each take 4d8 radiant damage and become blinded until the
of your turns while it is active, you can fire a bolt of radiant end of their next turn.
energy. Make a ranged spell attack using Charisma against a Purifying Light
creature within 120 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
radiant damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving 14th level Light feature
While your Behold the Sun feature is active, anytime a
throw against your Shape Fate DC or take an additional 1d8 hostile creature within 60 feet of you is in bright light and
damage and be blinded until the end of your next turn. takes radiant damage, they take an additional 1d8 radiant
When you attack with this bolt, you can expend a use of damage.
Shape Fate to empower it, increasing the damage on a hit by Also, when you use your Behold the Sun feature, you can
a number of d8s equal to half your proficiency bonus and choose to have each hostile creature within 60 feet of you
causing the target to have disadvantage on the saving throw. make a Constitution saving throw against your Shape Fate
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your DC, becoming blinded until the end of your next turn on a
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you failed save. At the same time, each creature of your choice
finish a long rest. within that range gains the effects of the lesser restoration
spell. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
Herald of the Dawn
18th level Light feature
You can cast daylightat will as if you had cast it with your
Innate Spellcasting feature. You can also cast dawn and
sunbeam each once without expending a use of Innate
Spellcasting. Once you cast either of these spells in this way,
you must finish a long rest before you can cast that spell in
this way again.
Nature Untamable  
Deities of the Nature domain watch over everything from the 7th, 14th, and 18th level Nature feature
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, or your
forests to deep underground biomes. They are the patrons of choice of either Strength or Constitution saving throws if
druids and guardians of nature, which they fiercely protect. already proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of
Beast Form cold, fire, or poison damage. You gain resistance to another
3rd and 7th level Nature feature
of these damage types at 14th and 18th level.
As a bonus action, you can gain the appearance of a beast Mythic Dryad
that is large or smaller while retaining your game statistics.
You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your deity level, 7th, 14th, and 18th level Nature feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
and you gain the following benefits: the end of another creature’s turn:
You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. You can use one mythic reaction to move your Living
You have a climbing or swimming speed (your choice) Implement up to 40 feet and make an attack with it.
equal to your walking speed. At 7th level, you can choose At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to turn the
to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed instead. ground in a 20-foot-radius centered on a point you can see
You have advatage on attack rolls while an ally is within 5 within 120 feet of you into difficult terrain until the end of
feet of the target and is not incapacitated. your next turn.
You gain access to a simple natural melee weapon that At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to cast
deals magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or poison any druid spell of 1st through 3rd level with a casting time
damage equal to your divine implement if it were held of 1 action as if with Innate Spellcasting. You do not need
with two hands. to maintain concentration on the spell, and it lasts until
Your Beast Form lasts for 1 hour. It ends early if you are the end of your next turn instead of its normal duration.
reduced to 0 hit points or use a bonus action to end it. Any
remaining temporary hit points disappear when it ends. Nature’s Majesty
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your 14th level Nature feature
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when You gain the following benefits:
you finish a long rest. Beast and plant creatures within 120 feet of you are
Divine Knowledge automatically charmed by you until you or an ally deals
3rd level Nature feature damage to them.
You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling and Nature The temporary hit points granted by your beast form
skills, or one or two other skills if already proficient, and your increase to three times your deity level.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make You can use Innate Spellcasting by expending a use of
using Animal Handling or Nature. You also learn two Shape Fate twice between rests instead of once.
cantrips of your choice from the druid’s spell list. You learn Crown of the Wild
an additional druid cantrip at 7th, 14th, and 18th - 30th level.
Additionally, you can pass through nonmagical plants 18th level Nature feature
A true god of the wilds, you gain the following benefits:
without being slowed by them and without taking damage
from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. You can use your beast form at will, and it lasts
Innate Ferocity indefinitely.
You are constantly under the effects of speak with animals
3rd level Nature feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any spell of 1st and speak with plants.
level or higher from the druid spell list, using Wisdom as You can cast entangle and gust of wind at will as if you
your domain ability. had cast them with Innate Spellcasting.
Additionally, you can use Innate Spellcasting by expending  
a use of Shape Fate. Once you do, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can do so again. You can also expend a
use of Shape Fate to cast any druid cantrip.
Living Implement
7th level Nature feature
When you summon your divine implement, you can choose
for it to take the form of a nature spirit. It still behaves as
your divine implement (a magical object), except it counts as
an ally for the purpose of your Beast Form, and you can have
it fly up to 40 feet on each of your turns (no action required).
You can attack with it from its location as if you were holding
it with one hand, and you can use your bonus action to make
a single attack with it.
Innate Arbitration  
3rd level Order feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any abjuration or
enchantment spell of 1st level or higher from the cleric spell
list, using Charisma as your domain ability.
Mythic Judge
7th, 14th, and 18th level Order feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
the end of another creature’s turn:
You can use one mythic reaction to force a creature you
can see within 120 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving
throw against your Shape Fate DC. On a failure the
creatures speed drops to 0 until the end of their next turn.
At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to demand
your enemies kneel, forcing each hostile creature within
30 feet of you to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
against your Shape Fate DC or fall prone.
At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to shout
a divine edict, forcing each hostile creature within 30 feet
of you to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your
Shape Fate DC or become unable to speak and suffer
disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of their next
7th, 14th, and 18th level Order feature
You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws, or your
choice of either Strength or Wisdom saving throws if already
proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of psychic,
force, or thunder damage. You gain resistance to another of
these damage types at 14th and 18th level.
Mantle of Law
14th and 18th level Order feature
You exude an aura of order. When a hostile creature within
10 feet of you would make an attack roll against you or one of
your allies, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
Order against your Shape Fate DC or its attack is wasted. On a
successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24
Deities in the Order domain shape the laws of civilization, hours. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30
rewarding and watching over those who abide by it, and feet.
smiting those who break it. Most seek balance in the
universe, and stability among mortals. Cosmic Balance
18th level Order feature
Divine Knowledge As an action, you can release a wave of rectifying divine
3rd level Order feature energy. Within 300 feet of you, any open planar portals are
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation and Persuasion closed, and any beings not native to the plane you are on
skills, or one or two other skills if already proficient, and your must succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make Shape Fate DC or be banished to their native plane. Each
using Intimidation or Persuasion. Also, you gain an creature of your choice within range also regains 50 hit
additional use of Shape Fate. points. Once you use this action, you can’t do so again until
you finish a long rest.
Godly Decree  
3rd level Order feature
You can cast command as a bonus action as if you had cast
it with Innate Spellcasting. You can do so a number of times
equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Trickery Incorrigible  
Trickey domain deities work to undermine authority of any 7th, 14th, and 18th level Trickery feature
You gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws, or your
kind, though for what purpose whether it be individual choice of either Dexterity or Charisma saving throws if
freedom simply to cause havoc, depends on the deity in already proficient. Also, you can use your reaction when you
question. They sever as patrons to scoundrels of all variety. take damage to roll a d20. On a 17-20, that instance of
Divine Knowledge damage against you is halved.
At 14th level the range increases to 16-20, and in addition
3rd level Trickery feature
You gain proficiency in the Sleight of Hand and Stealth to halving the damage, you teleport up to 15 feet to an
skills, or one or two other skills if already proficient, and your unoccupied space you can see.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make At 18th level, the range increases to 15-20, and in addition
using Sleight of Hand or Stealth. You also learn the mage to the halving the damage and teleporting, you become
hand, message, and minor illusion cantrips, and when you
invisible until the start of your next turn.
cast mage hand, you can make the hand invisible. Mythic Deciever
Innate Mischief 7th, 14th, and 18th level Trickery feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
3rd level Trickery feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any illusion spell of the end of another creature’s turn:
1st level or higher, using Intelligence as your domain ability. You can use one or more mythic reactions to give a
You can also cast find familiar, unseen servant, darkness, creature within 120 feet of you that you can see an
rope trick, misty step, pass without trace, and passwall in the illusory duplicate as per the mirror image spell for each
same manner when you reach the appropriate level. mythic reaction used, treating the target as the caster. The
When you use Innate Spellcasting you can expend a use of duplicates last for 1 minute, and a creature can have no
Shape Fate to cast the spell without any verbal or somatic more than three duplicates at one time.
components. At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to become
Additionally, you can use Innate Spellcasting by expending invisible until the end of your next turn.
a use of Shape Fate. Once you do, you must finish a short or At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to weave
long rest before you can do so again. a powerful illusion of danger in a 20-foot-radius sphere
Thief of Fate centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you.
Each creature in the affected area must succeed on an
3rd level Trickery feature
If a creature you can see within 120 feet of you would Intelligence saving throw against your Shape Fate DC or
make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check at 4d6 psychic damage and become frightened of you until
advantage, you can use your reaction to prevent advantage the end of their next turn.
from being applied to the roll. You then regain a use of Shape Into the Shadows
Fate. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can do so again. 14th level Trickery feature
As an action, you can expend a use of Shape Fate to
magically become invisible, along with anything you are
wearing or carrying. This invisibility lasts for 1 hour or until
you dismiss this effect (no action required), but it will end
early immediately after you deal damage to a creature or you
force a creature to make a saving throw, unless you expend
another use of Shape Fate to maintain it.
Master of Mirage
18th level Trickery feature
A god of illusions, you gain the following benefits:
Creatures have disadvantage on Intelligence
(Investigation) checks made to discern your illusions,
unless they have truesight.
Creautres with truesight experience your illusions as if
they did not have true sight.
You can cast major image at will as if with Innate
Spellcasting. When you do, it doesn’t require
concentration, and you can use your bonus action to move
the image instead of an action. The spell ends early if you
cast it again.

War Extra Attack

Deities of War watch over those who dedicate their lives to 7th level War feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the
battle, be it for glory, conquest, or destruction. Each has their Attack action on your turn.
own reasons, but all are patrons to those who thrive on the
battlefield. A War god’s purpose may be to shape the tides of Mythic General
battle, to encourage conflict as a means of settling
differences, or to simply cause chaos. 7th, 14th, and 18th level War feature
You gain additional ways to use your mythic reactions at
Battle Rage the end of another creature’s turn:
3rd level War feature
As a bonus action, you can enter a fervent Battle Rage You can use one mythic reaction to move up to your speed
which lasts for 1 minute. When you use this feature, and as a and make one attack with your divine implement.
bonus action on each of your turns for the duration, you can At 14th level, you can use two mythic reactions to gain
make one attack with your divine implement. Also, the first temporary hit points equal to three times your
time on each of your turns that you hit a creature with your Constitution modifier.
divine implement while your Battle Rage is active, you regain At 18th level, you can use three mythic reactions to
hit points equal to your Strength modifier. choose a number of creatures up to your proficiency
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your bonus. Until the start of your next turn, those creatures
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when make attack rolls with advantage and can’t be frightened.
you finish a long rest. Undefeatable
7th, 14th, and 18th level War feature
Divine Knowledge
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws, or your
3rd, 7th, 14th, and 18th level War feature
Your divine implement gains another property among choice of either Constitution or Wisdom saving throws if
those listed in the Divine Implement feature description (if it already proficient. You also gain resistance to your choice of
has the Range property, it only has the Two-Handed property cold, fire, or thunder damage. You gain resistance to another
while making a ranged attack), and it deals an additional 1d4 of these damage types at 14th and 18th level.
thunder damage on a hit. This additional damage increases Mobilize
at 7th, 14th, and 18th level to 1d6, 1d8, and 1d10 14th level War feature
respectively. You also gain proficiency in the Athletics and While your Battle Rage is active, the movement speed of
Intimidation skills, or one or two other skills if already you and each ally within 60 feet of you is increased by 10
proficient, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any feet, and the hit points your regain from your battle rage are
ability check you make using Athletics or Intimidation. doubled.
Innate Command Crushing Blow
3rd level War feature 18th level War feature
You can use Innate Spellcasting to cast any spell of 1st Once on each of your turns, you can choose to deal
level or higher from the paladin’s spell list, using Charisma maximum damage when you hit with a weapon attack,
as your domain ability. The spells can be no higher than half instead of rolling.
the level you could normally cast with Innate Spellcasting,  
rounded up.


The Deity
Art Credits:
Jason A. Engle - Cover
Steven Belledin - pg 1
Jason A. Engle - pg 3
Jason A. Engle - pg 4
Jason A. Engle - pg 5
Jason A. Engle - pg 6
Jason A. Engle - pg 7
Jason A. Engle - pg 9
Jason A. Engle - pg 10
Jason A. Engle - pg 11
Jason A. Engle - pg 12
Igor Kieryluk - pg 13
Jason A. Engle - pg 14
Jason A. Engle - pg 15
Jason A. Engle - pg 16
Jason A. Engle - pg 17
Jason A. Engle - pg 18
Jason A. Engle - pg 19
Jason A. Engle - pg 20
Jason A. Engle - Back Cover

A martial class that wields divine power to shape the

fate of the planes.

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