Invitacion Al Señor de Pampacucho

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lets celebrate

On July 7th,1891, Mr Matias Rodrigez and his

INVITATION TO wife found the painting of the “señor de
pampacucho”in a small chapel in the house
CELEBRATE THE that they lived in.
Mr. Rodriguez was a soldier in the Peruvian army
FESTIVITY OF “SEÑOR and after participating in the war, he settled with
his wife in what was then called "Villa de Sicuani".
After living in his home, he rescued the painting and
DE PAMPACUCHO” kept it in his possession for three years.

The Pampacucho chapel, in Sicuani, was restored

up to three times. This place is attended by
numerous faithful and from different places, especially
August 8 t h Hour:5:00pm
in the month of August, days of the anniversary of the
2022 miraculous image Lord of Pampacucho.
¡¡There will be food and drinks!! The Pampacucho chapel, in Sicuani, was
restored up to three times. This place is
attended by numerous faithful and from
different places, especially in the month of
August, days of the anniversary of the
miraculous image Lord of Pampacucho.
We encourage you to be part of this great
experience, you will not regret it there will be a lot
of entertainment, meals, dues and games

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