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Analytical Chemistry Letters

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Solid-Phase Extraction and HPLC-DAD for

Determination of Salbutamol in Urine Samples

Maha M. Abdelrahman

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Determination of Salbutamol in Urine Samples, Analytical Chemistry Letters, 8:1, 35-45, DOI:

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TACL 8 (1) 2018 pp 35 - 45 35
ISSN Print: 2229-7928
ISSN Online: 2230-7532

Solid-Phase Extraction and HPLC-DAD for

Determination of Salbutamol in Urine Samples

Maha M. Abdelrahman
Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef
University, Alshaheed Shehata Ahmad Hegazy St., 62514, Beni-Suef, Egypt
Received 24 January 2017; accepted in revised form 14 October 2017

Abstract: Validation of a solid-phase extraction and a high-performance liquid chromatographic assay

for determination of Salbutamol in urine samples is described. HPLC-DAD method was established for
determination of Salbutamol in urine samples following inhaled administration by 0.5 and 24 h after cleanup
procedure. Agilent ODS 5 μm, 4.6 x 250 mm, C-18 stationary phase with a mobile phase consisting of a mixture
of acetonitrile and water (adjusted to pH = 3 using orthophosphoric acid) (90: 10, v/v) at a flow rate 1 mLD min
with detection at 220 nm and Bambuterol HCl as an internal standard were used for development of the method.
Solid phase extraction was performed using Oasis MCX cartridge for both un-metabolized Salbutamol (excreted
after 0.5 h) and metabolized Salbutamol (excreted after 24 h) with mean percentage recoveries of 92.24 % and
91.52 %, respectively. The method described permits the detection of Salbutamol in human urine at concentration
as low as 0.15 μg/mL. The proposed method was successfully applied for determination of Salbutamol in urine
samples after inhalation of a metered dose inhaler (MDI) of Ventolin® to healthy volunteer after 0.5 and 24 h. The
proposed method can be used for pharmacokinetic study of Salbutamol and determination of its relative
deposition in the lung.

Key words: Salbutamol; HPLC; solid phase extraction; urine; method validation.

Introduction from the gastrointestinal tract. It is subject to first-

Salbutamol (or albuterol) chemically is (1RS)- pass metabolism in the liver and possibly in the
2-[(1,1-Dimethylethyl)amino]-1-[4-hydroxy-3- gut wall; the main metabolite is an inactive sul-
(hydroxymethyl)phenyl]ethanol 1, 2. It is a short fate conjugate. Salbutamol is rapidly excreted in
acting β2-adrenergic receptor agonist that is used the urine as metabolites and unchanged drug 6.
as a bronchodilator in the treatment of bronchial Like all drugs delivered by metered dose inhal-
asthma. It was first introduced in 1970 3, 4. SAL is ers (MDIs) only a small proportion of the actu-
one of the most important medications needed in ated dose reaches the lungs following inhalation.
a basic health system listed by the World Health The majority of the dose is deposited in the
Organization’s List of Essential Medicines 5. oropharyngeal region and is subsequently swal-
Salbutamol (SAL) is usually taken by the in- lowed. Therefore, pharmacokinetic methods to
haled route for direct effect on bronchial smooth assess the pulmonary deposition of Salbutamol are
muscle. This is mostly accomplished through a difficult due to the problems associated with the
metered-dose inhaler (MDI), nebulizer, or other swallowed part 7.
proper devices, SAL is usually delivered as After oral administration of SAL, negligible
Salbutamol sulfate. Salbutamol is readily absorbed amount of salbutamol is excreted during 0.5 h post

*Corresponding author (Maha M. Abdelrahman)

E-mail: < > © 2018, Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 36
dose while considerably greater amount is excreted to study the relative deposition of Salbutamol in
0.5 h post inhalation, although similar amounts the lung.
were excreted over the 24 h period post inhaled
dosing. Therefore the amount of the drug in the Experimental
urine sample taken 0.5 h post inhalation can be Apparatus
used as a representative of the amount of drug HPLC (Agilent 1260 Infinity, Germany) instru-
delivered to the lungs (relative lung bioavailability ment was equipped with Agilent 1260 Infinity pre-
of SAL following inhalation) while the 24 h re- parative pump (G1361A), Agilent 1260 Infinity Di-
covery can reflect the total SAL delivered to the ode array detector VL (G131SD), Agilent 1260
body following inhalation (relative systemic Infinity Thermostated column compartment
bioavail-ability of SAL following inhalation) 7. (G1316A) and Agilent 1260 Infinity preparative
Different HPLC methods were described in lit- Autosampler (G2260A). Separation and
erature for determination of SAL alone or in com- quantitation was performed on ZORBAX Eclipse
bination with other components 8-15. Several meth- Plus C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm i.d, 5 μm particle
ods were developed for SAL detection in biologi- size (USA).
cal fluids 16-28. Methods reported for detection of
SAL in biological fluids used either fluorescence Reagents and materials
or MS/MS 21-24 or electrochemical 25-28 de- Salbutamol sulfate and Bambuterol HCl were
tections. Despite of the good specificity and sen- given as a gift from Alexandria Co. for Pharma-
sitivity of most of these methods, they are costly, ceuticals and Chemical Industries, Alexandria,
complicated for routine clinical studies and requires Egypt.
sophisticated instruments which are not available Acetonitrile and methanol (HPLC grade) were
in most laboratories. supplied by (Chromasolv®, Sigma-Aldrich Chemie
For determination of pharmaceuticals in biologi- GmbH, Germany)
cal samples, analyst encounters different chal- Deionized water (SEDICO pharmaceuticals
lenges, including biological matrices, low analyte Co., Cairo, Egypt).
concentration and other possible interfering com- Triethylamine (TEA) was obtained from Riedel-
ponents. In this work a HPLC-DAD method was deHäen (Sleeze, Germany), orthophosphoric acid
developed for determination of Salbutamol in urine (85 %), ammonia solution (Specific gravity 0.91,
sample, although HPLC-DAD has the advantage 33 %) and hydrochloric acid (El-Nasr Pharma-
of being available over other chromatographic in- ceutical Chemicals Co., Abu-Zabaal, Cairo,
struments (LC/MS LC/fluorescence and CE) but Egypt).
it suffers low sensitivity. To conquer these cir- Oasis MCX 1 cc Vac cartridge, 30 mg sorbent,
cumstances; extracted urine samples were in- 30 μm particle size (International Sorbent tech-
creased by 10 folds (10 mL urine samples were nology, UK).
used), isolated samples after SPE were concen-
trated by 10 folds and injection volume was in- Standard solutions
creased to 50 μg/mL without affecting the re- Aqueous stock solution of Salbutamol 500 μg/
quired standards of method validation parameters. mL (w/v) equivalent to 1205.5 μg/mL Salbutamol
For the first time a HPLC-DAD method is de- sulphate was prepared in acetonitrile and stored
scribed for selective determination of un-metabo- at -20oC. Two series of working standards (for
lized and metabolized SAL in urine samples with both un-metabolized and metabolized SAL) were
simple pretreatment SPE procedure within short prepared by diluting stock solution of SAL using
analysis time. The aim of the work is to develop a acetonitrile: H2O (90:10, v/v) to obtain 50 μg/mL
sensitive, robust and reliable HPLC-DAD assay solutions then stored at 5oC.
for the determination of Salbutamol concentra- Aqueous stock solution of Bambuterol HCl 500
tion in urine samples following inhaled adminis- μg/mL (w/v) was prepared in acetonitrile and
tration. Hence, this determination could be used stored at -20oC. Working standard solution was
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 37
prepared by diluting its stock solution using ac- and internal standard) were eluted with 5 mL of 5
etonitrile: H2O (90:10, v/v) to obtain 50 μg/mL so- % NH4OH in methanol into glass test tubes. Af-
lution then stored at 50C. ter evaporation to dryness using a nitrogen stream
at 650C for 15 min, the residue was reconstituted
Chromatographic conditions in 1 mL of the mobile phase and then injected into
The HPLC stationary phase was a Zorbax ODS the HPLC system. Blank urine (free from SAL
5 μm, 4.6 x 250 mm, C-18 (Agilent technology, and Bambuterol) was treated similarly.
Agilent, UK). The mobile phase was a mixture of
acetonitrile and water (adjusted to pH = 3 using SPE of metabolized SAL (post-hydrolysis)
orthophosphoric acid) (90: 10, v/v). The mobile The prepared spiked urine samples (10 mL)
phase was filtered through a 45 mm membrane were first hydrolyzed to convert all metabolized
filter (Millipore). A constant flow rate of 1 mL/ SAL to the free SAL. 10 mL urine samples were
min was used and photodiode array detection was mixed with 2 mL 0.5 N HCl in glass test tubes
set at 220 nm. An operating temperature of 25oC and covered with aluminum foil then inserted into
was used throughout the analysis and the injec- a boiling water bath for 5 min, then cooled. 0.1
tion volume was 50 μg/mL. mL of Bambuterol working solution (as internal
standard) was added, then mixed well. The pre-
Urine samples preparation treated urine samples after acid hydrolysis were
Two series of urine samples were prepared with then loaded on Oasis MCX cartridges and the pro-
which pooled free urine (obtained from 5 healthy cedure of un-metabolized SAL was then followed.
volunteers) were spiked with differernt concen- Blank urine (free from SAL and Bambuterol) was
tration of SAL for both un-metabolized and me- treated similarly.
tabolized determination’s procedures. The ob-
tained concentrations of the respective solutions Validation of the method
were in the range of 0.5-50 μg/mL. Each con- The optimized method was validated by ana-
centration was prepared in triplicates. Non-spiked lyzing different concentrations of SAL in urine ma-
samples were also prepared in order to correctly trix for pre- and post-hydrolysis procedures in the
assess recoveries. range 0.5-50 μg/mL. Each concentration was ana-
lyzed three times. Validation parameters such as
SPE extraction procedures linearity, intra-day and inter-day precision (%
SPE of un-metabolized SAL (pre-hydrolysis) RSD), recovery (R), accuracy, limit of detection
Solid phase extraction of un-metabolized SAL and limit of quantification were established. Re-
was carried out using mixed mode cationic-ex- covery of SAL was determined by repeated SPE
change Oasis MCX cartridge connected to a res- procedures (n=3) of three urinary SAL concen-
ervoir. The prepared spiked urine samples (10 mL) trations (0.5, 10 and 20 μg/mL) for both pre- and
were acidified with 5 mL 0.1 N HCl solution and post-hydrolysis urine samples. The relative peak
0.1 mL of Bambuterol working solution (as inter- areas of urine extracts of SAL were compared to
nal standard) was added then mixed well. Each the peak areas obtained with the direct injection
Oasis MCX cartridge was conditioned with 5 mL of SAL aqueous standards in order to provide an
methanol then equilibrated with 5 mL of deion- estimate of the extraction recovery.
ized water followed by loading of the pre-treated Validity of the developed SPE procedure was
urine samples. Then 5 mL of 0.5 % methanol in further examined by applying to a volunteer’s 0.5-
0.1 N HCl was added to the cartridge. The car- 24 h urine sample after inhalation of twelve puffs
tridges were then dried for 2 min using a low of SAL from a MDI (Ventolin® GlaxoSmithKline,
vacuum. After passing 5 mL methanol through UK).
the cartridges they were dried for 2 min using a
full vacuum. The cartridges were washed with 5 Real sample application (volunteer study)
mL of 2.5 % TEA in methanol and then dried again Urine samples were collected from a single vol-
for ~5 min under full vacuum. The analytes (SAL unteer who inhaled twelve puffs from a Ventolin®
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 38
metered dose inhaler (100 μg Salbutamol sulfate damage HPLC column 29. SPE technique for iso-
per dose), each inhaled dose was separated by lation of biological samples has been widely used
30 seconds. Immediately prior to each study dose, for extraction of different pharmaceuticals either
subjects emptied their bladder. Urine was then from plasma or urine samples 30-36.
collected at 0.5 and 24 h post-dose. Samples were Different cleanup procedures were adopted to
frozen at -200C prior to extraction and HPLC attain better recovery of SAL. Liquid-liquid ex-
analysis. traction (LLE) technique were tested using hex-
ane, CH2Cl2 and ethyl acetate and the results were
Results compared with that obtained from solid phase ex-
Optimization of the chromatographic method traction (SPE) using Oasis WAX, Oasis MCX,
Different mobile phases were tried to obtain Isolute HCX, Dionex SolEx C18) as sorbents.
good resolution with reasonable retention time. Effective isolation and higher % recovery of SAL
During development of the chromatographic pro- was obtained upon using Oasis MCX cartridge,
cedure blank urine samples were injected to as given in Table 1.
achieve the required separation between urine The isolation protocol adopted on Oasis MCX
peaks and SAL peak for both pre- and post-hy- cartridge was modified and optimized to attain
drolysis conditions. Where optimum separation of highest purification and recovery of SAL with
SAL peak with a good retention time was attained minimum steps. Also, the purification steps were
using a mixture of acetonitrile and water (adjusted designed to extract un-metabolized SAL and me-
to pH=3 using orthophosphoric acid) (90: 10, v/ tabolized SAL using the same type of cartridge
v). Acidic pH was essential to provide good sepa- for simplicity. The clean-up stage using Oasis HCX
ration of SAL and urine peaks and improved peaks cartridges isolated SAL and internal standard from
shape. urinary endogenous substances that might inter-
It was difficult to find a compound to be used fere with the assay gave a highly, reproducible
as an internal standard. Different compounds absolute recovery (> 90 %), as given in Table 2.
were investigated such as, atenolol, hydrochlo- Mixed mode cation-exchange cartridge (Oasis
rothiazide, metronidazole, clopidogrel, carvedilol, MCX) was found to be much more efficient (re-
methocarbamol, miconazole, xipamide, orphen- covery = 92.24 and 91.52 %). This could be at-
adrine and chlorzoxazone. But these drugs either tributed to that SAL is a basic compound (pKa=
have long retention time or eluted early and inter- 9.4) and a strong cation exchange sorbent allows
fered with SAL or urine peaks. Finally Bambuterol for complete retention of basic drugs. The purifi-
HCl was found to be the most appropriate inter- cation protocol adopted for the selected sorbent
nal standard under the separation condition. is based on that, basic drugs to be retained on
The diode array detector (DAD) was adjusted cartridge, pH is first adjusted to be acidic (using
at different detection wavelengths (215, 220, 230 HCl solution) for washing steps of interfering en-
and 276 nm) in order to achieve optimum sensi- dogenous compounds present in urine matrix. At
tivity and selectivity. It was found that SAL and this acidic pH SAL will be in cationic form so
Bambuterol attained higher sensitivity at 220 nm. strongly attached to sorbent. After washing steps,
pH is adjusted to be basic (using NH4OH solu-
Evaluation of the extraction procedures tion) at which SAL is uncharged so eluted from
For the biological samples clean-up, some of the cartridge.
the HPLC methods used methanol or acetonitrile Finally, the chromatographic separation of SAL
to precipitate the protein. The advantages of this and internal standard was carried out using a mix-
procedure are speed and ease, but the disadvan- ture of acetonitrile and water (adjusted to pH=3
tage is incomplete precipitation of the plasma pro- using orthophosphoric acid) (90: 10, v/v) delivered
tein, also the final organic phase contains not only at 1 mL/min at 250C and detection at 220 nm.
endogenous substances that are soluble in the sol- Fig. 1 shows the separated chromatograms of
vent but also some water-soluble compounds SAL and internal standard for pre- and post-hy-
which badly affect separation efficiency and may drolysis conditions and volunteer application.
Table 1. Extraction procedures of Salbutamol from urine samples

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

Cartridge Conditioning Equilibrium Loading Washing 1 Washing 2 Elution % Recovery

Oasis WAX 5 mL methanol 5 mL H2O Urine acidified 5 mL 2 % 5 mL methanol 5 mL 5 % 54.84

with 5 mL 0.1 HCOOH NH4OH in
N HCl methanol
Oasis MCX 5 mL methanol 5 mL H2O Urine acidified 5 mL 5 % 5 mL methanol 5 mL 5 % 92.24
with 5 mL 0.1 methanol in then 5 mL 2.5 % NH4OH in
N HCl 0.1 N HCl TEA in methanol methanol
Isolute HCX 5 mL methanol 5 mL 0.05 M Urine + 5 mL 5 mL 0.05 M 5 mL 1 M 5 % NH3 78.72
ammonium 0.05 M ammonium ammonium acetic acid in methanol
acetate acetate buffer acetate then 5 mL
buffer (pH 6) (pH 6) buffer (pH 6) methanol
Dionex SolEx 5 mL methanol 5 mL H2O Urine acidified l 5 mL KH2PO4 6 mL ACN: 5 mL ACN 68.5
C18 with 5 mL buffer (pH=5) KH 2PO4 buffer
0.1 N HC (pH=5) (10:90, v/v)

Liquid-Liquid extraction (LLE)

Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45

Solvent Hexane CH 2Cl 2 Ethyl acetate

% Recovery 54.8 37.2 53.8

Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45

Fig. 1. Chromatograms obtained from the analysis of (a) an extracted blank urine sample (pre-hydrolysis) (b) an extracted urine sample
containing 2 μg/mL Salbutamol and 5 μg/mL Bambuterol (pre-hydrolysis) (c) a volunteer urine sample 0-0.5 h post inhalation (pre-
hydrolysis) (d) an extracted blank urine sample (post-hydrolysis) (e) an extracted urine sample containing 2 μg/mL Salbutamol
and 5 μg/mL Bambuterol (post-hydrolysis) (f) the same volunteer urine sample 0.5-24 h post inhalation (post-hydrolysis)
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 41
Method validation SAL in urine samples. The LOD and LOQ for
The HPLC-DAD method for determining un- urine sample were 0.15 and 0.5 μg/mL for pre-
metabolized and metabolized SAL in urine samples hydrolysis and 0.17 and 0.5 μg/mL for post-hy-
was validated. The validation parameters obtained drolysis conditions, respectively, Table 2.
are listed in Table 2. Method linearity was estab-
lished on the basis of six different concentrations Discussion
of SAL in urine matrix analyzed with three repli- Salbutamol is frequently used for treatment of
cates. The method was linear over a wide range asthma. SAL may be restricted in certain sports,
of concentrations; 0.5-50 μg/mL with correlation as it is considered to be a member of a prohibited
coefficients 0.9981 and 0.9973 for both pre- and group (β-2 agonists). Urinary SAL concentrations
post-hydrolysis samples, respectively. Accuracy are frequently measured in competitive sports pro-
of the method was determined by assessing the grams, for which a level in excess of 1 μg/mL is
agreement between the measured and known con- considered to represent abuse 37-39. From the ana-
centrations of the samples. This value ranged from lytical point of view, it is a matter to exploit a se-
96.47-104.07 % for pre-hydrolysis samples and lective, accurate and simple method to allow de-
from 94.78-103.56 % for post-hydrolysis samples. tection of SAL in urine samples either after in-
The intra-day precision of the method was deter- haled or oral administration.
mined by calculating the relative standard devia- The urinary excretion of individuals is difficult
tion (% RSD) for the repeated measurements of to control over the collection time. This is particu-
SAL on three successive times in the same day larly important when patients are unable to inhale
and inter-day precision was performed using the SAL dose properly and completely from a MDI
same concentrations but on three successive days resulting low levels excreted in urine. In such situ-
for pre- and post-hydrolysis procedures, as pre- ation, a large output of urinary volume may de-
sented in Table 3. The assay has acceptable lim- mand the use of more than the usual 1 mL of
its for both accuracy and precision and has been urine sample for the SPE to ensure consistent
successfully used to analyze samples from this chromatographic response. Large volume of urine
study, and other subsequent clinical studies. The sample (10 mL) allow proper measurement of
lower limit of detection (LOD) fully confirmed SAL concentration to overcome low sensitivity
the usefulness of this method for the analysis of of DAD detector.
Table 2. Regression and validation parameters of the proposed
HPLC method for determination of Salbutamol

Parameters Pre-hydrolysis (0.5 h) Post-hydrolysis (24 h)

Linearity range (μg/mL) 0.5 - 50

Slope 0.2232 0.1870
Intercept - 0.0614 0.1370
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9981 0.9973
Accuracy (mean ± SD) 99.66 ± 2.87 98.65 ± 3.74
% Recovery 92.24 91.52
LOD (μg/mL) 0.15 0.17
LOQ (μg/mL) 0.50 0.50
Robustness (% RSD)
Percentage of organic 2.05 3.26
solvent (acetonitrile, 90 % ± 2)
pH of the mobile phase (3 ± 0.02) 1.46 1.58
Mobile phase flow rate 1.31 2.34
(1 mL/min ± 0.1)
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 42
Table 3. Precision of Salbutamol using the developed HPLC method in urine

SAL μg/mL) % recovery* Mean* (μ

Mean* (μ μg/mL) % recovery*
Concentration of measured of measured of measured of measured
(μ Concentration Concentration Concentration Concentration
Intra-day precision a
Pre-hydrolysis of SAL Post-hydrolysis of SAL

0.50 0.475 95.00 ± 3.51 0.526 105.20 ± 2.75

5.00 5.213 104.26 ± 2.33 4.797 95.94 ± 3.84
10.00 9.766 97.66 ± 2.75 10.36 103.60 ± 4.10
Mean ± % RSD 98.97 ± 4.77 101.58 ± 4.95
Inter-day precision b
0.50 0.521 104.20 ± 4.23 0.476 95.20 ± 3.47
5.00 5.201 104.02 ± 5.52 4.806 96.12 ± 2.72
10.00 9.802 98.02 ± 4.82 10.39 103.90 ± 3.88
Mean ± % RSD 102.08 ± 3.52 98.41 ± 4.78

The intraday (n = 9), average of three different concentrations repeated three times within day
The interday (n = 9), average of three different concentrations repeated three times in three successive
Mazher and Chrystyn 17 developed a sensitive drolysis purification steps is effective and good
HPLC method for determination of SAL with fluo- recoveries were obtained.
rescence detection but with long analysis time (re-
tention of SAL, 24 min) and used complicated Conclusion
cleanup SPE steps and mobile phase and two Few RP-HPLC methods have been reported
types of cartridges for un-metabolized and me- for the detection of Salbutamol in urine matrix.
tabolized SAL. While Zhang et al. 22 established Some of the published methods require sophisti-
LC-MS/MS method for SAL determination based cated techniques, not suitable for determination
on LLE of urine samples and didn’t take in con- of both un-metabolized and metabolized
sideration determination of metabolized SAL. In Salbutamol and need complicated purification
this work, a HPLC-DAD method was introduced steps. The aim of this study was therefore to over-
for selective assay of SAL in urine samples ei- come these difficulties. Hence this is the first re-
ther un-metabolized (excreted after 0.5 h) or port on an extraction method for the detection of
metabolized (excreted during 24 h). The suggested Salbutamol in urine samples by HPLC-DAD
method has the advantages over other published method with a reasonably short run time and simple
methods in that it requires simple pre-treatment SPE isolation procedure. The proposed method
steps for urine samples and short run time of has been developed, optimized and validated us-
analysis (9 min) with satisfactory sensitivity and ing Bambuterol HCl as the internal standard and
used the same type of cartridge for determination it has been used for other subsequent clinical stud-
of both un-metabolized and metabolized SAL. ies and can be applied for determination of
In comparison to other methods described in Salbutamol after oral administration.
the literature for determination of SAL in urine
samples, the described method yielded a compa- Acknowledgment
rable recovery. SPE procedure and HPLC mo- I would like to acknowledge Dr. Mohamed E.
bile phase is simpler than that developed by pre- Abdelrahim; head of clinical pharmacy depart-
vious HPLC methods. It was found that using the ment, faculty of pharmacy, Beni-Suef University
same cartridge type for both pre- and post-hy- for his support and advice to perform this work.
Maha M. Abdelrahman / TACL 8 (1) 2018 35 - 45 43
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