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Values (Pro God)

Top Priority:

• My mental health and self

- With all the things I’m dealing with, it’s not a selfish act if I put myself first. Because I’ve been
putting other people first that I sometimes forget about me, which deeply affects my mental
health and wellbeing. If I were to care for others, I would have to care for myself, too.

Second Priority:

• My family and close friends.

- I love my family and friends, and they’re one of my anchors that keeps me from going totally
insane. They’re my support wall, when I no longer can feel the strength to fight. Their
unconditional love and support are my shields and weapons when it comes to facing my battles.

Third Priority:

• My Job.

- At a such young age, I learned how to be independent and stand on both feet. To have my
income, from time to time; I do makeup and get paid as well. I don’t want to be a burden to my
family when they have done so much for me. In return, I somehow want to help and pay back all
their efforts in providing for me.

Last Priorities:

• My wants and pleasures in life.

- From time to time, I do spend leisure time with friends and buy things that can make me happy,
with my own hard-earned money, and it gives me the feeling of satisfaction that I can afford
things that I want. But I made it my least priority because materials are not permanent to keep.

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