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Coffee Flavored life

"I need coffee." That was the first thing that popped into Ashanti's mind the moment sunshine
woke her up. The morning breeze was blowing softly to the windows, making the curtains sway
and dance.
On weekends, life begins at 10 am, but on weekdays, her life starts at the loud beeping sound
of the alarm at exactly 5 AM. The alarm fills up her room, fueling her whole body to move faster
because of the adrenalin brought by the sounds.
And if you think about it, time plays a big role in our life, it determines our course of action, how
and when we move.
Instantly, the aroma of coffee ignites the fire inside Shanti. She grabbed the towel and head
downstairs to find her family already busy preparing. Her mom was cooking. Scrambled eggs
and hotdogs were already making a sizzling sound on the pan while Dad who was already in his
work clothes was sipping his coffee in a hurry.
Shanti still feels sleepy, so she decided to take a shower first, letting the cold water do its job by
completely waking her up.
Picking clothes to wear whilst her uniform is not yet ready has always been the highlight of
Shanti's morning. Some would say that fashion is for lame and narcissistic people who only
dress up to impress.
No. That's just absurd. Fashion is the feelings that people wear. It's not just pieces of fabric
sewn together just to be worn; Fashion carries a statement, a story, a revelation, an art that
hides within you. The clothes you wear are armors against the dullness of the world. You wear
what you feel, and to feel confident with what you wear is what defines the word 'Fashion'.
And that's exactly what Shanti wants, to feel confident and bold today, so she chose to wear her
all-time favorite pair of Mom pants, a mint green top, and an oversized sweater to cover it up
since it gets cold inside their classroom.
Makeup had always been a passion of hers, her own kind of painting. To wear one does not
mean only wanting to be pretty and attractive for others, but for the satisfaction of yourself only.
Besides, we were born here in this world, not to please others.
As she deliberately applied a touch of art on her face, she listened to the soft rhythm of the
clock, reminding her that time is moving so fast.
"Shanti, you better hurry up,” She hear her dad say, in tuned with the tick-tock of the clock.
Shanti always makes sure to eat breakfast before leaving the house. Her dad always drive her
to school and she always arrived early, as if the time from where she left home to the time she
arrived at school is forever constant, always early.
The drive to school is long, and it wasn't just the vehicles moving along, She noticed as she
peered out of the window of their car, the birds were flying in a hurry as they soar above the
clouds. Perhaps they have a school to attend, too?
"I need coffee," she said to herself, as she passed by a coffee shop near their school, but the
close sign hung outside. Shanti felt disappointed and frowned. Guess it will just have to wait.
Upon arriving at the room, it was already open, and only two of her classmates were already
inside, like always. They were the early bird of the STEM section G.
Coffee Flavored life

And it feels hot inside. Unfortunately, they can't turn on the AC until the maintenance guy comes
in and turns it on. So they had no choice but to set it in a fan mode and wait.
The hands of the time continues to move swiftly, sometimes Shanti is afraid if she would ever
have the chance to catch it, because she feel like she's missing out on a lot.
Her day was spent with a lot of listening, writing down notes, laughing with her friends, having
conversations, joking around when there's a vacant time and eating lunch together.
These raw precious moments are what builds up a fun and memorable high school life, Shanti
had thought, with a smile. Those are something that are worth keeping forever, something time
cannot take away.
By 3 PM, they were already dismissed. "Let's have coffee?" She invited her friends to that newly
open coffee shop just beside their school. If doctors would check her blood type, it wouldn't be
screaming of Type B anymore, but rather Type coffee!!! There's something magical about the
bitterness and sweetness of the coffee that just soothes everything; a taste of the mixture of life.
But unfortunately, her friends said no. "Wala na kaming pera."
She went home sad and ate dinner. Before going to bed, she stopped for a minute and
contemplated about life. She feels as if she was missing something... like an incomplete puzzle.
Ah, coffee is the missing piece! And there goes Shanti, in the middle of the night, walking into
the kitchen to make one.

Speaking of, I need coffee too. Perhaps I'll continue writing this once I finished this cup of


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