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Good evening everyone, we are the group 1 and here to present our research study.

To Start with, here is our introduction.

According to UPPI, or University Of The Philippines Population Institute, close to almost 1.5 million
youth had tried ending their life in 2021 — that is, 7.5 percent of youth. That is an increase of 4.5
percentage points over the 3 percent recorded in 2013 — or 574,000 young people who tried ending
their life.

Youth who felt depressive symptoms substantially increased from 2013 to 2021, with the share of those
who often felt loneliness, sadness, and being disliked by other people almost doubling over the period.
This had caused an increase in the suicidal rates.

Unfortunately, mental problems were never eradicated, and still exists, and during the pandemic, the
world was at its peak in terms of mental health issues. Isolated from the world, lack of socialization, and
deprived of the outside world, depression, and anxieties prospered, especially in students, which had
affected how people lived during that time, and deaths caused by suicide increased by 57.3 percentage
during the year of 2020, reported by the Philippine Statistics Authority.

But why is it important that we learn about the numbers related to mental health and how it is relevant
to people like us?

Well, Just as Professor Edward. Francis Deiner said, mental health is an individual’s core that enables
them to function and cope with their environment, and it determines the quality of life they live.

Possible Research questions:

What is your research study all about?

Our research study tackles the impact of social activities and their benefits to the students who are
suffering from mental health issues such as Depression and Anxieties. It also tackles the effects of social
interaction on the mental well-being of an individual, and how it is connected.

Why did you choose this study?

We chose this study because we are aware of how mental health is timely and relevant here in our
country, and despite that, some minds are still closed when it comes to that topic. Also, there are a lot
of reported cases of suicide, and one of the most factors that cause them are depression and anxiety. Us
researchers felt the need to discuss and research this to furthermore understand deeply the factors that

are affecting our mental health and how social interaction can impact one’s well-being in terms of

Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
We, the Researchers chose this title to emphasize what we are trying to study and to explain the
connection between the two: Social Activities and mental health.

What is the scope of your studies?

-The scope of our studies is within the Students of STEM 12 in Saint Benilde International School. We felt
that they are suitable candidates for our study because their experiences can be a key to accomplishing
our desired results, and for our minds to further understand the concepts of socialization and Mental
health being and their connection.

Who can benefit from your study?

-One, the students, as it is also the highlight and focus of our study. Our study will give light to students
about the benefits of socializing and will be encouraged more to be open when it comes to mental
health being, and may also help them give insights about what to do and how they can help their loved
ones who are suffering from certain mental health issues.

Second, Teachers. This study will help teachers to understand students more, and be able to assess
situations and be able to handle them and give them the appropriate help they needed.

Third, School. This study will help to determine the benefits of social activities to students and may use
as a guide or reference when implementing future activities that may help encourage students to
participate more rather than isolating themselves.

-Fourth, Society. Those who are having a hard time in understanding the concepts of Mental health and
how to address it will find this research study to be insightful and helpful.

-And last, Future researchers. This study may help future researchers as their guide or reference when
creating their study related to the topic.

Why is your research significant?

-Because Mental Health is timely and relevant here in our country, because it is happening everywhere,
and this is not something that we should just ignore and deemed it as unimportant because the suicide
rate is alarmingly increasing, especially when the pandemic struck. Us researchers, aim to give light on
the said topic and find solutions that, may not completely eradicate Mental Health problems, but rather
we aim to find solutions that will help people who are suffering from them and be able to lessen the
impact these mental health problems are causing to their life.


The conceptual framework we used In this study is the Input Process Output. Here, we showed the
direction of the process of how we will be conducting this study.

Our task is to collect data from Grade 12 STEM Students of Saint Benilde International School about
their experiences in terms of mental issues and also their life situations, by conducting interviews or
survey questionnaires to analyze the gathered data and present it. This will hopefully help boost the
involvement of SBIS with students by implementing more various social activities that will encourage
them more to participate.

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