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Activity Q1-W1c
Name: ______________________________ Grade/Score: ____________
Grade & Section: ______________________ Date: ___________________
Activity Title: Factoring Difference of Two Squares
Learning Target: To factor the difference of two squares. (M8AL-Ia-b-1)
Reference: Exploring Math 8 by Orlando A. Oronce and Marilyn O. Mendoza, pp. 12-13.

If x and y are real numbers, variables, or algebraic expressions, then

x2 – y2 = (x + y) (x - y).
In words: The difference of the squares of two terms is the product of the sum and
difference of those terms.
You recognize a difference of two squares as two perfect square terms separated by a
minus sign. If the binomial you want to factor matches the pattern x2 – y2, then the factors are
x + y and x – y. Here are some examples.

Note: For a variable to be a perfect square, it must be raised to an even power. The perfect integer squares less
than 300 are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256 and 289.
Examples: Factor each completely.
1. 9x2 – 25y4 2. 81 – 4p6q4
Solution: Solution:
9x2 – 25y4 = (3x)2 – (5y2)2 81 – 4p6q4 = (9)2 – (2p3q2)2
9x2 – 25y4 = (3x + 5y2) (3x - 5y2) 81 – 4p6q4 = (9 + 2p3q2) (9 + 2p3q2)
Do This!
Directions: Factor each completely. Show your solution.
1. h2 – 100
2. 4k6 – 9m6
3. 9t2 – 4v2w6
4. 16d4 – 49e6
5. 225a2b4 –

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