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tnemtrapeD gnireenignE gniyevruS

demhA nandA ardiS

egatS tsriF


For the traversing below, calculate the adjusted traverse stations :

Measured angle Measured angle

A = 115˚ 11ˋ 20̏ BA = 429.37

B = 95˚ 00ˋ 20̏ BC = 656.54
C = 129˚ 45ˋ 20̏ DC = 301.83
D = 130˚̀ 36ˋ 20̏ ED = 287.40
E = 110˚ 30ˋ 00̏ FE = 526.72
F = 138˚ 54ˋ 40̏ AF = 372.47

noitats E coordinate etanidrooc N
A 500.00m 1000.00m
FA fo htumizA = 70˚ 00ˋ00̏
Determination of angular misclosure

The actual sum of measured angle = 720˚ 02ˋ 00̏

Total of interior angle = 𝑛 − 2 × 180 ° 𝑛=6

= 720° 00ˋ 00̏

Therefore the misclousre = 720° 02ˋ 00̏ - 720° 00ˋ 00̏
= 00° 02ˋ 00̏
This means that each of the 6 measured angles to have 2/6 added to each (20̏)

-Calculate adjusted angle:

● Adjusted angle = measured angle - 20̏
A = 115° 11ˋ 20̏ - 20 A= 115° 11ˋ 00̏
B = 95° 00ˋ 20̏ - 20̏ B= 95° 00ˋ 00̏
C = 129° 45ˋ 20̏ - 20̏ C= 129° 45ˋ 00̏
D = 130° 56ˋ 20̏ - 20̏ D= 130° 36ˋ 00̏
E = 110° 30ˋ 00̏ -20̏ E= 110° 29ˋ 40̏
F = 138° 54ˋ 40̏ - 20̏ F= 138° 54ˋ 20
Sum = 720° 00ˋ 00̏ ( as required sum )
senil yevrus fo shtumiza fo noitaluclaC

Az of AB = AZ of AF ( back azimuth of FA ) + angle of A

Az of AB = 70° 00ˋ 00̏ + 115° 11ˋ 00
zA of AB = 185° 11ˋ 00̏

Back Az of BA = Az AB - 180°
Back Az of BA = 185° 11ˋ 00̏ - 180°
Back Az of BA = 05° 11ˋ 00̏
Az of BC = Back Az of BA + angle B
Az of BC = 05° 11ˋ 00̏ + 95° 00ˋ 00̏
Az of BC = 100° 11ˋ 00̏

Az of CD = Back Az of CB + angle C
Az of CD = 50° 00ˋ 00̏

Az of DE = Back Az of DC + angle D
Az of DE = 00° 36ˋ 00̏

Az of EF = Back Az of ED + angle E
Az of EF = 291° 05ˋ 40̏

Az of FA = Back Az of FE + angle F
Az of FA = 250° 00ˋ 00̏
Determination of coordinate differences ( Dep and Lat )
peD = length × sinAz Lat = 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐴𝑧

Side htgneL Azimuth peD taL

BA 429.37 185° 11ˋ 00̏ -38.79 -427.61
CB 656.54 100° 11ˋ 00̏ 646.20 -116.08
DC 301.83 50° 00ˋ 00̏ 231.22 194.01
ED 287.40 00° 36ˋ 00̏ 3.01 287.38
FE 526.62 291° 05ˋ 40̏ -491.42 189.57
AF 372.47 250° 00ˋ 00̏ -350.01 -127.39
= 2574.33 = 0.21 = -0.12

–Determination of linear misclosure

𝑒𝐸=0.21 𝑒N=−0.12

Linear misclosure = e = 𝑒𝐸2 + 𝑒𝑁2

= (0,21)2 + (−0.12)2

= 0.241
Relative accuracy = = 0.000094
Calculation of adjusted Dep. and Lat.
𝛿𝐸 = × 𝑆𝑖 𝛿𝑁 = × 𝑆𝑖
𝜀𝑆 𝜀𝑆

Side Dep. Lat. δE δN

Adjusted Adjusted
Dep. Lat.
AB -38.79 -427.61 -0.04 +0.02 -38.83 -427.59
CB 646.20 -116.08 -0.05 +0.03 646.15 -116.05
DC 231.20 194.01 -0.03 +0.01 231.19 194.02
ED 3.01 287.38 -0.02 +0.01 2.99 287.39
FE -491.41 189.57 -0.04 +0.03 -491.46 189.6
AF -350.01 -127.39 -0.03 +0.02 -350.04 -127.37
= 0.21 = -0.12

Calculation of final adjusted coordinates of traverse station

To find coordinates of station B
Easting of B = easting of A + Dep. of AB
= 500 + (-38.83)
= 461.17
Northing of B = northing of A + Lat. of AB
= 1000 + (-427.59)
= 572.41
Easting of C = easting of B + Dep. of BC
= 461.17 +646.15
= 1107.32
Northing of C = northing of B + Lat. of BC
= 572.41 + (-116.05) = 456.36
Station Easting Northing

A 500 1000
B 461.17 572.41
C 1107.32 456.36
D 1338.51 650.38
E 1341.5 937.77
F 850.04 1127.37
A 500 (as given) 1000 (as ginen)

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